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February 10, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-10

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Vance Sent



White House Denies
A-Bomb Requests


Confer on

Of N. Korean

WASHINGTON (P) -President'
Johnson dispatched troubleshoot-
er Cyrus R. Vance to Seoul, Ko-
rea, last night to talk with Pres-
ident Chung Hee Park about the
"grave threat" of North Korean
hostile acts.
Vance, former deputy secretary
of defense, is leaving by special
plane, accompanied by State and
Defense Department officials, the
White House said.
South Korea has been disturbed
over concentration in talks at
Panmunjom between the United
States and North Korea on the
seizure of the U.S. intelligence
ship Pueblo, and its crew of 83.
The South Koreans thought
there should be equal attention
to the attempted assassination of

Park by a band of iniiltra
and to representation at the F
munjom conference table for
The decision to draft Vance
the Korean assignment was
garded as another step in atter
ing to smooth troubled conditi
Vance has served Johnson c
number of occasions, such asc
ing the Detroit riots last;
and the recent threat of a Gr
Turkish war over Cyprus.
The White House issued
"President Johnson will
Mr. Cyrus R. Vance, formerc
uty secretary of defense, to Se
Korea, as his personal repre
tative for talks with Presi
Chung Hee Park and otherl

tors, o.ficials of the Republic of Korea
Pan- government. The talks will deal
the witl the grave threat to theRe-,
public of- Korea caused by the re-
for cent North Korean hostil acts
re- against the Republic of Korea and
mlpt- the United States and the meas-
ons. ures being taken by our two gov- k::
on a ernments to deal with the situa- ..^
dur. tion.
year Aid Proposal
eek- "In that context Mr. Vance REFUGF
will discuss with President Park
this President Johnson's proposal to Refugees sought protection from rifle
the Congress for an increase of of Saigon. Street fighting continued bet
send $100 million in military aid to the
dep- Republic of Korea." g ysIGARBAGE PILES UP:
eoul, Meanwhile the Pentagon *s
sen- the intelligence ship Pueblo oper-
dent ated without radar surveillance of
her capture by the North Koreans. Indsay Re
Responding to questions, the
Pentagon reported that no U.S.
vessels were assigned to track by 1
radar the Pueblo's movements be- Pl n To E

-Associated Press
fire yesterday under a parked truck in the western section
ween Viet Cong and allied troops..
jects Rockefeller's
d Sanitation Strike

Union Ends Strike
Of Southern Rails

ST. LOUIS (T) - A strike against
three railroads over the size of
work crews was settled yesterday
afternoon, officials of the Brother-
hood of Railroad Trainmen and
the railroads announced.
railroads announced.
R. D. Jones, union vice presi-
dent, said in St. Louis that a
memorandum of understanding
has been approved by the union
and the three railroads-the Mis-
souri Pacific, the Texas & Pacif-
ic and the Seaboard Coast Line.
The Texas and Pacific is a sub-
sidiary of the Mo-Pac. Details of
the memorandum were not an-
In Florida, W. Thomas Rice,
president of Seaboard said freight
service was to resume immediately
and that passenger service is ex-
pected to be normal by Sunday.
Resume Operations{
Missouri Pacific public relations
personnel said normal operations
were expected to be resumed some-
time Saturday morning. The
M spokesman indicated the settle-
rhent included the MoPac's sub-
sidiary, the Texas & Pacific and
the Seaboard Coast Line.
Tom Hogan, spokesman for the
Missouri Pacific, said he would
assume the Seaboard strike was
settled. He said the meeting was
held in Florida which he described
as "Seaboard territory." Sea-
board is not a subsidiary of the
Missouri Pacific.
Walkout Imminent
Union employes of the Seaboard
struck at about the same time as
the Missouri Pacific trainmen.
Crew size was also an issue in the
Seaboard strike.
TheBrotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen struck the MoPac at
10:30 p.m. Mondy. Railroad of-
ficials said the timing of the
strike was a surprise but added
that there were indications a walk-
out was imminent.
A grievance chairman, A. F.
Smith, said the strike was called
after efforts to negotiate with the

