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S irlin
Low 0--5
Continued cloudy;
possibility of light snow.
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedorm
LSA Faculty Endorses
Elderfield Research Plan1n
By DAVID FRITSCH was attended by over 250 faculty After prolonged and vigorous
h' lip 14+arvt 'nn larp faa .rhlt .., -U 1 -. vC....,&t. .. t hy, 1. ± 1e+
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1 ie lierary cunege iacuty
voted yesterday to recommend
that the faculty senate adopt the
Elderfield report on classified re-,
In doing so, they defeated the
resolution by Prof. Robert Angell,
of the department of sociology,
which urged the abolition of all
classified research at the Uni-
The vote came in a special meet-
ing called expressly for the pur-
pose of considering a policy on
classified research. The meeting
memoers, almost one-fourth of debate, the faculty voted to con-
the whole faculty. sider Gold's resolution by a vote !
The resolution, proposed at the of 99-68, while killing the Angell
beginning of yesterday's special
meeting by Prof. Martin Gold, of
the department of psychology, ur-
ged "that this faculty recommend
to the faculty senate the adopt-k
tion of the Jan. 16, 1968 report
of its committee on research po-
licy and to implement that re-
port by establishing the review
committee specified in the four
policy statements as its guide-
resolution. The Gold resolution
was then passed, 85-61. Both votes
represent about 15 per cent of
the LSA faculty.
The four policy statements would
" Contracts aimed at destroy-
ing human life.
*"Constracts restraining the
University's freedom to dislose the
existence or sponsor of the con-
! Contracts restraining the
University from discussing the
project's purpose or from inform-
ing otherscientists of its results.
* Contracts needing the ap-
proval of an outside agency for
dissemination of their findings,
unless the research would make
"a significant contribution to the
~advancement of knowledge" or
"enhance the capability of the
researcher or his unit."
Angell's resolution had urged a
policy "prohibiting the acceptance
of contracts which specify that'
results be kept secret." It also urg-
ed that the Regents disengage the
University from contracts incon-
sistent with this policy.
The adopted resolution now goes
before the faculty senate at its"
Monday meeting. If it passes, it
will go to the Regents for ap-
Commenting on the faculty's
action, literary college Dean Wil-
liam Haber said. "This is an is-
sue of crucial significance in the
educational mission of the Uni-
versity. It is clear after today's full
and vigorous debate that the fa-
culty is strongly divided on this
topic. While the motion to request
the Regents to establish a policy
prohibiting acceptance of con-'
tracts by the University which
specified the results be secret was
defeated, the vote was not over-
wbelmingly one-sided."
"It seems to me," he continued,
"that a majority of the faculty
felt that the senate committee on
research policy, in proposing to
set up review procedures, was moreI
likely to overcome the most ob-
jectionable features of classified
research than the proposal thatj
sought its total elimination."
'I nv estigato'4
Sports Staff
Athletic Board Also
Appoints Committee
To Assist in Inquiry
The Big Ten investigation of
University athletic p r a c t i c e s
swung into gear yesterday as As-
sistant Commissioner and Exam-
Exr John D. Dewey interviewed
members of The Daily staff about
stories concerning apparent vio-
lations of conference rules.
Dewey and University Assistant
Athletic Director Bert Katzen-
meyer talked with Sports Editor
Clark Norton and reporter How-
ard Kohn concerning allegations
of discounts. free merchandise and
theater tickets given to athletes
by local merchants.
Apparent Violation
These practices are in apparent
violation of conference regulation
Part Two, Rule Seven. Section
Two, adopted in 1967, which pro-
hibits athletes from accepting
special aid beyond their scholar-
ship for any athletic achieve-
"The investigation is just in its
beginning stages," Dewey said
yesterday. "Right now we are try-
ing to see how extensive'our work
is going to be. It may be that so
many people are involved that
some other investigators will have
to come to town. So I can't say
at this time. how long the probe
will last."
