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March 30, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-30

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u r Aichigau Daily
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Where Opinions Are tree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Mace and Police:
Dangerous Duo

TWO WEEKS AGO, City Council wisely
suspended the use of Mace. For a
number of reasons, Council should main-
tain its ban on the aerosol tear gas.
First, Mace is largely untested and its
possible effects unknown. The Ann Arbor
Police Department admitted as much
when they asked the'University's phar-
macology laboratories to test it for them.
The report of the Kerner Commission
suggested that chemical devices with
conceivable riot control applications
Wilbur Cohen's
Liberal Dilemma
HEW SECRETARY Wilbur Cohen is a
roan caught in the dilemma of many
old-time liberals - men frightened by
suggestion of change from the status quo.
Inconsistencies in Cohen's speech at
yesterday's honors convocation are prob-
ably due to his own position as a man of
liberal background who has recently
joined a "stand pat" administration.
Cohen told honors students yesterday
to "dream new dreams" and to "never
subscribe to pessimism and despair.?' Ri-
diculous pap.
These are impossible demands to make
of a graduating class that will face prob-
lems of poverty and shaky money that
cannot be solved with a Vietnam war-a
war that cannot end under the adminis-
tration Cohen has recently joined.
Cohen's presence in the cabinet is tacit
support of Johnson's claim that the Unit-
ed States' domestic problems can be
solved while we remain 500,000 strong In
Vietnam. (Cohen did not mention the
war.) The most courageous thing Cohen
could have done would have been to draw
national attention to the impossibility of
conducting a worthwhile welfare pro-
gram while supporting a full-scale war.
COHEN'S THESIS - students must be
committed and involved in national
and community affairs after graduation
-is impossible considering the govern-
ment's present oppressive nationaland
international stalemate. The undercur-
rent in his own speech and the reaction
of the audience to that undercurrent
demonstrates the impossibility of linking
youthful ideals with current U.S. poli-
"For the last four years," he said, "you
have been free to contemplate the world's
most pervasive problems and you have
been able to criticize and dissent, but
you have not been forced to take respon-
sibility for existing problems."
The audience, mostly parents of Co-
hen's age, at this point applauded loud
and long.
It's- right, especially for a liberal, to
encourage youth to become involved in
what's happening. But liberals, in order
to make these comfortable-sounding
ideas fit with youth's current dissent
from administration policy, are forced to
the ridiculous cant: be committed but
wait ten years because you disagree with
what we're doing right now.
ALMOST a dozen busloads of students
headed for Wisconsin yesterday to
campaign for a peace candidate-a can-
didate who disagrees with the adminis-
tration's stand on Vietnam.
These students and other youthful
McCarthy supporters are hardly fighting
a war against their parents' generation.
They are fighting reactions like Cohen's
-reactions from people afraid to dissent
for fear they will be associated with "ir-

responsible youth." These people seem
to feel every change espoused by youth
threatens anarchy.
Cohen and many other people of his
generation are seeing a threat from
youth that just isn't there. Today's stu-
dents don't have to change their direction
to be committed in 1976-they're com-
mitted, albeit not to all policies of the
ASSOCIATION with ideas supported by
youth means, for many, support of
some frightening new life style-a ridic-
ulous excuse for not supporting worth-

