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March 30, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-30

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Saturday, March 30, 1968


Page Three

Saturday, March 30, 1968 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Scattered Fires
Strike Chicago
Police To Investigate Arson Claim
In Three Department Store Blazes
CHICAGO (MP)-Fire broke out in Carsons almost simultaneousli
in rapid succession in three big Quinn said, and one ravaged th
-State Street department stores sixth and seventh floors as ap
yesterday, driving thousands of proximately 3,000 persons fled.
employes and customers into the Before the Carson fire was full
4 streets around an intersection controlled, flames erupted in
often called the world's busiest. third floor storeroom of Mon
Authorities rushed into an ar- gomery Ward to the south, send
son investigation and called in ing another 1,500 to 2,000 person
the police canine corps as a pre- fleeing to the streets alread
caution against looting even be- jammed.
fore the last flames were extin- Customers Jan Street
guished. While the Ward fire still wa
rpouring clouds of thick blac
Severe damage, although no dol- smoke out the third and fourt
lar estimates were available, was floor windows, firemen were calle
reported at Carson Pire Scott & to the Wieboldt store across Stat
Co. and Montgomery Ward stores. street from Carsons.
A stockroom fire at Wieboldt's, In all three fires, no employ
Inc., was quickly extinguished and Inathrefreoempnjy
firedomissone RoertQuinn or patrons were reported injure
fire Commissioner Robert ben but several firemen required treat
Ssaid that one may have beenmetfrihlioofsk.
"coincidental."ment for inhalation of smoke
In answer to a question, Con
Later, however, after a clerk at missioner Quinn said police we
Wieboldt's said she saw two men asked to begin an immediate in
lob some object over a partition vestigation of possible arson.
just before a puff of smoke and
fire, Quinn said he would need
more time to "evaluate the situ-
Daley Denies Arson
In a hastily called news confer-
ence, Mayor Richard J. Daley said MILWAUKEE, Wis (P) - Pres
"there is no evidence at all" that dent Johnson fought back b
the fires were the result of a con- proxy yesterday against a com
spiracy, and no proof of arson. bination of Democratic and R
But he added, "Occasionally, publican opposition threatenin
when they have a fire that size his changes in Tuesday's presi
at Carsons, firebugs start off at dential primary.
other places." With Sen. Eugene J. McCarth3
Police indicated their investi- (D-Minn), picking up fresh sup
gation would center on employes port in his anti-war campaig
and former employes of the stores, against the President, the Demo
after firemen said all the blazes cratic organization dispatche+
apparently began in stock rooms Secretary of Agriculture Orvill
or areas to which the shopping L. Freeman for nine appearance
public does not have access. in areaswhere his milk pric
Three separate fires broke out support increase is calculated t

Israeli Planes Renew
Air Strikes on Jordan


SENATOR EUGENE McCARTHY (D-Minn.) resumed his campaign
open appeal for Republican voters to cross party lines and expres
son. Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon, running on the Y
fornia Governor Ronald Reagan, expects little oposition but wants
over voting to convince party leaders of his popularity.

