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February 14, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-14

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MeMore Strife
lV[en Possible In

Nervous Reserves Speculate
Combat May Follow Call-up

Sent To Insure Khe Sanh

S .


WASHINGTON ()-The United
States is speeding an additional
10,500 Army and Marine ground
fighters to South Vietnam as "in-
surance" against a "second round"
Communist city offensive and as-
sault on the Khe Sanh bastion.
The action raised the possibility
that the United States may in-.
crease its planned troop ceiling in
Vietnam beyond 525,000 and that
National Guard and Reserve
ground forces may be called to
active duty.
The Pe'ntagon said no decision
has been made on either an over-
all buildup in Vietnam or a re-
serve call up, but it was apparent
such steps are under study.
Assistant Secretary of Defense
Phil G. Goulding told newsmen
the rapid shipment of the addi-
tional 10,500 ground troops is in
U.S. Awaits
SAIGON (P) - Allied forces
fought Communist holdouts at
Saigon and Hue today and braced
for a new Communist offensive
with the prospect of swift rein-
forcement by 10,500 fresh U.S.
Army and Marine combat troops.
The announcement to send
more troops came about 24 hours
after President Nguyen Van Thieu
had said more U.S. troops would
be needed to bring the war to a
* quick end. Thieu told newsmen
Monday, "We can hold them, the
Communists. But to end the war
faster is another matter."
Saigon Fighting
Allied batteries heavily shelled
suspected Communist troop con-
V centrations and routes of enemy
movement around Saigon early
While shooting incidents per-
sisted in and around Saigon, the
main battle action centered at
Hue, the only one of the 35 cities
in which the Communists main-
tained organized resistance to the
allied counterattacks against their
lunar new year offensive.
Burrowed within the walls of
Hue's Citadel, Hanoi regulars xe-
pulsed a joint assault by U.S. and
South Vietnamese marines yes-
teday to hold out through the
0 15th day of the semi-occupation.
American Leathernecks, who
have cleared the Communists from
the city area south of the Perfume
River, struck for the first time at
the enemy forces in the Citadel,
which makes up most of the north
side of the former imperial capital.
The Citadel is the heart of the
old city where Mandarin emperors
once were enthroned and the site
of the country's most revered links
with its past. Considerable dam-
age already has been caused in
Hue as the fighting has raged
through the city.
Although the enemy forces were
putting up a bitter holding battle
for the Citadel, there was some
feeling that they might employ
the same tactics there they did in
the south side of the city. The
North Vietnamese held out there
1r until it.became obvious they were
being pverpowered.
Khe Sanh Target
Reports from Xhe Sanh, the
embattled base of 5,000 U.S. Ma-
rines in the northwest corner of
the country, said North Vietnam-
ese gunners kept up their spor-
adic shelling, but no significant
ground action developed. Khe
Sanh is expected to be the target
of the next big enemy offensive.
While there have been predic-
tions it may begin at any mo-
ment, some military sources say
- it may be held off for days or

weeks until the strong Communist
forces already grouped there feel
they have the most advantage.

response to a request by Gen.
William C. Westmoreland received
in "the last few days," and that
they are being shipped for "in-
surance purposes."
He characterized the deploy-
ment as a speed up, but said these
troops fall within the 525,000
ceiling. There are now about
500,000 American servicemen in
Boost Objective?.
Goulding said "evaluation will
have to be made later" on whether
to boost the 525,000 objective. He
said Westmoreland has not asked
for an increase over that num-
Without saying so, Goulding
indicated that some of the com-
bat units now heading for Viet-
nam were not in the deployment
plan originally-suggesting that
they have displaced some support
type troops on the schedule.
Whether or not the support
troops will go as originally intend-
ed remains to be seen. If they do,
and this appears likely, the over
all troop build up objective may
be lifted above the 525,000 mark.
Until now, the goal has con-
templated a level of 518,000 in
Vietnam by June 30, with another
7,000 shortly afterward.
New Offensive
But the new Communist North
Vietnamese concentration of per-
haps 50,000 soldiers along the
DMZ and near threatened Khe
Sanh, together with the Viet Cong
city offensive, which was sprung
with unexpected ferocity and
breadth, has put a strain on U.S.
ground combat resources in Viet-
Goulding acknowledged that
some of the soldiers being rushed
to Vietnam will be men who have
had previous tours of duty there.
The Army Guard also has a
150,000 man force whose mission
is to be ready for quick call up
and possible deployment. This
force-or part of it-would be in
line for mobilization, if it is found
necessary to bolster the strategic

