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April 11, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-11

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L7 L


:43 a t t

Sunny, warmer with
northwest winds

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 161

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, April 11, 1968

Twelve Pages

Congress Passes

King Aides
.Still To Run l Ve

Twelve w.aaes

fb h-a




Housig Measure Po;r Mardh
1)ATLANTA, Ga. (R) - Martini
Jo111sonT err iPassagerVicsor' Luther King, Jr.'s followers said
Urre oilOthr Leislaionyesterday they would carry on
UrgesActio on oher Lgislaian.with his planned poor people's tai



WASHINGTON UP - Congress passed and sent to the
White House yesterday a civil rights bill with a sweeping ban
against racial discrimination in housing.
President Johnson announced he will sign the measure
"at a very early date."
"The only true path to progress for a free people is the
one we will take when this legislation is made the law of the
land," Johnson said.
"Through the process of law, we shall strike for all time'
--~~- - the shackles of an old in-

campaign in the national capital.
going by way of Memphis, Tenn.,
where King was assassinated a
week ago.
"We shall continue our assault
on the poverty and injustice in
Memphis." said the Rev. Ralph
Dl. Abernathy, 42. King's successor
as president of Southern Christian
Leadership Conference 4SCLC).
King was shot while standing
on a second floor landing of a
M'emphis motel after returning
there to lead a march of striking,
sanitation workers whose cause he
had taken up. His killer has not
been found.
Abernathy, King's closest asso-
ciate and jail companion many
times, said at a news conference
the SCLC staff would return to
Memphis within the next two

Grad School
Fears Empty

Johnson told an impromptu
news conference at the White
House that the open housing pro-
vision is "a victory for every
American," and he urged Congress
to complete its work on other leg-
islation that offers hope "for mil-,
lions of Americans who now look
to it for action."

N.J. Guard On
Trenton Standby
By T e Associated Press
Five Negroes were shot to death in another night of
violence as snipers exchanged shots from roof tops and cars
with police and National Guardsmen on Kansas City's east
side yesterday.
A police spokesman called the situation "very, very; ser-
ious." He said, "It was bad last night, and it's a whole lot
worse tonight.' Police Chief C. M. Kelley said -it was "very
The National Guard requested more ammunition. Col.
Richard Shelly said the Guard was moving in 700 more men,
bringing the total on assignment in the city to almost 3,000.
A National Guardsman, two firemen and a policeman
were wounded. Several civil-. .
ians were taken to hospitals
with wounds, police said. One G en. Abrains
fireman was in critical con-

yJILLCRABTREEThisugesed1heweeks. He said also the start of
By h This suggested the President is demonstrations for jobs or income
Since the National Security ready to call for action on an in Washington would be delayed
Council announcedsdin February assortment of welfare, urban re- about two weeks beyond the April
that graduate students will no newal and job-creating bills, all 29 date announced earlier.
longer be exempt from the diaft, calculated to ease tensions in vio- Abernathy said congressional
officials of the Rackham School lence-torn slum areas. aprvloh ivlrgt-os
of Graduate Studies are worried approval of the evil rights-hous-
that many of their departments With one exception, major civil ing bill was not' a solution to
may not be filled rights organizations and rights slums or ghettos.
Although there are already 'a leaders hailed passage of the bill. "This is a great stride toward!
Althughthee ar alead afreedom for white Americans, but
sufficient number of qualified ap- The exception was the Congress
plicants to fill the departments, 'of Racial Equality, which called it is barely a step in the right
officials fear many students may direction for black men," Aber-
not show up at matriculation nathy said. "This is not a solution
time. Assistant Dean Byron L. KING FUND 'to the problem but merely a step
Groesbeck explains' that most ap- nin the right direction."
c pns t a- Panhellenic Association and Before Abernathy spoke, chair-1
plications are received and evalu- Markley Council eachdonated man Joseph Lowery of the SCLC,
ted before February, and many $100 ,to a Martin Luther Kingabrdodietsanucdth
students accepted at that time board of directors. announced the
stuent aceptd a tht tme scholarship fund "in the hope Iformal election of Abernathy as
may since have been drafted. that the administration sets one president of the organization
Departments haidest-hit by the up." which King headed from its
draft will be those in science and Panhel also unanimously founding in 1957 until his death.1
the humanities, Groesbeck says.proosasomaeeb "He is our leader because we
'These departments accept. all ap-' supre proposals made 'by "H suredrbcuswe
deprtments accng eptenal a black students yesterday to es- have chosen him," Lowery said.
plicants showing the potential to tablish the scholarship and an The board also reaffir ned a com-
o graduateworkendowedchair to be filled by a mitment to the Memphis and
Snce the graduatescholanc Negro; to immediately imple- Washington campaigns and elect-
e dpts all qua r fied applicants in ment the suggestions of the ed to the board King's widow,:
these departments already, admit- Defense Department's Greene singer Harry Belafonte and bus-
ting an excess of students would Report; and to increase Univer- inessman Cirilo McSween of Chi-
mean lowering our admission st ciiyi h n ro cago as treasurer,'a post held by
standards. We will accept a drop sity activity in the Ann Arbor a t
in enrollment before we do that,' community. Lowery confirmed there had been
Groesbeck adds. Both groups' passed resolu- discussions of racial and poverty
"Where we formerly admitted tions urging other student issues by some SCLC staff mem-
students with-for example-a 3.8 groups to follow suit. bers and political figures who at-
grade point average and a score tended King's funeral Tuesday in
of 700 on graduate record ex- the bill a "hoax against black Atlanta, where thousands paid
aminations, now we admit them people" final tribute in a massive march.j
with a 3.6 and a score of 675. The National Association for "Actually I think there was very
students are still very highly The little discussion," said Lowery.
studntsare til ver hihlythe Advancement of Colored Peo- -- . . --

