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March 20, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-20

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:43 a t t

Hi igh-4
Cloudy and Mild
Chance of Light Rain

Vol. LXXVIII, No.. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, March 20, 1968 Seven Cents

Ten Pages


U' Students

Housing Board Approves File Suit

Mosher-Jordan Switch

The decision to convert Mosher-
Jordan Hall to a coed living unit
was given final approval yester-'
day by the Board of Governors of
Residence Halls. The women of
Mosher-Jordan who had been
protesting the planned conversion
accepted the decision for the most
The Board voted to go ahead
with the project after discussing
problems of conversion with resi-
dents of the hall and touring the
building to study the changes
which would have to be made to
complete the change. The con-
version will be completed by next
The motion for approval of the
change contained an amendment
which 'stipulated that an addi-
tional stairway be built at the
Jordan end of the building. The
stairway would allow women resi-
dents to reach all. parts of the
building without passing through
a public area.
Fire Escape
The new staircase will actually
be an enclosed fire escape, which
will be attached to the building.
John Feldkamp, director of Uni-
versity housing, said that such a
stairway would be necessary any-
way for fire protection.
An additional amendment stat-
ed that the residents of the hall
be consulted on all matters per-
taining to the conversion.
Additional structural changes
will include construction of metal
doors to separate Mosher from
Jordan and modification of the
basement passageway to allow
women to reach library and lan-
guage facilities to be housed onj
the Mosher side of the complex.

After the tour of the building Feldkamp pointed out that there
and an explanation of the is an increasing surplus of women's
changes which would be nm ade, housing in the residence hall sys-
the women who were reoresent- tem. The surplus has occurred in
ing the present residents of the the past few years as upperclass
hall indicated that the modifia- women have been allowed to live
tions which had been proposed off campus.
would satisfy their complaints. "We do not anticipate any great
"The character of the hall will increase in the number of women
not be the same next year," Feld- in dormitories." he added. "The
kamp pointed out. "We will, how- number may actually decrease as
ever, try to keep the atmosphere the residence hall system moves
as similar as possible to the wayh
it has been to accommodate the toward its goal of being completely
women who are returning." voluntary."

Over Vote
Request Court Order
Forcing City Clerk
To Let Students Vote
In what may prove to be a land-
mark decision, eight students yes-
terday filed suit against the Ann
Arbor city clerk for refusing to
register them to vote in the April
1 election.
The complaint filed by the stu-
s deints says that city clerk John P.
' Bentley refused to register the
students "on the grounds that each
of them was a student at the
University" and thus not a resi-
dent of Ann Arbor.
A hearing was set before the
three circuit court judges for Fri-
day at 4 p.m.
Requests Writ
The complaint requests the is-
suance of a writ of mandamus
which would compel Bentley to
register the students.
The complaint includes a quo-
tation from section 6.1011 of the
M i c h i g a n Statutes Annotated
which says the enrollment of a
person in a university shall not in
itself signify that the individual
I is not a resident of the city.
State law requires an individual
to be a resident of the city for
30 days and a resident of the
state for six months before he is
allowed to register to vote.
The- legal action is being spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor-Wash-
tenaw County chapter of the Am-
erican Civil Liberties Union (AC- t
LU), said chairman Lawrence Ber-
Berlin pointed out that the courtd
action protests the way in which{
the city clerk carried out stateg
laws, not the laws themselves.
StudenthGovernmentA Council
may aid the court fight. A motion
supporting the eight students and
allocating $50 to defray legal feest
will appear on the agenda ofc

Daily-Bernie Baker

Teach-In Pamphleteering in the Fishbowl


Says American slociety


What appear to be refugees from the famed Barrow gang are
not that at all but rather the new editors of Gargoyle. Standing
left to right are Ted Kubick, associate editor, Dan Berman,
assistant editor, Carl Daehler, business manager, Allen Milgrom,
art editor, Sue Mintz, personnel director and staff cherub, and
Bill Neuser, editor. Reclining horizontally is former editor Rick

