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March 12, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-12

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Vol. LXXVII, No. 135 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday March 12, 1968 Seven Cents
ROCreating the Riht Ati
By RON LANDSMAN Showing the proper attitude The ROTC programs all sus- Force cadets go to camp be- grade and an "aptitude grade," b
First of Three Parts is a requisite for all of the over tain at least a 50 per cent drop- tween their junior and senior according to Navy Lt. William A
Some courses require thirty- 700 University students in the out rate among freshman and years and Navy students take Obenshain. "This includes re- u
page term papers and enough Army, Navy and Air Force sophomore students, but juniors a cruise each summer, liability, appearance, attitude, s4
reading to keep students up all ROTC programs. Any student and upperclassmen on the two "I learned more from one personal behavior and self ex- a
night several nights a week. In who meets basic physical re- year program are required to summer cruise than from two pression ratings by instructors," o
s.. . . . . . . . . ...other classes, students do what quirements is eligible for the sign a contract with the De- years of classes," one Navy he explains. "These qualities
y<they like and grade themselves. Army program. The Navy and fense Department obligating cadet says. "But I guess both aim toward the cadet becoming s4
But the Reserve Officers' Air Science programs are only them to complete the course are necessary,' he adds. a commissioned officer." t
Training Corps programs re- slightly more selective, and accept commission upon To the officers, however, the Despite the official emphasis R
°.quire something more than any Students can sign up for two- graduation, if offered. Students Tampus fcrsor ver, tmey De derh iande sisd R
other courses or programs in or four-year ROTC programs. who have signed contracts campus classwork is extremely on leadership and esprit de tI
the University demand-the Literary College students who which may be done before the important. They see the classmcorps, students and officers i
correct attitude. complete a four year course in junior year--are members of roodershipp o elop te agreeashat mosy spudentsrsign
One Army officer expresses it Naval ROTC may count 15 the Reserves. leadership potential of cadets. up asn easy option for ful- n
simply, "If a cadet puts forth hours of credit toward the bach- Once a student has signed his ROTC instructors want to in- f m y
the effort, he can cut the must- elor's degree, while students ic contract he receives tuition, culcate cadets with the concept "I'm not crazy about it," ad- p
S- ard." Air Science or Military Science books, uniforms, and a monthly of the officer as a professional. mits one student, "but if I s
"You can't have a loose atti- may receive 12 hours of Uni- reaks, all pad f bynthe "A lot of people call them- have to serve, it might as well p
tude in ROTC," one cadet versity credit. Engineering stu- aetaneservicesd bselves professionals now. There's be as an officer."
agrees. "You have to take it dents, who comprise the vast armed services. really no crime in our doing it Former student Tim Espar t
-Daily-Jim Forsyth seriously. If you don't, you can majority of ROTC cadets, can Besides carrying ROTC class- too," one officer notes. explains, "There are some d
really get messed up," he con- get only three to six hours loads, all students must attend Navy ROTC students receive 'gung-ho' militarists and some c
ROTC Cadets on Maneuvers tinues. credit. summer camps. Army and Air two evaluations, an academic guys who want military careers,

Ten Pages
wt they're a small minority."
nother student says, "Most of
s feel, that since we have to
erve, we can do it this way
nd have a bit of control over
ur service careers."
Air Force Capt. William Hes-
elgrave adds, "I don't think
here's much excitement in
OTC. We stay out of any-
hing involving military policy.
i's just a way for students to
ieet their military require-
But students must be pre-
ared to do more than just
atisfy the requirements. As
art of development of leader-
hip and proper attitudes, all
hree programs emphasize stu-
ent initiative in running their
See ROTC, Page 5

