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January 07, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-07

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SU AY, JANUARY; 7, 1968




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Eshkol, LBJ
To Discuss
Middle East

Failure to Challenge LBJ

NEW YORK (P) - Sen. Eugene
J. McCarthy, speaking on Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy's home ground
said yesterday that some Ameri-
can political leaders aren't speak-
ing their minds.
The Minnesota Democrat named
nobody in his speech, prepared
for a group of his New York back
ers called "Coalition for a Dem-
ocratic Alternative."
The statewide conference of the
coalition endorsed McCarthy yes-
terday as a Democratic alterna-
tive to the renomination of John-
McCarthy has complained re-
peatedly recently that liberals
have not rallied to his challenge
of President Johnson for the Dem-I
ocratic presidential nomination.
Kennedy has been critical of
Johnson's Vietnam policy, but has
said he expects Johnson to be re-
nominated and intends to support
"There are some Americans, in-
cluding some at the highest levels
of government and politics, who
have not yet spoken as their

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minds and consciences dictate," SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (A') -
said McCarthy. President Johnson will welcome
"In some cases, they have not Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of
done so for reasons of personal Israel to his Hill County ranch
or political convenience. today to explore Middle East
"There are a few, I suspect who issues and the possibility of per-
were waiting for a kind of latter manent peace.
day salvation. Four years is too Since Eshkol is in this country
long to wait." primarily to assist a money rais-
McCarthy said a contest be- ing Israeli bond selling campaign,
tween Johnson and former Vice- his visit to Texas has a private
President Richard M. Nixon would rather than official label.
give the voters no choice on the Informal Talks
Vietnam war issue. Nevertheless, t h e r e will be
He said the 1968 election will plenty of time for discussions of
show "whether the two-pary world events and what the diplo-
electoral process is at all relevant mats call matters of mutual in-
to the overriding issue that con- terest. In these, the Texas White
fronts America now: The issue of House says peace in the turbulent
war and peace." Middle East is the topic that will
Also, McCarthy said, 1968 will overshadow all others.
provide "a test of whether the In that connection, Eshkol said
present administration, elected on in New York Friday that he is
a platform of restraint, will be aware of the interest of Johnson
held accountable by those who and the American people in peace
nominated and elected it." in his part of the world and "I
In his speech, McCarthy called fervently hope that my visit may
for the resignation of Secretary advance this cause."
of State Dean Rusk as an assur- Yet Eshkol is expected to press
ance by the Johnson administra- Johnson for 50 F4 Phantom Jets
tion "of a willingness to change - top plane in the U.S. air
course in the war." armada - on grounds Russia is
The suggestion drew a standing rearming the Arab nationswhich
ovation from the audience and Israel defeated in a six day war
last June.

Eugene McCarthy

Ethiopian. Students Stage
Militant Anti-War Protest

-Associated Press
The new U.S. postal rates do go into effect today, but most people won't have to resort to taping
a penny on their envelopes along with their old, unused five-cent stamps. The new six-cent stamps
and one-centers to go with the old five-centers should be available in the post offices beginning to-
morrow morning. Along with the one cent raise for first class mail, air-mail rates have been raised
from eight to ten cents per ounce.
Johnson Begins New Inqurties
To Determine Hanoi's Sincerty

Surveyor 7
To Analyze
Seeking clues to the origin of the
moon, America's last unmanned
lunar probe, Surveyor 7. was
scheduled for launching early to-
day toward a risky soft landing in
the rugged highlands north of the
Crater Tycho.
An Atlas Centaur rocket was set
to blast off in a favorable period
between 12:55 a.m. and 3:12 a.m.
EST to start the 2,888 pound pay-
load on an intended 65-hour, 244,
360 mile journey.
29th Moon Shot
If all goes well, Surveyor 7 will
touch down gently Tuesday night
and begin exploring one of the
roughest spots on the moon with
a television camera, a small scoop
shovel to dig trenches up to 18
inches deep, a miniature chemistry
lab to analyze the soil and magnets
to hunt metallic material.
Surveyor is the 29th U.S. moon
shot in slightly more than nine
years. The first 12 failed but 13 of
the last 16 were successful.
The next U.S. lunar explorer
should be man himself, perhaps in
Landing Site
Four of the previous six Sur-
veyors successfully soft landed
and verified that the four primary
astronaut landing sites are safe
for manned expeditions. So the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration decided to use the
final Survey or, No. 7, to study an
area of high scientific interest.
The highlands of Tycho were se-
lected because they appear to be
geologically different from the re-
latively smooth Apollo landing re-
gions, which are in a narrow band
across the lunar equator.
The Tycho crater was created
by the impact of a huge meteor.
The debris scattered in the crash
is expected to produce different
soil characteristics in the Tycho
area from those discovered in
previously explored Mare areas.

