See editorial page
Sir i~au
Cloudy with light snow today;
occasional flurries tonight.
Vol LXXVIII, No. 130
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, March 6, 1968
Seven Cents Eiqht Pages
Incorporated: Legal
Autonomy at
The Faculty Senate's Commit-
tee on Student Relations will
probably recommend to the Re-
gents that Student Government
Council's incorporation plan be
SGC is asking the Regents to
follow the precedent inaugurated
in 1907 when the Michigan Union
was organized as a legally auton-
omous corporation under the su-
pervision of students, faculty and
alumni. .
According to the incorporation
plan, SGC would be organized as
a legally autonomous, non-profit
corporation whose purpose would
be "to provide an agency for stu-
dent partici'pation in the formu-
lation, improvement, and promo-
tion of the educational goals of
the University of Michigan."
If the legal status of SOC
changes to a corporation the
Council will acquire new privileges
and liabilities. SGC would be able
to purchase, sell and possess
property, solicit funds and enter
into legal contracts in its own
It would be a legally independ-
ent entity.
The corporation would be fi-
nanced largely through an assess-
ment of its members - the stu-
dents. These dues are currently
being paid as part of tuition by
all students to finance SGC as
well as the Michigan Union and
Any increase in the amount of
assessment could only be achieved
through a campus-wide referen-
As the proposal now stands, the
University would require member-
ship in SGC Incorporated as a
condition for admission and en-
rollment in any school or college
of the University.
The University would also col-
lect any dues for SGC incorporat-
ed as they were assessed.
The plan was proposed by SGC
President Bruce Kahn and Coun-
cil members Michael Davis, Grad.,
and Sam Sherman, '68. They say
the council as a corporation would
be provided with something close
to the adequate resources it needs
to act efficiently as a student
In addition, they say, the Coun-
cil would have a larger degree of
freedom from administration con-
Sherm'an says SOC Incorporated
will "provide more alternatives
for communal action on the part
of students through their stu-
dent government without chang-
ing the recognized role of that
body in the University com-
When the Regents meet they
will have the recommendations
of Vice-President for Student AM-
fairs Richard L. Cutler and -the
Faculty Senate's Committee on
Student Relations.
The student relations commit-
tee, headed by Prof. Leonard
Greenbaum of the engineering
English department, has been
considering the incorporation of
SOC for the past few weeks.
In a preliminary vote two weeks
ago, the committee approved
SOC's incorporation by a 5 to 3
vote. The three dissenting votes
were cast by Professors H. D.
Cameron of the classical studies
department, George West of the
engineering college, and Irvin
Copi of the philosophy depart-
Cameron says he voted against
the proposal because "I thought
in was unnecessary, and although
1 don't have any serious obj ec -
ticns to the plan, I don't feel in-
corporation is the answer."
He adds that he felt incorpora-
tion really didn't solve the prob-
lem SOC has - be4ing more rep-
resentative of the student body,
and graduate students in par-
"I really don't feel SOC ade-
(luately represents the interests.
of graduate students and it seems
unjust for them to pay SUC
dues," Cameron says.
However, the two graduate stu-
dents on the committee voted 'n
favor of SOC Incorporated. Grad-
uate Assembly President Stu Katz
says he feels an incorporated SGC
could be worked out which would
be equitable to graduate students.
He adds, "The dues question is
.not implicit in the reasons for
incorporating SOC."
West, xWho says he doesn't feel
very strongly either way about
the issue, explains. "I think there
is little to be gained by incorpor -
sting SGC on the basis of the ar-
guments advanced for it."
West notes that the responsi-
bilities SOC would incur "i-
pressed me as activities not con-
ducive to the education process."
West adds "I don't think the
Regents will appiove it anyway."
Copi. howeyer, is unwilling to
take a definite stand on the issue.
"I am still thinking about it," he
says, "and when the committee
reconsiders the proposal I will be
in a better position to make a de-
cision on it."
