l * * FD A Moves
Johnson Claims Viet Con gFoAatsale
Failed in Recent Attacks Of ITO P)TseFs
W AS INGsT aiN d)-Th Fo
King Poverty Army to Build
Slantytown in Spring March
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson reported yesterday that
the military phases of the Com-
munist offensives in Vietnam have
failed but he) avoided saying that
the war is being won.
Johnson told reporters, too, that
he does not believe the Vietnamese
Reds have racked up a psycho-
logical victory.
The President had a news con-
ference that focused almost en-
tirely on Southeast Asia.
"The biggest fact," he said, "is
that the stated purposes of the
general uprising have failed. Com-
munist leaders counted on pop-
ular support in the cities for their.
effort. They found little or none."
Johnson said that Westmore-
land's headquarters had informed
him that Communist losses in re-
cent uprising appeared 'to have
reached 10,000 men killed and
2,300 detained. against losses of
249 Americans and 553 Vietnam-
ese killed.
Johnson said the best U.S. ex-
perts thought the Communists had
two purposes. The first was a mili-
tary success, he said, and "that
has been a complete failure."
. The second was a psychological
victory, he said, and he doesn't be-
lieve that materialized either.
Earlier, military officials said
they did not foresee any imminent
call up of ground force reservists.
At one point he said that of
course there was a possibility more
combat troops might be ordered to
Vietnam but he tempered this by
saying that nothing justified any
great new over all moves.
Johnson said that after all a
review of several days he saw no
requirement, nor did the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, to make an addi-
tional request to Congress for au-
thority - at this time - to raise
troop commitments.
The present authorization is
525,000 and Johnson said there
now are a little less than 500,000
troops in Vietnam.
About the same time Johnson
held his news conference, Gen.
closed yesterday it is moving to
Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the halt the manufacture and distri-
joint chiefs, and Secretary of De- bution of thyroid digitalis prepa-
fense Robert S. McNamara talked rations used as diet pills.
with newsmen at the Capitol. Dr. James L. Goddard, FDA
Both said the new Communist commissioner, told Senate investi-
attacks in Vietnam failed to gain gators that the agency feels it
either a military victory or a psy- now has sufficient evidence to
chological and propaganda vic- prove the drugs constitute a dan-
tory. ger to health.
Vietnamese in Control He said seizure actions recently
were taken against three manu-
ATLANTA, Ga. (A') - Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. says he will take
his squatter army of the nation's
poor to Washington this April and
build a settlement of tumbledown
shanties among the cherry blos-
soms. to point up the plight of the
The shanties-to "house the
troops of hopeless and embittered
poor"-are a part of King's strate-
gy for the massive. demonstration
of militant non-violence in his
Poor People's Campaign.
"We'll build our shanties-literal
broken down shanties-to drama-
tize the day to day conditions of
the way millions of people have to
live," King said in an interview
expanding on his plans for the
march to Washington.
At at White House news confer-
ence Friday, President Johnson
was asked whether he would try
to talk civil rights leaders out of
the April march.
Johnson didn't answer directly,
but said he would hope that ener-
gies could be directed in a more
productive manner.
He said he thought it might be
more helpful to present views to
Congress and added "we'll do all
we can to work with all groups,
see that their views are heard,
considered and acted upon."
'Second Panmunjom Talk
To Produce Results
T WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson reported yesterday that a
second Panmunjom appeal to
North Korea has failed to win re-
turn of the Pueblo and its Amer-
ican crewmen.
"We hope there will be addi-
tional meetings," Johnson told a
news conference. But he said the
Korean armistice site sessions
"have not produced satisfactory
result as far as the United States
is concerned."
The President made plain he
does not exepect to win freedom
soon for the U.S. intelligence ship
and its .men, seized by the North
Koreans Jan. 23 in a crisis pro-
voking incident.
He replied "No, I am not," when
asked "you're confident that we
can get back both the ship and
the crew?"
"I don't want to hold out any
hopes on information that I have,"
he said, "all I can say is that
things take time."
For comparison, Johnson re- the U.S. RB47 jet recon-
naisance plane shot down July 1,
1960, in the Arctic off the Russian
coast. The United States claimed
the crash was over international
It was not until Jan. 25, 1961,
nearly seven months later, that
President Joohn F. Kennedy was
able to announce the return of
the two survivors of the eight man
plane crew.
Johnson said that of the 83
Pueblo crewmen, neutral nations"
and reports from North Korea say+
one died but the wounded are re-;
ceiving treatment and "the men
are being treated well."
Meanwhile "we are exploring+
every diplomatic means that isi
available to us" and "we are taking+
such precautionary steps as we
think the military situation calls
for" he said.
After the first North Korean"
rebuff at a military armistice com-
mission meeting the day after the;
Pueblo's capture, the Johnson ad-
ministration turned to the UN
Security Council, the International
Red Crosstand various diplomatic
channels to seek release of the
vessel and its crew.
The efforts proved fruitless.
New Meeting
Thursday the United States ac-
cepted a public Pyongyang hint
that a new approach should be
made through the armistice group
at Panmunjom.
No details were given about the
second Panmunjom e xc h a n g e
which presumably took place Fri-
day Korean time between the head
of the UN armistice commission
delegation, Rear Adm. John V.
