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January 09, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-09

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Sihanouk Labels
Bowles' Mission
'Waste of Time'

Johnson To Ask Congress
For Anti-Inflation Tax Hikes

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (,)-
Ambassador Chester Bowles ar-
rived yesterday on a mission for
President Johnson to discuss the
use of Cambodian territory by
Communist Vietnamese troops,
but Prince Norodom Sihanouk in-
dicated Bowles was wasting his
Sihanouk told newsmen Sunday
Bowles would do better to tour
the famous ruins at Angkor that
S Mrs. John F. Kennedy visited in

November. And the prince said
there was "no possibility" he
would allow U.S. forces to pursue
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
into neutral Cambodia.
On New Year's Day, Sihanouk
hinted that under the proper cir-
cumstances he might content
himself with a formal protest if
U.S. troops entered Cambodia in
hot pursuit and then quickly
He said then he would "never
let any foreigner occupy the least
square meter of our territory"
without acting to drive him out,
"but in the case of partial occu-
pation . . . we must first use
protests and diplomatic means to
make the adversary withdraw."
Wants U.S. To Withdraw,
Sihanouk said Sunday he would
meet with Bowles tomorrow and
suggest the United States with-
draw its troops from South Viet-
nam. Johnson arranged the Bow-
les mission after Sihanouk said
he would welcome a presidential
envoy to discuss the use of Cam-
bodia as a sanctuary by Commun-
ist troops fighting in Vietnam.
Bowles, U.S. ambassador to In-
dia, flew from New Delhi and
was met by Cambodia's minister
of information and the protocol
director of the Foreign Ministry.
Australian Ambassador Noel S.
Deschamps also met the plane.
Australia has looked after U.S.
interests in Cambodia since Si-
hanouk broke diplomatic relations
with Washington in May 1965.
Bowles was expected to seek
tacit agreement from Sihanouk
to permit pursuit by U.S. forces
of Communist troops wbo attack
them in Vietnam and th n retreat
to safety in Cambodia.
Will Not Allow Pursuit
The prince told the Sunday
news conference he would not
allow U.S. forces to enter Cam-
bodia and would condemn both
the United States and the Viet
Cong if they clashed on his soil.
Sihanouk said he would tell
Bowles there is "no possibility of
negotiating the right of pursuit"
of Communist forces into Cam-
The prince said he also would
tell Bowles the United States
should follow the example of
France in Algeria and "rid your-
self of the Saigon parasites."

-Associated Press
DOCTOR NORMAN E. SHUMWAY faces news men and television cameras during an interview at
Stanford Medical Center. He described the United States' first successful heart transplant performed
between Mike Kasperad and Mrs. Virginia White, the donor. Kasperak was listed in critical con-
dition last night following severe internal hemorrhaging.
Newtff Heart Transplant Patient

WASHINGTON (P) - Although
Congress doesn't reconvene until
next week, President Johnson al-
ready has outlined an ambitious
legislative program loaded with
potential political dynamite, much
of it in the form of higher taxes.
The President has tabbed the
10 per cent tax surcharge as the
first order of business for the
second session of the 90th, Con-
gress which begins Monday.
But other proposals will include
a possible tax on travel abroad,
tax rebates for U.S. reporters, a
tax on imports and removal of
the gold cover which requires
every dollar in paper money to
be backed by 25 cents in* gold,
Asked about the political re-
percussions of these programs in
an election year, one administra-
tion insider said the national eco-
nomy is one of the biggest factors
Johnson has going for him this;
The entire program of an anti-
inflationary tax increase and de-
fense of the dollar, he said, is
intended to keep the economy on
an even keel where everyone will
The real trouble, this source
said, would be if the economy
swung into a recession, a factor
not now foreseen by government
In addition to the surcharge
which the House Ways and
'Means Committee plans to recon-
sider on Jan. 22, Johnson has out-
lined thus far these other points
in his new legislative program:

* A five year, $200 million
promotion of American goods
® An earmarked $500 million
of Export-Import Bank author-
ity to provide better export in-
suranee, expand guarantees for
export financing and broaden the
scope of government financing of
O A possible tax rebate for U S.j
exporters to increase export trade
and a tax on imports such as
many European nations now im-
pose as border taxes.