One of the professors on the
committee who supports SOC In-
corporated, Robert Knauss of the
Law School, said the independ-
ence gained from an incorporated
SOC "might serve as a basis 1.0
revitalize the student govern-
When the committee meets this
Friday it will make a final evalu-
ation of SOC's incorporation pro-
posal. Their r'ecommnenda tion will
be forwarded to Cutler who will
in turn report to the Regents.
Prof. Cameron notes the comn-
mittee's recommendation will
probably have little effect on the
Regents' decision since the vot~e
won't be unanimous. "It seems
~we will only be endorsing incor-
pora tion haif-heartedly," he says.
West adds, "our recommenda-
tion will probably mean quite
little to the Regents.
Whatever the Regents decide,
SOC members feel incorporation
is essential for Council. Michael
Davis notes, "Incorporation will
make a major difference in what
SGC will be able to do."
Davis concludes, "If SOC
doesn't incorporate under the
present plan, the University will
have to find some other way for
funding the council in order for
it to maintain its current obliga-
After Second State Order
By MICHAEL DOVER in it for allegedly trying to melt to punish prisoners who stepped V ioiatii ini Operation
Washtenaw County Sheriff Dou- candy bars into hot chocolate. out of line. Of Albert Terrace
glas Harvey .closed the~ controver- The cell broke a number of state "IL of course. had no idea the
sial "incorrigible cell" yesterday regulations including the require.. cell was there, said Gus Harrison, Ann Arbor City Council Monday
after being asked to do so for the ment that it have toilet facilities director of the State Department night postponed action on a zoning
second time by the State Depart- and a bunk, as well as being small-- of Corrections. "My inspector did, request pending investigation of
ment of Corrections. er than the size for single-person but he had no reason to think it alleged irregularities in the opera-
However, according to Under- incorrigible cells required by the was being used." Lion of Albert Terrace.
sheriff Harold Owings, "We're state. The two groups in jail because John Stegeman, owner of Albert
going to make two new incorrigible The new cells will be properly of the draft board sit-in, composed Terrace, asked council to re-zone
cells out of another cell." constructed, according to Owings. largely of University community Ia parcel of land from "two-family
The old incorrigible cell became The cell, which Harvey calls members, were put in the cell dur- dwelling" to "parking" classifica-
a .center of controversy recently "the hole, had been in use for ing winter break. Although put tion. The zoning change is needed
wheni two groups of persons ar- 40 years. Despite periodic inspec- there for allegedly trying to make to provide Albert Terrace with the
rested at the October, 1965 Ann tions by the state in the past few hot chocolate in their regular cell, minimum number of parking
Arbor Draft board sit-in were put years, the cell continued to be used Iwitnesses from the jail claim spaces required by city codes.
________________________________- -someone else committed the af- Plans providing for the required
~ Jfense. number of parking spaces for Al-
' ~After the protesters got out of Ibert Terrace had been approved in
ail, e a con trov es Deru te o n ver 1966, but, las A g s, B id n
' ~ ~ N'~..~... by sending jai inspector Rober onin law. aeasviatduhe
~ . ~ ~ ~.Close Cell since August. although city codes
vey reused. "Te 'hl'hs bee Reient of te are around th
used for 40 years," said Harvey, site of the proposed re-zoning had
' <"and it'll be used aftter I'm gone." beedothchg ncasi
-Daily- Bermie Balker
The Residential Collee te tre it luc nsuccessfully las nigh a gat the U AC-sponsored
~S Wdent-Orientation' Stressed
AtExerimentlo-op College
Fee Hik
Next Year
Recommiend(a tionl
Needs Approval
Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp has recommend-
ed that dormitory room and
board rates not be increased next
fall, contrary to rumors that a
fee hike was imminent.
The recommendation, which
covers University residence halls
and apartment facilities, was sub-
mitted to Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler
tis week. If approved by Cutler It
verit~ PrsidntRobben 'Flem-
$1080 per person per year accord-
Edward C. Salowitz, assistant
director of University housing,
said the recommendation has "an
excellent ,chance" of approval.
