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April 07, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-07

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:43 a it

Mostly cloudy,
showers tomorrow


Vol LXXVIII, No. 158

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sunday, April 7, 1968

Ten Pages









Congressional Address
Delayed for Funeral
WASHINGTON (P)-The White House anno'unced yester-
day that President Johnson's plans to address a joint session
of Congress tomorrow night have been postponed, with no new
date set.}
t Press secretary George Christian said the delay was dic-
tated by the Tuesday funeral of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. in Atlanta. He said that when tomorrow's 9 p.m.
appearance had been arranged, officials had thought the
King funeral would also be held tomorrow.
Christian said Johnson postponed his congressional
address after consultations with leaders on Capitol Hill.
Johnson said Friday he wanted to present Congress "sug-
gestions for action-constructive action instead of destruc-




Many Fires Army Aids Chicago Guard
Unchecked In Battle Against Snipers
BALTIMORE OP) - Widespread CHICAGO (-Federal troops arrived in riot-torn Chicago
looting and burning broke out in#last night where Illinois National Guardsmen and police
Baltimore yesterday night and,
Gov. Spiro T. Agnew ordered3 battled snipers and looters for the second straight night.
6.000 members of the Maryland President Johnson ordered 5,000 regular Army troops to
National Guard into the city to the city at the request of Lt. Gov. Samuel Shapiro of Illinois,
stop the spreading violence, who termed widespread disturb'ances in the city an insur-
The Guardsmen, bayonets bar- rection. Shapiro acted in the absence of Gov. Otto Kerner,
ed and rifles unloaded but carry- now in Florida.
ing two clips of ammunition each j n1a
and, armed with tear gas, began Snipers battled police for several hours on the near
moving into the city of 910,000 North Side last night. Police said four persons-including one
about 11 p.m. policeman-were wounded by a sniper firing from the roof
One man was killed, two others of a 20-story public housing building.
died in a fire. About 60-includ- Snipers shot out lights in the area and police were or-
wing 10 policeme~n - were injure~d -~4-~~.,.,,.*,,~1-,n