Vietnam Refugees Stage
Anti-U.S. TalkyProtest

O Legislation to d i s c o u r a g e
travel outside the hemisphere
which key sources have said will
result in a tax on tourism rather
than any legal restrictions against
Three possibilities here - and
the Treasury won't spell out any
details before it has a chance to
discuss the matter with Congress
-are a flat tax on each American
leaving for overseas, a tax on the
number of days abroad or a tax
on the amount of money spent

'Critical After

He mor

LBJ Eshkol,
End Middle
PEast Talks
STONEWALL, Tex. (JP)-Presi-
dent Johnson and Prime Minister
Levi Eshkol of Israel ended over-
time talks at the LBJ Ranch yes-
terday and said that Johnson had
agreed to active, sympathetic re-
view of Israel's "military defense
No offer of U.S. arms aid was
Johnson and Eshkol also "re-
stated their dedication to the es-
tablishment of a just and lasting
4 peace in the Middle East," in the
spirit of a United Nations resolu-
tion of Nov. 22.
Peace Is Major Topic
Peace in that uneasy area of the
world had been billed as the prime
topic of discussions between the
President and prime minister-
O talks which began Sunday, con-
tinued yesterday, and ran three
hours past the time set for Esh-
kol's departure.
Freezing rain and icing condi-
tions compelled Eshkol to leave
by car rather than plane for Berg-
strom Air Force Base at Austin, 65
miles away, en route back to New
Renewed Fighting
Johnson and Eshkol ended their
talks under a cloud of renewed
fighting on the Israeli Jordanian
Their statement said that:
"The President and prime min-
ister considered' the implications
of the pace of rearmament in the
Middle East and the ways and
means of coping with this situa-
tion. The President agreed to keep
Israel's military defense capability
under active and sympathetic ex-
amination and review in the light
of all relevant factors, including
the shipment of military equip-
ment by others to the area."
There was a reaffirmation also
of calls by the two men for peace
elsewhere in the world, with no
direct mention of Vietnam.. They
'Mutual Dedication'
"Noting the mutual dedication
of their governments and people
to the value of peace, resistance
to aggression' wherever it occurs,
individual freedom, human dignity
and the advancement of man
through the elimination of pover-
ty, ignorance, and disease, the
President and the prime minister
declared their firm determination
to make every effort to increase
the broad area of understanding
which already exists between Is-
*rael and the United States and
agreed that the prime minister's
visit advanced this objective."

STANFORD, Calif. (A) - Mike
Kasperak's condition became cri-
tical yesterday - the second day
after his failing heart was re-
placed by another - but doctors
managed to halt internal bleed-
ing that threatened his life.
They said his new heart ap-
peared to be functioning "very
Doctors at Palo Alto Stanford
Medical Center said Kasperak was
conscious. The bleeding from
stomach and intestines two days
after the operation stemmed from
liver disease, theysaid.
They said the many complica-
tions suffered by the 54-year-old
steelworker were "severe but solu-
ble." He had been reported in
satisfactory condition earlier in
the day despite expected difficulty
in breathing.
Kasperak's condition became
critical when the bleeding began.
Fresh blood transfusions and
other measures apparently stop-
ped the bleeding, attending phy-
sicians said in a midafternoon
Dr. Norman E. Shumway and a
team of Stanford Medical School
doctors performed the transplan-
tation Saturday night. They gave
Kasperak the heart of a 43-year-
old housewife.
The housewife, Mrs. Virginia
White, had died about 24 hours

