vAtogn Dail
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
The Draft System: Divide and Conquer
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Student Union Proposal:
Weakening the United Front
ONE OF THE MOST difficult
problems that the anti-war
movement faces is the ability of
the draft system to divide and con-
quer. Through its varied system
of deferments and exemptions,
and through the decentralized na-
ture of the Selective Service Sys-
tem, the government is able to
isolate each individual - to make
him feel that this problem is uni-
Frustration and fear of repri-
sals are inherent in the nature of
the system. Every choice that the
individual makes about how to
lead his life is to some extent
influenced by the ever-present
shadow of the draft -- choices
such as whether to stay in school
and, in extreme cases, whether
to cut off a toe or puncture an
ear drum.
The draft most clearly effects
those young men in an under-
privileged position - poor men
and black ghetto residents who
are unable to qualify for student
deferments, and for the exempt-
ions provided for ministers and
But the draft has a profound ef-
fect on students and others in a
more privileged position, precisely
because of the nature of the de-
ferments and exemptions for
which they qualify. This is illus-
trated most clearly by a document
put out by the Selective Service
System itself in 1965 - and since
withdrawn -' called "On Man-
power Channeling." A master-
piece of modern psychology, the
document makes it clear that Sel-
ective Service sees its major fun-
ction not as providing manpower
for the military, but as an agent
for directing people into "socially
useful" occupations - occupations
deemed to be in some vague "na-
tional interest":
"THROUGHOUT his career as
a. student, the pressure - the
threat of loss of deferment -
continues. It continues with equal
intensity after graduation. His
local board requires periodic re-
ports to find out what he is up
to. He is impelled to pursue his
skill rather than embark up-
on some less important enterprise
and is encouraged to apply his
skill in an essential activity in
the national interest. The loss of
deferred status is the consequence
for the individual who has ac-
quired the skill and either does not
use it or uses it in a nonessential
The document goes on to show
the way in which frustration and
fear are used to determine the
activities even of those who are
unfit for military service:
"The psychological' impact of
being rejected for service in uni-
form is severe. The earlier this
occurs in a young man's life, the
sooner the beneficial effects of
pressured motivation by the Selec-
tive Service System are lost. He
dubof f
Constitutional Convention held its
first meeting Monday and began plan-
ning to re-write the structure of stu-
dent government at the University.
There are many pitfalls which Con-
Con must avoid. The most important of
these is to be sure student government
is not weakened.
One plan which would fall into this
pitfall has already been suggested to the
convention. Monday night former SGC
Executive Vice-President Ruth Baumann
proposed the formation of a voluntary
student union.
While the union concept, if carefully
devised, ,would probably represent a form
of government in which students would
be able to participate to a greater ex-
tent than presently is the case, the plan
is weakened because of the voluntary
nature of the system.
For one thing, it would be nearly im-
possible to collect dues under the pro-
posed system.
At present, SGC receives 25 cents from
the tuition of each student. The book-
keeping is relatively simple and Coun-
cil does not need to spend its time
searching for and soliciting funds from
No Comment
ATHENS (M - The Greek regime yes-
terday ordered a crackdown to limit
news on the activities of U. S. Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy.
The censor'soffice barred the use in
Greek newspapers of any photographs
of Kennedy.
Editors were also advied to play down
their coverage of Kennedy. They were
told they must keep Kennedy stories on
the inside pages and limit the size of
the headlines.
The censor's orders were given ver-
bally and without explanation.
One Athens editor claimed the United
States Embassy here had urged the
Greek regime to take steps to limit the
mushrooming Kennedy coverage in
Greek papers since the senator an-.
nounced his entry into the nomination
race. The editor said the embassy was
upset that Kennedy news was over-
shadowing President Johnson.
A U. S. Embassy spokesman denied the
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
120 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Micigan, 48104.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press,
Collegiate Press Servie and Liberation News Service.
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session,
SFall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).
THUS, if membership in the proposed
union were made voluntary, the new
governmental body would be forced to
expend a great deal of energy merely
convincing students to join. Such time
would be spent more profitably attack-
ing some of the majoring problems which
student government is expected to face
in the coming months.