ive action -1i this hour of j"
w- ,<,.. . .a. and more than 1 esn
national need. c. arrested.
A Lslk V iet so atngt -Associated Press
As of last night, Christian said- t Fire Chief John Killen said 250
no decision has been made on LOOTERS RANSACK A SUPERMARKET IN WASHINGTON. The capital was reported quiet last fires had been reported. No major
whether Johnson will attend the night after a third day of rioting left four dead, more than 750 injured and over 2,500 arrested. Some buildings were burned.
King funeral. 8,000 federal troops patrolled the city. A sniping incident was confirmed one block from the Justice Most of the arrested were Ne-
The White House made this an- Department, between the White House and the Capitol. gro youths, police said.
nouncement following an hour's- At one fire, snipers were re-
long conference between Johnson ported shooting at firemen. Two
and Gen. William C. Westmore- other fires could not be fought
land on military problems and-it! because no equipment was avail-
i01 hised-o nuesocns1aisingable.
WASHINGTON ) - The out of the North Vietnamese offer Maj. Gen. George M. Gelston,
White House disclosed yesterday i of negotiations. By The Associated Press while, intoxicated to carrying a "People were weeping, they were Maryland's adjutant general and
that in a direct diplomatic con i Another conferee, at a luncheon The nation's cities entered a weapon. Pine Bluff Mayor Austin frustrated, lonely and terribly lost commander of the Guard, said
tact with Hanoi, the United States top officials and White House third day of rioting and pillage Fran s invoked a curfew and ban- and let down," the mayor reported. the troops were told not to shoot
has proposed .U.S.-North Viet- staffimenias pesidential H s- this morning in response to the as- ned iquor sales in the county. A rash of vandalism occurred unless they were fired on - and
namese envoys talk at Geneva.i bassador at large W. Averell sassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin In Boston, National Guard units in Seattle Friday and early ye's- then only after orders from an
No formal, response has been Harriman. s, Johnson's personal Luther King Jr. National Guard on standby alert Friday were re- terday, and police reported some officer or unless they could
i received from Hanoi but "we hope representative, Harriman would units were on duty in seven states leased yesterday, subject to recall, fires set there. Windows in stores "clearly identify a gunman or
to receive an official reply," press conduct any talks looking toward and on alert in two others. In Memphis, where Dr. King was were broken and buses and cars sniper."
secretary George Christian said. a cease-fire or settlement in In Pittsburgh, three battalions killed, a 26-year-old Negro shot pelted with rocks. By midnight, thousands of
North Vietnam has appointed Southeast Asia. of National Guardsmen, totaling by police Thursday died yesterday. Scattered acts of violence wereg arse w on the stret
its representative to establish con- Christian, in a brief account 1,000 men, were ordered on stand- North Carolina National Guards- reported in Denver, and all leaves: along with 500 state policemen
tact with the U.S. to prepare for of Johnson's activities during the ing alert last night in the face of men were on patrol in Greensboro and days off were cancelled for also ordered in by Agnew. The
peace talks a Japanese news day, made no direct reference to growing Negro violence. ad Raleigh, where curfews were uniformed policemen. governor also imposed a curfew
agency reported today. any peace conversations. He did, Police reported 38 firebombings imposed. Police in St. Louis said 16 busi-
The report, carried in the news- however, mention that the Presi- in a seven-hour period. The fires nesses were firebombed, and win- Agnew's action came after five
paper Yomiuri, quoted North dent and the general discussed, were brought under control. Nine- Lindsay made an unannounced dows smashed in about 30 stores, ours o ooting, ires an loot-
Vietnamese premier Pham Van among other military appoint- teen persons were arrested. four-hour walking tour of New But no injuries or looting occurred. Yo f M ds
Dong as saying the U.S. has not. See PRESIDENT, Page 2 All taverns and liquor stores in York's Negro areas yesterday and A unit of the Alabama National youth rades
fully responded to Hanoi's de-s the city were shut down at 6 P.m said he found less tension than Guard was alerted after windows Bands of youths ranged over'r
mands but he has named a repre- were smashed and firebombs hurl- an area in east Baltimore 19
teand later 'Gov. Raymond Shafer he did Friday. He was accom-'wrsmheanfibo s blocks long and six blocks wide.
sentative to get in touch with the DONA TIONSextended the ban on liquor sales ipnied only by three aides as he d in Mobile in he early morning Severall buildings were afire,
U.S. The diplomat's name was not Contributions for a scholar- to the rest of the state shook hands and chatted with hours. No fires resulted, however. storefront windows were broken
disclosed . ship fund for the children of Reports of looting, stoning, win- shoppers along the streets of Har- Minor violence was reported in dd
nod official nes agency Dr. Martin Luther King can dow smashing, firebombing and lem and the Bedford-Stuyvesant 'Savannah, Albany and Macon Guardsmen moved into the city
edtu r A be sent to Dean Myron E. o ther act of vandalism poured and Brownsville sections of Brook- In Atlanta, where King is to be carrying unloaded weapons, buty
province after PresidentJohnsonPublic Heath o m into police headquarters largely lyn. buried Tuesday, more than 50 store with ammunition clips at their
nnncdapra bmng Public Health. from the Noth Side and the Hill- Arson and widespread lootng wndows were smashed-but not sd-
nannounced a partial bombing Funds for the SCLC Poor Ditcwndswee mah-btotsd.
halt March 3F1.Pels Mrch on Wsir District which struck New York's Negro one that displayed a memorial The dead man, an unidentified