Smith, and his North Korean
counterpart, Maj. Gen. Pak Chung
The chief North Korean dele-
gate, Maj. Gen. Pak Chung Kook,
replied last time to Smith's call for
a return of the ship and men last
time with a counter demand for a
U.S. apology and sever punishment
of those committing the "criminal"
North Korea charges the Pueblo
intruded into its territorial waters
on a spy mission. Washington
maintains the electronic eaves-
dropping vessel was seized on the
high seas.
Johnson saw no grounds for what
he termed speculation that the
Pueblo affair has strained relations
between the United States and its
South Korean allies.
Wheeler said, after talking to
Gen. William C. Westmoreland in
Vietnam, that U.S. and South
Vietnamese forces were in control
of most of the major cities and
military centers subject to the sur-
prise attacks.
Wheeler and McNamara said
they made their report, of no vic-
tory gains by the North Vietnam-
ese, to a closed session of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee
considering the new annualde-
fense budget request for more than
$78.5 billion.
Johnson Statement
The President, in response to a
question, said that practically
every expert he had talked with
thought there was a definite con-
nection between the Pueblo in-
cident and the Vietnam war.
With regard to that war, John-
son said in a statement he had
prepared for the session with
newsmen that:
. ...We may at this moment
be! on the eve of a major enemy
offensive in the area of Khe Sanh
iand generally around the De-
militarized Zone.
Known Attack Coming
"We have known for some time
this offensive was planned by the
enemy. Over recent weeks I have
been in close touch with Gen.
Westmoreland and with the Joint
Chiefs of Staff to make sure that
every single thing that Gen. West-
moreland believed he needed at
this time was available to him.
"I am confident that our men
and the South Vietnamese will be
giving a good account of them-
facturers and additional seizures
from other firms are anticipated
Goddard testified at the wind-
up of a two week hearing by the
Senate antitrust subcommittee on
the multimillion dollar diet pill
At the outset of his testimony,
Goddard said no drug can safely
control the problem of obesity.
"At the very best," he said,
"their potential is secondary to
the elimination of the cause of
"There is no easy, painless way
for an overweight person to eat
what he or she wants and to melt
off the excess fat by taking one
or a dozen drugs a dav." hP em-
PITTSBURGH (M - A wildcat
strike of coal miners, originally a
protest against Pennsylvania state
police, grew into a massive shut-
down yesterday that cut off most
of the soft coal production in the
phasized. An industry spokesman said all
S suareceivedmines of any size in Pennsylvania,
The subcommittee has r i edsOhio. Tennessee and eastern Ken-
testimony that thyroid digitalis Itucky were closed.
combination drugs are among 1
those widely used by some doc- The spokesman, George Judy of
tors specializing in the treatment the Association in VashingtaOn, D.C.,
of overweight persons. said he would estimate that 80 to
Goddard said the drugs have 90 per cent of the mines in WestE
been marketed for over 30 years Virginia were out.
but it was not until recently the irina er ot
Mine Protest Becomes
Massive Coal Shutdown
Officials at the United Mine
Workers headquarters have re-
fused to talk about the strike, and
district officials have given dif-
ferenit versions.
The strike started at midnight
Sunday when Western Pennsyl-
vania miners turned away from
the gates in protest against the
use of 90 state troopers at a
picket line at two unorganized
mines near Somerset.
At first only union mines were
shut but soon roving pickets
closed down the bigger nonunion
Thepresident of the Pittsburgh
union district, Michael Budzano-
King said he feels "a new kind
of Selma" is needed to bring about
direct action on the basic econ-
omic problems of the Negro.
The discontent of- the Negro is
so extensive, King said, that he
believes that if the nation does
not move toward a solution this
year "America will literally force
down the curtains of its own
"I've been in the ghetto's" he
said. "I know the resentments will
blow up if something is not done
Non-Violent Tactics
"We're going all out to get this
nation to respond to non-violence.
If it refuses to do this, it will en-
title the Negro to so intensify his
anger that we will go deeper and
deeper into chaos."
King said he has few illusions
about persuading Congress to ac-
tion, but hopes to appeal to the
conscience of the nation.
"We plan on doing this by send-
ing thousands of poor people--
poor children in particular, who've
not had adequate care-to all the
hospitals around Washington and
have them stay there until they get
medical attention," he said.
King said the poor from Mis-
sissippi will take, their grievances
for jobs and income to the sen-
ators from that state, others will
decend upon government offices
in waves.
Wait for Response
"We plan on staying until we
get a response," he said. "If a re-
sponse is not coming, we will es-
calate our methods. Disruptive
measures will be used only as a last
. King declined to spell out what
disruptive measures they would
take, saying, "in a non-violent
movement you have to have the
element of surprise and secrecy."
FDA felt it had sufficient evi-
dence to take them off the
However, Goddard told the sub-
committee that in reviewing FDA
files he felt that "more aggressive
action could well have been justi-
fied at an earlier date."
He warned overdoses of digi-
No official figures were avail- ski, said power companies - now
able but apparently as many as the biggest coal customers - are
84,500 miners could be idle, and depressing the price of coal.
there was no firm indication when "The price of coal is lower to-
they would go back to the pits. day than it was 20 years ago," he
"We have some hope that they said, "and that means more non-
will go back Monday," said Judy, union mines and lower wage
"but we don't know." scales."
I --- - -l
talis can b
can have,
result inh
he said.
Lyndon B. Johnson
e fatal andthatthyroid
toxic effects that may
heart faliure.
combinations are both,
and dangerous when~
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