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February 23, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-23

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See editorial page

C IYi e

Lilt uja



Cloudy, turning sunny

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
he ncorrigible ell: Harvey 's Ace-in-the


Associate Managing Editor
"The 'hole' has been used for
40 years." says Washtenaw County
Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey, "and
it'll be used when I'm gone."
The county jail's "hole," or "in-
corrigible cell" is a nearly pitch-
black 6-by-7-foot room with a
solid metal door, no bed, no toilet
facilities, no floor drain, and sub-
minimal ventilation. It is employ-
ed, according to the portly first-
term sheriff, "for prisoners who
assault an officer, fight with or
sexually attack other prisoners,
destroy county property within
the jail regulations."
"What else can you' do when
a "200 pound felon tries to kick
the turnkey in the groin?" asks

Indeed, the hole has beer used
for a variety of other offenses:
0 About a year ago, a Negro
man, in jail for alimony payment,
delinquency, was thrown into the
"hole" for several hours because
he refused to shave off his beard.
" Over the past Christmas hol-
iday, in separate incidents, two
groups of anti-war protesters in-
carcerated on a 1965 treaspass
charge were thrown into the in-
corrigible cell after guards, dis-
covered the inmates making hot
chocolate over toilet paper fires
on the cement floor. In both
cases, according to witnesses, the
same person - a "regular" at the
jail, and not a draft protester -
made the fires. According to one
witness the turnkey who put the
first group in the hole, said be-
fore the incident that he was going
to "get" the protesters.

* A law student at the Uni-
versity spent a night in the hole
because he made a jibe when the
deputy sheriff was filling out the
arrest information card. He had
originally been picked up because
he had warned a boy at the
scene of an automobile accident
of his "constitutional right to re-
main silent" when being question-
ed by a policeman.
The protesters' treatment in the
county jail has stirred a contro-
versy which became heated last
week when Gus Harrison, director
of the State Department of Cor-
rections wrote Harvey a letter re-
questing that he close down the
hole because it has no sanitary
"I of course had no idea the
cell was there," Harrison said in
a phone interview last week. "My

inspector did, but he had no rea-'
son to think it was being used."
Apparently the cell's use came to
Harrison's attention recently.
"Wasn't there some commotion
up there about some draft pro-
testers? I guess that's what led
us to believe the cell had been
in use," he said.
Harvey declines to estimate how
often the hole is used, but does
claim that "there was one stretch
of eight months when it was
never used."
The sheriff said last week that
Harrison's "recommendation" that
the incorrigible cell no longer be
used is officially received and
noted. But, he continued, "Rec-
ommendation refused."
"As a police officer, I'm na-
turally suspicious," says Harvey.
He continues, "I can't help but

wonder if Mr. Harrison isn't sud-
dently starting to wilt from a
little heat applied by some of the
local subversive minorities."
There is reason to believe he was
referring to a petition drive to
shut down the hole, conducted by
Rev. Erwin Gaede, of the First
Unitarian Church of Ann Arbor.
The minister characterizes the cell
as "a barbaric institution.,,
Whether the department of cor-
rections is aware the hole exist-
ed or not, Sheriff Harvey's incor-
rigible cell fails to meet the state
.standards required by the "Rules
for County Jails," issued by Har-
rison's office. According to R 791.-
23 Rule 3(c), housing facilities for
jail inmates shall consist of "One
or more incorrigible cells of a
minimum size of 8 feet by 8 feet
with plain walls with verticle bars

in front, and the front lined on
the inside with security screen.
These cells shall be equipped with
a concrete bunk 18 inches high and
24 inches wide and a 4-inch
floor drain. The floor and bunk
shall be covered with tarazzo."
Yet one former inmate who
measured the cell by counting out
paces, claims the cell is 88 inches
by 66 inches, well below the spec-
ifications, even allowing a few
inches leeway. Eric Chester, Grad,
who was among the protesters,
says that "When I slept on the
floor of the cell my feet and head
were touching the opposite walls
- and I'm not eight feet tall.
(Chester measures 5-feet, 10-
inches.) Instead of verticle bars,
there is a solid steel door. The cell
lacks a bunk or F floor drain. "The
only thing in that cell is two pipes
running across the ceiling," says