However, military officials said People's March on Washg- In Nashville, Tenn., some 2000 neighborhoods Thursday and re- wreath to the martyred civil rights Negro, was shot through the head
American warplanes struck no Mhn ly b 2 s anr 1T e guardsmen, police and state troop- suted in 322 arrests appeared to leader. The Georgia National Guard at a tavern. Police said it was
Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard ers yesterday sealed off the city's have subsided. After a tour of the was put on standby alert' But stu- not positive that the shooting
farther than about 130 miles into ntpstv httesotn
North Vietnam yesterday - the c eStc Negro college, following the areas Friday Lindsay said he found dents at predominantly Negro At- was connected with the racial
City churches will solicit wounding of two students Friday. the mood to be one of "great grief lanta University urged that "vio- disorders.
thrdstright ay tht te figt donations for the SCLC fund Soon after forces were in place, and deep emotion, lent retaliation is out." At 10 p.m. the eastern section
er-bombers have kept well below, today, t he National. Day of abu50grdmnwrigtr
the 225-mile bombing limit an- ouny, Dr.Ning. y about 50 guardsmen wearing tear - of the city where thedisorders
Mourning for Dr. KingJaas masks dispersed a browd of occurred was officially declared a
pounced by President Johnson. 200 students which officers saidta riot area by city police and 650
advanced on them on the Ten- ' ; officers were ordered to the scene.
nessee A&I State University cam- Most of the injured persons
pus. jt jwere not hurt seriously. The most
Guardsmen withdrew from the P reca itions Contil te seriously injured policeman was
GBd Scampus when student leaders hit in the chin with a brick.
c steh t naIpromised to keep order after meet- Agnew's order set the curfew
ing with Gov. Buford Ellington. DETROIT 0P)-Calm prevailed Cavanagh said Detroit's public from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. It also
G u arAkdnsBs, Gov. Winthrop in Detroit yesterday under the schools would be closed tomorrow
R I kansasroNational vigilant watch of police and Na- and Tuesday. the city and banned the' sale of
Ann Arbor remained quiet last Wednesday, is being sponsored Guardsmen into Pine Bluff early tional Guard troops, after hours Disturbances thus far .were gasoline, except for direct sale
night, but a detachment of local locally by the Interfaith Council yesterday after gunfire broke out f sporadic violence Friday. assified as mnorbybothto the tanks of automobiles.
National Guardsmen was kept on for Peace, the local phapter of between Negroes and state police, Police Commissioner Ray Gir- mayor and governor, and Cava- The trouble started around 5
alert at the Armory on Ann Street. Clergy and Laymen Concerned wounding three Negroes-one crit- 2 ardin said arrests and fire reports nagh said the arrest of 311 per- p.m. on Gay Street in east Bal-
According to police, all guards- About Vietnam and the Catholic ically-and leading to the arrest were occurring at a lower rate usual number for a weekend. timore. Shortly afterward, city
men in the state's lower peninsula Peace Fellowship. of 354 others. thA normal. Two Negroes were shot to death police sealed off a five-block bus-
are being kept on standby duty A conciliation dinner for par- At mid-morning all but 29 per- According' to the fire depart- near looting scenes. Three other mess section.
for the duration of the current ticipants is planned for- 6 p.m. sons had been identified and re- ment only 12 fires thus far are persons were wounded by gunfire, Police Overworked
disorders. Those guardsmen in each day for the next three days, leased aftet' being booked on attributed to what the depat at least two of them by police, Police asked that the National
Ann Arbor are currently deployed to be held in the basement of the charges ranging from driving ment would call arson, Girardn and three policemen were injured. Guard be called in after the dis-
on the premises of the Armory, Newpnan Center, 331 Thompson. :told newsmen. The actual arrest Sporadic incidents were report- orders spread to an area too wide
and are not patrolling the city' s ..made by the police depar tmen doutstate, including the torch for them to contain.
Y kct; ame likewise below normal."doutaeinldnthtoc-Ifrhmtooti.
streets. are likewise below orma . ing of five parked automobiles on Maj. William Harris, a Negro
Meanwhle. several members of Giarardin said there were only ithe predominantly Negro south who is head of community relat-
eaUnwi sver comm e f two confirmed sniping incidents, side of Jackson. ions for the city police depart-
the University community have ? both on the city's West Side, mn ad A a sIa o-
announced plans to protest of the oho tect' Ws ie ment, said, ".As far as I am con-
Gard's psne in the"orI where most of the violence has cerned, this has nothing to do
Guard's presence in the city tomor- . occurred. wt h et fMri uhr
(!'ocurd or Asks with the death of Martin Luther
row afternoon. Eric Chester, Grad.. Authorities were determined to
member of the group, said that pmrevent any repetition of last dKing That many wouldn't have
the presence of the Guard is "a statesummer's riots in which 43 per- TriN oudh
totally inadequate response to the sons were killed and millions of m bThers.ate National Guard has
basic problem of racism in Amer . :dollars damage was inflicted. 8.000 ebers. he ining
* ica." '' "..a"'S Despite the calm, Gov. George DETROIT () - Spokesmen for
In other local developmentso a Romney and Mayor Jerome P. Detroit's two daily newspapers of preparedness in therevent of
orlCavanagh ordered a state of I agreed yesterday to pave the way i
mmoril sericefrth'eni emergency and an 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. for an immediate resumption of state.
Mamri Lutering Ji'. wil be. D ' curfew continued over all of publication' during the current At one trouble spot, polce re-
Martin Luther King Jr.will be emerenv ported three stores - one of

