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February 18, 1968 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-18

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

A Draft To Fan the Fire Next Time

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



'U' Budget and the Legislature:
Prescription for Financial Ills

MONEY ISN'T the only thing that makes
a great university, but it certainly
Michigan, "the mother of state univer-
sities," has a great tradition among
American universities. Mother has been
slipping lately and it is the fault of the
public and the state legislators..
Total state revenues are up this year
-and that may be the University's most
encouraging note in a long time. But
encouraging notes do not make strong
financial positions.
The University this year recommended
to Gov. George Romney that the state
appropriations to the schooldtotal some
$75.8 million. Romney decided on $64.7
million-a massive $11.1 million differ-
ence of opinion.
HILE ROMNEY'S recommendation is
$5.5 rhillion above last year's appro-
priations, chances are slim for any mean-
ingful increase by the legislature. Last
year the legislature cut $4.1 million off
Romney's recommendation, a recom-
mendation $12.4 million below the Uni-
versity's request. The budget cuts forced
the University to call for a tuition rise
and to adopt an austerity budget - a
budget just $100,000 over what the Uni-
versity considered its minimum operat-
ing casts - that amount necessary to
continue present programs plus minimum
increased staff benefits.
Part of the economy plan -was the lit

school move limiting the increase of the
number of incoming freshmen and cut-
ting down on the number of transfer and
re-entering students.
But economy moves can only partially
solve the extensive problems facing the
showed the lowest rate of increase
among the Big Ten schools and dropped
into the "B" category in the American
Association of University Professors rat-
ing. In 1959-60 Michigan ranked four-
teenth in a rating of schools by the
amount of state appropriations per stu-
dent for operating expenses, of public
institutions of higher learning. In 1967-
68, Michigan slumped to thirty-fourth.
Both the public and the legislators of
the state of Michigan acknowledge that
investment in education is a good thing.
The problem seems to be that everyone
wants to pass the buck. An educational
budget is a sort of "hot potato" tossed
among parents, students, administrators
and finally lobbed into the laps of federal
officials. Where the potato stops is any-
body's guess, but it is clear the state will
get the kind of educational system it
pays for.
The University has few problems that
money would not cure. It is up to the
state'legislature to provide the expensive
medication that is required.

BURIED IN THE LAST paragraph of the New York
Times' lengthy lead story yesterday on the cancel-
lation of graduate draft deferments was this statement:
"There were also fears that the decision on graduate
deferments would create diciplinary problems through the
induction of students who oppose the Vietnam war."
This understatement is probably the most important
and least understood impact of the new draft policy. Now,
for the first time, the large numbers of college students
who have been able to afford the luxury of protesting
the war, without being hit by it personally are now in
trouble. Like Bobby Kennedy college kids could talk
tough against the war and then afford the luxury of.
vacationing in Sun Valley.
But now the college students graduating after four
years or finishing their first year of grad school find there
are no more deferments. Plus traditional escape routes
like the National Guard and the Reserves are blocked.
(The waiting lists in some instances are over a year and
a half long.)
Moreover the policy of drafting the oldest men out of
the draft pool first means that college graduates are
going to become the bulk of the draftees during the
coming year. John Morse, President of the American
Council on Education estimates that the percentage of
draftees that are college graduates will rise from the
current 5 per cent to 66 per cent.
This 1200 per cent increase means that unless a college

grad is going on to medical, dental, divinity and veteri-
nary studies or has a physical disability he is likely to
be drafted soon. Some students will be taken this summer
and others will be drafted out of first year graduate stu-
dies this fall.
Since much of the anti-war movement is in this group
and few college men want to go to Vietnam anyway, the
new policy may prompt serious disruption. And this year's
presidential campaign, which offers little hope of an anti-
war candidate from either party, may well provide the
background for demonstrations on the 'level of the racial
riots in recent years.
Some think President Johnson knows this and has
deliberately put the Democratic Convention in Chicago's
ghetto based Ampitheatre where big demonstrations are
a virtual certainty. He figures, the theory goes, that dis-
ruption couldevoke a sympathy vote.
But even if there are no draft riots in Chicago there
may well be riots elsewhere. For every time Johnson or
one of his top aides tries to give a major campaign
speech he is likely to be picketed.
The shape of these disruptions isn't clear. But all the
elements are there for riots. Many college graduates don't
want to fight. The police are rearming (here in Ann
Arbor the county police have organized a riot squad and
the city police now have chemical mace). More and more
veterans are returning from the war to serve as counter-
demonstrators. Clearly these factions will be seeing plenty