needed further testing. Tile report men-
tioned Mace specifically.
% The Institute for Defense Analyses said
last November that while Mace shows
promise, it still needs further testing.
General Ordinance Equipment Corpor-
ation, the manufacturer of Mace, has
never published its ingredients. This
casts doubt on the nature of its chemical
composition. Worse, it makes it more dif-
ficult for physicians to prescribe rational
SECOND, policemen who use Mace need
special training and must have dem-
onstrated their willingness to use it spar-
Because the effects of spraying Mace
into the human eyeball at close range or
allowing Mace to penetrate an open
wound are unknown, its use dictates ex-
treme caution.t
Persons who have been sprayed with
Mace need to be washed promptly with
water. Police must both know and be
willing to use the simple, immediate anti-
dotes which will prevent Mace from caus-
ingg chemical burns and possible infec-
Although it is argued that Macing be-
ligerents is more humane than batting
them with a blackjack, this argument
begs the question. Even if Mace were
found to be completely harmless, can
there be any guarantee that the conven-
ience of being able to use Mace might not
tempt police to use it on innocent citi-
zens? If policemen sincerely think that
Mace is harmless, won't they be quicker
to harass a disrespectful but legal by-
stander with Mace than they would hit
him with a night-stick?
The incident which led City Cduncil
to suspend the use of Mace evokes serious
questions whether Ann Arbor Police have
the training (which can be learned) or
the self-control (which cannot) to use
Prior to the incident, only selected
members of the force had been issued
Mace. Even so, the circumstances of the
incident-in which police used Mace on
spectators at an automobile accident
and, according to some reports, in a hos-
pital-were sufficiently dubious in origin
for Council to suspend Mace and initiate
an investigation.
THIRD, to resume the use of Mace at
* this point would be politically disas-
trous. Whatever the investigations of the
incident turn up, Mace in the minds of
the Negro community has become an in-
strument of white racism and brutality.
Even if subsequent chemical tests prove
Mace completely non-toxic and changes
are made in the composition and struc-
ture of the police force which give reason
to believe that it will be used knowledge-
ably and cautiously, the emotional con-
notations which Mace has in the eyes of
the Negroes of Ann Arbor should discour-
age the resumption of its use. To begin
again with Mace would only further wid-
en the gulf between the black and white
societies in Ann Arbor.
OF THE three thousand cities in the na-
tion which have tried Mace, Ann Ar-
bor is the only one to renounce it. Its po-
lice are in a quandary With which all
should sympathize. They have been urged
to find humane weapons and they have
come up with Mace. They should now
come up with something else. The lack of
adequate chemical tests, the evidence
that the police force is not prepared to
use Mace with caution, and the social
tensions it could engender would make
resumption of Mace a travesty.
Editorial Director

No CO MMent
A large, friendly dog named Smokey
elated police officers here today by
tracking down caches of marijuana as
easily as another might fetch a stick.
"Find the dope, Smokey," Patrolman
Robert J. Poisson of the Buffalo Police
Department commanded, patting the 85-
pound German shepherd on the head.
In little more than a minute, the dog
weaved his way through a room full of
gn trrrint a nr lnlinm 11177 PA n

WEDNESDAY is a Day of Resis-
tance. But the April 3 Resis-
tance will be significantly differ-
ferent from the headline-grabbing
affairs of the past. As Warren
Camp of New York Resistance
put it, "We want a solemn, mov-
ing demonstration."
This time all across the country
the focus will be almost totally
on the collection of draft cards
and individual acts of conscience,
"Resistance" emerged as a dis-
tinctive political term with the
first Day of Resistance held last
Oct. 15, loosely associated with
Stop the Draft Week and the Pen-
tagon March of Oct. 20.
The activities ranged from re-
turning several hundred draft
cards to the Justice Department
to extensive demonstration in Cal-
ifornia asover 3,000 people tried
to block the Oakland induction
A second Day of Resistance was
held last Dec. 4 with extensive
draft card collections and massive
demonstrations around the White-
hall Induction Center in New
York City.
WHAT WILL be happening in
Ann Arbor on Wednesday is fairly
typical. Between ten and thirty
individuals-most are still making
up their minds-will join sev-
eral hundred men across the
/country in turning in their draft
cards. Perhaps 2,000 resisters have
done this already. .
Other events planned for the
day include a rally on the Diag
and a march to Selective Serv-
ice office on Liberty Street where
the resisters will attempt to turn
I in their cards.
Resistance members hope that
April 3 will provide impetus
around which effective communi-
ty contacts can be built.
This is the real importance of
April 3. For it is probably the last
event of its kind. And behind this
lies a major policy shift.
Resistance members, both local-
ly and nationally, feel the head-
line-grabbing demonstration has
outlived its usefulness and that
any success in the anti-draft cam-
paign is now dependent on suc-
cessful community organization.
Consequently the Resistance,
which up until now has received
the bulk of its supports from the
campus, is turning its attention
to the community. Dan Brody of
New England Draft Resistance,
outlined what the Resistance feels
is its major problem, "We have to
build a radical awareness - not
just on the college campuses."
It is this theme of radical
awareness which is reflected by
Ann Arbor Resistance. Dennis
Church, an Ann Arbor Resistance
member, hopes that on April 3
draft age males will do more than
just turn in their" cards. Speak-
ing in a noreauvian terms, ne
hopes that they will view the act
as a beginning of a "redefinition
of life."