Missouri Pacific on the issue of
crew size failed. Smith said the
company had reduced train crews
to the point that safety of train-
men and the general public was
jeopardized. '
A Missouri Pacific spokesman,
Harry Hammer, assistant to the
president, said the strike was an
attempt to return featherbedding
to the railroads. Hammer said
safety was not an issue in re-
duction of crew sizes adding that
the number of accidents had
actually decreased in recent years.
The strike idled about 2,500
trainmen on the 12,000 mile Mis-
ouri Pacific system which em-
ployes about 23,500 persons. I

tween Jan. 10 and 21 to keep
record of her locations. NEW YORK (f')-Mayor John
In International Waters V. Lindsay refused to reconsider
U.S. officials have left open the Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller's peace
possibility the Pueblo entered formula in an 8-day sanitation
North Korea's territorial waters strike yesterday, and in turn the
during that period, although governor ruled out National
stressing she was under orders Guard assistance to the city,
not to do so. inundated by a massive garbage
Because the ship was out of pileup.
touch then, the United States "There is nothing to reconsid-+
cannot state positively it never er," Lindsay declared, underlin-
crossed into North Korea's 12- ing the breach between New
mile limit. The ,Pentagon's ear- York's two nationally-known Re-:
ler position was that the Pueblo publicans.
at no time intruded in North KO-'The situation took on new ur-
rean waters, gency yesterday when private
Some congressmen have openly trash collections were all but
wondered whether the United halted in the city, adding 5,000
States had in fact kept tabs on tons a day to'the massive pileup.
the Pueblo by radar surveillance Alfred Katz, an executive of the
from a distant ship, and thus striking Uniformed Sanitation-
knew exactly where she had been., men's Association, declared:

increase proposed by a Rockefel- fill 15 one mile long freight trains.
ler mediation panel for 10,000 Its removal as of now could be
striking sanitation men. The un- expected to take four or five
ion accepted it, but Lindsay called days.
it "a little blackmail." An explosion of the city's rat
Rockefeller subsequently rebuf-' population was feared, with the
fed Lindsay's renewed appeal for ' accompanying danger of disease.
National Guard assistance in re- However, the City Health Depart-
moving an estimated 70,000 tons ment said reports of rat bites
of refuse already festering in since the strike began Feb. 2
streets and buildings-enough to were no greater than normal.
Federal Efforts To Settle
Co per Strike Deadlocked
WASHINGTON UP) - Govern-I The unions, headed by the AFL-
ment efforts to settle the nation- CIO United Steelworkers, are de-
wide copper strike are still c 2vmied manding increases of about $1 per
after a week of private talks by hour in wages and fringe benefits
a special federal panel with com- over three years.
pany and union negotiators, it And while they are willing to
was reported yesterday. discuss different benefits for vari-
"They're still drilling dry holes," ous copper operations, they insist
said a source close to the talks that the total package adds up
between four major copper firms to the same increases for all work-

House labeled as false yesterday
a report attributed to Sen. Eugene
J. McCarthy (D-Minn.) that
tactical nuclear weapons have
been asked for in the war in
Contacted in Miami, Fla., where
he had a speaking engagement,
McCarthy denied making the re-
McCarthy said a reporter in
Boston asked him about rumors
that permission to use nuclear
weapons had been asked of .the
McCarthy said he told the re-!
porter, "It wouldn't surprise me
if some generals had been asking
for nuclear weapons."
He said he did not say anyone
had asked for tactical nuclear!
Press secretary George Chris-
tian was asked whether President
Johnson has received a request
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff
that the use of tactical nuclear
weapons be authorized if this be-
comes necessary.
"I think all of you know,"
Christian said, "that decisions of
this nature rest with the Presi-
dent. The President has consider-
ed no decision of this nature."
McCarthy is seeking the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination and
is opposing the President's war
A reporter told Christian that
McCarthy was reported as saying
in Boston Thursday that a request
for tactical nuclear weapons for
use in Vietnam had been made.
The report quoted McCarthy that
he expected there would be, a re-
newed demand for them-which
he hoped would be rejected.
"Sen. McCarthy's statement is'
false and it also is unfair to the
armed forces," Christian replied.
He declined to elaborate further.
Rumored Stockpiling
The St. Louis Dispatch report-
ed yesterday from Washington
that reports persist that the
"United . States has stockpiled'
tactical nuclear weapons in South
Vietnam for use if the Commun-
ists threaten to overrun the
Allied .forces at Khe Sanh."
In a dispatch'written by Mar-
quis W. Childs, the paper's chief
Washington correspondent, the
afternoon newspaper said the re-
ports were being studied by the