SGC Candidates Find
Nobody Really Cares'
By JAMES JENSEN former UAC President Don Tuck- or previously owned by a memberI
Presidential hopeful D. Panther er, '68. of the University's math depart-
White, '69, ate two oranges at the Schreiber spoke first by em- nent."
University Activities Center and phasizing student activity outside This was in connection with talk
Student Government Council spon- the University; the possibility of about students' action in regards
sored Think--In, an intended de- recruiting new students from the to apartment living, claiming that
bate among SGC presidential can- urban ghetto of Detroit, acting in such things as 12 month leases,
didates. inner-city action projects, devel- high rent and poor maintenance
This highlighted the evening at oping a system of'rotating semest- were the fault of the University
the Union Ballroom where the ers of study and outside work. and not just of outside landlords.
three SGC Presidential candidates, The high point of his talk came Pressure Campaign
Michael Koeneke, '69, Mark when the . turtleneck sweatered Koeneke spoke next, outlining
Schreiber, '69, and White reite- candidate waved a piece of paper a campaign to put pressure on the
rated their campaign positions be- in the air and said "I have here State Legislature for higher ap-
fore a crowd of about 30 people. in my hand a piece of paper listing propriations, working with support
The program was moderated by 21 apartment buildings now owned of alumni, of the parents of stu-
dents and of "maybe 50 students
" Ie a week" going to Lansing to talk
with the men controlling the purse
ROTC UnIt Clarif ies I tings.
He urged continued pressure on
" e apartment houses that don't offer
an eight month lease, don't meet
the city building code, or don't
give proper maintenance. Koeneke
By RON LANDSMAN course, but Davis refuses to at- added that the University itself
The University's Army Reserve tend any more classes. Davis said must enter the apartment business
Officers' Training Corps unit and he "wasn't antagonistic until they The last speaker was White. He
the literary college have cleared acted like it was such a terrible claimed that the problem with the
up a misunderstanding over with- thing. They were really rude to current campaign was that the
drawals from ROTC'classes. me." candidate's platforms couldn't be
The administrative board of the Flunking told apart.
college became somewhat confused Instructor, Maj. Andrew Mc- Student Army
over an honors student's attempt Veigh, said Davis was flunking the From that bit of truth White
to late-drop an ROTC class when course when he announced his in- explained his distinction, a stu-
it discovered a 1963 rule that said tention to drop in February, three dent union. It would not be like
after entering first semester ROTC' weeks after the deadline for drops, the UAC Union, he said, but like
a student couldn't withdraw until Davis denied that he was flunk- a labor union-an army of stu-

Council Begins
Apartment Study
Investigation Attempts To Explain
Irreguyilarities at Albert Terrace
City Council launched last night an investigation of build-
ing code violations and alleged government negligence in the
construction, occupancy and supervision of the student apart-
ment complex, Albert Terrace.
Discussion focused on a special city attorney's report
which attempts to explain the Department of Building and
! Safety's and city attorney's roles in the Albert Terrace case.
The report, compiled by. City Attorney Peter Forsythe,
claims building violations by developer John Stegeman did
not warrant legal action since "At no time did Stegeman
or his representatives refuse to do what was demanded of
them by the City."
In one section, the Forsythe report acknowledges Stege-
man occupied 32 apartments( --~
prior to their inspection and 11
approval, in violation of city
The report says, however, "all Face First
units occupied were found to be
. not dangerous to health or
safety," and therefore "criminal "
action (against Stegeman) waqE ection Test
not deemed warranted."
Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher at-
tacked the explanation, however, CONCORD, N.H. ()s m- The bat-
and argued "If the developer tle of the percentages climaxes to-
didn't have the certificate (of in- day in the nation's kickoff presi-
spection and approval) he should dential primary. New Hampshire
not have moved anybody into the voters are expected to give Pres-
units." hident Johnson and former Vice
unitseo X

-Associated Press
SEN. WAYNE MORSE (D-Ore.) questions Secretary of State Dean Rusk at the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee hearing. At Morse's left is Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-Conn.).
Rusk, Senators Clash on War
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"urtug 1 etevtseu C d )tL