HOWEVER, campus discussion
is not primarily concerned with
morally based acts of Resistance.
Rather most queries are con-
cerned with short term courses of
action like leaving for Canada and
delaying and harassing the draft
system through lawsuits and pro-
tracted appeals.
Church says emigration to Can-
ada is approaching a point where
it may begin to hurt U.S. man-
power requirements. It is estimat-
ed that 15,000 to 20,000 men have
left already, settling primarily
near areas around Toronto or
The Resistance expects that with
the end of graduate deferments,
the rise in emigrations to Canada
will severely affect the nation's
technical capacity. One local
member estimates that as many
as 800 University students may
eventually settle in Canada.
There is also the possibility of
initiating legal action. Experts
have calculated that as few as
5.000 court appeals could clog both
the judicial and Selective Service
systems for up to two years,
However, the Resistance be-
lieves that University students are
knowledgeable enough to find out
about these alternatives on their
While this argument has merit,
it neglects the real necessity for
collective action on the campus.
Both emigration and legal harass-
ment are far more likely to be po-
litically effective if they are done
on a group, rather than an indi-
vidual basis. And leaving students
to fend for themselves will de-
prive many potential resisters and
evaders of the psychological and

emotional support of working
within a group.
Resistance has chosen to seek
out those groups in society who it
believes do not know the alterna-
tives - the poor and the unedu-
IN CHOOSING to emphasize
community organizing Resistance
has correctly perceived that the
nation's poor are potentially the
most effective political force in
the nation.
But what they neglect is that
draft resistance is a role for the
middle class students and not
ghetto residents. The poor have
too great a problem in making
ends meet to worry about choos-
ing alternative life styles. What
Resistance forgets is that the poor
can only be organized by the
The most relevant course of ac-
tion, both politically and morally,
is for Resistance to continue to
focus on middle class organizing,
primarily on college campuses.
Locally while Resistance has put
a great deal of effort into mo-
bilizing students through work-
shops, meetings and individual
contacts, there still remains thou-
sands of potentially sympathetic
students who need to be reached.
The best hope for the anti-draft
forces is to begin concentrating
on reaching the potential resister
-the middle class college student.
While not glamorous, such a
course of action could create a
draft resistance movement which
would be an effective political
force. From there efforts could
branch out into the community as
it brought the draft system to a



Home, Resistance

October's Washington Marci

What the resisters want now is
for their supporters to channel
their efforts into educational
projects among the poor. For
reaching those people-particular-
ly the poor-who have no clear
idea about their rights or alterna-
tives to the draft has become the
main goal of the Resistance.
RESISTANCE members feel that
they can build an effective polit-
ical force among the disenfran-
chised powerful enough to lead
the way to basic and fundamental
changes in national policy.
However, Resistance is trying to
tred the same path which such
groups as Citizens for New Poli-
tics and, to a lesser extent, Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
have found less than rewarding.
In doing this they are obviously
going beyond the simple issue of
draft resistance and using the
draft to begin a politics of the
Warren Camp, referring to Re-
sistance efforts at organizing sup-
port in Harlem said, "We just
don't look very visible to them."
Chicago Area Draft Resistance
(CADRE) reports the same prob-
lem-lack of support for Resis-
tance among ghetto dwellers.
"Their attitude seems to be 'why
fight anymore' and they accept
going into the service right on the
spot," reports Mitchell Hilton of
The problem is simply that most
of the poor do not see the draft
as major an issue as do students.
To them the draft is tangential to
the problems of poverty and lim-
ited opportunities. Furthermore,
this new attempt by Resistance is
another attempt by the non-poor
to organize the poor for what are
ultimately middle class ends.