In addition, the union would have no
claim to representing all the students
of the University and would, therefore,
no longer be truly a student government.
In fact, the voluntary union could eas-
ily deteriorate into just a political pres-
sure group.
During its first year in existence, for
example, the union would probably de-
velop a set policy or direction. Those who
managed to get their policies instituted
would remain in the group, but minori-
ties would be discouraged and could eas-
ily feel forced to leave the organization
THEREFORE, the nature of the volun-
tary union would be such as to polar-
ize a small portion of the student body,
and alienate the remainder. It would
continually lose stature as a policy-
making body of the students.
Two issues in particular - student dis-
cipline and academic reform - will re-
quire a strong and representative body.
It is necessary that _a strong student
government be prepared to face a chal-
lenge from the faculty which involved
the suspension or expulsion of a student
on a non-academic offense. The power of
a voluntary union to mobilize the stu-
dents in opposition to such an action is
In the near future, it may also be
necessary to have a body which can unite
the students to fight for many gravely
needed academic reforms. A voluntary
unit would be Ill-prepared for such a
battle, because it would not represent
all factions of student enrollment.
The voluntary student union is not the
only proposal which would have the ef-
fect of weakening the position of stu-
dents on campus. Any suggestion to de-
centralize student government would
also have the effect of weakening the
For example, it has been suggested
that the centralized SGC be eliminated
in favor of smaller governments in the
individual schools.
This proposal would leave students
without a strong body around which to
rally in times of crisis. It should not be
seriously considered.
CON-CON should act cautiously. It has
an opportunity to institute improve-
ments, but it must at the same time be
careful not to destroy the power of the
students as an effective force.
is labeled unwanted. His patrio-
tism is not desired. Once the
label, of 'rejectee' is upon him
all efforts at guidance by per-
suasion are futile ...
blishment of a new classification
of I-Y (registrant qualified for
military service only in time of
war or national emergency). That
classification reminds the regis-
trant of his ultimate qualificat-
ion to serve and preserves some of
the benefit of what we call chan-
neling. Without it or any other
similar method of categorizing
men in degrees of acceptability,
men rejected for military service
would be left with the understand-
ing that they are unfit to defend
their country, even in wartime .. .
"From the individual's viewpoint,
he is standing in a room which
has been made uncomfortably
warm. Several doors are open, but
they lead to various forms of
recognized, patriotic service to the
Nation. Some accept the alterna-
tives gladly - some with reluc-
tance. The consequence is approx-
imately the same . . ."
fuses to cooperate is faced with
the overpowering nature of the
draft. As soon as he turns in his
card, the machinery begins to
grind to break the non-cooperator
down, to get him to compromise
by offering him alluring alterna-
A case in point: At the time
I turned in the draft card I had
been carrying Dec. 4, I was clas-
sified 1-Y because of a congenital
heart condition. Yesterday I re-
ceived a letter from the local
board "requesting" current doc-
tor's letters regarding my phys-
ical condition. Since I am sure
my condition has not changed it
is indeed an attractive one. By
doing something as outwardly
simple as seeing a local doctor, I
could erase any fear of being
drafted or having to go to jail-
free to continue my activities
against the war. The sudden real-
ization that I could "give in" so
easily and with such impunity
forced me to reconsider my whole
position of non-cooperation.
ly not quite so lenient with every-
one who demonstrates an inten-
tion not to cooperate, evidence
would seem to indicate that some
attempt at compromise is used in
nearly every case. Some resisters
have been approached by the FBI,
who tries to intimidate them into
taking back their cards. Others
have had their cards returned to
them, in some cases with an ex-
planatory note as to why they
are required to carry it. In a few
cases, they have been granted
conscientious objector status, al-
though they could have been re-
classified 1-A. Even in cases where
resisters have been declared de-
linquent and ordered up for in-
duction, it seems clear that this
is a scare tactic designed to get
them to comply.
