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February 03, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-03

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Cloudy and snow

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



SRC Asks

LSA Enrollment Recruiting

Savage Fighting Continues

Under Review
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith is
scheduled to meet with the executive committee of the liter-
ary college this morning to iron out differences over the"
projected cuts in enrollment of new students in the college
next fall.
At its December meeting the literary college approved its
admissions committee's report recommending 180 fewer stu-
dents be admitted to the college next fall than were admitted
for the current academic year.
At a January 30 meeting the University vice-presidents
decided that the reduction should be only 90.
The literary college faculty recommendation specified'
that 90 fewer freshmen and 90 fewer transfer students be
accepted than were accepted

Aid to Draft

Splits ACLU
From Wire Service Reports
NEW YORK - The American
Civil Liberties Union has split
openly with four of its largestj
affiliates in deciding not to, de-
fend persons who refuse to regis-
ter for military service in protest
against the Vietnam war or the
In a related development, it was
learned Thursday the national;
board voted 11 to 4 on Jan. 12,
not to involve itself in the casej
of Dr. Benjamin Spock, the pedia-
trician and author, who is one
of five defendants under federal
indictment in Boston for hinder-
ing administration of the draft
The union said Thursday in a;
formal statement on civil dis-
obedience, "We have assumed thatk
the laws are constitutional, re-
gardless of how unwise or unjust
they may be from the viewpoint of
the individual who violates them
Four of the union's affiliates -
the Civil Liberties Unions of New,
York, Southern California, Massa-
chusetts, and New Jersey - do
not consider the draft laws con-
stitutional and have offered to
defend persons challenging them.
The Massachusetts Civil Liber-
ties Union is aiding Michael Fer-
ber one of the five defendants in-
dicted with Spock in Boston.
Disagreements between the Lib-
erties union and its 42 affiliates
are not unusual, but in this case
there is considerable embarrass-
ment and even bitterness. The:
union has been under intense
pressure to come to the aid of op-
ponents of the draft and the
Vietnam war.
However, Alan Reitnan, the
union's associate director, said"
the union would continue to de-
fend individuals in some trials in-
volving the draft laws. These, he
said, would include draft-card
burnings - on grounds of free
speech - and refusal of military,
duty on grounds of personal con-r
scientious objection to service in
a particular war.
Different terms toward the draft
were applied by the New York
Civil Liberties Union in a policyt
statement adopted last Dec. 19.
"Military conscription is alwayst
a severe deprivation of civil liber-
ties," the New York statement said.
"Consequently it is our positiont
that military conscription as a
means of raising an army is un-
constitutional in the absence of
a showing by the government of
a national emergency and a lackt
of alternative means."<

in Fall, 1967. This would leave
2880 freshmen and 585 trans-
The vice-presidents' suggestion
stated that the same number ofk
freshmen and 90 fewer transferj
students be accepted. That would
be 2970 freshmen and the same
number of transfers as the fac-
ulty asked.
The disagreement stems from
the current excess in the num-
ber of students in the college.
The college was operating until
this year under the so-called
"Leveque Plan," named after its
author, now mathematics depart-
ment chairman William Leveque.
This four-year plan allowed for
a one-third increase in the size
of the literary college, working
under the assumption that there
would be a commensurate in-
crease in space and staff. The
necessary increase in space was
not forthcoming, although staff
size kept pace until this year.
Another problem is that the
third full trimester has not at-
tracted as- many students as!
Beginning Monday North
Campus bus service will be
more frequent on Saturday and
Sunday, and will run later in
the evening seven days a week.4
The present half-hour serv-
ice on Sunday is being in-
creased to 15-minute serviceI
between 12 noon and 10 p.m.
On Saturday, buses will pro-
vide 15-minute service all day.
Late evening service is also
being extended. The last bus
to North Campus from North
University will leave at 3 a.m.
on Saturday and Sunday morn-
ings, and at 2:15 a.m. Monday
through Friday. Buses will run
every half hour from 12:45 to
2:15 a.m. on weekdays and
from 1 to 3 aAn. on Friday and
hoped, thus increasing the load
during the regular academic year.
Shaw pointed out that the 1967
freshman quota was exceeded, al-
though the over-all quota for the
college is correct. This has made
the student body "bottom-heavy."
"The current issue is," he said,
"to what point do we return?"
There is the further problem
that the admissions office tends toE
over- rather than under-estimate
the number of students who will
come to the University after being
accepted according to one member
of the college's admission commit-