after suffering a massive brain
hemorrhage, a stroke.
In their bulletin, the physicians
said Kasperak's prothrombin time,
another index of blood clotting
ability, was low, only 23 per cent.
They said his liver function was
poor because of the heart condi-
tion which led to the heart trans-
plant. Kasperak's heart had be-
come fibrous and had growh to
three times normal size, doctors
said, in its failing attempt to
pump blood.
Kasperak received fresh blood
transfusions in a desperate at-
tempt to save his life after the
internal bleeding began.
Earlier, doctors said Kasperak
had catnapped through the night
and was communicating to nurses
who read his lip movements. He
was unable to talk because a tube
had been inserted in his throat
to help him breathe.
Dr. Donald C. Harrison, 3hief
of the Stanford School of Medi-
cine's division of cardiology, said
the respiratory difficulty was. ex-
pected because Kasperak also had
a chronic lung disease.
Meanwhile in Cape Town, Dr.
Christian N. Barnard said yester-
day heart transplant patient Dr.
Philip Blaiberg may be sent home
"in another two weeks if he con-
tinues to do as well as he is doing

U.S., Chinese Envoys Meet
To Review World Problems

Groote Schuur Hospital said
Blaiberg is no longer in an oxygen
tent and there were no signs his
body was trying to reject the
heart of Clive Haupt, 24, who died
of a stroke. But he was nearing
what doctors consider a critical
postoperative period, when his
body might show signs of trying
to reject the alien tissue.

DA NANG, Vietnam (P)-Anti-
American sentiment among civil-
ian refugees in South Vietnam's
northern provinces came to the
surface yesterday with the arrest
of more than 100 persons who of-
ficials said were carrying out a
talk campaign in a Da Nang
market place against the U.S. role
in the war.
U.S. officials said they had de-
tected signs of the anti-American
feeling among the refugees for
some time. They contended it is
instilled by the Viet Cong.
Come from Guerrilla Areas
Officials reported most of the
refugees come from areas held by
the Communist guerrillas and be-
cause friends and relatives are still
there they are susceptible to press-
ure tactics.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-
Mass), who had been critical of
U.S. refugee programs, is in South
Vietnam inspecting refugee can=~
ditions. He heads the Senate sub-
committee on problems relating to
Kennedy was in the field and
not available for comment on the
development in Da Nang.
Of those taken into custody by
South Vietnamese police in a
dockside market place, 70 were
women, ten were children and four
were old meh. They wore the garb
of the peasant-conical hats and
black-pajama type clothing.
No Visible Signs of Protest
They carried no placards or
other visible signs of protest. They
had gathered in the market place
and began talking to others there
about U.S. bombings in both North
and South Vietnam as well as
criticizing the South Vietnamese
government for ignoring the com-
plaints of a militant Buddhist fac-
tion in Da Nang.
Police came when the refugees
began shouting.

U.S. officials said the refugees
appeared to be split into those
spurred on by Buddhist complaints
against the Saigon government,
and those guided by the Viet Cong
against the U.S. military presence
and the bombings.
Holding Prisoners Overnight
Commissioner Pham Ngoc Bach,
the youthful head of the Da Nang
city police, told news men he was
holding the refugees at least over-
night for interrogation.
He said he would try to learn
who among them are Viet Cong
and what they are attempting to
A. Wilson Edwards, U.S. public
safety adviser to the Da Nang po-
lice department, told newsmen the
police had used no force in arrest-
ing the demonstrators.
"We are using tact and diplo-
macy," he said. "We don't want to
turn them against the govern-
Edwards disclosed that the mar-
ket place incident had been the
second of the day in South Viet-
nam's second largest city.
Approach Students
At about 8 a.m., he said, a group
of militant Buddhists approached
students going to school and asked
them to join in protests against
the U.S. presence in South Viet-
nam, the American bombing of
North and South Vietnam, and
"injustice" in the government of
South Vietnam, the continued im-
prisonment of Buddhists arrested-
in the 1966 struggle movement a
government charter of recognition
issued in September to a group of
moderate Buddhists.
Edwards said the Buddhists did
not cause a disturbance and so
they and the students were peace-
fully dispersed by police.
Later in the morning, he said
the refugees caused a disturbance
in the market by shouting.