Katzenmeyer said. "I will be
with him (Dewey) until the in-
vestigation is completed. The
athletic department is as anxious
as anyone else to cooperate fully
with the Big Ten in every way."
The Athletic Board is also con-j
ducting its own probe into the;
Concern Local Businesses
The allegations under examina-
tion concern five local businesses.
"All I can do now is investigate
the allegations," Dewey remarked
yesterday. "I'll look into every-
thing. report back to the commis-
sioner (Bill Reed), who will then
go to the conference athletic di-,
rectors. The directors themselves
determine whether or not there
fExaminer Schiedules
Spartan Invest igationl
The, Big Ten wit! inv'estigate apparent violators of, con.-
ference rules by Miciigan State University athletes, As-
sistant Commissioner}-;gind Examiner John Dewey said yester-
"We're going to do the sa me type of investigation in East
Lansing as is now under way down here in Ann Arbor," Dewey
said. The probes are a r esu .t of articles appearing recent is-
sues of The Daily.
"Our first job is to ,:ind out if the allegations printed in
The Daily are truei," Dewey stated. "I have access to any per-
tinent university recor'ds for any school in the conference,
"It wiii not be hard to determine whether MSU athletes
were charging phone calls to the athletic department (one
of the allegations). T;, will ;aimply be a yes or no proposition.
I'm goeing to talk with coaches,'
athletes, townspeople, or any-
body who can give me infor- Union Heads
The Daily listed Spartan as- R esig I ro
sistant football coach Gordon
Serr's telephone number as the
one to which athletes charged{A D
long distance calls. The number,
misprinted as 355-1212. is actual-
ly 355-1622.
Another allegation concerned McCarthy Support,
free trips to campus for the par- Johnson Rejection
ents of a prospective recruit. "The
implications of this facet disturb Alienate Leaders
me." admits Dewey, "since the
statements about the trips were NEW YORK (A)-The presidents
vague." of three of the country's largest
"Paid transportation for the unions resigned yesterday from the
parents of an athlete might or board of Americans for Demo-
might not be a violation. cratic Action (ADA) over the lib-
"Ti oe n s iefinite vinltinn eral group's endorsement of Sen.
-Daily-Andy Sacks
ASSISTANT BIG TEN Commissioner John Dewey (left) and
University Assistant Athletic Director Bert Katzenmeyer discuss
possible Big Ten rule violaflons with Daily Staffers yesterday.
SACUA To Weigh
Inquiry Into CIA
IU 16 vtiiy U. UU11111M, vsvlaLlvll I
;F nnmmnrn;nl Fwa t crtnrf'ef'in'n ie
Eugene McCarthy of 'Minnesota
-Deily-Andy Sacks
Undaunted by winter's icy griy,, the construction crews forge on
in the relentless battle to bring Ann Arbor's latest architectural
addition into reality, a parking structure on Maynard Street.
RC Budget Nearly Doubles
To Meet Enrollment Increase
tinued. "The important test is if the college will be like another have been any violations.
The Residential College is the faculty is available, and they department," he said. "And it
moving toward financial indepen- will be. The professors will be might involve some shifting' of
dence. This year is has received there whether they are paid by teaching fellows from their origin-
.approximately $125,000 from thedepartments or by the residential al department to the college. The
ltrrxmy cllegefor firstyarom p- college-we will continue to re- departments might complain a bit,
ierary eensesg he monesy as -imburse the departments." but if a teaching fellow has been
erating expenses. The money has The most significant feature of teaching the majority of his time
minstraie andusecetayil sada- the increased budget, according to in the residential college it will be
ristrativ addti secra$140a00 a-s Robertson, is that "in cases where useless to keep him in the depart-
. Allcaddoritiongl up4had0uat-the separate departments really ment."
