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February 10, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-10

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See Editorial Page




High-I 5
8now flurries throughout
the day

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedo ii


US. Forces Gain in Hue; Bi
Renew Haiphong Strike T


Athlei c


SAIGON (AP) - U.S. Marines held out against South Vietnamese advance drafting cf youths.
* scored fresh gains in the northiern troops. The latest action in the Saigon
city of Hue, a South Vietnamese 'The U.S. Command reported that area was a Viet Cong shelling early
military spokesman said today as yesterday, the 11th day of the Itoday of an allied ammunition
the battel for the old Imperial Communists lunar new year of- depot just north of the capital
capital entered its 12th day. fensive. brought another 1,085 near the town of Vo Gap.
He said small groups of Corn- enemy dead, raising the total since The South Vietnamese spokes-
munist fighters were retreating to- Jan. 29 to 27,706. man said a government airborne
ward three small town to the If accurate, the figures indi- battalion had been sent in and
south. cafe the allies have killed 10 of made contact with the enemy.
In other actions U.S. carrier- the enemy for each of their own There was flo report on the out-
based Navy bombers attacked an dead. The allied toll for the of- come.
airfield near Haiphong yesterday, fensive was put at 2,707-920 Amer- Some Resistance
military head quarters reported icans. 1733 South Vietnamese In Saigon, itself, where the
today. The attack appreared to and 54 other allies, government was trying to get
signal 'the end of a month long Headquarters said 11,519 allies refugee relief programs rolling
Ameia etraint onbmighad been wounded, ~including 4,- while mopping up Communist
S aretrundr Haipong andbHag 561 Americans and 6,721 South holdouts, elements of the U.S.
noi, North Viktnam's key cities. V-taee 19hLgtIfnr Biad
The South Vietnamese spokes- South Vietnamese President Ngu- joined South Vietnamese forces in
man said the Marines had gained yen Van Thieu predicted, mean- an effort to erase pockets of re-
control of Hue's irailroad station, while, the Communist offensive sistance-.
soccer stadium and the Phu Cam plans would persist through 1968. Along the northern frontier
administrative complex in the city, He decreed quick measures to a predicted big offensive from an
But there was no late word from build up the government's armed estimated four North Vietnamese
Sthe city's old walled Citadel, where forces, including freezing of dis- divisions deployed in and near
at last report enemy remants still charges, recall of veterans and then demlarzie zone to or


Student Union Ofers
Lo0 w Lanry Rtes
By RICHARD WINTER approached by SCU with a plan
A student group is organizing for joint advertising campaigns to
alauildry pick-up minse rmi- nform students of the lower
*per cent less than presently charg- i eOne AnnArbor clothier has aJ-
plan. He said that given a guaran-
The plan is. the first project of teed higher turnover, he would
the Student Consumers Union, an i e willing to discount his prices,
~ffillate of Student Government for students.
,,..ouncil. SCU hopes to "bring "We feel that prices in Ann Ar-
lower prices to students by bring- bor are generally higher than else-
- ng In outside competition," said where," said Carol Hollenshead,
Tom Van Lgente rGrad, one of the l'71, chairman of the group.
grou's rgaizes. By bringing in competition
Van Lente contacted the owner. from the outside, we hope to first
of a Detroit laundry who said he give students tie benefits of im-
would clean men's shirts for 26 mediately lower prices, and even-
::ents each, about 10 cents less tually to compel local merchants
than the current price in Ann to lower their prices," she said.
* Arbor-.
Plans call for use of laundry
aick-up facilities already existing
tn most dormitories. Pick-up and
around campus for students not
liig in residence hal. Faerni-
ties and University Towers apairt-
Sments will also be invited to par- P
Talks are presently underway By DAVID MANN
with dormitory officials to certify The Administrative Board of
the plan. literary college is reviewing its
disciplinary procedures with re-
SCU hopes to extend operations gard to due process considerations.
to other parts of the retail mar- Several members of the board
ket. Studies of food, clothing, have requested an explicit delinea-
jewelry, record and cosmetic prices tion of the policy in academic and
are in process. non-acaddmic cases,.
Any stores already offering At a meeting yesterday, the
lower-than-average prices will be board also sought a concrete
SGTC ToActS s Co-Sponsor
Of Draft Coun Seling Center

or five North Vietnamese divi-
sions to allied forced below the
demilitarized zone was the ap-
pearance of' four enemy tanks
and a column of 20 other vehicles
in the mountains a few miles
southwest of the U.S. Marine
stronghold at Khe Sanh.'
Jet Attacks
The U.S. Command said jet
planes disabled two of the tanks
Thursdaysand destroyed some of
Thek fNorth Vietnamese uted
war Wednesday in overrunning
the Lang Vei Special Forces
camp west of Khe Sanh.
Allied authorities said seven of
those armored vehicles, of Rus-
sian make, were destroyed in the
Elements of the U.S. 199th
Light Infantry Brigade landed by
helicopters at the Saigon race-
track to give a hand to Vietnam-
ese troops seeking t~o clear that
area and the adjacent Chinese
quarter, Cholon.
definition of plagiarism and a dis-
ciplinary policy for plagiarism'
cases, according to James Shaw,
assistant dean of the literary
Although the board usually
handles cases on academic dis-
honesty, it is currently making
disciplinary decisions on non-aca-
demic matters.
This is a stop-gap function