of each other as the draft induction notices arrive and
the campaign progresses.
Moreover, even if large numbers of anti-war college
students give up and go in, they will make lousy soldiers.
(The army knows this and has tried to find a way to
get more younger draftees because they are easier to
Many bright college graduates aren't like to take the
Army life and the prospect of desertion and more Howard
Levys is immediate.
Clearly the draft has outlived its usefulness. The cur-
rent draft system was set up for a "national emergency'
in World War II.
It is one thing to conscript young men into the army
when the country is clearly under attack. But it is quite
another to conscript them to fight an undeclared war
against an undeclared enemy in behalf of a reactionary
military clique.
The administration can try to use the draft to club the
college youth into fighting for nothing. But such a policy
will only backfire. The draft riots are only going to split
the country further apart.
The draft is inherently unpopular. To widen the draft
to fight the most unpopular war in American history,
while cutting out most alternatives to military service
(graduate school, national guard) is courting disaster.
Unless the war ends and the draft subsides we're all in

Letters: The Opportunism of Expose

The Rape of the Lock

LONG HAIR ON MEN seems to bother
a lot of people nowadays-especially
Branded as "queer," "unnatural," and
"subversive," by more enlightened mem-
bers of our society, long hair has now
come under attack by several of Ann
Arbor's barbershops: window posters
sporting a Tim Buckley-like physiognamy
proclaim: "Keep America Beautiful-Get
a Haircut."
Freely translated, this means, of course,
"Support Your Local Barber's Cash Reg-
ister," which has nothing to do with
aesthetics, but with exhorbitant prices
for minimal talents. Uneven sideburns,
mangled backs of necks, botched up hair-

styles are nothing new to the barber's
profession, but Ann Arbor barbers have
standardized these practices to a pre-
viously unimagined degree. A haircut per
se in this city would make anybody en-
tertain visions of hippiedom; coupled
with a price-tag of $2.75 and up, the
verdict is cold. (Is it possible that there
is a correlation between the rise of long
hair and the demise of cheap haircuts?)
On a more practical level, if the Ann
Arbor barbers are trying to lure long-
tressed young men under their electric
clippers, their poster is hardly the dis-
creet way to do it.

To the Editor:
DURING MY five-and-a-half
yers at Michigan I saw The
Daily assume the burden of many
causes-some worthy and produc-
tive, some irresponsible and -de-
structive. I always had the de-
stinct impression, however, that
you, the editors, were somehow
altruistic in your aims, seeking
only the ultimate .good of the
school and its students. This im-
pression has been 'irreparably
shattered by the recent "expose"
of the so-called infractions in
privileges allowed students on ath-
letic tender.
I am sure that both Mr. Norton
and Mr. Kohn must be wallowing
in the content thoughts that they
are now assured of professional
positions with "big city" news-
papers when they graduate. I am
sure they sleep soundly at night,
dreaming eagerly of walking into
the office of a sports department
with a clipping of their copyright
story tucked neatly under their
arms. I am equally certain that
the thought of what their "re-
sponsible reportage" will possibly
have done to Michigan athletics
is only a fleeting shadow.
I'D LIKE to ask the two re-
porters if they honestly feel that
what they have done is for the
ultimate good of the University, its
athletics and its students. Or per-
haps the only ultimate good they
had in mind was their own. I have
a very stinking hunch that the
latter case is much nearer the
truth. And the real crime lies in
the fact that a great deal of good
could have come from Mr. Norton's
and Mr. Kohn's work. One need
look only at the record of Big
Ten teams against non-conference
oponents in the past few years to
know that the self-righteous, over-
ly-restrictive recruiting and schol-
arship rules of the Western Con-
ference have done to its competi-
tive position.
IT SEEMS that the two gentle-
men might have done a great
benefit by taking the infractions,
if indeed they were infractions,
and using them as illustrations of
just how unrealistic the Big Ten
Commissioners have been in set-
ting-up their 19th Century stat-
utes. Of course if that had been
the case then I am sure that I
would not be hearing the names
"Norton" and "Kohn" mentioned
every evening on television, nor
would I be reading their words in
the Chicago Tribune or New York
Times. The only thing I might see
would possibly be an earlier re-
evaluation, of the Western Confer-

