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April 07, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-07

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Sunday, April 7, 1968


Page Three

Sunday, Ap~iI 7, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Indiana Blast Fire,
Kill 16, Injure 100
RICHMOND, Ind. P-An ex- National Guard troops cordoned
plosion . and fire ripped through off the area.
nearly two blocks of Main Street Inside the cordon, three build-
here yesterday, killing at least 16 ings were left with nothing stand-
persons and injuring more than ing higher than a man's head.
100 others. Flames damaged five other build-
Capt Robert Konkle, state po- ings, leaving only the .walls stand-
lice chief of operations, said the ing. The buildings were two and
.rubble of eight buildings-three three stories tall.
destroyed and five damaged-may State Police said gunpowder ap-
yield "10 to 50 more, depending parently exploded in the basement
on how many were in the build- of the Marting Arms Co., a sport-
ings." ing good store.
Bulldozers were brought in to There was no immediate word as
shove aside the debris piled- up to what touched off the gunpow-
along the two-block stretch of der.,
Main Street, which is also U.S. 40. "It seemed like somebody pulled
the whole world out from under
An emergency morgue was set me," said Leo Collins, a paint store
up at the National Guard armory. employe who was walking along,
the sidewalk across the street
TTfrom the sporting goods store.
Tru'deau u ew "It knocked me down."

Open Housing





Canada Chief
O T T A W A ,(IP) - Pierre .Eli-
' liott Trudeau, 46-year-old Que-
bec intellectual and relative new-
comer to politics, was chosen by
the Liberal party yesterday night
as the next prime minister of
The decision came on the fourth
ballot at the Liberal convention
after a last minute stop-Trudeau
move failed to halt the band-
wagon, which picked'up strength
on each successive ballot.,
Trudeau received 1,203 votes of
2,342 cast.
As leader of the ruling party,
he becomes the 15th prime min-
ister of Canada when Lester B.
Pearson, steps down later this
month at the age of 70.

Piece of Iron
"Just about 10 , feet away," Col-
lins said, "a woman was hit by a
large piece of iron and killed. Ix
went back to the paint store and
got a cloth and covered her."
A half-block away, Mrs. Kath-
leen Chappel, in the restaurant
she operates, said: "I thought
somebody had thrown a bomb
through the window."'
Shattered glass flew through the
"We got everybody-about 50
customers-out the back door, ex-
cept for two women sitting in ,a
both who were cut," she said. "An
ambulance picked up one 'of the
women. The other one wasn't hurt
Throngs of Children
At the request of city officials.
the FBI dispatched its disaster
squad from Washington, D.C., to
assist in identification of Rich-
mond blast victims.
The injured were taken to Reid
Memorial, the only hospital in this
eastern Indiana city of 44,000

-Associated Press
Looters move along a downtown Washington street.
King AssassinationAftermath
May Mark End to NVon-Violence

WASHINGTON (P) - Swelling
support for a Senate-passed open-
housing bill gave promise yester-
day that the House will pass it
this week with votes to spare.
The shift in sentiment toward
the previously stalled legislation
came in the wake of the assassi-
nation in Memphis of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., a longtime
champion of civil rights.
. As supporters see it, the bill's
chancesnow areclouded only by
the smoke blowing over Capitol
Hill from looters' fires touched
off in the violence that followed
King's murder.
Bill in Trouble
Should disorders grow worse,
the bill's backers concede it would
be in trouble again. But they feel
for the most part that the res-
ponse:to the Memphis tragedy
will help more than hurt the
pending legislation which is now
in the House Rules Committee.
The supporters claim to have
picked up four firm votes among
Friday's waverers and assert they
are on the verge of nailing down
a clear majority.
Rep. Clark MacGregor (R-

Committee asking them to drop
their opposition to swift vote on
the bill.
Nixon Helped
MacGregor said Nixon, the
frontrunnef for the Republican
presidential nomination, told him
that he - Nixon - had helped
change the position of one of the
MacGregor, who is not a com-
mittee member, did not say which
Rules committeeman changed his
views. But he said "The bill
should be on the President's desk
by Thursday."
On Wednesday the vote will
come up on the Senate-passed
bill, which contains a ban against
racial discrimination in housing,
The bill also includes a provision
aimed at protecting civil rights
workers, an antiriot measure, and
an extension of constitutional
guarantees to American Indians.
President Johnson had been ex-
pected to make a strong plea for

Associated Press News Analysis
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (/P) - With
troops again patrolling city streetsj
after a great chain reaction of
trouble, what lies ahead for the
non-violent civil rights movement
so eloquently preached by the late
Martin Luther King?'
Many Negroes here and else-
where say the answer depends on
what President Johpson will tell
the joint session of Congress and
on what federal, state and city
governments and private industry
plan to do.
Shock waves from the bullet
that ended Dr. King's life Thurs-
day appear to have undermined
the faith of many Negroes that
his methods would succeed.
One of the ministers who in-
vited Dr. King to Memphis, the
Rev. H. L. Sparks, was asked
about the position the assassin-
ation left the nonviolent move-