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (R)-
Protesting the Vietnamese war,
300 students hanged President
Johnson in effigy and shouted
# "Johnson is a murderer" as they
waited yesterday on the Ethiopian
University campus for Vice Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey to come
and address them.
Humphrey, who had made a
major address earlier in Africa
Hall decrying congressional cuts
in U.S. foreign aid, was delayed by
a meeting with Emperor Haile Se-
lassie and cancelled plans to ap-
Express Anger
The waiting students expressed
anger and disappointment when
they were told Humphrey would
not speak.
"Why did he chicken out?" one
student asked a group of news-
"Because the Yankees are afraid
of us," another student replied.
Mesfin Habtu, secretary general
of the Addis Ababa University
Students' Union, said: "We are
very disappointed the vice presi-
dent is not coming. We had no in-
tention of making a violent dem-
onstration. We just wanted him
to know how we felt."
Demand Withdrawal
The students carried dozens of
homemade signs attacking the U.S.
role in Vietnam and demanding an
American withdrawal from the
Kagnew communications base at
Asmara in the Ethiopian province
of Eritrea.
The signs included "Yankees
pull out of Vietnam before you
meet your Dien Bien Phu," "Down
with the CIA" and "American
hands are red with the blood of
Vietnamese children." None of the
signs was directed against Hum-
American officials were notified
'Friday that the students planned
a demonstration against the war
when Humphrey appeared.
U.S. Ambassador William O.
Hall said the students later were
invited to come into the embassy
compound when Humphrey met
officials and Peace Corps members.
Habtu said the invitation did not
reach the students waiting on the
spkawling university grounds on
the city's outskirts.
It was not clear whether Hum-
phrey was advised to stay away
from the demonstration by his
Secret Service escort. The official
reason for cancellation of the
campus visit was lack of time.

Officials said the vice president
was not aware a demonstration
was planned.
Humphrey's schedule was upset
by a two-hour meeting with the
emperor, twice as long as sched-
Officials said the emperor ex-
pressed grave concern about the
buildup of Soviet arms and in-
fluence in neighboring Somalia
and Sudan., Somalia, which has
been promised $32 million in So-,
viet arms, is the next stop on
Humphrey's nine nation African

cries of "Resignation now.
McCarthy said the war "is not
supported by the decent opinion
of mankind." It has "distorted"
the economy and "frustrated the
promise of the New Frontier and
the Great Society," he said.
In addition, he said the war has
alienated the youth, "upon whom
the future of our nation depends."
It has, he said, "contributed to a
vast malaise and distrust of gover-
nment that is settling like a dark
cloud over our whole society."
The "coalition" also was ex-
pected to discuss a possible "peaco"
candidate as Democratic challen-
ger to Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-

Preserve Balance
Some U.S. officials apparently
consider the threat of Arab re-
armament less ominous than
Israel does. On that basis, they
think Johnson may do little more
than give Eshkol assurances of
American arms support if this is
needed to preserve some sort of
Discussions may cover water
desalting projects and assorted
other subjects during the 22 hours
Eshkol will be at the ranch.
But officials see little prospect
that anything definite or sub-
stantive will develop. No com-
munique is planned.

Bitter Racial Overtones Cloud Success
Of South African Heart Transplants

Associated Press News Analysis
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Johnson's decision about halting
the bombing of North Vietnam will
turn mainly on his judgment as
to whether this would start pro-
ductive talks on a peaceful settle-
ment of the war.
This shaped up as the central
question yesterday amid secret U.S.
diplomatic inquiries into the
meaning of Hanoi's new line about
entering into negotiations.
Pressures Mounting
Pressures on Johnson to stop the
air raids have been mounting, both
domestically and abroad, since
North Vietnam began saying last
week that it will engage in talks
if the bombing and other acts of
war are halted unconditionally.
Earlier Hanoi had been saying
sucha halt could lead to negotia-
But Johnson's senior military
and diplomatic advisers have cau-
tioned against moving into a ne-
gotiating situation in which North
Vietnam would get a free exemp-
tion from air attack without giv-
ing up anything in return.
Secret Channels
So through secret diplomatic
channels, U.S. strategists are try-
ing to find out whether Hanoi
intends a real peace feeler or just
a propaganda ploy to cancel the
air raids.
Administration sources say the
president will make his decision
on the basis of what he deems to
be the U.S. national interest, re-
gardless of public or diplomatic

pressures. And they said his basic
yardstick will be what they term
his rock-bottom offer in his San
Antonio speech last Sept. 29.
Johnson's San Antonio formula
put forward three conditions for
stopping U.S. air and naval attacks
on North Vietnam:
They would be halted when this
would lead promptly to discussions,
when the discussions would be pro-
ductive and when the United
States could assume that Hanoi
would not take advantage of the
bombing limitation to reinforce
and re-supply its troop during
The first point is comparatively
technical. The timing of the open-
ing of talks could be simultaneous
with a stop in the bombing, or
negotiations could begin within an
agreed period after the air attacks
Deliberately Vague
The third point has been kept
deliberately vague to allow U.S.
policymakers-and Hanoi-leeway.
Washington wants something in
return for a bombing halt, but its
publicly expressed formula could
be met through private assurances
from North Vietnam or by an ac-
tual holddown of Communist mil-
itary operations or some other
demonstration which U.S. author-
ities consider acceptable.
North Vietnam hitherto has
shown no interest in negotiating
with the United States on any
topis except the departure of U.S.
forces from Vietnam. And it has

called for recognition of the Com-
munist National Liberation Front
as the government representing
South Vietnam.
If peace talks do come about
both Hanoi and Washington are
likely to encounter difficulty in
reconciling any settlement with
past public positions.
This is one reason for the se-
crecy which has surrounded the
current U.S. diplomatic probe. And
as yet, informed sources said,
there has been no response from

