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January 07, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-07

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Cloudy with light
snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
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,WY ~.l.. LXA~.VIII, NO~. 84i



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State ACLU
City Board of Education Challenges
Asks for Building Funds GDafn Acton
Group Defeiick 17,

An estimated 8,000 Ann Arbor
residents will go to the polls to-
morrow to cast their votes on a
controversial $15.5 million school
bond proposal.
The Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation is asking $15,525,000 in
funds to finance a four-year
'uilding program, which includes
a third senior high school fthe
city's second, Huron High School,
will open next fall), a fifth junior
high, and "an elementary school.
The proposed building plan also
includes' additions to existing ele-
mentary schools and library facil-
ities, a building and ground facil-
ity, an apprentice-training facil-
ity, and an administration build-
Considerable criticism of the
bonding proposal has been voiced
by a number of sources, including
he Ann Arbor Chamber of Com-
erce, the Junior Chamber of
Commerce, the local chapter of
the National Association for theI

Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), a n d school board
Trustee Paul H. Johnson.
Most of the criticism has cen-
tered around, objections to the
cost estimates of the school board
and the need for a bond issue at
this time.
'Destined for Defeat'
Johnson, the only trustee to
vote against approval of the bond
issue, said yesterday that the is-
sue "has seemed destined for de-
feat since the very beginning, be-

includes building programs that
are not strictly educational, such
as the administration building and
the grounds facility, and because
the "brinksmanship" attitude of
the board in not letting the voters
select only those programs that
they consider worthwhile.
He? also objected to the Jan-
uary voting date because of com-
petition with the holiday season,,
when people are burdened with
heavy bills and impending taxes.
Johnson added that he would;

cause of the poor strategy and
tactics" of the school board in
presenting the proposal to the
A motion introduced by John-
son at the School Board meeting1
on Nov. 27, asking that the refer-
endum be postponed until the1
spring and divided so that the
building programs could be voted
for seperately, died for lack of
Johnson said that he objected
to the existing proposal because it

like to see "tighter controls and
better planning" by the board.
The bond issue increase, if pass-
ed, would cost the typical home-
owner an average of $9.33 over
1967 taxes each year for the next
five years. Because of the bond-
issuing schedule, however, the
actual added costs would vary
from $13.52 in 1969 down to $5.51
in 1972.
Lack of Funds
Several of the 20 building proj-
ects covered by the proposal were
approved.by the voters in a 1965
bond referendum, but were defer-
ran fnr fnlrof fiends

Calls Hershey Order
Violation of Rights
The Michigan chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union has
filed suit in Federal District Court
to prevent local draft boards from
reclassifying men who protest the
Vietnam war and the draft sys-
The suit "challenges the right
of the Selective Service system to
engage in judicial or legislative
action," Michigan's ACLU director
Ernest Mazey said yesterday.
The suit was filed in response
to a directive issued last November
by Selective Service Director Gen-
eral Lewis B. Hershey to all draft
boards instructing them to place
anti-draft protesters in a classifi-
cation making them immediately
available for service.
'Playing God'
An ACLU statement accused
Hershey of "playing God" in or-
1 dering the reclassification of pro-
"If any of these people have
broken the law it is up to the


-Associated Press
MICHIGAN'S DENNIS STEWART vainly tries to snare a stray
ball, but Wisconsin cager Mel Reddick pre-empts his efforts. The
Badgers won the hotly contested game 77-75 in the last seconds
of play.

-Associated Press
MICHIGAN STATE'S Steve Rymal (15) almost grabbed a rebound
but Illinois won anyway 66-56 at Champaign. Rymal led MSU
with 18 points. Illini high point man, Dave Schols (40), watches
the play.

re 4U1 ra J4 vi uInA. federal courts to take action,"
On Dec. 20 the board of dir- Maze a
ectos o theChaber f Crn-I shey has usurped legislative arAd
merce issued a statement criticiz- judicial powers in this area., he
ing the projected cost of the third added.
high school, which constitutes Five similarsuits have been filed
nearly $7 million of - the $15.5 by other ACLU chapters around
million proposed bond issue, inI the country, Mazey said. "At least
light of the high construction two appear to be successful," he
costs of Huron High. said.
Split Proposal Represents 17
The statement suggested that a In the Michigan suit, the ACLU
bond referendum covering only is representing 17, none of whom
necessary items be held in the are University students. However,
spring in place of tomorrow's Mazey indicated that the Mich-
note, and that the proposal be igan chapter of the ACLU is will-
split so that new building plans ing to represent others who were
and additions to existing facilities reclassified.
can be approved separately. The ACLU has charged that
Other Opposition Hershey's directive violates the
Two days later, the Junior protester's constitutional right to
Chamber of Commerce issued a I free speech. The threat of re=
similar statement opposing the classification could conceivably
bond issue increase. prevent men from freely express-
At the Dec. 27 meeting of the ing their views on the Vietnamn
Board of Education, an informal war or the draft, Mazey said.
subcommittee charged with study-
itsg the Chambers of Commerce
statements criticized them for=
statistical "inaccuracies" in their
reports and press releases, result-ILIigi eaeaogtesho
ing in debate among the school -
trustees. P
In response to the Chamber of
Commerce's suggestions School
Board President Hazen J. Schu- By WALTER SHAPIRO
macher Jr. said that since an B ATRSAIO