Minn.), told a reporter in Min- passage in a speech to a joint ses-
neapolis yesterday that, at his sion of Congress tomorrow night,
suggestion, former Vice President but the White House announced
Richard M. Nixon phoned three last night that he had postponed
Republican members of the Rules that address, with no new date set.

he went on to say that he still
thought the movement could sur-
But Calvin Taylor, 20-year-old
member of, a black militant group
in Memphis, said: "He was one
black man who had faith that,
the system could be made to work.
If they kill King, if they'll kill a
President, what do they care
about us? When King is buried,
non-violence will be buried."
Established civil rights leaders
have pleaded for peace and order,
saying publicly that the militants,
while they speak loudly, command
only a relative handful of Negroes
who actively support their views.
But privately many of those
moderate leaders express concern
over the number of Negroes who
seem to be increasingly disillus-
ioned with the progress of civil
rights and their economic and
social situation.
Talks and interviews with many
elected Negro officials bring, out
their view that young Negroes
today have far less patience than
did their parents.
Most of these Negro politicans
thought the past year had
brought little real progress on
the civil rights front.

It's against these moods and
realities that the latest out-
break of violence in the wake of
Dr. King's death needs to be mea-
Dr. King tried to embrace
both the militants and the more
conservative leaders, striving to
keep both wings united. There
doesn't seem to be any other
Negro leader with the personal
following and loyalty who has
pleaeded so earnestly that "vio-
lence is not the answer."
The violent death of a man
whose guiding principle was non-
violence can only sharpen the de-
Memphis leaders- appear con-
fident that their silent march to-
morrow will be peaceful, partly
because it has now become a
memorial and tribute to the non-
violent tactics of the man who
was to have led it.
Only future events can show
whether the nation will indeed
be moving "toward two societies,
one black, one white - separate
and unequal," as the President's
riot 'commission has warned, or
whether the latest disasters will
set the stage for ultimate con-

'Committee OK's
Anti-Crime Bill

Sunday, 7 P.M.
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Schutz, Purcell,
Bach, Hassler.


Charles Wright, assistant ad-
tministrator of the hospital, said
the emergency room had received
about 50 injured who would be
held for treatment, and that more
than 50 others had been given
mergefncy aid and released.

"Untenable," he said -thoughj

WASHINGTON (41) - Federal
curbs on sales of handguns have
been written into a sweeping anti-
crime bill approved by the Senate
Judiciary Committee.
The firearms controls fall short
of what President Johnson asked,
but in some other respects the
legislation goes far beyond what
he recommended to combat spi-
raling crime rates.'
One section of the bill that sur-
vived in committee on an 8-8 tie
vote is designed to undo what





8:30 P.M.
Adm. $2.00
at door

Khe Sanh Base Surrounded,
But. Now by 'Friendly Forces'


KHE SANH ) - U.S. air
cavalrymen and South Vietna-
mese paratroopers moved into
this combat base yesterday and
gave its 6,000 Marine and South
Vietnamese defenders their first
rest from war since Jan. 21.
Newly arrived troops fanned
out into the jungled hills around,
Khe Sanh in search of withdraw-
ing North Vietnamese forces and
met virtually no resistance. Hard-
ly an enemy shell fell on the base,
which had been pounded daily by
mortars, rockets and artillery
Take First Showers
Some Marines stripped and
gave themselves their first com-
plete washdown in months, under
a gleaming sun. Others did their
laundry. W o r k details began
cleaning up the messy rubble of
structures blasted down by enemy
As many as 20,000 North Viet-
namese soldiers at one time sur-
rounded Khe Sanh. But U.S. offi-
cials said withdrawals have left

perhaps only 7,000 in the Khe
Sanh sector, possibly to cover the
withdrawal of the others.
Khe Sanh is still surrounded-
but now by friendly forces.
It was not known here whether
the enemy withdrawal was a
peace gesture by Hanoi. U.S. mili-
tary men said the pull-out was
forced on the enemy by the 20,-
000-man offensive -- Operation
Pegasus -launched last Monday
to relieve the base.
Move to Quang Tri
In Da Nang, Lt. Gen. Robert
H. Cushman Jr., commander of
Marine forces in Vietnam, said
he could not discount the possi-
bility that enemy troops had
moved to the vicinity of Quang
Tri, a provincial capital about 35
miles east of Khe Sanh and near
the sea coast.
"We don't know if they will
attack Quang Tri or not," Cush-
man added. "We have the initia-
tive but they always have the
capability of hiding in the jungle
and then moving out in one night