the end of his sophomore year. ing. He had an "A" last semester
By that. rule the student, Sam and reported he was "doing OK
Davis, '71, would have to take this semester."
failures in two ROTC courses next Reynolds said that in talks with
year because he had finished the a few deans yester day they agreed
first semster and had entered the that he had acted correctly. "Ify
second semester freshman course. anyone had thought I was unfair,
According to the college catalogue !I would have changed my stand,"
he was "expected to complete" four he said.
terms after going that far. Reynolds withheld comment on
No Enforcement the rule because he "didn't want to
But Army ROTC commandant cast aspersion on any of my pre-
Col. H. K. Reynolds said he is not decessors or on anyone at the Uni-
enforcing the rule. "No student versity."
during my tenure here has been Grade Threat
S penalized by this misunderstood The rule had originally been de-
rule," he said. In addition, Reyn- vised to keep students who signed
olds said he has moved to have the up for ROTC from dropping too
five-year old rule eliminated. easily, Dean George Anderson ex-
"It will be done officially by plained. The threat of a one-hour
my writing a directive to that ef- ! "E" from the course was not suf-
fect," he noted. ficient to keep students from
However; Davis apparently will dropping out "illegally," without
* not be allowed to drop this se- authorization. The threat of two
mester's course, Military Science or three more "E's" in courses was
102, and may take an "E" in it. intended to force students to drop.
Reynolds said he can come to legally if they could or remain in
class and do the work or fail the the course,

dents organized to work for the
interests of students.
Observing these procedings from
the back of the room the current
SGC President Bruce Kahn. '68,
commented sadly, "Nobody real-
ly cares."

WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary can complete the hearings." And
of State Dean Rusk clashed head he made it clear he will not con-
on yesterday with senators on the; sider the hearing complete until
Senate Foreign Relations Com- i he gets an answer on the Senate's
mittee in a television confronta- role in any possible escalation of
tion on the Vietnam war, the war
The chairman of the commit One exchange between Sen.
tee, Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D- Clifford Case (R-N.J., and Rusk
Ark.), virtually brandished the was stypical.
foreign aid bill as a club over the "I more and . more believe,"
secretary of state as he urged Case said, "that the course we
Rusk to return before the com- are following now has no other
mittee to complete testimony on end than the destruction of SouLh
the administration's Vietnam Vietnam."

In Sunday's edition, The
Daily Senior Editors made
these endorsements for today
and tomorrow'sbSGCrelection:
* "yes" on both referenda
0 no endorsement for Pres-
SGC at-large candidates:
Excellent - Michael Davis,
Gayle Rubin, Carol Hollens-
head; Acceptable - Paul Mil-
grom, D. Panther White, Mark
. Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics, Phil

More Hearings
With great reluctance, Rusk
finally agreed to appear again
this morning.
Fulbright, calling a halt to the
first day's testimony after more
than six hours of dialogue be-
tween Rusk and the committee
members, told the secretary: "It
will be impossible to proceed with
foreign aid" - the ostensible pur-
pose of the hearing - "unless we

"This country will bounce backj
quite fast," Rusk replied, "if youf
get a little peace out there."
Referring to reports of corrup-
tion and maladministration by
the South Vietnamese govern-'
ment, Case asked Rusk:
Too Involved?
"Is it not true that the admin-
istration cannot saydto Southt
Vietnam, If you don't correct
what you're doing, we'll pull out.?
Are you too deeply involved to
say that?"
"It would not be wise to say
that, Senator,' Rusk said. "We
ought to be working with them,
instead, to help them . . . There's
corruption, but there's a lot o:
gallantry, too."
"I il, T n ill n rt n > r

