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Partly cloudy;
little chance of snow.
Seventy-Sevee Years of Editorial Freedom
300 Students Picket at U of D;
Tentative Strike Set for Friday
By KEN KELLEY "I sincerely hope that Carron
Threatening a strike unless their will give in to us tomorrow, for
demands are met, three hundred the good of the university," said
students demonstrated peacefully'
outside the student union at the
University of Detroit yesterday,
protesting what they consider lack
of student participation in univer-
sity decision-making.
A meeting between Student Gov-
ernment leaders, sponsors of the
Student Government Vice-Presi-
dent Anthony Constantini, '68. "If
not, we will definitely proceed with
plans for a general student strike
starting Friday, in which students
will boycott their classes until he
comes around."
The students submitted a listI
protest, and University of Detroit of 23 points to Carron yesterday.
President Malcolm Carron, S. J., Principal among these were the
was scheduled for this afternoon demand that the all-student Aca-
to try and iron out differences. demic Affairs Board have equal say
Public Housing Plan
Debated at Hearings
By DAVID SPURR mum of 24 units on each site.
City Council's hearings on public This replaces a former plan for
housing last ngiht drew repre- iseven sites; each with a maximum
hous tig lasf nt drew eipr- I of 39 units.
in the hiring and firing of teach-
ers and questions of faculty tenure,
and that "the administration
make the educational quality more
reflective of the price we are pay-
ing," according to Student Gov-
ernment President Paul Sak, '68.1
"We are no longer going to justI
sit back watching the tuition rise
without a comparable rise in the
quality of education at the Uni-
versity of Detroit," added Sak.
Two weelps ago the Jesuit col-
I lege of 5,000 raised tuition rates
30 per cent. The students complain
that they weren't consulted prior
to the decision, and as a result are
demanding that each year the Stu-
dent Government president be a
full member of the University
Budgetary Committee.
dRev.Carron denied that students
weren't informed about the tui-
tion hike. "At various times our
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Francis Arlinghaus tried to
tell them about it."
MSU's Daugherty
May Sue for Libel
Football Coach To Consult Lawyers;
'Perturbed' Over Charges in Daily
Michigan State football coach Duffy Daugherty said last
night that ire is planning to °consult his attorneys about
the possibility of filing a libel suit against The Daily be-
cause of a recent stcry which revealed apparent MSU vio-
lations of Big Ten rules.
"We work hard within the spirit of the rules," Daugh-
erty said lhst night. "It's omr whole life. Anytime you call us
liars or cheats we re bouno to be very much upset and
perturbed apout it."
Earlier yesterday Daugherty told reporter David Condon
of the Chicago Tribun of the possibility of a libel suit.
"Anyone who suggests I'm dishonest had better be able to
prove it." Condon quoted
Daugherty as saying, "I'll find "
the extent of their insurance wnter Term
and sue them (The Daily) for 1
the whole darn bit."
Daugherty told The Daily last i E nrollment,
night that he "hadn't seen an
original copy of the article yet," De e
but added that he would turn it
over to his attorneys when he
-Daily-Andy sacks
Staff selections for the 1969 Michiganensian were approved by the Board in Control of Student
Publications recently. They are, from left to right, Thomas R. Copi, photo editor; Sue Schultz,
editor; Chrystie King, business manager; Linda Grossman, copy editor; Peggy Hensley, managing
editor; and Dan Omohundro, design editor.
sen~a ves o Lwo opposing opin-
ions: citizens who endorse the
Housing Commission's new plan
for greater dispersal of housing
sites, and those who contend this
proposal does not go far enough in
decentralizing the sites.
The viewpoint put forth by most
citizens who spoke to the council
is typified by a statement from a
representative of the Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor City Council
voted 9-1 last night to endorse
a new Housing Commission
plan for low-income, federally
subsidized public housing.
The Housing Commission
will now proceed to acquire the
mine sites for which it now has
options. Councilman Robert F.
Jagitsch cast the only dissent-
ing vote.