Senate Foreign Relations Com-
High U.S. military officials
termed the report "ridiculous."
They noted that the last thing
the United States would do is
stockpile nuclear weapons in an
unstable environment like Viet-
If the United States ever want-
ed to use atomic weapons, these
officials said, the devices could
be brought in with little trouble
or delay.
Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-
Ark.), chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, was report-
ed deeply disturbed by rumors
that in a last resort American
commanders in Vietnam are
authorized to use nuclear weap-
ons available from stockpiles.
Childs wrote that Fulbright
would not comment for the rec-
ord, but "he is known to have
initiated an intensive staff in-
vestigation of the reports."
Gain on U.S.
Supply Loss
ranking official conceded yester-
day that some American com-
modities sent to Vietnam are be-
ing diverted into Communist held
areas-and lie said he sees no
way to halt this completely.
It would be an "impossibly ex-
pensive proposition" to prevent all
diversions to the Viet Cong, and
there is no effective way to do it,
said Rutherford Poats, deputy di-
rector of the Agency for Inter-
national Development (AID).
The difficulty was brought to
light after the Cambridge, Mass.,
consultant firm of Arthur D.
Little, Inc., made a preliminary
survey of commodity require-
ments for AID, centering on an
apparent massive over supply of
galvanized sheet steel.
About 17,700 metric tons of
this metal were imported into
Vietnam last year although the
estimated need for roofing and
siding is about 2,000 tons an-


World News Roundup

Inundated in Garbage
"This city is going to be inun-
dated in garbage. People are go-
ing to drown in it unless some-
thing is done, soon."
Bernard Adelstein; a Teamsters

PRETORIA, South Africa-Nine-
teen Africans were sentenced to-
day to life imprisonment on
charges of terrorism in South West
Africa after a controversial case,
that prompted the UN Security
Council to condemn South Africa's
white supremacist government
Supreme Court Justice J. F.
Ludor sentenced nine others to 20
years and two to five years. The
remaining three defendants drew
five year sentences with four years
and 11 months suspended.
The accused had faced possibly
death sentences under South Afri-
ca's Terrorism Act.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A small group
of Cubans hijacked a Cuban fer-
ryboat at knifepoint and forced
it to go to the U.S. Naval Base
at Guantanamo, sources said yes-
It was reported three Cuban
men and an 11-year old boy were
in the group that got off at the
U.S. Naval Base on the eastern end

of Cuba, then allowed the ferry- Union official, said 80 per cent and 26 unions that have been on
boat to go its way. of the private cartmen were hon- strike for nearly seven months.
The Defense Department has oring newly established picket The unions, representing 60,0001
said nothing about this incident, lines at city sanitation depots strikers are clinging to their de-
which occurred last week. The Sanitationmen's Association mand for companywide bargain-
More significantly. perhaps, the is a Teamsters affiliate. ing ,and the copper firms continue#
Cuban government has made no Private carters pick up 6,000 to refuse, the source said.
public protest, tons of refuse a day, mainly from The three-man special govern-
stores, hotels and restaurants in ment panel was told by both sides
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-The congested midtown Manhattan. during public hearings last week
South Vietnamese UN observer About 1,000 tons is carted to New that the companywide bargaining
charged Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Jersey, and this portion was nct issue was blocking negotiations on
(D-NY), Friday with making "un- affected by the picketing. economic issues such as wages,
fair and unfounded criticism" Refuses Governor's Offer pensions and health and welfare
against the people and government benefits.
of that country. Midtown had been largely un- Demand Uniform Contract
The charge was contained in a affected by the. sanitation strike The companies in the past have
statement issued by the office of during its first week. But with negotiated separately for different
Ambassador Nguyen . Huu Chi, little storage space available for operations scattered over 22 states;
head of South Vietnam's observer trash, the private cartmen's ac- The unions demand simultane-
mission to the United Nations. tions made the outlook grim. ous contract expiration dates for
The statement expressed regret Lindsay, meanwhile, refused to all operations of each company.
that Kenedy had chosen to voice reconsider Rockefeller's formula Wages now range from a low of
criticism "against the people and for settling the sanitation strike, $2.61 per hour to a high of $3.68
government of South Vietnam, and in turn the governor ruled for various;jobs in mining, smelt-
which are sweating blood and out National Guard assistance to ing and refining operations of the
tears to rehabilitate thousands the city. four firms-Kencott, Anaconda,
of civilians, victims of attacks of Earlier in the day, Lindsay Phelps Dodge and American
the Viet Cong terrorists." turned down a $425-a-year wage Smelting and Refining.

ers in each company, the source
Company'counter-offers amount!
to about 50 cents an hour.
Halts U.S. Production
The strike, which will be seven
months old next Thursday, has
halted virtually all U.S. copper
production and the pre-strike price
of 35 cents a pound has almost
doubled because of higher priced
The same' companies control
many copper sources abroad.
Joseph P. Molony, Steelworkers
vice-president and chief negotiator
for the strikers, has accused the
companies of trying to break the
unions and force up the price of


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