bor Resistance reports that local
efforts have so far met with "very
poor results. Ann Arbor Resis-
tance has tried leafletting at the
induction center and bus depot
where registrants leave for their
physical in Detroit and contact-
ing local men who are 1-A.
The goal of community action
is to make the residents aware of
their rights and options. Local re-
sistance members recognize that
community action involves a long
te'm commitment and that only
by a very slow, painstaking pro-
cess can this ever be achieved.
But they consider this necessary.
By focusing its attention on
community organizing, Resistance
is abandoning two profitable or-
ganizational efforts. In fact, by
phasing out large demonstrations
and organizing on the campus Re-
sistance is abandoning two major
features of its work to date.
Dennis Church believes that the
local Resistance has received two
major benefits from past days of
Resistance. First public collective
action has generated the kind of
psychological enthusiasm which
aids organizing activities. And the
Days of Resistance were instru-
mental in breaking down the in-
dividual's sense of alienation that
dealing with the Selective Service
can create.
But as Church explained, "After
the Pentagon March there was
lots of talk about demonstrations
being counter-productive."
Organizing has been quite suc-
cessful on college campuses. Most
returned draft cards have come
from campuses like this. For ex-
ample, Ann Arbor Resistance re-
ports that it has been innundated
with serious inquiries about alter-
natives to the draft from Universi-
ty students.


Where there's smoke, there's fire

Cap ita lism, the Thitrd o-rid and the Pill

Liberation News Service
A FULL-PAGE advertisement in
a recent New York Times sug-
gests that the answer to crime in
the streets is birth control.
A shock photograph of a hairy
youth attacking a middle-class,
middle-aged man at knife point
tops the ad, which says "the qual-
ity of life in this great country of
ours is deteriorating before our
eyes. . , . Is there an answer? Yes
-birth control is one." The spon-
sor of the ad, the Campaign to
Check the Population Explosion,
is only the latest in an array of
powerful institutions that are
adopting population control as an
important weapon in social engi-
Included among the sponsors of
the ad are Eugene Black, ex-head
of the World Bank, Dixie Cup ex-
ecutive Hugh Moore, long a bank-
roller of birth-control activity;
Frank Abrams, ex-head of Stand-
ard Oil of New Jersey; and John
Cowles of the magazine and news-
paper family.
Population is political. Lyndon
Johnson says that every five dol-
lars spent on population control in
poor countries is equal to a hun-
dred dollars spent on economic
development. Israeli leaders call
on their Jewish citizens to have
mnore babies as "internal immigra-
tion" to match the rapid growth
of the Arab populations in the
newly occupied regions. Southern
states in the U.S. have relatively
liberal laws on birth control, steri-
lization, and now abortion-the
Georgia legislature is the fourth in
the U.S. to pass a law widening
grounds for legal abortion. The
reason: to check the rapid growth
of the black population. Brazilian
bishops joined leftist students in
protesting the sterilization of
women in the underpopulated Am-
azon region where U.S. speculators
are buying seemingly poor for
possibly mineral-rich land.
The use of birth control devices
is not immoral in itself. Control of
their own bodies is a pre-condition

cutting population growth rates in
countries such as South Korea,
Taiwan, Thailand. India and
Egypt. Black people in the U.S.
are another target.
THE BASIC instrument in the
overseas campaign is a small
plastic device called the coil, the
Lippes loop or the I.U.D. ("intra-
uterine device"). When inserted
into the opening of the womb, this
device, a foreign object, somehow
-the precise mechanism is not
known-causes sterility, supposed-
ly reversible if the coil is removed.
Unlike condoms and the dia-
phragm, the I.U.D. does not de-
pend upon foresight in the heat of
passion, nor does it require liter-
acy skills like counting or reading
a calendar as do the rhythm
method and the pill. Using the
LU.D., a mobile team can enter a
village and indefinitely sterilize as
many women as can be pressured
into permitting insertion of the
inexpensive device by class defer-
ence to white-coated medical per-

ed and ready for future exploita-
tion and settlement.
A later proposal by think-tank
Hudson Institute to create a series
of inland lakes on the Amazon
added fuel to the flames. One of
the proposed lakes would flood
Manaus, the Amazon valley's sec-
ond city and capital of Amazonas
state. Brazilian Senator Mario
Martins says Americans plan to
use the area either for resettling
U.S. blacks or as a refuge for use
after a nuclear war.
-Birth control would prevent the
growth of a local population
whose displacement might lead to
long-term bitterness like that of
Palestine Arabs displaced by Is-
rael's expansion.
A less bizarre critique of popu-
lation control observes that in
peasant societies large families are
one of the main sources of self-
esteem and prestige people have.
In the absence of social security
systems, children also provide the
only hope of support in old age.
On the other hand, large families
are encouraged by landlords be-