Badgers F
As Cagers
Special To The Daily but no
MADISON-"I feel sick about basket
losing this one," was all Wolver- Carl
ine coach Dave Strack could say the ga
after seeing his cagers beaten play b
once more on a last-minute play a nem
in yesterday's 77-75 loss to Wis- aftern
consin. as col
The last minute heroics were a tureo
performed by Badger senior guard
Mike Carlin. With 15 seconds to .Th
play and the score 73-all, Carlin uCI*
stole the ball out of Wolverine (Cari
guard Rick Bloodworth's hands misses
and broke downcourt with the then F
winning layup. Jim Pitts caught on the


Wolverines 77


Carlin in time to foul, him
ot in time to prevent the
in missed his chance to put;
ane on ice with a 3-pointI
but forward Joe Franklin,
esis for the Wolverines all
oon, made the Badger lead
Id as the -5 degree temper-
outside with a tip-in.
ings just didn't go right for
.eir best free throw shooter!
m') goes to the line and
the clinching point. But
Franklin made a great play;
tip-in and the game is over
lamented Strack.
elated Johnny Erickson tLe
r coach) became philosophi-
ter the game. "That game
have been won by either
One second they had theE
nd were thinking about a
cond winning basket and
xt second we steal the ball
in for the victory."
trary to the last-minuate




to the scorer's table before de- pass, broke downcourt with the
dlaring the basket no good. Coach ball, and then held up in antici-
Strack screamed, Tomjanovich pation of setting up a last minute
pleaded, but the shot didn't count shot. Carlin's fateful steal came
and the two points were lost for- 35 seconds later.
ever. Strack didn't fault his players.
At the opening of the second "They played a hell of a game.
ahalf, Franklin and the other Sure, they were a little rough at
Badgers took charge again and! the beginning of both halves, but
spurted out to another 9-point it's natural to be jittery away
lead with three minutes gone. But from home, especially in the first
two and a half minutes later conference game.
I Dennis Stewart's jump shot made
the score Michigan 54, Wisconsin "They (the Badgers) made mis-
52. takes and we made mistakes too.

-Daly--dJay Cassidy

Kenneth Boulding

ead Joins
ihy Panel
However, Wagman stressed,

for us,
cal aft
ball ai
the ne
and go

The biggest lead the Wolverines
could hold in the second half was
four points, but it was leveled to
zero with two minutes left to
play in the game. Wisconsin then'
E took the ball downcourt and put
on a modified stall, trying to workf
the ball in for a good shoot.
With 50 seconds left Blood-3
worth intercepted a casual Badger1

We forced a few early shots but
later on we made some good 15-
foot baskets. I'm proud of my
Erickson was the first to agree
with Strack's opinion of his team.
"Michigan has a real fine team
and they're going to win many
games this year. That 'Tommy'
was terrific."

Boulding Says Peace
Depends on Respect
W By MARCY ABRAMSON ' ture at an astonishing level, but
Peace must be achieved by the only in the university, not at the
next generation through the de- folk level. The university becomes
velopment of an "integrated" so- one thing, the AFL-CIO another.
cial system which depends on "Broken English has already be-
respect rather than threat or mu- come the world language," he
tual 'advantage, Prof. Kenneth; said.t
Boulding said yesterday at a sem- Boulding called social institu-
Inar on non-violent resistance tions an "ecological system." "This
sponsored by the Friends' Meet- kind of mutation produces, for ex-
inghouse. ample, the automobile, and may
The all-day workshop included even replace man."
discussion of the war, the draft a The prevailing problem is social
and racial and social problems in agriculture, Boulding continued.
the morning and afternoon. "Agriculture destroys nature, but
Boulding spoke at Hillel be- nature is on the whole quite un-
*ause of the overflow audience of comfortable. People must elimin-
more than 150 people. Boulding is ate the weeds and create fruit."