- T

Tear Gas Disperses Kansas City Crowd

Debate Over State Hous
Centers on Tactics for f
By JIM NEUBACHER House Minority Leader William ed yesterd
The state fair housing bill, now Ryan., (D-Detroit), has urged is no nee
before the House Civil Rights House leaders to put aside their The fede
Committee, has become the sub- other work and take immediate overlappir
ject of debate once more. But this action on the bill, which was re- vides that
time the debate is between the cently sent to the House from the federal co
supporters of the bill. Senate. However, he has been un- Informe
Both the R b ,li d ' able to convince the GOP leader- '-~-fnt - l-

--Associated Press *ui. arres~s came 1InILUo
headquarters by the carloads.'
Police said their command post
in the area was under sporadic
rifle fire. The police academy in
the same vicinity was severely
damaged by fire, one of several
" B i l touched off by arsonists armed
g B with fire bomrs. Police Chief C.
j, UM. Kelley ordered police and
guardsmen to shoot fire bombers.
Snipers and the arsonists used
assSR e hit-and-run tactics, shooting and
starting fires from one vantage
point then driving in getaway cars
ay and claim that there to another as more police ap-
d for a state-wide bill. proached. The spokesman said the
-ral bill contains some fires were too numerous to count.
ng provisions,, and pro- Last night's deaths raised the
they be enforced by the number killed in three;,nights of
urts. violence to six.
d observers in Lansing The New Jersey National Guard
however, that this sort was placed on standby alert for
ion has existed since the possible use in Trenton. Schools
il1 was passed by the there were closed and a curfew
t month, and is not like- imposed after a night of violence
w any more, brought destruction to the fringes
criticized the attitude of the state capitol building. A
come prominent Negro teenaged Negro was shot to death
ho charge that the open Tuesday night by a white police-
bill is worthless, and man who was %trying to arrest
forgotten. University him on a looting charge. Fires
Albert H. Wheeler, were set and Negro youths roamed
of the Michigan confer- the streets into the'early morning
the NAACP, said in a hours, shouting: "They killed a,
last Friday's memorial boy for stealing a shirt."
r King, "State legislators Gov. George Romney yesterday
ng their time in Lansing began pulling 3,000 National
about a fair housing law. Guardsmen out of Detroit and
can just forget it." eased a five-day state of emer-

