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March 14, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-14

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Page Six


Thursday, March 14, 1968

Page SIx THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, March 14, 1968

Do you dare to wear
the Melody...
and/hum a
diferent tunei
",.1 { . . : r t .. v~
.- -. . . .
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" i t ..
7 ~.
- Sots-diaia l
& -
te insep :n wt p b . f
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:yu o.l. adyour:outft.n wid rang
- 61 -. Lbe.r..t.y
Softest kid imaginable ., gently gathered over
the instep and tied with a perky bow . .. flatters
your foot ... andl your outfit, Ina wide range
of colors. $100 r
For you daring young gals
iyour swinging

Text of President's Decision-Making Report

(Continued from Page 5)
educational programs of the Uni-
versity, poses problems of peculiar
complexity and importance. The
area of activity to which we refer
includes, but is not limited to,
public lectures and forums, pro-
test demonstrations, picketing, and
teach-ins. These activities may be
intimately related to the Univer-
sity's role as an educational in-
stitution and an intellectual and
cultural center. Every segment of
the University community has a
stake in maintaining the campus
as a center for lively and unimped-
ed discussion, advocacy, and crit-
icism, and in preventing disorder,
disruption, and demonstrations of
intolerance incompatible with its
serving this function.
With this in mind, the Com-
mission concludes that the formu-
lation of rules governing activities
in this sector-relating, for in-
stance, to the regulation of picket-
ing and of sit-ins-should be car-
ried out by an all-University body
at the highest level. For this pur-

pose, we recommend that the Re-
gents establish a University Coun-
cil. The President of the Univer-
sity should be chairman of this
Council and it should include, in
addition to the President, equal
numbers of administrative officers
chosen by him, faculty members
elected by the Faculty Assembly,
and students elected by the cen-
tral body or bodies of student
The rules governing activities
in this sector, to be formulated
by the University Council, should
become effective only after sub-
mission to and ratification by the
Faculty Assembly and the central1
body or bodies of student govern-
ment. Taking into account the
functions that the Committee on
Communication (see below, p. 15)
may perform in its effort to pro-]
mote constructive discussion of
controversial issues, the University'
Council should also advise the
President concerning policy to be
followed with respect to the in-
vocation of police protection and

the manner in which any other
action should be taken to prevent
or curtail disorder or violence.
In addition to the above-mention-
ed functions, the University Coun-
cil should determine, subject only
to review by the Regents, the
locus of authority for making
rules of conduct by members of
the University community in areas
where the jurisdictional lines are
unclear or subject to dispute.
Open and clearly visible chan-
nels of communication and access
to information are vital to the
daily life of the University and to,
the development of rational dis-
cussion of campus issues. When
communications break down, and
opportunities for frank explorat-
ion of controversial issues are
neglected or cut off, opposed part-
ies may become combatants in
confrontations rather than partic-
ipants in meaningful discussions.

A mechanism is needed to main-
tain communication channels and
information flows and to encour-
age the use of available forums of
debate on controversial campus is-
sues, thus helping to provide con-
structive alternatives to confron-
The Commission recommends
the establishment, by formal Re-
gental action, of a Committee on
Communication whose services
would be available to all individ-
uals and groups within the Uni-1
versity. Upon request ,it would ar-I
range meetings between relevant
University authorites and persons
expressing grievance or criticism,
provide for the exchange and wide-
spread dissemination of infor-
mation, establish ad hoc groups to
study controversial issues, or ar-'
range forums for discussion and
debate. It might also act upon its
own initiative to stimulate dis-
cussion of issues that it regards as
timely. The Commission hopes
that the Committee on Commun-
ication would develop a standing
in the University community that
would inspire resort to it when-
ever critical disagreements may
We recommend that the Com-
mittee be composed of five mem-
bers - two students, two faculty
members, and one administrative
officer- to be appointed by the
Regents. Possible student members
would be suggested by the central
student government(s) to the Fac-
ulty Assembly, which would nom-
inate two students for appoint-
ment. Possible faculty members
would be suggested by the Faculty
Assembly to the central student
government(s), which would nom-
inate two faculty members for

appointment. Possible administra-
tion members would be suggested
by the President of the Univer-
sity to the executive officers of
the central student government(s)
and of the Faculty Assembly, who
would nominate one administrator
f o r appointment. Nominating
-bodies should be free to choose
persons not included among those
suggested to them.
Since significant changes have
occured and are occurring in the
student role in University affairs,
the Commission believes that the
effectiveness of the Office of the
Vice President for Student Affairs
can be improved if its purposes
and functions reflect t h e s e
changes. Such essential clarific-
ation should result in improved'
relations between that Office and
the entire University community.
Specifically, the intent of many;
of the recommendations of thisl
Commission is to give more re-
sponsibility to students for rule
making and rule enforcement.
When implemented, these recom-
mendations will require major ad-
ministrative support from the Of-
fice of Student Affairs. In addi-
tion, they will require broad in-
volvement of students and faculty
ih all aspects of OSA's operation.
The specific recommendations
which follow are aimed at stressing
the primary service function of
the OSA and at providing struc-
tured opportunities for student
and faculty engagement.
The Commission recommends
that the Office of Student' Affairs

be retitled the "Office of Student
Services." and that it be headed
by a "Vice President and Director
of Student Services," whose posi-
tion would be given explicit recog-
nition in the Regents' By-Laws.
The Commission is aware of the
discussions being carried on be-
tween students and the Office of
Student Affairs with respect to the
nature, number, and structure of
the departments in this Office.
We urge that such discussions con-
tinue, in order that the students
may play a major role with the
administrative staff of the Office
in the development of the depart-
ments and the determination of
which should be under its aegis
and which might be made respon-
sible to other agencies of the Uni-
versity. We further urge that stu-
dents play a major role in helping
to choose the Vice President and
Director of Student Services.
The Commission recommends
that the executive functions of
the Office of Student Services be
performed by the Vice President
and Director of Student Services,
assisted by an Executive Board
which should be charged with for-
mulating policies for the Office.
We recommend that this Exe-
cutive Board be composed of five
students, three faculty members,
and the Vice President and Direc-
tor of Student Services, who should
be its chairman. The vice chair-
man should be a student.
We further recommend the es-
tablishment of a separate Advisory
Committee, to be composed of
equal numbers of students and
faculty, to work with the head of
each department within the Office
of Student Services.


A t-

Friday, March 15 at 7:15 P.M.




Why would a black person want the extra burden of being Jewish? Naomi
Franklin says Judaism is all she has ever known. She grew up as a Jew.
Naomi attended Yeshiva, went to Israel, and has a profound interest in
Judaica. She has dedicated her energies to helping her fellow Negro Jew.
Reactor Panel and Discussion Leaders

ahtteOfc fSuetAfiso tdn evcs

Center for Conflict Resolution

Friends Center
Psycho logy

Thursday, March 14, Room 3529 SAB, 7:00
What To Do After the Referendum
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