ence rules and regulations, and a
return of the Big Ten to national
intercollegiate predominance -
along with the University of Mich-
igan. As it is the only ones who
will gain from The Daily's "ex-
pose" are Mr. Norton and Mr.
Kohn, at the possible expense of
a great many present and poten-
tial athletes.
My only reaction now is - sole-
ly out of bitterness-that the first
sports editor whom Mr. Norton
and Mr. Kohn confront in the
world of professional journalism is
a loyal Michigan or Big Ten alum-
nus , who sees the two for what
they are: a couple of irresponsible
egotists who have sacrificed re-
sponsible journalism for personal
gain. I only wish I could be there
to see them kicked square in their
respective typewriters.
-Terry L. Bangs, '66, '67AM
Sports Kudos
To the Editor:
THOUGH congenitally indisposed
to the writing of notes, here I
go again. You've outdone yourself
(catchy, original expression, eh?);
your item in Sunday's Daily (Feb.
11) is the finest of many fine
pieces which you have authored
for The Daily. Ithisadmirably
trenchant, superbly sensitive and
probing, and impressively lucid
and cogent-furthermore, it's pret-
ty good. I have yet to read any-
thing in the Ann Arbor News-
and I've' been perusing its pages
for nigh on eighteen years-which
begins to compare with what you
produced last Sunday.
Your concept of the full mean-
ing of a free press is bold, solid
and perceptive and The Daily is
the only such press in the com-
muity, the only paper to furnish
what Lippmann has aptly called
the "indispensable opposition."
Fortunately, The Daily is not
afraid to lift the rug and reveal
what is hidden under it-an act
of rare courage in a world where
too many public figures try to hide
too many things which ought not
to be hidden from public view.
Don't ever be afraid, as Faulkner
expressed it, "to raise your voice
for honestly and truth and com-
passion against injustice and lying
and greed."
I hope Norton and Kohn aren't
ruffled by what that small-time
Detroit sportscaster said about
them. Apparently, their only
"crime" is an honest, thorough job
of reporting the facts. Too bad
more reporters don't commit such
-Prof. Edward Shafter,
Engineering English

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this, cannot identify with the so-
cialist and anti-colonialist revolu-
tion of the progressive Arab coun-
tries of Egypt, Algeria, Syria and
MOREOVER, the dependence of
Israel on financial assistance from
western Jewish communities fur-
ther exacerbates this identificatior
of Israel with the West. Wher
House Republican leader Gerald
Ford suggested that the United
States lend Israel a destroyer tc
replace the one sunk by Egypt be-
cause "Israel has done a pretty
good job of trying to bail out U.S.
interests in the Middle East"' (De-
troit News, Oct. 30, 1967), the re-
lationship that Mr. Saltman sees
between "Arab Socialism and the
Israeli Co-operative Movement"
appears of little value until the
ideals of the Israeli Co-operative
Movement are the same as those
of the Israeli government and so
-Abdeen M. Jabara, '62
Minimum Wage
To the Editor:
PROF. FUSFELD, in his letter of
Friday, Feb. 9, 1968, professes
to find several serious flaws in my
article of Feb. 1. Now we are even,
because having taken (survived)
several courses in his department
I have found more, than several
flaws in his arguments, As is typi-
cal of most exponents of the "New
Economics" Dr. Fusfeld does not
read or at least recognize as valid;
any study not done by a Keynesian
investigator. Otherwise. he 'would
be aware of the studies of Yale
Brozen, Milton Friedman, and
others of the "Chicago School" of
More seriously, however, he ig-
nores the example in my article
of the 5,000 plus persons who will
lose jobs with Goodwill Industries
as a result of the increase in °the
minimum wage. He also maintains
that these laws have : not been
shown to have any long-term ef-
fect. But, surely he does not dis-
pute the fact that non-white teen-
age unemployment has consistently
increased since 1956!
Wake up Dr. Fusfeld, Keynesian
Economics has been demolished as
a valid model and no amount of
meaningless jargon, or obfusca-
tion will save it.
-Gary Barber, '68
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened. No unsign-
ed letters will be printed.