It may seem ridiculous to sup-
pose that a person who has blat-
antly stated his commitment to
resist would turn around and ac-
cept an exemption. But the draft
boards are so caught up in this
idea of "channeling" that they
are convinced of the power of fear
and frustration to make anyone
kowtow before them. And because
the consequences of any action
the individual takes are so awe-
some and uncertain, this power is
in fact quite real.
his unique background and capa-
bilities, feels himself to be in his
own little "uncomfortably warm"
room. His isolation makes it dif-
ficult for him to see that all
around him, other young men are
being channeled in the same way.
Unless people are made to realize
their commonality in relation to
the draft, an anti-draft move-
ment with a wide base of support
is unthinkable.
Letters: The Dienbienphu Approach
To the Editor:
OFFER the following short
passages for the delectation of
The Daily readers. The first, writ-
ten by Andre Chenebenoit, editor
of Le Monde, appeared in Le
Monde on March 5, 1954:
An impression of relative opti-
mism appears in the official re-
ports from Indochina . . . (They
inform us) that the military situ-
ation presents no alarming aspects
-on the contrary, the expedition-,
ary forces, greatly reinforced by
American aid, are now able to
deal successfully with any major
enemy advance .
One can hardly resist retouch-
ing a large part of this official
For, if the situation is not alarm-
ing, it is without hope. Hope in
war means a victory, an imposed
peace. Can we seriously assert that
these objectives are in view after
seven years of fighting? . . . We
should frankly admit that, since
the time when we granted to the
associated states of Indochina
(Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia)
much more than we have already
refused to grant to Ho Chi Minh,
the war has taken on an essen-
tially ideological character.
THE IMMENSE illusion of a
solution by the gradual transfer
of the war to the Vietnamese army
appears most clearly from an an-
alysis of the internal situation in
Vietnam . . . The power we have
reestablished in the hands of Bao
Dai dwindles daily ... The regime
which we uphold is not supported
by the vital forces of the Vietnam-
ese population . . . And what in-
terest does France have to defend
an enterprise almost certainly con-
demned to failure in the long run?
At Geneva, the contest will con-
tinue largely between Russia, the
United States, and China. France
must be ready to profit from any
chance torretreat honorably from
a ruinous adventure into which,
against her own clear interests,
she has progressively involve her-
self by a kind of grinding fatality.
The escond passage is from a
comment General Navarre made in
February, 1954, which was report-
ed in Le Monde on February 21,,
1954. General Navarre was com-
mander-in-chief of the French ex-
V yig y i n i Oer ery
'Don't get me wriong, Chief .. I'm only
saying that it didn t go over very big
in New Hampshire.'
On the one hand, Michael Da-
vis, former Vice-President of
SGC, lauds the "role of the stu-
dents" in the university at the
recent inaugural while in reac-
tion to the referenda we only hear
about how much "re-education"
must be done.
IN THE SAME way, Urban Leh-
ner, Daily Editorial Director, sees
the referenda results as a failure
of the "educational process" led
by the campus "radicals." Isn't
it wonderful that we poor misled
students who somehow lost out on
the "education" experienced by
Michael Davis and the "radicals"
have such moralists around to
lead us to their moral promised
land. By taking such a stand on
the referenda's outcome, it is ob-
vious that just as the administra-
tion refused to respond to the
draft referendum, "our" student
government and newspaper will
not change its posture on the Re-
search and IDA questions. The
idea of student power and par-
ticipatory democracy are imple-
mented only when the students
conform to the specific policies of
the organized student establish-
ment. When the students dissent
from the establishment the golden
carriage of political ideals turns
into the rotten pumpkin of a pow-
er elite.
-Larry Sullivan, Grad
To the Editor:
RECENTLY there have been a
number of charges that Sen-
ator Robert Kennedy is an "op-
portunist." It is particularly curi-
ous that many of these charges
come from McCarthy supporters.
Although it is not unusual for ad-
vocates of a particular cause to
point their finger at other leaders
not involved in that cause, it is
interesting that frequently the
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
subjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-900 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.
label-makers are equally susuupu-
ible to their charges.
For example, one could make the
point that McCarthy has been
somewhat of an "opportunist."