world News Roundup

WARSAW, Poland (P)-Envoys
of the United States and Com-
munist China met yesterday for
the first time in seven months
and discussed for more than two
hours the "positions and inten-
tions" of their governments.
The 134th session of the War-
saw ambassadorial talks was
marked by "frank and serious dis-
cussions on a number of problems
which face the United States and
the Chinese People's Republic,"
U.S. Ambassador John A. Gron-
ouski told newsmen after the
Only Official Contact
The talks are the only direct
official contact between the two
powers and details never are di-
Gronouski, former U.S. post-
master general, said: "I hold
these talks to be invaluable be-
cause they provide a private
forum for both sides to state and
clarify their positions and inten-
'To Reduce Tensions'
"We continue to hope that
these meetings can serve to re-
duce tensions between our two
countries and ultimately through-
out east Asia," he added.
Gronouski said the next meet-
ing will be held on May 29.
Gronouski's discussion partner
at this session was not his Chi-
nese counterpart but instead the
Chinese Embassy charge d'af-
faires, Ch'en Tung.
Speaking through an interpre-
ter Ch'en told newsmen: "Owing
to administrative reasons our am-
bassador (Wang Kuo Chuan) has
not been able to return to his post
in time for this meeting. As a

provisional measure my govern-
ment has delegated me to attend."
Wang left Warsaw in midsum-
mer for Peking and has not re-
Peking's official New China
News Agency said in a brief re-
port on the meeting that Wang
has been unable to return to War-
saw "for administrative reasons."
Will Meet with Wang
"Because of Ambassador Wang's
continued absence we agreed to
meet this time with Mr. Ch'en
Tung," said Gronouski. "I will
meet next with Ambassador Wang
on May 29."
Both representatives refused to
answer newsmen's questions on
contents of the talks. Asked if
there were any light moments
during the two hours and ten
minutes of talks, Gronouski re-
plied: "We smiled occasionally."

By The Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif.-Surveyor 7
sped toward the moon yesterday
on a course so accurate scientists
said they might not have to make
a final steering maneuver.
Flight controllers at Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory made a major
course change Sunday, aiming the
instrument-loaded spacecraft clos-
er to the rugged crater Tycho,
near the south central edge of
the lunar disk.
* * *
TEL AVIV, Israel-Israel sent
jet fighters over Jordan yester-
day to knock out Jordanian gun
positions and end a sharp artillery
duel across the River Jordan, an
army spokesman announced here.
Jordan claimed-and Israel de-
nied-that one plane was downed
by antiaircraft fire.
Israel said there was an ex-
change of fire late last night
around the settlement of Yardena
but that no one was injured and
there was no damage.
In New York, Israeli Ambassa-
dor Gideon Rafael said he was
sending a letter of complaint to
the UN Security Council. He said
the incident showed that Jordan's
hostile attitude toward Israel has
not changed.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The super-
fast, short range interceptor de-
signed as a key component in the
nation's antiballistic missile de-
fense has failed a number of
times in test launches, the Penta-
gon acknowledged yesterday.
But a defense statement depict-
ed the problems affecting the
conical, mile per second Sprint
missile as "those normally expect-
ed in any missile research and
development program."
* * *
MIAMI, Fla. - Adam Clayton
Powell broke his long, self imposed
exile yesterday and headed for

California where he promised to
walk the streets of Watts in Los
Powell slipped into Miami's In-
ternational Airport and took a 5
p.m. EST flight to the West Coast.
He was scheduled to arrive in Los
Angeles at 7:10 p.m. PST.
The dapper Harlem Democrat
said he was en route to the West
Coast for a visit to Watts and a
speaking tour of California col-
leges and universities. He said he
had been invited to speak at
UCLA, San Diego State, Berkeley,
Stanford and San Francisco State.
WASHINGTON-An appeal to
the Supreme Court yesterday
launched a major challenge to the

regulations requiring broadcasters
to offer free time for individuals
or groups to answer "personal at-
tack" and "political editorial."
With a political campaign year
heating up, the court was asked to
decide before next spring whether
the Federal Communications Com-
mission equal time regulations
square with the free press guaran-
tees of the Constitution.
* * *
NAIROBI, Kenya-Vice-Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey met
Kenya's famed Jomo Kenyatta
yesterday, saw cows undergo sur-
gery in a U.S. supported school for
veterinarians and dropped a hint
that he'd like to be vice-president
another four years.

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