into the flatlands for an attack..
Maj. Gen. John F. Tolsen,
commander of the 1st Air Cavalry
Division, said he had reports that
one of the two North Vietnamese
divisions had withdrawn to re-
Withdraws Across Border
Another Army spokesman said
this division apparently is the
304th, which is believed to have
withdrawn across the border into
territory controlled by the pro-
Communist Pathet Lao in Laos,
after taking a beating from U.S.
air strikes.
The enemy withdrawal from the
Khe Sanh sector coincided with
an apparent slackening off in
ground fighting elsewhere in
The number of missions flown
over North Vietnam dwindled
Friday, with attacks centering in
areas 130 miles north of the de-
militarized zone. This appeared
to be a further curtailment of the
already limited attacks ordered.
by President Johnson.

proponents call the handcuffs
placed on police by Supreme
Court decisions.
Among other things, it provides
that the only test of the admissi-
bility of confessions in federal
criminal trials shall be whether
they were given voluntarily.
Confessions could not be ruled
out as evidence simply because of
a delay in arraignment or because
a suspect did not have a lawyer
while being questioned by police.
Bars Court Rulings
The Supreme Court would be
barred from reviewing cases in
which the highest court in a state
ruled that aconfession was volun-
Thisbaud other controversial
provisions were grafted onto the
Safe Streets measure requested by
Johnson to authorize federal
grants to improve the training,
equipment a n d crime - fighting
techniques of state and local
police forces.
The over-all shape of the legis-
lation emerged yesterday with the
tallying of votes cast by senators
who were absent from a Judiciary
Committee meeting Thursday.
The final count gave 9-7 ap-
proval to a prohibition against in-
terstate mail-order sales of hand-
guns and a ban on over-the-coun-
ter sales to non-resident of a
Rejects Rifle Ban
But the committee rejected, 9
to 4, the President's proposal for
a ban on interstate mail-order
sales of rifles and shotguns.
Contrary to Johnson's recom-
mendation, the bill also grants the
authority to law enforcement of-
ficers acting under court orders,
to engage in wiretapping and
other electronic eavesdropping to
combat murder, robbery, kidnap-
ing, extortion and bribery.
The President asked Congress
to restrict wiretapping only to
cases directly related to national

Johnson sent a letter to Speaker
of the House John W. McCormack
saying, "The time for action is
now." The letter, dated Friday,
referred to King's death and con-
"This tragedy has caused all
good men to look deeply into their
hearts. When the nation so ur-
gently needs the healing balm of
unity, a brutal wound on our
conscience forces upon us all this
question: what can I do to achIeve
brotherhood and equality among
all Americans?"
"There are many actions Con-
gress can take on its part. The
most immediate is to enact legis-
lation so long delayed and so
close to fulfillment. We should
pass the fair housing law when
the Congress convenes next week."
'Rise to Challenge'
"I urge members of the House
of Representatives to rise to this
Clarence Mitchell, a represen-
tative of the NAACP who has
played'ia leading role in lining up
votes for the bill, said he felt
the assassination of King will
make the difference between a
"close victory and a substan-
tial victory."
He tempered his optimism, how-
ever, witha plea to "those resort-
ing to violence not to betray Rev.
King's memory or the efforts of
the President and those working
to get the bill through."
It is believed that the Rules
Committeeman who changed his
position is Rep. John B. Ander-
son (R-Ill.).
Earlier, Anderson had joined
with the other four GOP com-
mittee members to help keep the
bill in the committee in hopes it
could be sent to a conference with
the Senate to work out a com-
World News
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE - President Ludvik
Svoboda yesterday accepted the
resignation of the cabinet of
Czechoslovakian Premier Jozef
Lenart and asked President-des-
ignate Old 'ich Cernik to form a
new government to be presented
to the National Assembly next
The unprecedented procedure,
although a formality, underlines
the attempt of the regime of-Com-
munist Party first secretary Alex-
ander Dubcek to meet public cri-
ticism and continue the "Social-
ist democratization drive."
* * *
LUSAKA, Zambia-Six persons
were killed and 22 injured in a
Portuguese bombing raid recently
over the Zambia border, Home
Affairs Minister Grey Zulu claim-
ed yesterday. He said police re-
ports from remote Kalabo, on
the border with Portuguese An-
gola, confirmed the bombing.
"This is another example of
senseless, killing in which the
supremacists in southern Africa
are indulging in their endeavors
to stem the tide of African na-
tionalism," Zulu said,

. .


a matinee performance
Sunday, April 7-2:30 p m.

Here and Now
Overland to the Islands
With Eyes at the Back. of Our Heads
The Jacob's Ladder
O Taste and See
The Sorrow Dancl
National Institute of Arts and Letters
Grant in Literature for 1965





Announcement of the Hopwood Awards for 1968,
will follow the lecture.

fir}, K






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