Consider the fact that Senator'
Eugene McCarthy was an avid
Johnson supporter in 1964. In
1965, Kennedy was starting to
make public statements to the ef-
fect that the administration's Viet-
nam policy was somewhat off-tar-
get. Throughout 1966 a number of
U.S. Congressmen and Senators
were questioning Johnson's poli-
cies, but McCarthy was silent. It
was not until late in 1967 that Mc-
Carthy began voicing some disap-
As it became more apparent that
there was unrest throughout the
country, and no member of the
Democratic Party ready to milk
the peace votes, McCarthy made a
gesture to come forward-but on-
ly in a pussy-footing manner, not
opposing the President, merely try-
ing to influence him for the good
of the party. This action was rea-
sonable, but not particularly coura-
geous. After all McCarthy wasn't
risking much and there was all
that publicity to gain.
Suddenly the populace swelled
behind the only peace candidate,
giving him 20 convention dele-
gates, and calling him a hero, and
McCarthy starts talking like a
long-standing advocate of change
-a Johnson antagonist. Now he's
in to win and doesn't need any
help when that help might mean
he would lose the spotlight. Once
at center stage he'wants the lead-
ing role. This ,is understandable,
but no more so than Kennedy's re-
actions of this month-and Mc-
Carthy's actions are no less open
to criticism.
So the label "opportunist" is
like a new elastic stretch sock, it
fits nearly everyone; some a little
better, some a little worse, but the
difference in fit is only slight.
-Lee DeCoster
LIJ Dissent
To the Editor:
BY DISSENTING with General
Westmoreland, Lyndon John-
son is giving encouragement to the
D. M. Gilliam, Grad
peditionary forces in Indochina.
The Vietminh are certainly
still able to give us some rough
going, but I think that the Viet-
minh- are very close to having
reached their high point. They
have not surprised us, and the out-
come appears now much the way
we had hoped at the beginning of
the campaign.
By February, 1954, Dienbienphu
was already surrounded; the for-
tress fell on May 7-8, 1954.
-John Siegmund, '69 Law
The Voice Again
To the Editor:
for tapping student opinion
the recent referenda was supposed
to be a step forward in the move-
ment for student power and par-
ticipatory democracy. After all, the
triangular student establishment
of SGC, Voice-SDS and Daily ed-
itorialists have in the past consis-
tently upheld these political ideals
as the "higher morality" of the
New Left and the guiding prin-
ciple for student government.
However, the stunning results of
the referenda present the estab-
lishment with an unusual dilemma
-one of political ideology vs the
political ideal of representation.
In reacting to this dilemma the
establishment has shown the stu-
dent body of Michigan that its
political ideals and the expressed
will of the students will be sac-
rificed when they conflict with the
specific policy orientations em-
braced by the establishment's New
Left ideology.
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Gra ds
B usiness: Running from Gray Flannel Suits
IF NOT for the draft, the Viet-
nam war and the general dis-
turbing state of world affairs, col-.
lege seniors might be glad to be
graduated into the "real world"
this May.
Opportunity, in the person 'of
the businessman, is virtually beat-
ing a path to the door of this
year's college graduate, profer-
ring the most. lucrative starting
salaries ever.
"Our fellows don't have to go
out and knock on doors," says
Arthur S. Hann, director of place-
ment and assistant dean for the
school of Business Administration,
smiling. As proof, he holds up a
a Standard Oil Company offer of
over $1,000 monthly starting sal-
ary to a University M.BA.
And an insurance representa-
tive recruiting in the University's
General Placement Bureau, says,
"I want the good student to walk
in here and demand a job with
our company."
The problem seems to be, how-
m,m . t+a+ ,idant ing+ t de-
ing or how to stop the flow away
from the corporate life.
This, however, isn't the first
time that business' assault on the
ivory tower has been repulsed.