ft" TAA1


referendum cannot be held in University Library Director Fred- 've never seen any evidence of seesaw battle, the contest was
May "we would be forced to pre- erick H. Wagman was named this this problem personally." mostly a game of catch-up for
sent a June ballot consisting of week by President Johnson to the Wagman said that the most Michigan. The Wolverines were
school board candidates. an 18-member Commission on Ob- vital function of the Commission in the lead for only 12 secon ,s xf1j11H I IJ s
operational millage proposal and scenity and Pornography. The would be "to conduct a scientific in the first half, their brief reign
a splintered bonding proposal." commission will investigate the analysis of the evidence on wheth- 'of supremacy coming with 1:25
'Interlocking Plans' relationship between obscenity, er a causal relationship exists be- left to play on two free throws By The Associated Press
"The board debated the merits pornography, and anti-social be- tween pornography and antisocial by center Dennis Stewart. CHAMPAIGN-Last year's Big
of a segmented proposal and re- havior, especially in respect to behavior. And I include within Throughout the half the Bad- i Ten co-champions had split opin-
jected it because -of the clearly -inors. this the problem of pornography gers built up periodic six to nine ions about the upcoming race af-
interlocking nature of our reeded The Commission, under the of violence and sasm." point leads, only to have them ter splitting in their conference
capital improvements. chairmanship of William B. Lock- 'FWrtive'torn down by a flurry of Wol- openers yesterday.'
"We feel that the Jan. 8 pro- hart, dean of the University of "What makes pornography what ' verine jump shots and layups. Michigan State lost to Illinois
posal is based on financial and Minnesota Law School, was estab- it is is that it is furtive. There is The Wolverines also helped them- here, dooming the Spartans' dark-
enrollment data which is as reli- lished last October because "the nothing, for example, pornograph- selves to 10 free throws the first horse chances of repeating to ever-
able as such data can be," Schu- Congress finds that the traffic ic about nudity. And anyone ho half compared with the Badgers' deepening depths; but Indiana
macher said. "The plan will re- in obscenity and pornography is has had exposure to large amounts ' five, a factor which helped off- snapped a three game losing streak
sult in a flexible building program a matter of national concern." of obscenity knows it soon be- set their constant hot-hand shoot- and got off on the right foot,
which can take advantage of the Wagman noted, however, "I was comes excessively dull," he ob- ing of .563. conquering Minnesota 74-59.
changes both in the bonding and not aware of it as a problem. Ob- i served. The Wolverines managed to Around the conference, Michi-
building markets. We also peel j scenity had certainly not im- ,In regard to the General Lib- catch up to within three points gan faded in the final seconds
that the kind of overcrowded pinged on my consciousness before rary's policy in this area, Wag- of the Badgers with 38 seconds before Wisconsin 77-75, Ohio
iman no t d "WP h ave n v',i ada

't Spartans


Tenacious defense and Dave
Scholz' 21-point shooting led Illi-
nois to .victory over Michigan
The Illini trailed 33-29 at half-
time of the sometimes ragged
contest, but pulled away steadily
midway in the closing half after
switching from a man-to-man to
a 1-3-1 zone defense.
Randy Crews did an excellent
guarding job on Spartan scoring
star, Lee Lafayette, who wound
up with only six points, compared
with his 18.2 average.
The game was decided at the
free throw line, with 'the Illini
charged with only 12 personals
against 21 for Michigan State.
The Illini hit on 18 of 27 gift
shots, while the Spartans scored
only 6 of 12.
See HOOSIERS, Page 7

