See editorial page
C, 4' -C
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Low- -3
Partly sunny.
remiaining cold.
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Presidential Panel
Splits on
As the student power movement
of November 1966 fizzled out1
amidst cold weather and final ex-
aminations, President Harlan
Hatcher annonunced the forma-
tion of a tri-partite commission
to define the role of the student
in the University decision-making
Tomorrow, after over d year of
study, the commission will issue
a draft of its final report. But
agreement on the very basic issue
of where authority for student
discipline resides has yet to be
Commission members are ex-
pected to recommend that the Of-
fice of Student Affairs be re-i
defined as essentially a service
organization without Judicial
powers. Assuming the OSA's rule-
making power would be a tri-
partite Campus Council ..omposed
of students, faculty and adminis-
trators, . which would make all
University-wide regulations.
However, disagreement over
what kind of body should be
granted the power to hear cases
arising under the rules made by
the Campus Council may force
the commission to issue a minor-
ity and majority report.
"There's an issue, and it's ratlh-
er a basic ideological issue, as
to whether the individual schools
and colleges should be involved
in discipline," explains Dean Ste-
phen Spurr of the graduate
The ideological gap among
members of the commission is so
great that when an attempt to
write a basic policy statement was
made a few months ago, a con-
sensus could not be reache:l. None-
theless, the commission has g'ne3
ahead with concrete proposals
for the creation of a mechanism
to enforce rules made by Campus
Student members of the m
mission have proposed that a
Joint University Committee (JUC)
composed of seven students andj
three regularly non-voting faculty
members be given the responsibil-
ity for enforcing Unive':s ty-wide
But some faculty and admin-
istrators on the commission see
problems with this proposal.
Spurr says that he is "a little
bit more of a pragmatist" than
the students. He contends the in-
terests of the public, expressed by
the Regents, and (f the faculty, as
well as students, must be consid-
ered in the decision-making pro-
Commission chairman Inis
Claude of the political science de-I
partment hopes that an "option
for the college or school not to
join" in the JUC plan will be in-
cluded in the final report of the
1iClaude points out two Gbjec-
tions to making participation in
JUC compulsory. He wants to ex-
empt "particularly a professional
school with professional standards
to enforce." In addition, he says
"students may feel that their peers j
are students from their own col-
lege rather than students in gen-{
eral ."
Student Government Council
President Bruce Kahn calls the;
professional school argument "a
sham." He says, "In suspension or
expulsion the colleges have the
authorityanyway." Kahn says the
basic problem is that faculty
members are "really up-tight
about their status."
However, the commission is not
divided along strictly student-
faculty lines. Dean James Robert-
son of the Residential College fa-
vors giving JUC full jower to en-
force University-wide rules.
"There needs to be a Univer-
sity rule-making group of stu-
dents, faculty and administrators
for conduct in non-academic
areas," Robertson says. "Then it
makes sense to have a University1
judiciary to Manage these iues."
Robertson says JUC ;hould be
given "a full chanice to demon-
strate its competence" before con-
sideration is given to letting the
colleges have separate judicial
Prof. Maurice Sinnott of the
engineering school sees the split
of the commission as very basic.
"If you can't agree that the facul-
ty has more rights (than stu-
dents) there are going to be dis-
agreements," he says.
Sinnott points to the fact that;
"several colleges currently havel
judiciaries" and concludes that
the proposal which would make
JUC the sole judge of University-
wide regulations "just won't sell."
Spurr agrees. "Some of the pro-
fessional schools will have strong
feelings" about their ethical codes,
he says. "We are all agreed that;
the explicit ethical and moral
codes can best be enforced by the
individual schools and colleges."