Duu ue npu ncan ana iem-
ocratic leaders in. the House are
in favor of the bill, but now they
do not agree on the best course
of action to take to steer the
measure through the House.
The bill, if passed, would outline
certain acts as "unfair housing
practices," and would prescribe the
functions of the state civil right
commission in investigating com-

qualified, we are not downgradin Som tf ebr mtwt
ing ple, apparently aware of CORE's aspirants," he said, but declined
standards." reaction, said: "There isn't any to say who was involved. "There
Groesbeck added that the en- question about our gratification at w o a ings."
rollment drop in the chemistry, the vote. Despite the deprecation
mathematics and zoology departs it has received in some quarters,
ments will be especially noticeable, it will be genuinely valuable." aS fl AT
because there is not likely to be In passing the civil rights-open L OW Os
an influx of female applicants to housing bill by a vote of 250 to
fill the gap. "These are simply |171, the House rejected a charge ee
not women's fields," he explained.|that it was knuckling -under to A id R eSide
The enrollment drop in these Negro rioters.
departments may also affect un- The bill, previously passed by
dergraduateeducation, according the Senate after months of dawdl-
to Groesbeck. ' ing debate, cleared the House Experiments in higher educa-
"The chemistry and math depart- while armed troops still patroled tion are always expensive and thel
ments needs almost the same vol- outside the Capitol because of the Residential College is no excep-4
ume of teaching feiiowt as' psy- violence that followed the assas- tion.
chology and English. We just sination of Dr. Martin Luther Initially, the high costof opera-
don't have them," he said. King Jr. tig the new educational unit had
___ -_- prompted speculation that the


ship, and the bill will probably of oppositi
remain in the background until federal bi
after Easter. Senate las
House Speaker Robert Waldron, ly to groA
(R-Grosse Pointe) explained that Ryan<
tomorrow is the legislature's dead- taken by
line for the passage of bills in their leaders, wl
house of origin. Waldron and housing 1
other legislators fear that if the should be
Senate-passed fair housing bill is Professor
moved up ahead of the long list chairman
of House bills waiting consider- ence of t
ation, many of these bills would -speech at
die for lack of time to consider services fo:
them. are spendi
Ryan also said that the House bickeringa
could extend its deadlines for bill Well, they

'1.o Loinmand
,Viet Troops
WASHINGTON (P)--.President
Johnson announced yesterday that
IGen. Creighton W, Abrams will
succeed Gen. William C. West-
moreland as commander of U.S.
forces in Vietnam.
Johnson also announced at an
afternoon news conference that he
has accepted the resignation of
Postmaster General Lawrence F.
O'Brien and nomiriated W. Marv-
in Watson, presidential appoint-
ments secretary, to succeed him.
Abrams, who punched, a hole
through German lines in the
Battle of the Bulge, has a repu-
tation as an aggressive, hard-
nosed boss, intolerant of second-
rate performance.
"He won't be content to let the
other side hold any initiative at
all," says an associate.
Abrams, born in Springfield,
Mass., Sept. 15, 1914, was grad.
uated from West Point in the 1936
class with Westmoreland.
O'Brien, who was close to the
late President John F. Kennedy,
is expected to join the campaign
his brother, Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy of New York, is now waging
for the 1968 Democratic presiden-
tial nomination.
O'Brien -told him yesterday
morning, Johnson reported to the
news conference, "he would like
to resign."
The President said:
"I told him what I have told
other members of the cabinet-
that since I am not going to be
a candidate, now is the time for
them to make decisions for their
(families and their future."

ew Funds
tin I I -A

....._ .,.., .. .. a.... .


huk O4 17 e passage by a couple of days. "I'm sure he wants it passed,"
Ryan is cautiously optimistic Ryan said. "Wheeler was probably
might have existed. But now that about passage of the bill once it attempting to point'out that there
the Residential College has ma- : comes out of committee, and is up are other problems in need of im-
terialized as an operating institu- for a vote. "We're winning the mediate consideration." Wheeler
tion, there is no real danger that battle of public opinion," he said. said yesterday that this was, in-
the program will be dropped." There has been some apprehen- deed, his actual intention,'i and
Robertson cites recent budgetary sion, however, that legislators op- added he felt that the open hous-
changes as evidence for the will- posed to the measure will point ing bill had important merits oft
ingness of the University to back to the federal civil rights bill pass- its own.