4 Ew~ N t OtPT-


Plaintive Message from o Hpe

GAUGING THE temper and mood of a
campus isn't always easy. In the fea-
tures on student power and radical acti-
vism at the university which run in the
national big-circulation press, the Uni-
versity is mentioned in the same breath
with Chicago, Berkeley and Wisconsin.
Yet students visiting from other schools
agree almost unanimously that the Uni-
versity is a dead place.
Of course, the students are right. Our
demonstrations are rare and bloodless,
our dissent sterile, our attempts at re-
form stymied by a pragmatic administra-
tion which knows how to pacify without
giving in on substantive points. The talk
is bigger, but the major concerns of stu-
dents are still the concerns of the quiet
'50's: beer, graduation, and eventually
the quiet home in the suburbs.
Even so, it is nice to know that our
official rhetoric occasionally focuses on
serious concerns. When SGC President
Bruce Kahn and University Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard Cutler
traded correspondence publicly last fall,
the object of their penmanship was re-
solving the question of who should run
the school, students or administrators.
Compare this letter by the Dean of
Women at Hope College, Holland, Mich.,
to the coeds at that school:
Dear Friend:
J DON'T KNOW how you young women
feel since the panty raid. I wish it
hadn't happened. I was ashamed for the
boys and certainly disappointed. I had
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).
The Daily 18 a membrer of the Associated= Press and

hoped that the young men at Hope could
find a more wholesome outlet for their
youthful exuberance. The spectacle of
young men whom one has learned to en-
joy and admire, shouting under the win-
dows of their own and other men's sweet-
hearts for their panties still makes me
feel a little ill.
I wasn't very proud of some of you
young women, either. I still find it un-
thinkable that lovely young women could
be so carried away as to lose all sense of
propriety and self-respect - yes and
fastidiousness as to throw out their most
intimate clothing to young men whom
they would be meeting the next day.
For those of you who aided and abetted
and urged the men on, think again how
closely your actions bordered on the ques-
tionable--to say the least!!
I know that none of us can be exactly
sure how we would act under certain
circumstances-particularly under social
pressures. However, actions triggered at
times like these have -a way of haunting
us and leave a distasteful flavor in the
calm light of reason.
THERE IS NOTHING very pretty about
- a mob, even a fairly good humored
one, for always in a mob cowards lurk and
there is a thin veneer of control that
separates the best of us from animal
behavior. A mob often serves as a cover
for those who are weak, where personal
integrity and personal identity is lost in
a nameless, faceless crowd. However, none
of us can escape the responsibility of
our actions. There comes a time when we
must face publicly or in our own hearts
the result of thoughtless, irresponsible
I pray you young women never will
have to face a mob, for even a good
humored but irresponsible and misguided

Black' Anniversary
To the Editor:
This letter is to inform you that
as a matter of human inter-
est; as indeed an emblem of the
mood and attitude of Blacks in
America; as a reminder of this
prevailing mood, February 21, 19-
68, will be a day spent in com-
memoration of one' of the most
vital and inspiring links in our,
Black people's, chain of rebellion
for freedom: February 21, 1968,
the anniversary of Our Brother
Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one
who lived and pledged his life to
the philosophy, the cause of Black
Power - self - determination of
The Afro-American Liberation
Movement requests that all Black
students not attend classes on
that day, urges that Black parents
keep' their children away from
school, and, bids all Black bro-
thers and sisters to wear, as a
symbol of mourning, arm bands
with the Nationalist colors: red,
green, and black.
-Winnie C. Beasley,
Liberation Movement

Israeli Dispute
To the Editor:
M R. SALTMAN in his article,
"A Solution to the Middle
East Agony," (Feb. 11) makes the
same fundamental error (?) as
others on the political left who are
still smarting from the condem-
nations of /the "Zionist imperialist
war" by black nationalists in the
U.S. This error is inductive, one of
reasoning that the kibbutzim are
socialist, ergo Israel is socialist and
the progessive Arab countries and
Israel have their adherence to so-
cialist ideals as a basis for a solu-
tion to "the Middle East Agony."
However, Mr. Saltman would
characterize the kibbutzim, that
characterization does not make
Israel socialist. The socialist na-
ture of the agricultural colonies
established by the immigrants in
Israel is well known. As Maxime
Rodinson pointed out in the Au-
gust issue of the International So-
cialist Journal, the micro-socialism
of the kibbutzim does not mean
the macro-socialism of Israel be-
cause of several factors (1) Israel
is generally part of the world capi-
talist structure and, because of



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