The commission is scheduled to
make its final recommendations "Hopefully. on an academic in-
Tuesday night. However, the views fraction students will be included
of the participants at the Tues- in the decision on disciplinary ac-
day meeting may prove irrecon- tion," Pickard says. But he ex-
cilable. One student member of pects stiff opposition from fac-
the commission hopes that JUC ulty merbers on the commission.
will not only have complete juris- A survey of commission mem-
diction in the area of non-aca- bers indicates an almost even split
demic rules, but in academics as on whether or not to allow the
well. individual schools and colleges
"JUC should have final say the option of staying outside the
even where expulsion or suspei proposed judicial structure.
sion is concerned," says Kenneth Regardless of the outcome of a
Pickard. '69. "Some students vote on the issue, a minority re-
should be involved in the decision port is almost a certainty. And
even where something like grades considering the fact that the com-
is involved." mission has the power only to
Pickard hopes to place students make recommendations, it seems
on the college administrative units likely that the result of over a
\vhich handle academic discipline. year of intensive study and cor-
"If we can't get that." he adds, sultation will leave the problem of
"I think there has to be softme the enforcement of student non-
judgement by a student peer academic regulations still' -un-
group such as JUC." settled.
Rioting Strikes Second-
Southern Negro College T0I1Tl
LORMAN, Miss. (AP)-Confusion I tioned the official explanation of one with a bullet wound and the
surrounds the causes of a riot late the riot. other cut by flying glass.
Tuesday night at all-Negro Alcorn Police officers said they were "Students were firing guns,
A&M College here. forced to fire on 200 rioting male throwing bricks and chairs and
Two students were hospitalized students when they cleared a they set one building on fire." re-
and seven others injured slightly burning dormitory with teargas ported Dan S. McCay, chief deputy
in over four hours of sporadic and were -then shot at by students sheriff of Claiborne County.
gun-fire and rioting. armed with several pistols and a The deputy blamed the riot on
Highway patrolmen are now shot gun. Fire was limited to one three suspended students who he
watching the campus. room in the dormitory. said, "came back on the campus
A spokesman for this southwest Two persons were taken to a and agitated the others." He add-
Mississippi college seriously ques- hospital at nearby Port Gibson, ed, "One was suspended for drink-
_- _._--ing and the other two for cursing
- . the school's president."
1 l C, .l 11 111
N Ps Jail Protesters
At Induction Center
Three Expelled
But Negro leader Charles Evers.
a candidate for Congress, claimed
the three unidentified students
were expelled for distributing his
campaign literature among theI
2.300 students enrolled. College of-I
DETROIT - Five draft pro-}
testers who reported for their
physicals yesterday were thrown
into a military jail at the Fort
Wayne Induction Center in De-
troit but were later released.
The five college-age men from
4 Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti were im-
prisoned in an eight by eight-foot
cell after they refused to relin-
quish printed anti-war and anti-
Dow To Fa(.
Public Forum
Paul Harsha, a Dow Chemical
Corp. representative, will partici-
pate in an openforum today with
University students and faculty.
Harsha will answer questions
about Dow's policy on the nanu-
facture of napalm for use in the
war in Vietnam and other issues.
The forum was organized by
the Office of Student Affairs and
will be moderated by Dean James'
Robertson of the Residential Col-
The Regents are currently con-
sidering proposals that would re-
quire or request "controversial"
companies and government agen-
cies to appear at open forumsI
when recruiting on campus.
The Regents will hold public
hearings on the proposal March!
Today's forum is scheduled for
4 p.m. in Aud. B of Angell Hull.
Prof. Eugene Feingold of the pub-"
lic health school and 3ruce Le-
vine, 171, will also speak.
draft statements they were carry- ficials denied it.
ing. Asked what specifically caused
Howard Hyman, a former stu- the students' obvious resentment,
dent at Eastern Michigan Univer- the college spokesman said,
sity and a member of Students for "Wouldn't you be if somebody had
a Democratic Society, said a group gone in your dorm and beaten your
of soldiers and military police , head when you weren't necessarily
"jumped us-they really roughed the one causing any trouble?"
Graduate Assemblypassed a resolution last night calling
for a Day of Deliberation March 19 and a boycott of classes
March 20 to protest the war and the draft.
The resolution calls for a 24 hour period of lectures, work-
shops, and study groups, in addition to a suspension of formal
classes for all students March 20.
Roy Ashmall, author of the proposal and former presi-
dent of GA, called the Day of Deliberation "A day of involve-
ment for students and faculty alike."