By DAN SHARE oroach of students to the moral
'The American protest move- questions that comprise the Viet-
T nam dilemma, he said. "At Yale
ment is the most patriotic thing the attitude of draft resisters,
going." The Rev. William Sloane which has been totally devoid of
Coffin, chaplain of Yale Univer- self-righteousness, has brought
sity said yesterday home the seriousness, and emi-
nently personal qualities of the
Rev. Coffin charged the audience «!moral questions the Vietnam war
to "be scared to life and not to raises."
death. To reach intelligent ra- Rev. Coffin describes his dis-
tional confrontations, not the kind agreements with US policy as a
of ideologically paralyzed confron- "lovers quarrel" He said he feels
tation embodied in the present ad- like Nelson Aldin, the Chicago
ministration poet, "who fell in love with a girl

'hought, Action

Room Shortage Bohn.
'The conversion of the Mosher -

section of the complex to a men's " ? Thursday's Council meeting.
unit is being made to alleviate a The City Attorney's Office will
shortage in the number of men's rdefend Bentley at the hearings
units in the residence hall system. Friday. Chief Assistant City At-
This shortage will be made more torney Fred Steingold declined to
critical next fall when a portion _~F"hd-~ comment on the case.
of West Quad is converted to fac- Representation
ulty office space.
In discussion concerning the BTy JIM HEC the individual's . The students will be represented
change, the women expressed a «uetbuies by Arthur E. Carpenter of Dou-
desire to have dormitories which Dean Stephen Spurr of the Each applicant is reviewed, on van, Tammer, Harrington and
would be for women only. They Rackham Graduate School said his merits; none are barred only Carpenter. Carpenter refused to
felt that the change in Mosher- yesterday Rackham'k policies for because of a criminal record.' make any official statement on
Jordan, coupled with the conver- readmitting students who were Dean William Hubbard of the the prospects of the case.
sion of Alice Lloyd Hall to a coed convicted for refusing induction Medical School said criminal ; rec- The eight plaintiffs are Sally
facility, did not leave sufficinet are "similar" to the policies issued ords "do not even enter into the Wilkins, '68: Jeanne D'Haem;
spaces for those women who did recently by Yale and Princeton consideration of a student." Timothy A. Schultz, '69 Ed; Jac-
not want to live in a coed dorm. universities. Hubbarfd echoed Spurr in say- ob Eichenbaum, Grad; Carol
Feldkamp responded by saying The deans of Yale and Prince- ing, "Each student is evaluated Shalita, '69; Neil Hollenshead,
that studies of preferences given ton's graduate and professional individually on his merits." '71L; Kenneth Jendryka, '69E;
on housing applications indicated schools said last week students Both Hubbard and Spurr ex- and Kathleen McDonnell Jones.
a desire for more coed units. He who are convicted for refusing pressed the feeling there was no --~--_
also pointed out that the proposed induction on moral grounds will need to issue any formal state- r state- j
changes would provide students not be denied readmittance into ment, and both questioned the 44 000 M en
with a greater variety of housing the universities. meanings of the Yale and Prince-
units to choose from. They will be Spurr explained, "Our policies ton statements. To e Called
able to choose either a large or remain the same. The non-acade- Prof. Robert Knauss of the Law l . s o ic av fh ae sa
small coed residence. mic off-camipus behavior of the School said. "In the past the fact
- that someone has been convicted in
of a crime is not reason in itself
aea ers ose for denying him entrance into the WASHINGTON () - The Pen--
Law School." tagon called yesterday for the
Regents' Driving Oppose However, Dean Francis Allen of ding May
dafting of 44,000 men in May.
the Law School refused to explain It was the third straight month
D riving ecision the school's position. "I'm not pre that the manpower summons has
pared to make a statement as of exceeded 40,000. The April call
By RICHARD WINTER obstruct the operation" of the now," Allen said. was for 48,000 men, one cf the
The Regents' decision to retain proposed commission. Dean John Peery Miller of Yale's highest of the Vietnam war.
ste rgs s re in Last Thursday, the Regents graduate school told The Daily, The Pentagon said all 44,000
student driving regulations is en- heard arguments both favoring "We believe a student who receives inductees for May will go to the
dentleers pand attacking the abolition of a criminal conviction for non-com- Army.
A statement signed by Student driving regulations. Most of the pliance with the induction order, So far this year, draft calls are
Government Council President speakers agreed that removal of and if that non-compliance is averaging slightly above 40,000 a
Mike Koeneke, Executive Vice- restrictions would not bring many demonstrably rooted in conscience, month, compared with less than
President Bob Neff, and Ken Mo- more cars into Ann Arbor, but he should be considered for read- 20,000 a month for 1967. The peak
Peid chairan o f Joint udiiary-that the traffic situation is al- mission on the same basis as those monthly request in 1967 was 29,-
gnll cand th Student Driinr ready serious. who withdraw for service." 000, for August.