Three Students Dea d;
McNair Links Riot To
Blaek Power Urgings
Robeirt McNair put this tense col-
lege town under a nighttime cur-
few yesterday and accused Black
Power advocates of sparking the
students were sot toh death.ero
Within minutes after the cur-
few became effective at 5 p.m.,
stores, businesses and theaters
wei'e closed. Only policemen were
on the sidewalks.
Cairs were allowed on the
streets, but there were few of
About 600 National Guardsmen
them were deoye to help state
atrolme ni seaof t virtually
stand guar d near the city's down-
town business district. Others
stood by at the armory.
Ammunition in Pocket
A headquarters spokesman said
the Guardsmen, armed with
rifles and bayonets, had orders to
keep ammunition in their pockets
unless their lives were threatened.
McNair declared a state of
emergency in Orangeburg after
the three students were killed and
37 persons wounded when Negroes
and police exchanged gunfire
Thursday night.
It was the fourth night of vio-
lence on or near the adjoining
campuses of South Carolina State
Collegse ad Claflin College.olee
were suspended indefinitely and
by nightfall all but 75 students
had left the campus for their
homes. The remaining 75 awaited
school buses being provided by
the state. ,
President Johnson and Atty.
Gen. Ramsey Clark were asked
by the state chapter of the N't-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People to
send National Guardsmen from
"neutral areas outside of South

The Big Ten xxill launch an Im-
mediate investigation of apparent
violations of conference rules by
University athletes.
John D. Dewey, Assistant Big
STen Commissioner and ,Examiner,
S'.~"'~* .told The Daily that he w/ill per-
sonally visit Ann Arbor early next
week to investigate allegations list-
ed in a Daily article yesterday.
... chants admitted havng given dis
counts, free merchandise and
theater passes to athl-etes with the
knowledge of the coaches.
"Like any other allegations, we
~ 't"' '~'will investigate and determine the
facts," Dewey told The Daily yes-
terday. "There may be some viola-
tion of NCAA or Big Ten rules in-
4 volved. We will try to get a general
under standing of the allegations
:and then move accordingly."
".~~ quirya University Aleti Irecto
~ *K~ late lst nigh t tha thle University
Voie PlitcalPary mmbes c .' Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Ks Vaughn Athletics has already started an
-Kr g aninvestigation into the matter.
nfronted the Per'shing Rifles outside of U nive-rsity High School on During last night's monthly
lay. meeting, the Board "gave extended
consideration to the allegations
171? iflesappearing in the article In The
~e s ~ e r Itiii 3 Dail yesterday morning.
Board Statement
0"A thorough investigation of
1 e f t ie ide v ci1 ~the matter has been initiated.
B O e eSome corrective steps have already
been. taken. All merchants alleged
from their headquarters in North ::ume d the sidewalk was theirs .to have extended special discount
Hall to University High School, Ito use. or merchandise privileges that
where they hold march practice A tiny mark on his left hand, might jeopardize the eligibility of
twice each week. The arrival of ICorey says, is a scar from the members bf athletic teams have
police ended the contest for the encounter. been requested to discontinue any
sicewalk. In retaliation, Voice members such practicese imm ediately and
Sidewvalk Struggle "tried to stop us from getting Ite aeare od o
Cory syshe oldVoce em- ito niersty High School," 0 The board has directed .that
Crey thay he had bee lieall said Henir Battjs '68Ec head any athlete who has received mer-
ber tht h ha ben lte afl said rHen Rjfl, , chandise free of charge or at a

E. University Avenue last Thursd
Voice M
For Bat
The second skirmish for con-
trol of Ann Arbors street be-
tween several members of Voice
Riflesa University ROTC egroup,
ended Thursday after an appear-
ance by a combined force of
Sanford Security and Ann Arbor

oioce members confronted the by ~ rpe fieo aes ae
Pershing Rifles after Voice mem- im £;'rt, Carey said. In'd held his
ber John Corey and his girlfriend rif'e hui izontally with both handb
reported being swept off the side- and jpushed him o.ui of his wvay
walk last week by a w ave of 'C e lie h itmd o
mrching cadets. . eY tclavid hi'm madehi giw-
-So Thursday, the Rifles were elttiaodhmalhsgr-
blocked in their r'eguiar march lriend Kris Vaughai. 'T, but as~
HouseSubcomitte Ures
Grad Draft Law Revisions

The cadets were in their usual discount must make restitution
double file, but formed a single immediately to the merchant or
line and marched around the }face the loss of his eligibility and
Voic cotingnt.his grant-in-aid. The board has
Voic cotingnt.also requested that if any records
There was jostling "merely due Iof discount are available, copies
to the fact that Voice tried to be furnished to the board.
bump into some -of our members. * "The investigation will con-
They started it all," Battajes said. tinue as long as necessary. A board
Harass jspokesman stated that all correc-
Voice followed the cadets into tive or disciplinary steps that seem
University High School and con- indicated will be taken promptly.
tinued .to harass them, making Full cooperation will be extended
"a little noise." The Ann Arbor to Big Ten and NCAA officials in
and Sanford Security Pol~ice were any investigation that they may
called, and the incident ended, make."