The resolution passed by a 20-5 vote states, "If classes are
not suspended during that period, the Assembly strongly
urges students and faculty to refrain from attendance at
these classes."
The Day of Deliberation will begin March 19 at 4 p.m.
with a speech in Hill Auditor- -
ium by Yale Chaplain William
Sloan Coffin. Coffin is now SACUA Not
under federal indictment for
advocating resistance to the
draft, in violation of the Selec-
tive Service law.C A A f a r
The GA's Day of Deliberation
was originally proposed by an ad
hoc committee of graduate stu-
dents which met Tuesday to ex- By JENNY STILLER
amine alterative means involving The Senate Advisory Committee
the campus in a discussion of the on University Affairs (SACUA)
draft, yesterday decided there is no need
The ad-hoc committee proposed for an investigation of Central
that GA join with other groups Intelligence Agency activities at
in sponsoring a teach-in March the University.
19th, to be followed by. a boycott SACUA also decided last night
of classes March 20. to re-schedule a discussion of the
us up-and threw us into the cell
for about one and' a half hours."
One of the men, Robert .Ball,
grad. was dragged from the others
by military police and put in a
separate cell after he had "ver-
bally badgered" them, according
to Hyman. "He was asking ques-
tions like, 'Why were we locked
up just because we had our opin-
All five men, with about twen-
ty-five others, had reported to
the induction center to take their
military physicals. When they ar-
rived at the military base, they
were ordered to "give up the pa-
pers." said Hyman.
Later,dabout "ten to twelve
MP's" took the men to military
police headquarters, where they
again ref.used to let go of their
leaflets. It was then that they
were "roughed up."
"We were there to pass out
leaflets." Hyman said.
Officials at the military base
refused to release any informa-
The spokesman added that he
did not think the highway patrol-
men were lying and they at least
thought they were shot at.
Students said the rioting had!
been over for at least two hours
before highway patrolmen entered
the dormitory throwing teargas
None of the 40 highway patrol-
men, 11 campus guards and sher-
iffs's deputies were wounded.
Second Riot
The riot at Alcorn, located deep
in rural southwest Mississippi, was
the second involving gunfire at
a Negro college in the past two
Classes were closed at South
Carolina State College at Orange-
burg on Feb. 9 after three young
Negroes were killed the night be-
fore during racial violence. That
town was reported "returning to
normal" today and classes were
scheduled to resume Monday.
At Alcorn, the school spokesman;
said the administration feels hand-
-Daily-Richard Lee
UAC supporters do their best at University dormitories to solicit support for this weekend's Wild,
Wild West, the 1968 version of Winter Weekend. Wild, Wild West will feature a movie Thurs-
day, a TG and the Byrds-Chris Montez concert Friday, and Booth Nite on Saturday.
Tobin Pans Communitcatons
As More Swift Thai Sure'
The teach-in has been organi-
zed by Rev. Bartlett Beavin of
the Westley Foundation, Guild
House, S t u d e n t Government
Council, and the Inter-Faith
Council for Peace, among other
groups. SGC is expected to con-
sider the Day of Deliberation
planned by the GA at its meeting
Ashmall indicated that other
state schools, including Eastern
tion on the incident. One officer icapped about discussing the
did comment, however, saying, problems because it is felt the
"The whole incident was handled highway patrol took control of
properly." the situation away from the pres-
The five men who were thrown ident. He said the three unidenti-
in the jail were frisked, had their fied students blamed as ringleaders
pictures taken, and later ordered were put off the campus last week
off the base without having their after an incident at the presi-
physical examinations. dent's house.