currently a visiting professor at The current issue is diminish school conditions which nave I was contacted by a Presidntial
the University of Colorado. ing the war industry. Power de existed in Ann Arbor in the past aide about this Commission.," any restrictions on the purchase
Participants in the seminar de- stroys wealth, Boulding explained: I should not be repeated." 'Parents Upset' of w rks of serious merit becy" use
cided to start a training course in ? for each one dollar's worth of Last Tuesday the executive R e a d i n g t h e Congressional' f any fear of obscenty."
non-violence which will be held for ' destruction in Vietnam, the people. board of the local chapter of the hearings which led to the estab- However, the General Library
the next three Saturdays at Guild pay four dollars. "The Australians NAACP urged voters to defeat lishment of this Commission," does keep such books as MY Se-~
fouse,. 602 Monroe. The all-day !and Jamacains have kept out of the bond issue. According to Em- Wagman said, "I find that many ' cret Life, published by Grove
Wagse Press 96 ndHny Mler
workshops are scheduled for 10 trouble and gotten rich. England ma Wheeler, president of the local people are upset and concerned in 1966, and Henry Millet's
a.m. Charge for the course will be seems richer and happier now chapter, the decision came as a about school children being solic- "Quiet Days in Clichy," publish-
five dollars. I than when it was powerful; the result of the failure the school ted through the mail to purchase ed by Grove Press i 1965, in the
Boulding cited three major Beatles are a very satisfactory board to clarify to what extent what is commonly known as 'hard Raie Book Room.
forces of social evolution: threat, substitute for the British Navy." See BOARD, Page 2 core pornography.'" 'So Not Stolen
exchange and the integrated sys- "The basis for this policy,"
tem. Threat is very important in Wagman explained, "is n-t be-
alitical organization, Boulding cause they are rare, but to keep
explained, and the cause of sys- ' them from being stolen as soon
tems like the draft. k + as they are put on the shelves.
In the integrated system, Bould- Libraries do the same thing with
ing continued, "you do something " A such books as guides to winning
for me because of what you are t 1ier Aotin rast 011s irators at the races." ,
and what I am." The family is "Books like this were put in
the prime integrated system, but the Rare Book Room back in the
the system has spread to the By JIM NEUBACHER probable that each defendant was meeting in New York and days when they weren't available
community humaneien The American Civil Liberties would have his own counsel- Boston failed to contact me at my in this country commercially,"
"The overall human identity is Union (ACLU) officially offered which would either by provided by New York City appartment." Wagman said. For example, we
still weak one, but it is growing yUnionrdALU) to ficdall. Bfem the ACLU or by private lawyers. "As a result of the indictments," had to import all our Henry Mil-
out' of the logic of the growth of IYesterday to defend Dr. Benjamin
out the egrate sste" gBou Spock, Yale Chaplain William Melvin Wulf, legal head of the Raskin said last night, "I am' ler books from Paris."
the integrated system," Boulding Sloane Coffin, Marcus Raskin, co- ACLU, yesterday called the indict- deeply concerned for the future I Now that these books were
said. io - director of the Institute for Policy ments a "major escalation in the of the American university. This widely available in paperback,
ne, Boulding continued, and th Studios, and the two other anti- Administration's war against dis- very well could mark the begin- Wagman admitted "the only rea-
!sn. ning of a general purge of the aca- son they are still there is because
slow realization must follow that war leaders who were indicted Fri sent.
there are other methods besides day in Federal Court on charges He indicated that the ACLU in- demic community." no onfe ever bothered to take them
the violent ones. "Duelling and the of conspiring to promote resistance tended to challenge the indict- 1 In New Haven, Conn. Yale Pres- out.
chivalric code of honor were to the operation of the Selective ments on the grounds that 'they ident Kingman Brewster, Jr. said 'Inconvenience'
Aah A f_ .1,. nAa f arv, et-a' were unconstitutional. that Coffin's indictment in no way "There is really little problem

left and tried to hold out for a 1 State crumpled Purdue 108-80, and
half-ending basket. They got the Northwestern shaded Iowa 76-67.
shot off but missed it, and when Each game was a Big Ten open-
Rudy Tomjanovich tipped in the er and only lent further substance
rebound, the buzzer sounded. to pre-season predictions that
The referees looked at each "there are plenty of good teams
other for a ruling, then went over but no great teams in the race."
Cleage Rejects $100,(

00 Aid

For Rebuilding' of Riot Areas

DETROIT (P) - A proposed
$100,000 Ford Foundation grant
has been rejected by Rev. Albert
Cleage, Negro head of the Feder-
ation for Self-Determination, a
Black Power group established to
help rebuild Detroit's Negro com-
Clearge also warned that De-
troit may face another riot thisI
Cleage told newsmen that the
offer of $100,000 in matching
funds had too many strings at-
tached. The offer was made
through the New Detroit Com-
mittee, a group appointed by
'Cy (inrae 1 amnexr ,'nd a uvr

to the black community so that
self-determination can be a real-
ity, then there will be necessity for
a rebellion," he said.
"But if the white community
does not do that, there will be
ailother rebellion. That will not
be my fault, that will be your
Dual grants of -$100,000 each
were offered to Cleage's federa-
tion and another Negro group,
the Detroit Council of Organiza-
tions, which advocates an inte-
grated. approach to the city's
In announcing that funds were
ovailala Tncnh . T+_n Jr

federation was severing all rela-
tions with the committee.
Hudson said he hoped to meet
with Cleage to discuss the situa-
Cleage said his group would ac-
cept white money "but we will
not accept white leadership and
dictation-the days of the planta-
tion are over."
The money was to be used to
coordinate rehabilitation work in
the inner city among various
groups belonging to the federa-
tion headed by Cleage, pastor of
the Central United Church of
Cleage said 'he has been trying


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