Feldkamp's recommendation Is
based on a review of the curren
year's operating costs. Expenses
ar hrunning about five per cent
higher than tey were last year:
Aseven toteight per cent increase
was expec .tedt
sons why expensese hmae e-
o otned esidenc halls.
tiontinuted mximumc tlz-
* Continuation of cost-saving
programs begun last fall.
*Greater utilization of the
residence halls during the sum-
Services Eliminated
Elimination of maid service and
consolidation of several other
services to avoid duplication were
two of the cost-saving policies
which were Instituted last fall.
Increases in wages and food
p rices have been the primary
causes of increased operating
costs. Salowitz says expected in-
creases in summner utilization and
further cost-saving policies 'will
offset part of these rises.
Undersneriff uwings said yes- cation but City Attorney Peter
terday the cell was not closed Forsythe recommended council
earlier "due to the fact that the cml ihtereus.H eid
I er eo canreconn d there was anything illegal about
tn.Smoecntlme th i f A, b t T
jump off a bridge and I won't do
it," Owings added.
Apparently, yesterday's visit oy
the Jail Inspector cleared up the
matter. "He showed us why the
cell didn't comply," Owings said.
In addition, Russell "ordered" the
cell closed.
Third Ward Councilman Robert
Weeks asked council to postpone
action because "there are a num-
ber of criticisms in the design and
operation" of Albert Terrace.
In other council action City Ad-
mninistrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr.
Specl To The Daily
TORONTO--No administrators,
no examinations, no grades, and
no degrees. That would be the
ultimate in Student Power-.
The Multiversity of Michigan will
probably not follow such a path.
Its world is alumni, graduates and
An Order asked for funds to hire a consul- 'football victories. However, in
Russell said he considered the tant to do an intensive study of Toronto, Ontario, the ultimate in
first letter an order, not a re- the Building and Safety Engineer- student-oriented education is hap-
q'uest or a recommendation. "Mr. ing department. Larcom requested pening with the aid . of federal
Harvey apparently considered the $8,000 but was given only $6,000. money and student initiative.
other order a request," Ru1ssel. The consultant will include a Near the sprawling campus of
said. fiel survey of city code enforce- the University of Toronto (UT) an
"As far as we were concerned, ment activities in his study. Ulti- 18-story building housing Roch-
the letter was an order," he add- mately, the consultant will make dale College is under construction.
ed. "Apparently it was a matter recommendations for the improve- Some 850 people will live, work,
of our communication being mis- ment of code enforcement proce- and "interact" at the new college
houses worth $750,000 (Canadian man came up with the rest.
dollars) and rents 10 more. The developer gave the land
Howard Adelman, general man- for the building in return for the
agerof amps coopsmaser-right to put in a bank and drug-
mindd te fnaning f te gantstore on the first floor. The archi-
building. lie successfully lobbied ageeto wrk for eucesd e
in the provincial capital for a Fiv tye of ooaccomnmodations are
change in Central Mortgage and fedinhebidg.T rere
HouingCororaionlegslaioninAshram rooms, Gnostic chambers,
1964 Th chagesalloed en-Franz Kafka Memorial suites, Ap-
tral Mortgage to put up 90 per
cent of the $5,700,000 cost. Adel- Sec ROCHDALE, Page 8
CRs Told at Romney Camp
'You'r a Litle Lae Kis
-Associated Press
One Barber, No Wait
A Marine at Khe Sanh gets a haircut from a friend while an-
other Marine enjoys a stateside paper. Marines get their hair-
cuts only when North Vietnamese gunning allows themi to.
ULUt~,, ~1AA.UItULI~ LU .L~iL'VI1k.
Resac D
on SGC
Referenda asking the University to end
classified research and withdraw from the
Institute for Defense Analyses will be on
the ballot in the Student Government
Council elections next week. -
The referenda will appe'ar on the bal-
lot next Tuesday and Wednesday along
with candidates for SOC offices, the
boards-in-control of athletics and stu-
dent publications, constitutional conven-
tion representatives and senior class of-
,The referenda read, "Shall the Univer-
sity cease all classified research?" and.