Richard L. Tobin, managing
editor of the Saturday Review,
asserted yesterday that if people
are going to watch television as1
much as they do, the networks
ought to show something worth
Speaking on "Mass Communi-
cations" for the journalism de-
partment, the 1931-32 managing
editor of The Daily outlined var-
ious improvements television pro- While fiction used to overwhelm Michigan University and Kala-;
grammers could make. non-fiction in the printed media, mazoo College, have, expressed in-
Charging that "communications the establishment of televisioei as terest in a similiar teach-in andI
are more swift than sure," Tobin the public's major escape mech- boycott of classes.]
suggested the networks devote the anism has forced journalism into In other business; SGC Admin-]
hours 6 to 8 p.m. every night to an era of non-fiction. istrative Vice - President Mike
public service programs. These Tobin predicted that all news- Davis, Grad, addressed GA on the1
might include news broadcasts papers in the future will be pre- upcoming Constitutional Conven-]
dealing in depth with major news pared by more efficient electron- tion. Davis urged graduate stu-
events, documentaries, foreign ic means. Modern technology will dents to run as delegates for the1
languages, the classics, concerts, create replacements for the re- convention. Some GA members
mathematics, and history and porter's plugging away at his tra- dissatisfaction with the set-up of
politics. ditional typewriter in a newspap- the Con-Con, indicating that the
The tall, robust, gray-haired er's smoke-filled "city room." Con-Con structure should have
journal, chrgbsted thatsocietWhen this idea becomes a reality, allowed members of the graduatei
journalist charged that society the typographical unions that all school to run separately, instead
modern electronic communica- newspapers must deal with will be of running with literary college
modr nmnic a- 'by-passed. students.
biU~ ~ di - le huone and~j'~'
Eld rfield Report on research pol-
icies for the next regular meeting
of the Faculty Assembly on March
On the CIA question, University
President Robben W. Fleming had
asked SACUA to advise him if
he should establish a student-
,faculty committee to investigate
the agency's activity on campus.
Student Government Council re-
quested the appointment of such
a committee
A statement released yesterday
by SACUA said, "No information
has come to the 'attention of
SACUA which appears to require
or justify the creation of a com-
mittee, comprised in whole or in
part of faculty members, for pur-
pose of investigating CIA activi-
ties on this campus. If any mem-
ber of the faculty or of the Uni-
versity community has informa-
tion which he believes does war-
rant such an investigation, he is
invited to bring it to the atten-
tion of the chairman of SACUA
for consideration by SACUA and
the Assembly."
Memorial Praises Malcolm X
Yesterday was Malcolm X Day.
TheAfro-American Liberation
Movement of Ann Arbor chose the
third anniversary of the assassina-
tion of the famous Negro leader
as a time to commemorate his con-
tributions to the black nationalist
In a memorial service program
at Canterbury House yesterday
afternoon Negroes presented poet-
ry, speeches, and music to honor'
his memory.
does he.
The presentations expounded on
the message of Malcolm X's great-
ness and relevance for today.
Nancy Alexander, '71, admitted
that it took "three years for me
to realize what he was saying."gr
Referring to his life, one girl
said, "If Malcolm could sink so
low into a life of crime and rise
so high to a leader of people, let
us stop and think what you are
and can do for the cause."
His rise from ghetto life is the
bions - r amo, Leeuu, p ,
television - and not enough to
"I have a feeling it may be
fashionable to read again," he
said, as it was when he was
young. "Movies were forbidden to
me. I never did see The Sheik."
He ended up reading Dickens and
other fiction story writers.
The newer generation will read
Reader's Digest, Saturday R.vicw,
and paperback books, he pre-,
Speaking also on con emprary
magazines, he said they have
changed radically in the last few
Expert Cites Legal Aid Service
As Essential for Social Change
By PHILIP BLOCK "The problem with any legal Earl Johnson, head of the Office
Neighborhood legal service pro- aid program is that you are faced of Economic Opportunity's legal
grams are preparing for a "mass with the choice of having many aid services, which would obligate
assault on society" according to offices with only a few lawyers in lawyers to accept only those
a legal aid expert who spoke at ! each one, or' having a small num- .#cases having precedent-setting
the Law Club yesterday. ber of centers with many lawyers." value.
Harold J. Rothwax, director of The reason for this difficulty, However, Rothwax implied that
the legal services unit of the New explains Rothwax, is the large this procedure won't necessarily
York Mobilization for Youth pro- case load which each legal aid work.
r car i + +hat aih wav he r +h lwyer mmst carrv - there .imnly "A test case concept can't exist