front lines of this battle against
population growth. A Rockefeller-
dominated group called the Popu-
lation Council spends $5 million
annually on grants in bio-medi-
cal research, demography and ac-
tion programs.
The Ford Foundation, with a
program similar to that of the
Population Council, has spent
about $100 million on population
control. Nearly $10 million has
been spent on field programs in
South and Southeast Asia, where
U.S. bombs now effect a more di-'
rect check on population growth.
Expenditures are high in such
tightly controlled U.S. satellites as
South Korea and Taiwan, and in
India, "showcase of democracy"
where food production per capita
is 30 per cent below that of so-
cialist China, due in part to an
archaic land tenure system.
Now the U.S. government aid
program is budgeting about $35
million on population control.
Ford, which sees its programs as
"seed money" to promote certain

lacking in a touch of missionary
zeal. Ford Foundation Population
Program Officer Lenni Kangas
defended the idea that black
grievances in the U.S. should be
redressed, and denied any anti-
black intent in birth-control pro-
grams. Blacks, like the poor coun-
tries in general, don't need more
people, say's Kangas, but healthy,
educated, emotionally secure peo-
ple-which won't happen unless
population growth is limited.
George Varky, an East Indian
economist who works for Planned
Parenthood, insists that 70 per
cent of the U.S. poor to whom
subsidized birth control should be
directed are white. Half of the
blacks, however, are in this poor
group, so any such program would
have a disproportionate effect on
black population, which some
black radicals think will enable
them to control many central cit-
ies in the next decade.
Condemnation of birth control
was a theme of one of the resolu-
tions at the 1967 Black Power
conference in Newark.
Birth controllers like Kangas
and Varky contend that they fa-
vor other programs to combat
poverty, but that birth control is
an essential element, since cheap
death control (vaccines, anti-
biotics) has cut into the balance
between deaths and births. This
leads to rates of growth higher
than any in history.
Others contend that it is not
overpopulation, but exploitation
and inefficiency that cause under-
development and poverty. Arable
land lies fallow or is used for
high-profit, low calorie products
like meat.
Monocrop agriculture for export
distorts the rural economy. Educa-
tion is non-technical, and the up-
per and middle classes disdain
practical tasks. Many ,underdevel-
oped countries export capital to
the U.S. even as thousands are
unemployed or underemployed in
country and city.
Poor countries are denied access
to technology, as in the case of


Birth controllers, it should be emphasized, do not see themselves as Dr.
Strangeloves plotting the course of the world toward some macabre fu-
ture. In best Eastern Establishment style, they are liberals who talk the
language of humanitarianism. In fact, their advocacy is never lacking in
missionary zeal.
y * i

sonnel, petty rewards, propaganda
or coercion.
Sixteen per cent of South Kore-
an women of child bearing age
have been sterilized by this meth-
Unauthorized experiments with
the I.U.D. caused a row in Brazil
last year. Medical students from
the University of Goias discovered
Presbyterian medical missionaries
inserting the devices in women in
small settlements near the strate-
gic Belem-Brasilia highway. This
area is very much underpopulated

cause they tend to
costs at rock bottom,
marriage binds people

keep labor
while early
to the soil.

IN CONTRAST to agriculture
and other high-labor industries,
U.S. extractive and consumer
goods producers might stand to
gain from population control.
They hire small numbers of peo-
ple at relatively high wages, and
in the case of consumer goods,
they concentrate on luxury items
protected by high tariffs that were
formerly imported.

policies and projects, is very
GRANDDADDY of the popula-
tion control agencies is the Plan-
ned Parenthood Federation, which
operates domestically, and urges a
$100 million Federal program to
get poor women to have fewer'
Heavy outlays for research re-
flect birth-controllers' dissatisfac-
tion with current hardware, un-
suitable, except for the I.U.D., for
use among people who lack mid-

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