gency order. But he warned Mich-
igan residents that any future
disturbances would be met swiftly
with "over-action and preventive
action' by authorities.
In Stamford, Conn., in the
wealthy New York suburban area
of Fairfield County, a policeman
escaped injury during the night
See KANSAS, Page 12 (

college would be abandoned. How-t
ever, recent evidence of increased
financial support and the anti-
cipation of lower costs per student
ended such speculation.
Residential College Dean James
Robertson, says he sees "no signsj
of the University withdrawing its
present support of the Residen-
tial College.
"Before, when the college was;
just a plan on paper, this threat
U Employes
To Hold Vote
The representation election for
2500 University service and main-
tenance employes will be held on
Thurdsay, April 25, under the
direction of the State Labor Med-
iation Board.'
The voters - all workers in the'
service and maintenance classifi-
cation on main campus, Dear-
born Center, and Willow Run -
will have the choice of being repre-{
sented by Local 1583 of the Amer-
ican Federation of State, County.
and Municipal Employes and "no
The exact locations of the poll-t
ing places is still to be decided,<
although they will be chosen "to'
get the greatest possible partici-
pation," according to a spokes-l
man for the labor board. Em-

up its commitment to the Resi-
dential College.
Two months ago the University
added approximately $115,000 to
next year's Residential College
operating budget. This money
amounts to approximately half of
the instructional costs of the col-
For this past year, virtually
none of the instructional costs
were provided in a separate Res-
idential College budget. Only the
administrative costs of the college
were specifically appropriated
from the literary college budget.
The costs involved in supportingI
the Residential College faculty
were' absorbed by the various de-
partments supplying the faculty
Under next year's plan, the
Residential College will pay the
other departments for these fac-
ulty members out of an indepen-
dent budget. Robertson hopes that
by 1969 the Residential College
will be able to fund their entire
operating costs out of this budget.
Along with its attempts to ac-
quire more funds, the Residential'.
College is hoping to lower the,
tremendous per student expendi-
ture:; of the past year. These per-
student costs amounted to ap- .
proximately three times the funds
needed to educate a student in the
literary college.
However, according to Robert-


Faculty Salaries: From A to B

The free enterprise system seems to be
giving the University a slap in the face.
"When legislators complain about faculty
salaries being high. I say the pay scale
is a classic example of the free enterpise
system at work," University President Rob-
ben W. Fleming explains.
However, state legislators have been
waging and winning a financial tug of war
with the faculty and have severely limited
salary increases for professors the last two
Last year the University's American Asso-
ciation of University Full professors salary
ranking dropped from the "A" category into
the "B" ranking.
Some alarmed faculty members fear the
University is fading into mediocrity and is
losing the intellectual aura that keeps top
faculty here at any cost. Faculty, they
charge, are beginning to hunt and catch
prime jobs in states, such as New York,
where well-financed, new university systems
are springing up.
By January, 231 professors, associate pro-
fessors and assistant professors had sub-
mitted resignations. The literary college is

the full professor level is most significant,
not only because it is the largest absolutely
and relatively, but also because of the im-
portant role played by the salary paid at
these rank in attracting Poth younger andy
mature faculty personnel and in keeping
Part of the danger in the resignations is
that resigning may gain momentum in some
departments. Prof. H. R. Crane, chairman
of the physics department, a department
that has not lost anyone this year, warns
that "when a department begins to have
losses it goes like a row of dominoes."
One professor who left the University
last year to teach at the University of Colo-
rado at Boulder, Kenneth Boulding, says he,
did not leave because of financial condi-
tions. However, Boulding noted "there has
been a feeling at the University that it is
just holding its own. Most professors feel
it has been and is a fine institution, but
that it is in danger of falling behind."
However, most department heads and
even departing professors say morale is
good and that most resignations are not due
to salary gripes but are usually for personal
reasons. They cite the fact that only three

Aware of this problem, the University
sometimes makes a desperate effort to main-
tain faculty "stars" who consider leaving.
Prof. Samuel Eldersveld, chairman of the
,political science department, says "one pro-
fessor was impressed by the offer we made
him to encourage, him to stay." Although
that man left anyway and the University
cannot always match outside offers, Elders-
veld notes "We waged a big battle for four
other men in the department and got them
to stay."
To recoup losses, the University, like most
major schools, is engaged in what Vice
President for Academic Affairs Allan F.
Smith jokingly calls a "bloodthirsty" re-
cruiting operation.
"Recruiting is a constant process." Smith
says. "We always have our eye out, col-
lecting dossiers.
Unfortunately, the process also works in
reverse; "the University is ripe hunting
grounds for any institution in the country,"
Smith continues.
While it is a credit to this institution that
"the University is known as a manufacturer
of deans," it does pose a financial problem in
recruiting replacements, according to Prof.

-? ... . :


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