drdnot to se ihso,-
squad cars. The exchange of
gunfire continued in the dark,;
but by 10 p.m. the area was'
Police sent squads armed with
shotguns and carbines to the
scene of a fire on the South Side.
Heavy sniper fire pinned down
police and firemen attempting to
extinguish the blaze in a furniture 0
The federal troops were sent to C a p t
nearby Glenview Naval Air Sta-
tion, where they were to be bil-
leted until needed in the city. WASHINGTON (A)-A massive
Federal troops will bolster some display of federal troops put / a
11,500 city policemen and 6,900 virtual halt late yesterday to the
guardsmen who have battled snip- burning .and looting that has
ers and looters since Friday night. wracked three Negro areas of
Nine Negro men have been killed Washington for two days. By
during the riot and more than nightfall, streets that had teemed
1,100 have been arrested. earlier with looters were almost
The police chief of Joliet, 25 deserted.
miles southwest of Chicago, im- The inner dity and downtown
posed 'a curfew and banned gas areas looked like a town under
and liquor sales after downtown siege. Roadblocks p r e v e n t e'd
stores were looted and a super- Maryland and Virginia residents
mart firebombed. from entering the District of Co-
Maj. Joseph Vecchio of the lumbia unless they could prove
National Guard said late yester- district residence.
'day that law and order in Chicago A 4 p.m. curfew that will con-
"had deteriorated all day." tinue today was enforced by 11,600
Brig. Gen. Richard 'D u n n, federal troops brought f in since
guard commander, said that in the disturbances started Thursday
addition to the 6,900 troops al- night. Army trucks patrolled the
ready in the city, three battalions streets, picking up a few isolated
totaling 1,500 men have been pedestrians. ,There were some
mobilized. roadblocks, but police ignored the.
Two policemen and one fireman few cruising taxis.
have been wounded by bullets. Arrests had reached 3263 by
Their wounds were minor. Three nightfall-860 charged with loot-
other persons also were wounded ing and 674 with curfew viola-
by the sniper who shot one po- tions.
liceman yesterday. Four deaths were attributed to
Authorities had no total count the disturbances, including a 14-
of wounded, but Cook County Hos- year-old boy shot accidentally by
pital alone reported more than a policeman. Hospitals logged 758
200 persons had been treated for injuries. These included 23 po-
gunshot wounds and beating in- licemen, 17 firemen and two sol-
juries since the riots began Friday, diers.
Several news "reporters and pho- "It's a little too early to pre-
tographers have been attacked, but dict what may happen the rest of
none was seriously hurt. tonight, but we are hopeful we
Three emergency courts were can retain our position," Mayor
set up yesterday to arraign more Walter E. Washington said.
than 750 persons arrested on In advance of the mayor's state.
charges of vandalism and thiev- ment, police throughout the eve-
LBJ May AttendU
Funeral of Rev.,'n



By The Associated Press
President Johnson will attend
the funeral of the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Tuesday in At-'
lanta, according to a top aide of
the slain civil rights leader.
"We have word that President
Johnson will be present," the Rev.
Ralph Abernathy, Dr. King's suc-
cessor as head of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference,
said yesterday. There was no of-
ficial word from Washington.
Dr. King's body was removed
yesterday afternoon from the At-
lanta funeral home where it was
brought after he was felled by a
sniper's bullet Thursday in Mem-
The body will lie in repose until
Somorrow in Sisters 'Chanel at

100,000 persons are expected to
come to the funeral by bus and
car, he added.
The services are set for 10:30
a.m. Tuesday In the Ebenezer
Baptist Church, where Dr. King's
father is pastor.
Meanwhile, police clamped a
tight lid on information about the
multi-state search for Dr. King's
killer. Police officials refused to
comment on the manhunt beyond
information released Friday by
Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark.
President Held
At Tuskegee
rMfrO, .-MfnL"'W'" Al. II 15)l rrk. - c.


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