"Shall the University cease being a mem-
ber of the Institute for Defense Analyses?"
Voice-SDS members and SOC candi-
dates, who have been visiting University
* fraternities and sororities to solicit sup-
port for the referenda, are pushing for a
large "yes" vote on both of them. In this
way they hope to pressure the University
administration into ending classified re-
The University has been a corporate
member of IDA since 1959. It is a 12-
university consortium which provides the
Department of Defense with scientific
studies in national security.
Each of the three candidates for SGC
president has spoken againsf, classified
research at the University anid favors with-
drawal from IDA. The candidates are
Mike Koeneke, '69BAd; D. Panther White,
'69; and Mark Schreiber, '69.
Koeneke says he is basing his whole
campaign on the classified research is-
sue. He says classified research is "against
free and open inquiry which is necessary
for the proper functioning of the Uni-
He says he is willing to take "necessary
action" such as a sit-in at the University's
Willow Run Laboratories (WRL) in Ypsi-
lanti if the referendum on classified re-
search gets an overwhelming "yes" vote.
Student concern with these questions
results largely from the report issued in
Schrelber says that in addition to other
factors, "non-academic criteria are used
in selection of the faculty and students"
who may do classified work.
"The results of the referenda must be
heeded by the administration," Schreiber
Voice member Bruce Levine, '71, says
that as a corporate member of IDA, "the
University is legitimizing wholesale slaugh-
ter." He calls IDA "a front for the gov.-
ernment to slip academic types into the
military," and says the University's parti-
cipation "makes everybody in the Univer-
sity a member."
Levine sees the problem of classified
research as a non-political one. "While
war research is against my politics," he
says, "classified research is against my
concept of the University. "For example."
he says "'Project 1111 doesn't leave the
University any autonomy. The autonomy
is slipping down the drain.
SOC President Bruce Kahn says the
site wnen it is compmeted in sep- By LEE WvEITZENKORN shocked as we by his sudden de-
tember. cision. The whole scene was very
The 140 full and part-time Roch- Six members of the College Re- ' aI n ahtc"
dale members now living in rented publcan C~lub ookanill"-faed sd and tetioc."agnn do
houses and campus co-operatives joretatoekt ai h o -d ooista f campning door-ub
literally own the college. Roch- ney for President campaign in to-doorsfo Rmne dy, the Coclub
dale is not affiliated with UT, Newv Hampshire. h embers sta day, pinre Cond
although many students attend After spending the night in hpintakeadown upitues andy
both institutions simultaneously. Paris, Ontario waiting for car re- haqatr.
Members make collective decisions p airs, the group arrived in New
about how the college is to be Hampshire only to learn Romney
run. had withdrawn his candidacy.
The unstructured nature of The group did not expect Romn-
Rochdae lays the stress for std ney to withdraw fr'om the cam-
such as the "Anarchy" discussion Roeraiigrtn.6, xlan
group and the "General System "Webere riingmalong 'th, xpaNw
Theory and Cybernetics" seminar"W weerdnaog hNw
help clear up misconceptions stu- York freeway when we heard on
dents might get during individual te rdio it was rumored Romney
study, mgtwtda i addc.
Though it has no faculty, the But when the group contacted
college does have two "resource Romney headquarters in Concord,
persons"C eapaid $10,000 a year~ N.H.,"hehkerson in theoffice-
adians. Resource person Dennis rumor, and told us still to come."
Lee, 28, a former English litera- Willmarth explains, "when we
ture lecturer at UT's Victoria got to our hotel in Concord we
College, says he spends more time. wer'e confronted with friendly rib--
being a student than a teacher. bing from the people there.
Lee warns people they "will be 'You're a little late, kids,' they
on their own completely at Roch- chided."
dale. That blows their minds - The Concord youth chairman
it sounds great. They find it is then told the College Republicans
"You expect some kind of ab- Romney had officially withdrawn
stract illumination to take place." from~ the race, and that they