Democratic Party: "The original
plan bothered us immensely. This
one is far from perfect but we
need it (public housing) so des-
perately that we endorse this pro-
Two groups, the Dover-Parkside
Association (90 famlies) and the
Fifth Ward Association for Per-
manent Progress, were represent-
ed by spokesmen who said they
opposed the present plan because
it "falls decidedly short of achiev-
ing the objective of as much dis-
persal as possible" among the gov-
ernment-subsidized low-i n-c o m e
housing units. -
City Council has not yet seta But Carron admitted that "I
date on which they will vote on didn't go out and ask, 'what do you OCTOBER CONFE
the proposal. - fellows thing the tuition rate
Groups which joined the Demo- should be.'"
crats in endorsing the plan in- Students also complain about
cluded the League of Women Vot- relations with Arlinghaus. "We are U
ers, CORE, the Ann Arbor Coun- misinformed about many things,"
I cil of Churches, and the Human said Constantini. "There has been
Relations Commission. a breakdown in communications0
Several people objected to the as far as the OSA is concerned.'
present plan because, they said, Arlinghaus declined to comment
taxpayers would have to bear the ion the possibility of his meeting
burden of paying off the govern- with the students along with Rev.
ment loan to the city. Carron and about the demonstra- By JIM NEUBACIiER
Taxpayers Not Affected tion, saying only "I have no re- The Engineering Council will
The program will in fact be fi- action to the demands at this time sponsor a conference of leaders
nanced in such a way that tax- --they're academic." from Big Ten engineering colleges
payers are not directly affected: Some of the demonstrators car- next October as a first step to pos-
$3.69 million from Washington { ried placards reading "Let the sible establishment of a Big Ten
will be paid off through revenue students decide what happens to Engineering Council.
from rents and bond interest, the money," while many chanted Five delegates from each Big
with the government making up "Tuition, Tuition-Higher, High- Ten university, with the exception
for any deficit. er," as they paraded around the
j of Indiana which does not have an
Spokesmen from the Ann Ar- campus. engineering college, have been in-
bor Civic Theatre opposed a par- "They are free to demonstrate.""vited to participate..
ticular part of the new plan which said Rev. Carron, "but they should The purpose of the conference,
would set up four housing units not interfere with the rights of according to George Marek, '70E.
adjacent to the theatre, on city- others." Rev. Carron called the conference publicity director is to
owned land the theatre now oc- demonstration "a flop," saying "improve communication between
cupies. A member of the theatre there were only "40 or so students" the schools." The proposed two
commented that if the units were as far as he could see. day schedule calls for exchange of
built. "I wouldn't consider it safe Rev. Carron also said he told
for any woman to walk past Re.Cro'losi etl ideas concerning curriculum devel-
Sthere." the students "rather bluntly that opment, placement services, and
I don't believe in their having any student - administration relation-
Those particular units are right in the hiring or firing of ships.
planned for aged people, faculty, and I won't consider pla-
cing a transitory member of the e medid xtsv e
Student h t campus community such as the Council members did extensive
.J.. IUIO president of Student Government sounding out of students and fac-
-who changes each year-on the 'fity before taking the suggestion
I Ti l N IC KtbR bbudget committee." to engineering college Dean Gor-
I a- T T.._ TT ..7 .w [T7 ... ..L .... .. .m"
Sponsor Council
Ten Engineers,
'Within Rules'
"We were doing some of the
things The Daily said wa were do-
ing, but they were within con-
ference rules. We have been
wronged and I have been portray-
ed as dishonest," he continued.
Daugherty also told Condon that
the allegations already had af-
fected his recruiting. "Last night
I talked to a couple of Ohio kids
delegates and miscellaneous ex-
penses such as speaker fees, ad-
vertising and printing.
Chris Bloch, '70E, head of the
conference planning committee,
explained that big businesses in
the area often contribute funds for
projects of this sort, believing that
it will be to their advantage in the
long run to help to produce better
A group'of Engineering Council
members plans to visit each of
colleges involved to explain the
conference to school officials. Ex-
planatory letters have been sent
out, and replies have been received
from the deans of all the schools
indicating support for the confer-
The proposed conference will be
run on a workshop basis, with each
of thn eiplpoatac frnn-i n crhnnl nt.-
I Lnee Ueges Cc ionm1 s as1o1 aU- we would
tending, one of five different dis- and each
cussion sessions in the morning ation," h°
like to have at State,
asked about the situ-
told the Tribune. "Peo-I
and another in the afternoon.
"We plan to discuss things like
curriculum and the 'credit gap,'
Marek said. "Why do engineering
students work harder and longer
each week for the same amount of
credit as other students?"
Another tonic of general in-
ple have to realize that we are3
not under investigation. People
who read those charges are going
to think less of Duffy Daughsrty."
Big Ten Assistant CommissionerI
and Examinar John Dewey has,
told The Daily that he intends to
investigate Michigan State after i
terest, he said, will be the develop- completion of his Ann Arbor
ment of an inter-school placement probe.
service. "Right now," Marek said, John Fuzak, Michigan State's'
"we help find part-time employ- faculty representative to the con-
ment for students from our school ference said yesterday that there
alone. But there is no reason that were indications that those who
a student at the University of Min- have charged rule violations in
nesota who lives in the Detroit connection with MSU athletes
area shouldn't be able to take ad- weren't conversant with Big Ten
vantage of our close contact with rules.