one jail trustee. (Trustees are
well-behaved prisoners permitted-
to spend several days a month
out of the jail.)
The incorrigible cell finds more
sympathy among county officials
than Lansing prison authorities.
County supervisors on the six-man
"sheriff's committee" generally
support Harvey's use of the hole.
The committee meets regularly to.
discuss questions relating to the
county police force, conducts ir-
regular tours of the jail. and re-
ports to the entire board on the
sheriff's budget - some $750,000
this year.
"I visited the jail several times,
and was down there about three
months ago," explains conmmittee
member John C. Miller of Man-
chester, who favors use of the
See THE, Page 10

Dow Spokesman
Defends Policies
Students, Faculty Question Morality,
Of Napali Production at Meeting
A representative from the Dow Chemical Corp. defended
his company's position before a crowd of over 100 students
yesterday in an open forum on the "moral responsibilities"'
involved in naplam production.
Paul Harsha, speaking for Dow, told the audience gather-
ed in Aud. B, "We feel our company should /produce those
items which our government requires in time of war." He
added, however, "This is a moral issue," and a discussion fol-
lowed centering around this point.
Harsha was part of a three man panel which was moder-
ated by Dean James Robertson of the Residential College.j

SGC Sets Draft
Deliberation Day
Einlorses Suspension of Classes
To Protest War Policy, Conscription
Student Government Council last night declared March
19 a Day of Deliberation and called on students to "forego
their daily routine" by boycotting classes in support of the
A similar resolution was passed by Graduate Assembly on
SGC cited the recent action by Gen, Lewis B. Hershey,
director of the Selective Service which ended draft defer-
ments for most graduate studies, and the government's Viet-
nam policy as the basis for proclaiming the Day of Delibera-
Council called upon the administration and faculty to
suspend formal classes during-
the day of deliberation and
"strongly" urged students andBoard Asks
faculty to "refrain from at-
tendance of classes" if regular ne
sessions were not suspended.

Brews Over
Grad Rules
Daily News Analysis
Stiff protest is expected f-roi
student leaders over an outline C
conduct violations and disciplir
ary procedures recently release
by the executive board of - th
graduate school.

- Bruce Levine, '71, and Prof.
Eugene Feingold of the public
health school were the other
"Dow's decision to manufacture
napalm for the Air Force was
made after a great deal of soul
searching," Harsha explained, "but
it's our government, for better or
for worse."
Filthy Weapon
Feingold called napalm "a par-j
m ticularly filthy weapon in a filthyI
of war," and compared Dow's role toj
- that of the defendants in the 1946
d Nuremberg trials. "You can't
ie simply take orders and use them
as your excuse," he said.

Mark Levin

Randy Rissman

The day of deliberation is plan-
ned to provide students, faculty
and the administration with the
opportunity to give full' attention
to U.S. military involvement in
Southeast Asia and the recent rul-
ings on higher education draft

On 'U' Apis.
The Student Advisory Board on
Housing yesterday recommended
an income limitation be placed on
all new residents of Universitv

The controversy centers around
a section of the document which
embodies the principle that the
general conduct of a student is
linked to his academic qualifica-
tions, and asserts the jurisdiction
of the executive board in the area
of non-academic conduct.
Former Graduate Assembly
President Roy Ashmall questions
the right of the University "to ex-
teId the idea of the pertinence of{
non-academic actions to academic
Academic Requirements
Ashmall says that a student
"should not be prohibited from
getting his degree if he can meet
the strict academic requirements."
Dean Stephen Spurr of the

Prof. Richard Mann of the
literary college also questioned
Dow's moral judgment. "If the
government starts pouring napalm
down babies' throats, when does
Dow say 'That's not what we had
in mind?'"
Harsha replied, "We don't think
we've arrived at the answer to
that." lie pointed out that wea-
pons-makers cannot be held
responsible for how their product
is used. "Guns don't kill people,"
he said, "people kill people."
Feingold sympathized with Dow
on this point. "You can't expect
Dow to be the moral conscience
of the American people," he said.
Unthinkable Use'