c Associated Press the resolution was partly respon-
Israel sent its dive bombing sible for the new outbreak,
jet force screaming over Jordan "The terrorists can derive noth-
for the second time in eight days ing but encouragement from it."
yesterday, while the nations' he said.
artillery units fought a seven- Israeli fire yesterday again hit
hour battle from the Sea of Gali- the Al Fatah staging base at
lee to -ancient Jericho. Jordan Karemeh, where Western news-
1proclaimed a state of emergency men had watched guerrillas in
and blacked out its capital. battle dress sweeping up rubble
Army communiques in Amman after the March 21 raid.
claimed seven of Israel's French- Attack Jordanian Positions
built fighter bombers were down- The Jordanian version of the
ed. Newsmen reported they saw start of the fighting was an Is-
one tumbling ablaze out of the raeli machine gun burst at 11:30
midafternoon sky and a Tel Aviv a.m. following by field gun bar-
spokesman acknowledged the loss. rages on the village of Um Kais,
The pilot escaped unharmed, he a Roman archeological site.
said. The Israelis said their jets con-
Renewed Attack centrated on dug in gun positions
Tank, mortar and big gun shel- in the brown Gilad Mountains
ling extended 65 miles along the about five miles inside Jordan,
Jordan River truce line, but there but added that they also raked
were no penetrations- such as machine gun nests in riverfront
-Associated Press those when an Israeli invading sweeps.
fore f thouads oeinoJr AP corresponednet Stanley Bon-
in Wisconsin yesterday with an darceofast Thrsyrode into Jor- nett, reporting from Jordan, said
s displeasure of President John- terrorist nests.
Republican ballot against Cali- The Israeli army claimed it in-
s to head off any massive cross- flicted "a number" of Jordanian Son el
casualties, while withholding re-
ports on its own. It said there
C a t were no civilians injured in at-E
ainI~cug tacks reported on seven Israeli r ew I
farming communities in the Bei-
san and Jordan valleys.
Kastenmeier announced that he Joran Jormangvalleyg. LONDON (R) - Prime Minis-
had cast an absentee ballot for Jordan, claiming 13 villages ter Harold Wilson, battered by
McCarthy "because of my strong under fire, did not mention civil- four crushing electoral defeats,
feeling against the war in Viet- ed 90.000 persons lefd their fron- defied opposition Conservative
nam and to express publicly my tier village homes in the area of demands yesterday that he quit.
thanks for Sen. McCarthy for Irbed near Syria. Aides said he is determined to
effectively giving voice to the id rride out the storm.
views we both hold on this crucial Israel, condemned by the UN "A week's a long time in poli-
issue." Security Council for its attack tics," Wilson privately told aides
Rep. Henry Reuss previously last week, had reported five ma- crestfallen by the outcome of a
had endorsed McCarthy. This jor terrorist incidents since then. voters' revolt that went far be-,
left Rep. Clement Zablocki vir- Labor Minister Yigal Allon told yond the expected midterm swing!
tually along among the Demo- newsmen in the battle area that against the government.
cratic office holders supporting
Johnson. Sens. Gaylord Nelson, t d n
seeking reelection, and William
Proxmire are preserving outward
ganization officials. 1 mL T **
McCarthy got a boost from the

authorities there claimed the Is-
raeli jet raids were in part to
show Tel Aviv's displeasure with
a U.S.-Jordan agreement which
will increase King Hussein's air
force by 16 F104 Star-fighters.
U.S.-Jordan Contract
Bonnett said Jordanians were
talking of 100 tanks the United
States had promised to send Am-
man and of 25 pilots now in
training at Lackland and Webb
Air Force bases in Texas.
Prime Minister Bahtat Tal-
houni received in separate audi-
ences the American, French, So-
viet and British ambassadors and
said Jordan's UN representative
had been directed to report the
fighting to the Security Council.
At the height of the fighting,
Soviet Defense Minister Marshal
Andrei Grechko flew from Dam-
ascus to Cairo ' for conferences
with Egyptain offirials. Earlier in
the week he had visited Syrian
troops on the cease fire line.
ies alls
The Labor administfration, elec-
ted for a five year term, can
serve until mid 1971. Despite los-
ses in Thursday's four special
elections, it still has a safe 74 ma-
jority in the House of Com-
Wilson to Continue
Aides portrayed Wilson as re-
solved to soldier on, perhaps even
to the end of his term, despite
demands from Edward Heath's
Conservatives for an immediate
national bsllot.
They reported Wilson is not
disturbed by some suggestions
that his own Laborite followers
might urge him, as the symbol
of an unpopular government, to
make way for another leader.

yFreemanj LI3Ji


placate farm opposition to the against Johnson by casting their
president. ballots for McCarthy.
In Washington, Freeman told a Former Vice President Rich-
rally of young Democrats that ard M. Nixon, without substan-
Johnson is the "permanent peace tial opposition on the GOP bal-
candidate" because he "knows that lot, has been Johnson's best ally
our purpose in, Vietnam is not in trying to discourage Republi-
just to end that war, but the be- can fence jumpers. Voters have
ginnings of all wars." He initia- the option of choosing either bal-
ted the theme earlier in the week lot when they go to the polls.

in war conscious Wisconsin.
On the same program, Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey,
who has campaigned for the Pres-
ident in this state, called Mc-
Carthy's drive "honorable and de-
voted to the issues." He had
nothing in his prepared text
about Sen. Robert F. Kennedy,
(D-N.Y.), another challenger.
Neither Freeman, former gov-
ernor of neighboring Minnesota,
nor Humphrey could do anything
offsetting a prospective massive

Nixon has been campaigning
diligently to build up his ballot
total to impress party leaders
choosing nomination convention
delegates in other states with his
vote getting ability.
McCarthy, resuming campaign-
ing here after a pause to attend
the funeral of a family friend in
Washington has been openly en-
couraging Republicans to come
across the party lines.
The Minnesota senator picked
up the support of Rep. Robert
Kastenmeier to give him a ma-
jority among the state's three
Democratic House members.