During the Depression, business
was either considered "dirty" or
just plain risky to get into. But
after the war, business had ac-
quired a Hollywood glamour as
the last of the tycoons gave way
to younger, "Cash McCall" type
It is theatrically ironic, though
not surprising, that business is
sinking from favor during a per-
iod of unprecedented prosperity,
But that is exactly what is hap-
pening here, according to the
February issue of Personnel
"The symptoms are clear.
The college senior, though pos-
sessing enviable intellectual
strength and robust energy, is
showing signs of progressive
cynicism, latent apathy and an
irrational allergy to corporate
employment. To put it bluntly,
he is sick of business and the
Magazines report that enf oll-
ment in schools of business ad-
ministration increases at only one
third the rate of enrollment in
other schools. A 1966 Harris poll
revealed that only 100 out of 800
students interviewed were en-
thused about a business career.
But three hundred of the students
guessed they might "end up" in
Although many scientific sur-
of questionable quality - the type
of students who apathetically feel
they might "end up" in business.
IN A DESPERATE drive to at-
tract college graduates, business
has begun to branch onto the na-
tion's campuses. Most quality
schools and large institutions of
higher learning boast placement
bureaus where recruiters come to
show their wares free of charge.
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The campus, however, is not the only place where recruiters are
apt to be found. Ingenious recruiters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
even put recruiting centers on the beach.
"Our city is leading the nation in creating new industrial job,"
Richard W. Ward, executive vice president of the local chamber of
commerce told a Business Week reporter. "So with 30,000 kids on our
doorstep, why not go after them."
Business Week continued: "With the chamber of commerce
22-foot trailer parked on the beach, some 900 college seniors ac-
companied by their bikini-clad dates registered with participating
companies. Personnel men will follow up under more fully clothed
The success of the Florida recruiters has not been reported,
but Westinghouse Corporation, International Business Machines,
face in the general division, which
deals mostly with literary college
students, is securing office space
for their interviews. Employers
generally visit the campus once
or twice a year and have to make
appointments for space a year in
And these placement offices
really work. The University helps
more people get jobs than the
average employment agency. In
the general division alone, 323
.students and alumni out of a to-
tal of 806 registrants secured new
positions last year. If this num-
ber is added to a share of stu-
dents who failed to tell the bureau
they found jobs, the University
probably procured employment
for 70 per cent of the registrants.
A regular agency can usually
only locate jobs for 30 per cent
of its applicants.
proved a tiresome trail for many
recruiters. Robert Chope, indus-
trial relations chief for Federal
Mogul Corporation, says, "More
and more companies are recruit-
because they are afraid not to,
"Once you drop out of the re-
cruiting fraternity, you lose con-
tacts and get a diminished image
on campus. It's pretty huch 'out
of sight, out of mind,' " Chope
Rather than be "out of sight",
business is expending significant
sums on recruiting. Businessmen
console their corporate con-
sciences, explaining "recruiting
success can't be measured in dol-
lars and cents."
In the face of the stiff compe-
tition that has recruiters chasing
college graduates from Florida
sands to campus greens, tradi-
tional business enemies have be-
gun negotiations on forming
coalitions for recruiting.
The CRC conducted a panel
discussion in 1966 and recruiters
tried to uncover shortcomings in
campus operations.
"I IMAGINE not too long ago
a conference such as this would
be devoted to how to evaluate the
man and how do we pick out the
good ones from the batch," a re-
cruiter from an aero-space firm
Aggravating the competition
recently, a major federal recruit-
er has consistently out-maneuv-
ered businesses in drafting college
graduates. The military will prob-
ably drain even more students
into its ranks this year, leaving
business understaffed.
However, businesses are plan-
ning ahead and most recruiters
no longer consider a draft-eligible
male taboo. The placement bu-
reau advises students "that most
employers will be interested in the
student both before and after his
duty with the armed forces."
M. B. Shea, a personnel man-
ager and recruiter for Royal
Globe Insurance Company, ex-
plains that if a company can keep
a man for several months, there is
a good chance he will return to
their employ after his military
service is completed.
Just to remind soldiers that
Royal Globe is still interested in
them during their tenure with the
government, the company sends
enlisted men company newslet-
ters, letters from firm executives
and free subscriptions to Read-