allocated for setting up headquart- need money for the staff they lend Next year the college will receive
ers in East Qua . t y w be to the college, we'll be able to pro- $120,000 from general University
Bumost dubedg AoringyoaRes-vide it-as much as half of the construction funds-down $20,000
almost doubled. According to Res- tota faculty time cost." from last year. Robertson explain-j
idential College Director James This will partially eliminate ed that the money will be used to
Robertson and Vice-President for what Haber terms the "psycho- remodel classrooms in East Quad,
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith, logical problem" created when and provide housing accommoda-
the college will be receiving ap- professors are lent by departments. 4 tion for 35 faculty members as well
proximately $235,000 for next However, Smith foresees several as badly needed office space. The'
year's operating expenses. new problems. "Separate financing college received only $41,000 from
What we really needed was ap-he $55M fund drive-out of a
proximately a $250,000 increase move teachers in and out, since scheduled total of $1.8 million
said Robertson. But we're willing
to go halfway down the road with
it-we'll settle on about $235,000 SCRA
"This process may take some
time. For example. The Daily said4
people on the training table are
getting a free pair of slack: each
season. In order to investigate this
properly, we may have to talk
with everyone on the traiLing
Illinois Situation
"The situation at Illinois -last
year required two months' wor."
Dewey continued. "Depending on
these preliminary investigations
therefore, Commissioner Reed
may also want to come to town
and talk to people."
Dewey said he would "make a.
report to Fritz Crisler (University
athletic director) and the rest of
the Michigan athletic department
as soon as the investigation is
President Robben W. Fleming
has asked the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
to consider the possibility of in-
vestigating CIA activity on cam-
Fleming sent a letter yesterday
to Prof. Frank Kennedy of the
Law School, chairman of- SACUA,
asking for recommendations on
whether there should be an in-
vestigation and. if so, how it
should be conducted.
Fleming's request did not ar-
rive in time for consideration by
SACUA at its regular bi-weekly
meeting. SACUA chairman Frank
Kennedy said he had not talked
to Fleming about the request.
In a related development, the
executive committee of the In-
stitute for Social Research met
yesterday to discuss problems in-
volving CIA activity in the insti-
According to ISR Assistant Di-
rector Stanley Seashore, the com-
mittee "reviewed the issue and
decided not to take any action."
Seashore would not discuss any
further details of the meeting nor
would six other members of the
committee who were contacted
last night.
Student Government Council
passed a resolution Thursday de-
manding the University conduct
a full investigation into the ex-
tent and nature of CIA activity
on campus.
The resolution requests that
the investigation be carried out'
by a joint committee of students;
and faculty. SGC demanded that,
the committee report its findings
no later than March 15.
CIA contacts are "potentially
harmful to the ISR," Prof. Arnold
Tannebaum, program director off
ISR, explained. "I think we
should carefully think through a
policy designed to minimize if
not eliminate these contacts," he
Welfare Grou
In Support of
it commercialt a ton is'-WJUd1UU i -
involved, by plane or otherwise. for' the Democratic presidential
No one can legally provide com- nomination.
mercial tickets for the parents," , Joseph A. Beirne of the Com-
he explained. munications Workers of America
Another of the allegations (AFL-CIO) sent a telegram from
pointed to the dissemination of Washington to John Kenneth Gal-
"grill passes" among athletes, braith,.national chairman of ADA,
which entitle them to food in the advising him he was withdrawing
snack bars of the campus dormi- from the board because of the
tories. McCarthy endorsement.
Dewey called this "legal as long No Precedent
as the athlete who gets the pass Louis Stulberg of the 455.006
is accompanying a prospect who member International Ladies Gar-
is visiting the school. This is what ment Workers Union said the "ill
Duffy (MSU football coach Duffy considered" endorsement was his
Daugherty) claims is the situation reason. "It is without precedent
at State." for the ADA to make such an en-
Dewey expects to open the East dorsement prior to its own conven-
Lansing investigation as soon as tion," he added. .
he completes the probe started In Pittsburgh, I. W. Abel of the
yesterday in Ann Arbor. United Steelworkers gave a similar
"The incidents reported in The catise for his resignation.