Detroit industries, and vice-versa." 'Possible Violations'
En gin lCouncil Asks
No R
But Dewey has also told The,
Daily that he thinks there could
be possible violations concerning
the allegations mentioned in the,
He did say, however, that speci-
fic instances reported would not
be violations under certain cir-
Picket City Hall
Before the hearings, a group of Police are investigating the
social work students, welfare reci- shooting of a student in his Burs-
pients and other citizens picketed ley Hall room at about 2 p.m. yes-
in front of City Hall to demon- terday afternoon. The student,
strate in favor of the new plan. James Howlett, '71, was shot in
Professor Max Shain of the the mouth and is presently at
School of Public Health, who took . University Hospital being treated
part in the demonstration, said for a broken jaw. Doctors say his
of the Fifth Ward group, "They're condition is good.
r in favor of not having any public Police believe Howlett was shot
housing. Ask them." by another student, but at present
Bettie Magee, a University fac- say they have found no suspects
ulty wife, said that many of those or motives for the shooting. No
opposing the plan were uing witnesses have been located.
"transparent and flimsy disguises However, students on Howlett's
for racial prejudice." corridor say that a "friend" of
The present proposal calls for Howlett's who lives not far from
nine housing sites s c a t t e r e d Bursley was with him yesterday
throughout the city with a maxi- afternoon.
don J. Van Wylen. "Reactions of
He also criticized student de- the people we talked to were over-
ns for dormitory improve- whelmingly favorable," Marek said.
!ments and increased security pro- "The list of advantages to be
tection. "It makes their demands gained from such a conference is
too broad in nature," he com- a long one."
A total of 34,773 degree, post-
graduate, professional and exten-
sion students are enrolled at the
University this semester, a drop
of 1,665 from fall term. However,
this figure is still 1300 more than
last winter, according to figures
released yesterday by the Office
of Registration and Records.
The College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts reported an in-
crease of nearly 1100 students
over last winter, rising to 15,249
from 14,182. L S A enrollment
dropped 794, less than five per
cent, from fall figures.
Flint College increased from
910 last year to 1002. Social work
rose from 592 to 676, nursing
from 749 to 783 and public health
from 320 to 374..
Medical School Increase
Medical school, enrollment rose
from 1463 to 1518, including grad-
uate students in certain sciences
and postgraduate physicians.
Largest drops were recorded in
business administration, from
1262 to 1163, and education, from
3199 to 3149.
Business administration and
engineering registered the high-
est decrease rate from fall enroll-
ment, eight per cent. Business ad-
ministration dropped from 1271 to
1163. Engineering fell from 4531
to 4160.
Art School Declines
Enrollment in architecture and
design fell six per cent from 811
last fall to 762 this winter.
Winter term figures do not in-
clude enrollment at Dearborn
Campus, where students are regis-
tering this week. More 'than 700
students are expected to enroll
Some 2698 of the total enroll-
ment consists of extension stu-
dents, a drop of 248 from last win-
ter and 71 from fall term.
The only other enrollment
which increased from last winter
was dentistry, which added 10
students. There was no change in
the school's enrollment from fall
Five Per Cent Decrease
Enrollments in the law school,
music and pharmacy dropped
about five per cent from fall fig-
ures. Law school enrollment de-
creased from 1059 to, 1003, music
from 870 to 826 and pharmacy
from 234 to 222.
The number of nursing students
decreased by four per cent from
fall term, from 816 to 783.
All of the colleges and schools
in the University expect to main-
tain current admissions policies to
continue slow increass or main-
tain current size.
The major exception is the
literary college, which has been
forcsd to cutback enrollment next
fall to maintain an appropriate
total enrollment.
"I think we have a good Student
Government, and I'm glad they'rej
becoming concerned," he con-
tinued. "But they must realize
they're only one segment of the
academic community."
Student Government has plan-
ned other activities to emphasize
Van Wlen has given his full sup-
port to the project. He plans to
speak at the kick-off dinner on
the opening night of the confer-
ence. He has also promised to work
together with the Engineering
Council in order to raise funds for
the projects. "Essentially, we're
going to work to raise funds
their demands, including a torch- through some outside sources," he
' light parade tonight. "We're going said.
Ito let them know we're serious' The projected cost of the con-
about this," concluded Constan- ference is over $2,400. This in-
' tini. cludes food and lodging for 45
Ferency Barnstorms for Peace
Zolton Ferency, speaking to about 100
people at an open meeting of the Young
Democrats, said he is "touring the
country on behalf of peace, -McCarthy,
and an open Democratic national con-
Ferency, former state Democratic
chairman who was defeated as candi-
date for governor in 1966, said he sup-
ports the cause of Senator Eugene Mc-
Carthy - to unseat President Johnson.