Participants will explore the married student housing.
social and personal implicationsmTedltthoudny.
of the government's policies in a} The limitation would apply to
series of lectures, workshops, all students moving into the hous-
counseling and "personal medita ing units after Aug. 1. Present
ion" periods, tenants would not be affected by
tion priodsthe limit until 1970.
Mark Schreiber, '69. co-sponsor "e ishut k Un7rt
of the proclamation (which man- "We wish to make University
dates SGC members to support housing most easily accessible to
the resolution) said lastnight those who cannot afford housing
"this is the first time in the his- in the private market," said Robert
tory of the University that stu- Goyer, director of Baits Housing--
dents have been confronted with "that is, married, low income stu-
a purely moral issue." dents with children."
SGC llmalscosponsoAdmission to the housing units
SGC will lso co-sponsor a da t will be on the basis of income,
teach-in, on March 19. The key- number of children, and tuition
note speech will be given by the, rae Thos in the lower 70 per
Rev. William Sloane Coffin, chp- rate.Tose itlwerl70eper
lin at Yale and widely-knotwn, cent of applicants will be ad-
draftapYatesterindHiAuyd-kwnmitted on a first come, first served
proter, in . basis.

Steve Wildstront Urban Lehn ier

David Kno1 e Kett Kraus

Boar d Announces Daly Editors

graduate school says the release Harsha commented that al-
was an "interim document." The j though his company would supply
executive board, he adds, "will re- napalm for-a war against France
open discussion after the report" or Canada, use of the chemical on
of the President's Commission on American citizens, even in a civil
the Role of the Student in Uni-' war, would be "unthinkable."
versity. Decision-Making is com-
pleted. Levine, a student member of
The commission is expected to Voice-SDS, deplored what he call-
recommend the establishment of ed "a "status quo power position"1
a student-controlled Joint Uni- shared by the government, com-E
versity Committee in its final re- pahies like Dow, and even the Uni-
port Tuesday. However, thecorn- ;versity.
mission will probably split almost
evenly over whether to give Urn- DISCRIMINA TION.
versity schools and colleges the
option of remaining outside the
new judicial structure.
"It is important tocme as dear.
that I have a set of due process
procedures," says Spurr. "You By NADINE COHODAS
can't wait for a University-w de A fiv man anel on community
commission without making sure housing found last night that the
you have a set of procedures." problems of open occupancy are
Spurr says that even after the not limited only to race but are
commission reports "there 'will also influenced by the lack of
undoubtedly be some cases that adequate housing for an expand-
will be handled by the arasduare ing population,
executive board and some by the g Com non i
University-wide judiciary. Commenting on the racial is-
sues involved, Walter Green, dep-
Thae document provides fox a uty director of the Michigan civil
Board of Inquiry in the graduate rights commission, said freedom
school which would hear c nduc of residence is the "most sensitivet
cases. The board would be enm- and provacative element of civil

The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications last night ac-
cepted the recommendations of,
the Daily senior editors for the
1968-69 senior editorial and busi-
ness staff positions.
The new editors take over their
posts effective immediately.
Editorial staff appointments
are: Mark Levin, editor; Steve
Wildstrom, managing editor; Ur-t
ban Lehner, editorial director;
David Knoke, executive editor;
Pat O'Donohue and Wallace Im-j
men, news editors; Daniel Okrent,
in the Ann Arbor area, Negroes
employed on a low salary by the
University have to commute daily
from Detroit and other other out-
lying districts.
He added that while some pro-
gress has been made in incorpora-
ting Negroes into white commun-
ities, the real test will come "when
the lower strata moves next
Harold Meininger, a member of
the Detroit and Michigan real es-
tate boards took a broader view