alysis of thought and action"
America has imposed a fixed pat-
tern on the world. "Our problem,"
he says, "is that we know who are
the children of light and who are
the children of dark."
Rev. Coffin claims that the
United States isn't really interest-
ed in fighting for freedom in Viet-
nam. "We are actually paralyzed
by a fear that we might lose the
benefits of the status quo. If we
were really interested in freedom
in our foreign policy why wasn't
there an outcry over Batista, Tru-
jillo, or the inhuman treatment
of our fellow humans in Rhodesia
and South Africa?"
Our mistake in South Vietnam,
he said, is that "we nailed Old
IGlory to the masthead of South
! He charged that we have made#

mistakes which State Department
officials have acknowledge in
public and private. Specifically,
he cited our aid to France in the
early fifties and our not allowing
the elections agreed upon by the
Geneva Convention which* would
have elected Ho Chi Minh.
This election would have "led
to a nationalism which would
have resisted an expanding China
better than the divided Vietnam
is able to do now."
By supporting the wrong people
we find ourselves supporting
South Vietnam-a country which,
boasts an army which "clear'ly
doesn't meet the Egyptian mini-
The military, according to Rev.
Coffin, is guilty of violating its
own statutes by burning villages
See COFFIN, page 6

Rev. Coffin, who was indicted
on January 29 for "aiding and
abetting draft resisters, spoke to
about 3,000 people in Hill Audito-
rium to kick-off last nights draft
teach-in , entitled "Vietnam and
the Draft: Crisis of Conscience.",
Rev. Coffin said that draft re-
sistance does not infringe on the
civil liberties of non-participantsI
(in draft resistance) and if the
resisters "accept the legal conse-
quences of acts of resistance it
is in no way destructive to the so-
cial fabric of our society."
He said that those people who

with a broken nose. She may not
be the most beautiful girl in the
world but"she is the most"real.
With my girl with the broken nose
plastic surgery is always a possi-
Rev. Coffin traces our continued
involvement in Vietnam to a "par-


Panel Agrees Individuals Must
Decide on Morality of Dissent

have turned in their draft cards Speakers in last night's panel
already had a profound effect for the draft teach-in agreed that
on both our world image and dom- each American must decide for'
estic involvement in dissent. himself whether the evils of the
According to Rev. Coffin "over Vietnam war are sufficient to jus-
80 per cent of all Europeans feel tify civil disobedience.
that withdrawal from our present The panel dealt with the moral
position is the only decent thing issues surrounding civil disobed-c
we could do" He further said that irence, the war in Vietnam, and1
the action of protesting Americans the draft.
have provided for many Europeans The panelists were Prof. Her-
"the only thing that keeps a bert C. Kelman of the psychology
flicker of hope alive that the department. Rev. Coffin, the
American traditions have not been chaplain of Yale University, the
rendered meaningless." Rev. Spencer Parsons, Dean of?
"The people who go to jail," he Rockefeller Chapel, University of
said, "bring home the price of the Chicago and rofsd Robert Har-
(war. When boys are dying in Khe I ris and Terrence Sandalow, both


society's law. He pointed especial- and significantly different from
ly to the white middle class in- World War II.
tellectuals who he claimed cam- He said however that "I don't
prised the vast majority of the take the Samsonian view of our
audience. troubles. By which I mean I don't
He did say however that groups stand at the courthouse and put
such as the Negroes who don't re- my arms around the pillar and
ceive a full share of society's bring the whole damn house
benefits don't have the same mor- dof."
al obligation to follow the law. Rev. Coffin spoke of a law higher
He said that a decision to dis- than the statute book, saying that
rupt is a personal one. The in- lawbreaking if one accepts the
dividual must make the choice consequences is neither revolu-
as to whether or not the evil he tionary nor bad. "While men must
sees in society justified the vio- respect what is legal, they must
lation of his obligation. do what is right," he said.
He also consoled the "neurot- Harris disagreed somewhat.
ics," those prone to make hasty While he felt that the individual
decisions or who suffer from a does have a right to dissent. "I
"need- to justify themselves in don't feel that the legal system
some kind of romanticism or blind is a cafeteria where every offense
following of student fads" to post- is up for grabs - some at two
pone their decision as long as months, some more."
possible. The teach-in divided into four
Parsons said 'that he was not separate panel discussions 'later in
absolute pacifist. He called for the the evening for in-depth explora-
government to provide the coun- tion of the implications of the
try with a form of selective con- draft on the University, the ghet-
scientious objection. He said that toes, foreign policy and national
the war in Vietnam is "unjust" militarism.