"Bobby Kennedy was really recon-
sidei'ing his decision not to run about
ten days ago. If enough people had en-
couraged him, he would have jumped
in," Ferency said. "I did my best. I
put out my pressdrelease, but no dice.
"Kennedy came out with a statement
saying that he 'could not foresee any
circumstances that would make him de-
cide to challenge the President,' " Fer-
ency said.
The lackr of liberldissent onnthe
a dove on Vietnam, Ferency said "all
Presidential hopefuls look pretty much
the same.
"They would rather not get involved
in black and white issues," Ferency ex-
plained. "These days, everyone's against
crime and violence."
President Johnson's State of the Un-
ion Message said there was an air of
restlessness because the ship of state is
nmoving into new, uncharted waters, "but
really, we are in an ocean of turmoil,"
Ferency said.
Ferency claims that people admit we
werf wrong to get into Vietnam. "But
now they say we have a committment.
We are committed to a gross error," he
Hr, hopes the national convention in
Chicago in August will "drag out issues
and discuss them." However, unless
therc is a sudden shift in both parties.
"we will have an election between
Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum."
Engineering Council circulated
a petition earlier this week pro-
testing the placement of any re-
strictions on meetings with re-
cruiters. Nearly 1400 signatures
were collected.
However, Prof. Carl Legatski,
head of the Ann Arbor chapter of
the American Institute of Chem-
ical Engineers and originator of
the petition, feels that not many
more signatures will be collected.
The petition aims to preserve
the policy that employers' repre-
sentatives, meet privately with
students rather than facing a
public forum. Engineering Coun-
cil decided to sponsor the petition
when the Student Relations Com-
mittee of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
recommended open forum dis-
cussions earlier this month.
The Student and Faculty Ad-
visory Committees to the Bureau
of Appointments unanimously
passed a similar resolution yes-
terday. The two committees met
in joint session in the Union to
hold open hearings and consider
the resolution.
Most Agree
"Most engineering students were
in agreement with the present
policy," said Wally Rhines, '68E,
president of Engineering Council.
Dean Gordon Van Wylen also
thought the present policy was
fair and added that he would be
willing to invite any company
representative to meet with stu-
dents on an organized and cour-
teous basis.
University President Robben W.
Fleming said he would bring the
matter before the Regents, al-
though it is not on the formal
agenda for this Friday's Regents
Infringe On Rights
The petition stated that making
nmnn v rpresentatives nrtici-
the administration of the engi- cumstances.
neering school. Dewey and University Assistant
Van Wylen agrees with present Athletic Director Bert Katzen-
policy and opposes mandatory meyer continued their, investiga-
public forums for all employers' tion into apparent Michigan vio-
representatives. lations of Part 2, Rule 7, Section
Resolution 2 of the Big Ten code concerning
The appointments bureau ad- illegal financial aid to athletes.
visory committees' r e s o l u t i o n Working alongside Dewey and;
urges "that during the winter Katzenineyer will be an ad hoc'
term 1968 the University invite committee appointed last Friday
employing groups deemed contro- by the Board in Control of Inter-
versial by this Committee or by collegiate Athletics
petition of 100 students or more
to send a representative to the
campus to discuss the controver-;:;>
sial policy or operations in an --
open forum, including questions
from the floor, procedure to be
set by the joint Student-Faculty
Advisory Committees to the Bu-
reau of Appointments."
Evart W. Ardis, director of the
bureau of appointments andI
chairman of thie faculty commit-
tee,:wa pointed out that it was un-
derstood" that the resolution.
would be followed on a voluntary
basis this semester.>; ;
Members of the faculty com-
mittee include Dean James Wal-
lace of the music school and Pro-
fessors John Young of the engi-
neering college and Donald Hill
of the English department. Mem-
bers of the student committee in-
elude Tom Westerdale, grad,
- Kathryn Bolton, grad, and How-'
ard Rontal, '71 DUFFY DA UGHERTY
Dow Representative To Speak
On Corporate Policy at Forum
By DAN SHARE resolutions demanding that cor-' The recruiter on campus for the
Dow Chemical Corporation has porations using the University's next three days is not expected
agreed to participate in a public ! facilities to recruit, be required to to participate in any policy dis-
forum at the University some time engage in public discussion of their cussions. As Al Wolf of Dow told
next week. policies. The Daily in a recent interview:
a :=-5:'