8:30 P.M.
$3.00 $3.50 $4.00

cross-over of

Republicans into the
primary to vote


ay, March 31 11:45 A.M.

Waukesha Freeman, in the sub-i
urban area of Milwaukee. The
paper, formed 109 years ago yes-
terdaybasan abolitionist journal,
never before has endorsed a Dem-
In Washington, workers at
Kennedy's national headquarters
said their reports from Wiscon-
sin indicate that McCarthy may
score a thumping victory over
Johnson in Tuesday's voting here.
McCarthy has kept the Ken-
nedy supporters at arms length.
While a group of his own sup-
porters took off for California to
beef up the organization for that
state's June 4 primary, the Min-
nesota Senator as yet had made
no similar move in Indiana.
Kennedy's entry into the lat-
ter state's May 7 primary will
pit him directly against McCar-
thy on the ballot for the first
time. Gov Roger D. $ranigin will
run as a stand-in for Johnson.

PRAGUE (A) - A thousand
strong, the students marched
through downtown Prague and
stopped outside Communist party
headquarters. They shouted for
the head man to come down. It
was midnight, but incredibly Al-
exander Dubcek came running.
Summoned from home, the
party chief who launched Cze-
choslovaki's liberalization drive
after forcing old line Antonin No-
votriy from power, stood in the
street, fielding questions in a way
unknown to Communist Europe.
"What are the guarantees that
the old days will not be back?",
a student asked.
"You, yourselves are that guar-
antee," Dubeck replied "You, the
young. Can the old days come
back at all? There is only one
path and that is forward."
Then the crowd of young peo-
ple drove at a sore point. They
didn't like the party's nomination



"Conscience and Conscription:
Students View the Draft"
Leonard Scalia and Mike Donnelly,
members of "the Resistance''
1432 Washtenaw
Reservations: 662-3580 or 662-5529


No other member of Wilson's
Thursday of Gen. Ludvik Svo- Cabinet has a power base from
boda, a 72 year old general des- which he could hope at this time
cribed as a "Czechoslovak Eisen- to bid for leadership, What is
hower," for Novotny's old post of more, Wilson intends next month
president. to shake up his Cabinet and
With backing from the presid- doubtless will protect himself
ium of the National Assembly and against any challenge by placing
t h e Communist - led National loyal friends in strategic positions,
Front party, Svoboda's election Heath Called for Election
by Parliament Saturday was made
certain Earlier, Heath called publicly
for a prompt national election,
The students' man is Cestmir claiming: "The Labor govern-
Cisar, a 48 year old intellectual ment stands stripped of all mor-
who said he was backing Svobo- al and political authority."
da. Health's men held the electoral
Dubcek's openness carried into district of Warwick and Leam-
a news conference yesterday in- ington and snatched Action, Dud-
volving Prof. Eduard Goldstuec- ley and Meriden from Labor with
ker, a leading theorist in the drive margins denoting that Wilson's
toward "Socialist democracy." party would be politically anni-
Goldstuecker predicted other hilated if national elections were
Socialist countries would follow held now.
Czechoslovakia's course eventu- Labrooke's, Britain's largest
ally, but added: "Whatever les- bookie, set the odds of a Con-
sons our Socialist friends draw servative victory at three to one
from this development in Czech- if national elections are held
oslovakia is their business. In no now.
case do we want to exercise any Three more special elections
influence on other Commu- are pending. All are to be de-
nist countries." fended by Labor, which will not
He said the Communist party be surprised if they are lost, in
would remain the leading force view of Thursday's results This
in the country because it was would cut Wilson's margin'in the
the "sole force guaranteeing that House of Commons to 68, com-
this revolution will be carried to pared to 97 when he took over
ultimate success." after the 1966 elections.

----- -

After' Hc





Friday and

1:30-4:00 A.M.





Playwright-Screenplay by




The endless aloneness and desperate
apathy of the drug addict


'. . the first hipster drama to be seen in New
York . , . the only and balanced work ever created
by at Beat Generation writer"
Robert Brustein, New Republic
a farrago of dirt, small-time philosophy, empty
talk and extended runs of 'cool music'."
Louis Calta, New York Times
"Gelber has tried to locate man's position in the
universe not cleverly, but well, with a method in-
spired by one jazz musicians use, when the indi-
vidual soloists take turns improvising on a more or
less agreed-upon theme . . . we are conscious of a
non-wish-fulfilling truthfulness seldom found in the
theater . . it is probable that the sense of working
against phoniness which is now the play's greatest
virtue would not have existed had Mr. Gelber chosen



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