feature editor; Walter Shapiro since his freshman year, report-' He added, "We have extremely'
and Carolyn Miegel, associate edi- ing both state and University af- qualified personnel to attack the
torial directors; Neal Bruss, mag- fairs. He is also a member of the problems we face. The Daily has
azine editor and Lucy Kennedy, distinguished teaching award the potential to become one of the
personnel director. committee. most successful independent col-
Business staff appointments Appointments to the sports staff lege papers if both the businessI
are: Randy Rissman, business are: Dave Weir, editor; Howard and editorial staffs'work togeth-
manager; Ken Kraus, associate Kohn, executive editor; and Doug er toward this goal."
business manager; Marti Parker, Heller, Bob Lees and Bill Levis, Bill Krauss, retiring business1
finance manager; Jeff Brown, associate editors. manager, said the past year had:
senior circulation manager; .Dave Levin said the coming year been "very rewarding" for the
Pfeffer, advertising manager and promises to be "a crucial one for senior business staff.
Jane Luxon, personnel director. both the University and The See BOARD, Page 5
Levin, named new editor, is an Daily. With a new president, the
honors history major from De- University is in the process of re-
troit. He has been on The Daily vamping its administration and
reassessing its policies. The Daily S p u rr"T e lls
will report in depth, analyze and:
editorially comment upon the new*"
direction the University will pur- " j
P n1 f

Panel Discussions Yearly income checks will 'be
Tom Westerdale, Grad, said last dg
night that it would be unthink- made to determine continuing el-
igibility. Those whose income in-
able not to have a day of delib- creases will be asked to find other
Eration or to participate in a dia housing within two semesters.
log concerning conscription and The recommendation has been
conmittment. sent to Vice-President for Student
'Ihe ay of deliberation will be- Affairs Richard L. Cutler and
gin aU 4:00 pm. on Wednesiay, Vice-President and Chief Finan-
March 19 and continue fi' 24 cial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont
hours. for consideration.


Grads To Continue
visions in Draft Law

--.1 0
-,-PI.t' Vzb'q i-ePq

Levin also expressed hope that

lllliJ ./11 1. 11.1-/

TP 111 V OM1'Y' £, 1Jk7 The Daily would "achieve the long By JOHN GRAY 800 are draft-eligible males. and Ashmall also pointed out that
sought after goal of complete that only about 350 of these will be "students over 26 aren't deferred
Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the inutdti;er
Ann Arbor's specific problem. He structural independence from the graduate school has issued a for- ducted this year if theyve ever had a 2-S defer
stated that "any man has a right f University. Although a complex;mat statement on the govern- Spurr states in his letter that ment. That adds a lot more stu-
to buy a house publicly for sale financial arrangement remains to ment oth"designed "the great majority - perhaps dents to the draft-eligible pool.
if he wants to and can afford to be worked out, independence is etsnwdrf oiis dsge
ive i n t n it."rd bwitn sht, h epd.to urge students to continue their three-quarters--of new students Spurr admits that it "is diffi-
live in it." withmn sight,' he saidn graduate studies as long as possi- will come from well-qualified, cult to predict" the number of
Another realtor, Michael Laur- Commenting on the appoint- le." draft ineligible men and women students who will actually be in-
encelle, opposed the views of the ments, retiring editor Roger Rap- if we continue to apply the same ducted. He points out in the let-
other panel members. Laurencelle oport expressed the view that the The statement was released in a ter that local boards may now
is "robblyletter sent to all department and admissions standards as this year."tethtlclbadmyno
stated several times that ie is: new staff of editors is"probably grant occupational deferments to
"opposed to anything that affects the strongest in recent years." program chairmen in the graduate Former Graduate Assembly pres-
the property owner." He main- "Many of the new editors have school. Spurr also enclosed a copy y a qstudents may choose to enlist or
tained that although a buyer can had three full years experience on of a form letter which he is pre- Spurr's figures. "I don't give that tudent ten or
F u,~year to seek employment rather than
buy where he wants to the seller The Daily and have worked pro- pared to send to local draft boards much credit for literacy to thesnAt
has a right to refuse to sell. fessionally," he said. at the request of students. local boards," he says. "You and
A; n~ a nw .-;I «T .vno ',rill fn Theform letter will ask the I know they can grant occupation-.,

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