S Negroes Predict Riot NEW YORK (AP)-Many of the ington expressed the gloomy be-
If Class Suspension Reserve airmen summoned to ac- lief that the call up would last
LiftedPremtive duty at the outset of the USS for the full 24 months permissible
Lifte Prematurely Pueblo crisis are beginning to under law.
ORANGEBURG, S.C. (P) - Ne- wonder when, where and whether "Morale is high now, as might
they will be sent to a combat be expected this soon after the
gro student leaders from across zone. call up," said Capt. Don Davison,
the state said yesterday that ra- Some of the 14,600 now think the group's information officer.
cial tension might trigger new that if they engage in any fight- "But it may slip if duty drags on."
violeeyif tudets C rn pre i~ng it will be in Vietnam, not 'Nobody Knows'
maturely to South Carolina State 'North Korea. Col. Don Forney, commander of
College where three students died There is speculation that a the 185th Tactical Fighter Cm-
"Oraneb ra ten main reason for the Jan. 25 call mand at Sioux City, Iowa, said
sraingeb"rsaiLn avery tnseup was to free home-based active he had no idea where the unit!
situation said Leon Love; state duty units for use overseas was going or how long it would!
presid fcolege and youth The Pentagon declines to pro- be on active duty.
chapters for the National Asso- vide any hint of what is to come. "Maybe somebody knows, but I
ciation for the Advancement of A survey of the bases where the sure don't, and I wouldn't mind
Colored People. Reservists are serving indicated, ,knowing," the colonel told an
Explosive Situation however, that so far none has interviewer. "We are being in-
"Things could explode," Love received foreign shipping orders. spected by everybody-you name
told a news conference at Trinity Daily Training it, they're been here to inspect us."
Lt. Charles Harrison, a 33 year
Methodist Church - across the In general, the units appear to old commercial airlines pilot in
highway from the campus where be training on a daily basis as civilian life, whose unit is at New
two Negro college students and a they used to only on weekends. j York's Floyd Bennett Field, told
Negro high school pupil were Many of the Reservists spend a reporter yesterday:
killed last Thursday night by their nights on their assigned "We've just been coming out
state police gunfire. Officers re- bases and then hurry off to after- here to work every day. I finally
ported they came under fire first. hours moonlighting jobs to help flew my first flight yesterday.
Love and NAACP or student support their families. They don't quite know what to
body representatives from five Most of those interviewed in- do with us. I find it quite frus-
predominantly Negro colleges in sisted' that morale was good, but trating. There seems to be a feel-
the state joined in supporting 1o- quite a number said it was fraying 4 r rr-r-
cal Negro demands for removal of around the edges.
National Guard troops from Or- At the 177th Air Force Fighter U
angeburg and wide ranging civil Group, based near Atlantic City, ; Thom psu
rights demands, bolstered by a N.J., morale Is either poor or i
no-buying campaign against white high, depending on whom you TH
merchants. talk to. f"H-{SCOUPON

ing we'll be used to supplement
forces in Vietnam."
Theodore C. Chedwick, 23, an
aviation machinist's mate third
class, was serving an apprentice-
ship as a crane operator and
moonlighting as a part time
metals inspector when the call up
"I'll have to learn to live on
less than I used to have deducted
for income tax," said Chedwick.
Second Lt. Bill Mingle, a radio
sports announcer in civilian life,
said "a guy called the station and
applied for my job even before I
reported out to McConnell."
One of the unluckiest men
caught in the call up was Airman
Apprentice Doug McCord, 19, of
Naval Squadron VA776 at Los
Angeles, Calif. His Reserve en-
listment would have expired on
Jan. 26-just one day after he got
his marching orders.
"I really had mixed emotions,"
McCord said. "It was a letdown to
learn I wasn't going to be re-
leased. But I know something like
this could happen when I signed
up, so I just have to accept it."
ri's PIZZA

-Associated Press
AN AMERICAN CARGO PLANE lands with troop reinforce-
ments and supplies at the Marine base of Khe Sanh, which is
expected to be the target of a major North Vietnamese offensive.