Student Government Counsel ,settled.
will be a co-sponsor of the Ann SGC
4rbor Draft Counseling Center and perience
will also begin a student complaint versity
te University ad sudent. n i z
other st'
Both, programs were approved Th'e I
by SGC last Thursday. The con- 'being fi:
plaint service will go into effect appropri
'next week and the Draft Counsel- sponsors
ing Center will be operational by are the
the end of this month. Peace ai
The Draft Counseling Center Politics.
wi nfofrm ds u ents ab u rec rui t -

th him until the matter is
members hope to gain ex-
in dealing with the Uni-
through the complaint
heir knowledgebi aiding
Draft Counseling Center is
nanced in part by a $150
.ation from SGC. Other co-
of the counseling service
Inter-Faith Council for
nd the Committee for New

which will continue until the In a telegram, the organiza-
President's Commission on the tion said out-of-state guardsmen
Role of Students in Decision Mak- were needed "to guarantee safety
ing clarifies the matter of juris- of Negro citizens and students."
diction over non-academic affairs.
sultn bstudet aon various mat- The Justice Departm ent said it
ters. This wvould involve asking had received the request, but de-
onuarelevantu matters before mak- Huse saidme ithdnt received
ing a board decision. the telegram.
Also discussed was the possi- Th ubrto hoigsat
bility of establishing a pregrad- edThuursy igh hng start-e
uate counseling service. Such a e hrdymh hnsae
service would povide astudent trooer atndNational sGuadns
with information currently not fires t had stamrted. do
available through general coun- frste a tre.
selors. Maceo Nance Jr., acting presi-
Information on chances of ac- dent of South Carolina State,
ceptance, financial aid and alter- said the atmosphere on the cam-
native programs of study would be pus was "very tense" yesterday
offered if such a service is esta- and that classes had been sus-
blished. pended indefinitely.

Education subcommittee yester -
day sasked President Johnson to
present draft policies after hear-
ing testimony that current poli-
cies would depopulate the gradu-,
ate schools.
The bipartisand groupacte aft-
er apane ofeuao s tfe
that the current policy could fwip
out as much as 65per cen oth
incoming class' of graduate stu-
dents and cripple the training of
teachers. ..
Under fire at the hearing was a
provision in the draft law enacted
he drf polad ase ol des

Shannon said tpreseni t draft
policy discriminates agat stu-
dents in twoyearbvocatonl an-
dergraduate deferments after age
24 only to those working for a
baccalaureate degree.
The witnesses and subcommittee
membes agreed tht Johnson has
the graduate student by changing
the policy of drafting the oldest
in the pool first.
Pusey called on Johnson to ex-
ercise his authority at once. The
subcommittee members, in a let-
ter to the President, asked him to
consider changes, but made no
ecommndato Ion ho wu to do t.

but "militairy protocol-this ap- one of the coaches alleged to have
plies to civilians, too-says don't Iknown abouto dhThdiscounts and
go between ranks of marching free passes, tl h al na
units. This is something we don't interview that he had "never sent

move over to allow people to pass,

Basketballr cch ave Strack,

think is good for military proto-
Brick Hurled into
Daily Office
Two halves of a brick were
thrown in separate incidents
last night through windows
into the second floor city room
of The Daily in the Student
Publications Buildig. n bt

any players to the Brown Jug
Brown Jug, hdmearliestated that
he had "on occasion given free
meals to the basketball players
when the coach sent them over."
Head football coach Bump El-
liott. another of the coaches in-
volved, told The Daily that he
had "no comment" on the situ-
ation, other than, "Our depart-
men is maigatoruhivs

Police Unleash Spray Weapons
By DANIEL ZWERDLING I City officials turiied to Mace And above all, use of Mace mi..


Ann Arbor police have dropped
the traditional night stick and
service revolver in favor of more
sophisticated chemical weaponry
which merely disables rather than
In the biggest development since
the squad car, the city force has
adopted for a trial period a p0-

when they discovered the tradit-
ional, threatening twirl of a
night stick isn't good enough for
handling disorderly citizens.
Last year, according to Chief
of Police Walter E. Krasny, the
city paid hospital bills for about
15 policemen because of civilian
In addition, police suffered a

be discriminate. '.une spray is
especially useful for barroom and
restaurant brawls.)
Mac&, which is manufactured
by a subsidiary of the Smith &
Wesson Gun Co., has gained popu-
larity throughout the country, In-
cluding in Ypsilanti.
Its makers ("First in Non-
.rrfl.......,,...A., rp,,,4,

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