ti r" IIt sectfULIMIt EForsythe also answered charges
that Stegeman occupied most of
"We ought to try to tell the Albert Terrace before first sub-
"e o ug httstrey atgobtallthemitting a performance bond, as
people this is really a global con- demanded by the city and promis-
flict," Dodd said. "We've failed to ed by Stegeman before occupancy
tell the people there's a good rea- of any units last August.
son for paying all this blood and " elthe
treasure." "The developer delayed in te
resBkB."rpresentation of this certificate for
Sens. Bourke B. Hicken'ooper several weeks;" the report main-
(R-Iowa), and Sparkman also twins.
went to bat for the administra- Stegeman presented a check
bond three months after it was
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore ), required. He stopped payment on
the only member of the commit- the check, however, and the city
tee who opposed the Tonkin Gulf would not honor his bond until
resolution in 1964, saidhe had January.
known all along that the United Councilman Robert Weeks (D-
States provoked the incidents Third Ward) declared "No rea-
which led to the resolution. sonable person can deny that at
He said he maintained his view the very least there is some hanky-
despite "all the snow jobs that the panky involved here. In recent in-
administration and my colleagues cidents the city team has been re-
on this committee tried to do to markably outclassed, out man-
cover up our provocation." euvered, and outpointed."
Ai-s k Hits Archaic
Protest Techniques
By DAVID FRITSCH power and to be able to bring"
Author and social organizer change," said Alinsky. "Not hav-
Saul Alinsky slung barbs at uni- ing organization results in lack of
versities, Republicans and sit-ins representatives to deal with the
in a speech Sunday as part of the rest of society, which is basic to
University Activities Center "Sym- the democratic process."
posium '68." Alinsky pointed out that the
Speaking on "Dissent: Old and next census will show that about
New," Alinsky called sit-ins "ar- "three out of four" Amnericans be-
chaic." He pointed to his tight long to the middle class. "All of
with Eastman Kodak as an exam- the poor are a minority in a
ple where sit-ins would be inef- middle class nation," he said.
fective because of the "vast, un- "Therefore they must look for al-
personal nature of the economy." lies among the middle class." Be-
Declaring that "the procedures of cause of this, about 40 per cent
dissent are going to have to face of the people in Alinsky's training
the nature of the opposition," he institute for social organizers are
cited his "proxies for peoule" being trained to work among the
campaign and his training organ- middle class.
izan as new tatics Alinsky both defended and ex-j

President Richard M. Nixon the
bulk of their support.
But how Sen. Eugene J. Mc-
Carthy (D-Minn.), does percent-
age wise in taking votes away from
Johnson, and what support New
York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller
drains away from Nixon with a
write in will have a direct bear-
ing on the future pattern of the
national campaigning.
Vietnam Issue
At issue in bothsinstances is
Johnson's conduct of the Viet-
nam war.
Nixon says that if elected he
would end the conflict but has
refused to spell out how he would
accomplish that result.
McCarthy has said the way to
stop the war is to accept a coalit-
ion government in Saigon, "be
willing to tell the American people
the truth about the war, however
bad," and "be willing to make a
fresh start."
In turn, McCarthy has been ac-
cused by Johnson's supporters in
a write in drive for the President
of being guilty of "fuzzy think-
ing" and a willingness to surren-
der to the Communists. The John-
son camp split over charges that
Hanoi would be pleased if Mc-
Carthy should win the primary.
Antiwar Sentiment
In a state in which the Demo-
cratic vote is not expected to go
over 45,000, McCarthy's supporters
would call anything over 25 per
cent of the total a demonstration
of antiwar sentiment worthy of his
carrying the battle against John-
son's policies into more important
He concentrated in brief talks
on what he called the Democratic
administration's ",failure in lead-
ership" of the nation. He said New
Hampshire voters will demonstrate
in the first round that the whole
country wants a change in govern-
No Jokes
At no point did Nixon mention
Rockefeller or any other Republ-

"Fleming Installed in Gala Affair

Managing Editor

In recent years, the Michigan
Legislature has repeatedly at-
t-rd-i tn nlanPc a ciling on out-

tobbnWighFlminwa ,empeL O P U11 I wish I coud continue o
Robben Wright Fleming was int of-state enrollment at the Uni- agree," Case said, "but I'm more
augurated as the ninth President versity. and more convinced that what
of the University yesterday, The inauguration ceremony also we're doing is wrong. I've come
The colorful ceremony took included salutations by represen- very close to feeling that there's
place in Hill Aud. before an audi- tatives of the State of Michigan, a line to be drawn between hon-
ence of about 4,000, including the students, the faculty, the oring our commitments and pig-
1,100 representatives of other uni- alumni and other state universi- headed pursuit of a course that
versities, learned societies and ties and colleges. Lt. Gov. William ;las become more and more
educational institutions. G. Milliken represented Gov. sterile.
Fleming, 53, was formally in- George Romney.
vested in office by Regent Rob- Student Government Council "Mr. Secretary, you don't have
ert Briggs. Regent Paul Goebbel Administrative Vice President Mi- to persuade this committee to be
was originally scheduled to pre- chael Davis, speaking for the stu- steadfast and patriotic, 'or that
side. but was not present because dents, told the delegates and it's a good thing to honor com-
f.r+ nf' h mitments. You really don't.


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