(P)-A wave of bitterness and
recrimination is building up
around South Africa's pioneer
heart transplants.
Racial and financial aspects of
the second Cape Town heart oper-
ation are clouding the medical
Some newspapers in this highly
race conscious nation reacted
angrily to comment overseas about
the heart of colored-mulatto-
Cleve Haupt, 24, being given to
Philip Blaiberg, a 58-year-old
white dentist.
Perhaps most biting was an
editorial in the Afrikaans lan-
guage paper Die Transvaler, an
organ of the ruling Nationalist
"Just like a spider sucks its
poison from a beautiful flower so
will the liberalist seize on even
the most noble deed to obtain po-
litical venom from it," the paper
said. "The fact the heart of a
colored was transplanted In Cape
Town on a white person has given
the liberalistic press in America,
Britain and elsewhere the oppor-
tunity of sowing hatred and sus-
picion against the republic."
The columnist "Dawie" ,in the
Cape Town Afrikaans newspaper
Die Burger declared yesterday
that reaction overseas was due to
ignorance or malice.
"How little these people know
about us ... why do they say so
much about the fact that a col-
ored man's heart was transplant-

ed into a white man while the
transplanting of a black man's
kidney into a white woman-here
in Cape Town - caused so little
The English language press,
which tends to oppose official
apartheid segregation policies,
took a different view.
"That the second heart trans-
plant operation at Groote Schuur
Hospital should have evoked
pointed allusions toour race poli-
cies in the overseas press is not
difficult to understand," said
Johannesburg's Rand Daily Mail.
The Star of Johannesburg Paid:
"This is perhaps what the world
finds so difficult to understand-
that in spite of our crazy rigidi-
ties, of our race imbecilities, of
our seemingly endless lack of
compassion, there is still suffi-
cient flexibility, sufficient hu-
manity left to meet the periodic
challenge when it comes."
Th e government - franchised
South African Broadcasting Corp.
barred Betty Lindsay, American
wife of free-lance correspondent
Gordon Lindsay, from its studios
when she suggested during a re-
cording session that South Africa

might legislate against interracial
South Africans were also dis-
turbed by what they termed
"checkbook journalism" practiced
by competing U.S. television net-
The National Broadcasting Co.
obtained a c o u r t injunction
against a photographer who, it
contended, sneaked photographs
of Blaiberg out of-"the hospital in
violation of an exclusive agree-
mpnt the network said it had
with the patient. The photograph-
er, Don MacKenzie, was reported
ready to fight NBC in South Af-
rican courts.
Some South Africans are un-
happy about suggestions from
overseas that Dr. Christian N.
Barnard, head of the transplant
team, made personal appearances
in the United States to raise
money for Cape Town's heart re-
Lionel Murray, chairman of
Groote Schuur and of the Chris-
tian Barnard Cardiac Research
Fund, said yesterday: "Prof. Bar-
nard's visit to the United States
was a personal and professional
one and had no motive connected
with the fund."

World News Roundup
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa Hong Kong Star reported yester-
-A 27 member medical team day.
separated Siamese twins joined at Quoting "exclusive sources," the
the head in a 5% hour operation Star said the team will include
Saturday at Johannesburg's Chil- trade experts to advise Hong Kong
dren's Hospital. Communist stores. The stores sales
The hospital reported that the have fallen sharply during the ter-
three month old girls were con- ror campaign that begin last
sidered in satisfactory condition spring.
although they were on the danger Others on the team will be pro-
list. It was possible to remove pghdrs ndshetagentro-
them from incubators. pagandists and secret agents, the
The girls, Shirley and Catherine, Star said.
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
O'Hare Oct. 7. The father is a HAVANA-American cartoonist
Johannesburg businessman. Jules Feiffer and anti-war dem-
* * * onstrator David Dellinger arrived
HONG KONG-Communist Chi- for Cuba's international cultural
na will send a special team to congress yesterday, joining about
Hong Kong to help direct the 400 other delegates. Another ar-
Communist c a m p a i g n against rival was David Alfaro Siqueiros,
British colonial authorities, the Mexican muralist.

I Bob White---folks,
Experimental F
Exotic Food
Presbyterian Campus Center
1432 Washtenaw



JANUARY 8, 1968

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8-10 P.M., Rm. 3A Union
Serio Mendes &Brasil 6












TODAY at 5:30 P.M.
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