Vance, Park Clash
On Crisis Strategy
SEOUL (AP')- President John- nobody in authority was willing to
n's trouble shooter, Cyrus R. say, but the presidential envoyI
ance, had "rough going" yester- already has extended his visit onec
ay in talks with South Korean day beyond his schedule.
:ade~rs toward eliminating differ- The Smith Knraan a r

Financi Beat
Guardsmen remained on duty "It is causing a financial beat-
at entrances to South Carolina ing for some of the guys," said an
State. Two tank-like armored enlisted airman who declined to
troop carriers were parked near be identified. "It is damn tough
the main gate. supporting a family, car payments:
Indecision and civilian rents on our military
No decision has yet been pay."
i-eached on whether to lift the First Lt. Barry Campbell, the
'reahed n wethe toliftthegroup's public information officer,
I nightly curfew in Orangeburg org s said he thought morale was
to reopen the college, where "prtt hi holgh u btter
classes were suspended last week. than in 1961," th last time the

-off 5.0c off-


* Coupon is Gocd Only Tues., Wed., Thurs.,
Feb. 13-15
r....................... ...m........mmmmm....... .. .



ices between the United States
nd its close Asian ally, Korean

sources reported.
Vance planned another meet-
ing with President Chung Hee
Park today. Whether that would
be Vance's final conference here

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lil OVUM nuea ns were pic- j t--- -°_
Businesses were hit hard by both unit became active.
tured as in a mood to tell Vance the Negro boycott and the cur- Some members of the . 941st
-and through him Johnson-that
this country would act independ- few, together with tension that Military Airlift Group at Mc-
ently on defense measures unless kept shoppers at home. Chord Air Force Base in Wash-
the United States recognized what
Seoul considers to be a serious
threat implied by the Jan. 21
assassination atack on the South World News Roundup
Korean president.
Two days after the assassination
attempt, North Korean warships
captured the USS Pueblo, an in- sy 'Ihe Associated Press months of trying to get the re-
telligence ship, and its crew of 83. LONDON - U.N. Secretary quired majority.
South Korea's army of 560,000 General U Thant met with Prime *
Sout Koea arm of560000Minister Harold Wilson yesterday
men in this country, which side Mnite ar iln terday NEW YORK - Gov. Nelson A.
by side with 50,000 U.S. troops on the war in Vietnam, then cai- Rockefeller and the legislature
is on the alert against North Ko- celed pas to retrn toaNew Yor remained deadlocked yesterday
rea, is under the operational con- a over his mandated end to New
trol of the United States. The .There was no reason given for York's nine-day garbage strike,
current crisis has led some South his change m plans. A spokes- and turned to Mayor John V.
Koreans in high places to suggest man for Thant said only that he Lindsay to get them off the hook.
that this system be abandoned was "staying overnight in London Lindsay replied that he was
and that South Korea take con- for further consultations." But his willing to try, but only on his own
trot of its own forces. office in New York said he would trs-ta e okgrae
terms - that New York garbage-
While this communinuP might g0 to Paris. t fQ7n +hP n n h++1


foresters' Club Anuaul
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Sir:iii:4:i :.
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'~~* V V "', A A' ~ V. 'A WI ...
--Associated Press
VIETNAM ESCALATION and Casualty chart traces the in-
creases in U.S. casualties and troops since April, 1965.
917-921 Church St., 327 S. Division
Are now orranoing summer sublets and fall rentals for
students cind visitors from other countries and for Ameri-
cans concerned with International understanding.
Furnished apartment; for 2, 3, or4 persons, most
with dishwashers, garbage disposals, and air condi-
tioners. Recreation room and lounge available to

VL 1SS .ue 1gl u
be far from revealing, South Ko-
rean sources said that on Seoul's
insistence it might contain a
statement of stern warning to
North Korea that the armistice
agreement reached in 1953 at the
end of the Korean War might be
abrogated should North Korea
repeat an act of aggression such
as the attack by the commandos
aimed at President Park.

WASHINGTON - The Organ-1
ization of American States, afterl
three fruitless months of trying
to elect a new secretary general,
finally chose Galo Plaza Lasso,j
61, former president of Ecuador
One of Latin America's out-
standing leaders, he was elected
on the sixth ballot taken over the

men stay on te b oo, and that the
legislators defer Rockefeller's
planned take-over of city sanita-
tion facilities.



Friday at 8:00 P.M.
Rabbi Harold S. White
of the Beth Israel Congregation
A Report on the Clergymen's Conference
on Vietram in Washington, D.C.
Onen Shabbat and Discussion Follows
The HilIel Choir, Helene Freedman; Conducting
Cor olRivchun, Organist






'-- - --

- I








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