See ALLEGED, Page 8 "The board's repudiation of
-- - -.- - - President Johnson on the basis of
a single issue in a time of national
concern and committment, while
ignoringthe President's overall
record of accomplishment in areas
of traditional concern to ADA, is
unwarranted, unrealistic, short-
sighted and ignores the realities
58 apartments to be used for pub-i of the present political situation,"
lic housing said Abel's- resignation!
Fair Play for People, an organ-Pyr
ization composed of welfare re-: Fair Play for People previo
cipients and friends, will picket picketed against the Commissi
the City Council's open hearing original plan. This plan props
on public housing tonight in sup- constructing 139 units on se
port of the Housing Commission's sites, with a maximum of 39 u
new proposal for low-rent hous- to be built on three of the s
in.The group charged that1
ing. would create ghettos.
The proposal calls for the con- The group plans to 'picket t
struction of 135 units on nine Hall from 6:30 to 7:15 this ev
sites, a maximum of 24 units on ing, and then will attend
any one site, and the purchase of hearing to testify in behalf
f of
Covers Staff
"I would suppose that the ad-
dition of a second class in the col-
lege would create the added ex-j
pense," said Smith. "Most of the
administrative staff is already
covered-no increase is needed
there, But I hope that when we
make up the budget we can move
tc more independent financing
for the college. We ought to be
able to accomplish it in two or
three years."
Literary School Dean William
Haber also was optimistic about
independent financing for the col-
lege. "The college will have its
own budget, as a separate line item
of the literary school," he said. "It
will probably take two or three
yeas, but there's no danger of
st- ving the residential college."
Financial Squeeze
Taxes 'U' Expansion
To successfully plan the growth pat-
terns of the University, administrators
need Divine Providence on their side.
After all, they must plan as though
the University were destined to grow.
unconstrained by such petty concerns
as the availability of adequate space,
staff and funds.
And at the same time, they must
realize that the state legislature prob-
ably won't come through with the funds
for space and staff that are essential
for growth.
The Office of Academic Affairs con-
tions were "prepared on a variety of
assumptions that never matured." In
preparing the 1966 projections, deans
were advised to ignore "mundane con-
cerns" and plan for the years 1966-75
As if the necessary funds and buildings
would be available.
But now, "It has become obvious LSA
simply cannot grow," Smith said. In
fact, Smith and the literary college fac-
ulty have decided to cut next fall's en-
rollment in LSA by 90 students.
And the school of Architecture and
Design, similarly hit by lack of funds
and space, has put a freeze on enroll-
000 students. The number of students
was predicted to swell to 47,500 by 1975.
Although last fall's enrollment of
34,514 is lagging only slightly behind
the projections, lack of funds, space,
faculty and supporting staff have made
1963 projections unrealistic.
Nevertheless, as state institutions the
colleges and universities are expected
to serve the growing needs of the state.
Smith says, "Even if some new uni-
versities are established, every exist-
ing university must still grow to pro-
vide for the needs of the state."
"However, some schools are equipped
the new proposal.
Appearing in opposition to the"
proposal will be representatives of
the Fifth Ward Association for
Permanent Progress. The asso-
ciation claims that 24 units are
too many to construct on a single
Association Chairman Dale
Boyd says he would favor a
"Lorain (Ohio) approach" in pub-
lic housing. This would consist of
building low-rent public housingI
units completely,- separate from - I f.Ae
one another. The ADA endorsed the Minne-
The Association has expressed sota Democrat by a 65-47 vote of
the belief that under the Loraine its national board Saturday in
demonstration, public housing Washington.
tenants would merge inconspic- It was the first time in 20 years
uously with neighboring houses. that the ADA has failed to endorse
Fair Play for People, however, an incumbent Democratic presi-
terms the new proposal "a pro-, dent.
gram that will meet the desper- John P. Roche, a special assis-
ate needs of low-income people tant to the President, resigned
for decent housing." The organi- from the board as soon as the vote
zation charges that the Fifth was taken.
UEE as