Court condemns the establish-
ment of a joint University-City
commission to study traffic prob-
lems. The statement calls the
move "a failure to confront the
proper issue and an Attempt to
serve an illegal purpose."
The statement also charges
that the commission is "operat-
ing on the premise that students
do not have all the rights enjoyed
by other citizens."
The statement gave the reasons
for this sentiment as:
-regulating student driving for
the purpose of controlling traffic
is, as "admitted by the Regents"
illegal and unauthorized:
-the City of Ann Arbor has no
"authority to legally prohibit
properly licensed students from
operating motor vehicles ' on its
public streets";
-"Students are citizens with,
all those rights enjoyed by other
Ann Arbor citizens," and to de-
prive them of these rights is

British Laborites Ask N

LONDON A') - 'The Labor
government yesterday handed
the British people their high-
est tax bill in peacetime his-
tory and announced wage price
dividend controls to balance
the economy and help preserve
the Western world's money.
Presenting the annual budget
to a packed House of Commons,
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Roy Jenkins in effect tossed the
ball to President Johnson to
rein in the U.S. economy as
America's contribution to solv-
ing the international monetary
crisis that erupted last week.
He said the best the British
could do was to get their own

dollar and the pound - which
is the necessary foundation on
which the international trading
community must build."
The pound shot up 20 points
in London. The dollar and the
pound also moved upward on
European exchange markets. In
the newly established free nmar-
ket for gold in Europe, the price
sank closer to the $35 an ounce
official price. Trading was rel-
atively light compared to last
week's gold buying rush.
Debate on the budget in the
House of Commons will begin
tomorrow. Defeat of any major
part of the budget could bring
the fall of the Labor govern-

April 1 with his program of in-
creasing taxes about nine per
This will prevent Britons
from buying costly foreign im-
ports or domestic goods that
should be exported to earn for-
eign exchange for Britain.
Among the tax increases were
doubling the tax on betting to
five per cent, and raising the
duty on football pools from 25
per cent to 33%/. Casino li-
censes were raised 50 per cent.
The taxes on cigarettes, to-
bacco, liquor and wine were mt
creased, and the sliding scale of
the sales tax, which hits nearly
all goods except food, was in-
creased drastically.

Sanh and the jails are filling upI of the Law school i
with young men who won't fight, Kelman said that civil disobed-
the public begins to understand ience becomes a legitimate meth-
the actual cost of the war," he od of dissent under two circum-J
continued, stances:
Draft resistance has also gen- "When the government con-1
Drated a new honesty in the ap- dones action inconsistent with the
n i- values upon which the society is
based (he included the Negro
problem in this category) ," andt
* "When there is no adequate
procedure for people to avoidt
complicity with that action."
it~ 7 a.1Kelman said that government
w a xpolicy in Vietnam meets both
these conditions and has "caused
would work out details, but he alternatives like Canada and jail
first wanted a vote on the idea to become live options for large
by the House. On this proposal numbers of young men."
alone, Laborites. can vote ac- Largely in agreement with Rev.
cording to conscience and will Coffin's speech earlier yesterday
not be subject to party disci- afternoon, Kelman said that civil
pline. disobedience derives legitimacy
Along with the tax increases, from pointing at specific laws
Jenkins said wages, prices and within the system and is "more
dividends would be limited to a committed to the system than the
3% ' per cent increase this year. system's blind followers." Kelman
Since enforcement may be characterized civil disobedience as
difficult, the main burden of an attempt to "revitalize values."
the squeeze will rest on taxes. Sandalow chose to discuss civil
Politically the wage .uros will disobedience from the govern-
be bitter for the Labor party, ment's point of view rather than
having already been rejected in its moral obligations.
advance by the unions and * Sandalow said dissent can be
many of the Labor members of divided into two categories:
the house representing them. speech and conduct. Speech is

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