Individual Agencies
To Discuss Practices
On Voluntary Basis
The Student Relations Com-
mittee of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) yesterday recommended
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational information invite
companiesnor agencies planning
to recruit students on campus to
voluntarily participate in open
forum discussions.
This experimental program was
suggested in response to propo-
sals by Student Government
Council. Graduate Assembly and
Voice-SDS that recruiting organ-
izations be required to provide a
spokesman for open forums where
student interest warrants them-.
Under the experimental pro-
gram participation by recruiting
organizations would be voluntary.
Abolish Bylaws
SRC also recommended that
section 8.06 of the Regents' by-
laws, which sets the basis for
University regulation of student
vehicles, be abolished. This action
follows a similar move by+SACUA
earlier this week.
SRC suggested the University
should work with the city 'of Ann
Arbor "to help provide solutions
to the traffic, parking and trans-
portation problem." The SACUA
motion was passed on the as-
sumption the University would
assume no responsibility for pro-
viding space for student parking.
Speaking to the committee be-
fore the passage of the resolution,
on recruiting, Evart W. Ardis, di-
rector of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation, indicated most organiza-
tions would probably be receptive
to the public forum idea.
Dow Chemical Co.
"I have assurances from Dow
Chemical Co. that they would be
more than glad to do this," Ardis
said. "They consider it a privi-
lege to come here and interview
our students and alumni."
A move to make the policy
compulsory was considered but
faced stiff opposition from sever-
al committee members.
"I don't like coercing anybody
to do anything," said Prof. Loren
Barritt, of the education school.
"I see this as a move to cut off
certain recruiters from the Uni-
"We would only be punishing
the students who wanted to speake
with these recruiters," said Prof.
Howard Cameron of the classics
'No Real Need'
One committee member sug-
gested there was no real need for'
public forums. "A few of the in-
terviewers will draw a fair num-
ber of people the first time," said
Prof. George West of the engi-
neering school, "but after a while
interest will fade out."
Ardis said that if a policy re-
quiring the participation of re-
cruiting organizations in a pub-
lic forum were accepted it would
have to be done within the next
two months because interviewingr
schedules are presently beingr
made up for next year.
SGC President Bruce Kahn, '68,a
voted for the final resolution but



*VC Casualty Totals
Climb over 12,000
SAIGON (T) _- Widespread, savage fighting raged into
the fifth day in key South Vietnamese cities today.
The U.S Command reported 12,704 North Vietnamese
regulars and Viet Cong nad been killed since Monday evening
in allied counter4 ttacks that were said to be crushing the
biggest Comunist offensive of the war.
Fresh fighting broke out in parts of Saigon and masses
of civilians were reported fleeing a battle in a northern suburb
of the capital.
At Hue, the cid imperal capital far to the north, South
Vietnamese forces reported capturing an airfield inside the
city's walled citadel.
The Communists launched heavy ground assaults on at
least six provincial capita's and district towns in the rice
growing Mekong Delta below Saigon aid in the provinces just
north of the .city.
Enemy gunners hit the U.S. air base at Da Nang with 40
rocket rounds. Damage to the
base and its planes was re- g1 ujfj.1
ported light. It was the third ;
attack on the base in the last
five days. SeeKS More
The U.S. Command said enemy
fighters were killed at a rate ofrT
124 plus per hour during the 102
hour period from 6 p.m. last Mon-
day through Friday midnight,
making the total 12,704. Allied SEOUL (P)-The South Korean
forces also reported they detained government hak formally asked
3,576 enemy suspects. the United States for additional
A total 983 allied troops were American troops to help guard
killed in the 102 hour period, in- against 'a possible invasion by
cluding 318 Americans and 661 North Korean forces, government
South Vietnamese. Allied wounded sources said yesterday.
totaled 3,483, of whom 1,639 were The sources said the Seoul gov-
Americans and 1,792 South Viet- erment is also seeking military
namese.'support including troops, from the
Viet Cong 'Broken' 15 other Korean War allies.
While the Communists held There have been reports from
aparts of several cities and towns Washington that President John-
across the country, President Ngu- son was considering a call up of
yen Van Thieu declared: "The ground force reservists to reinforce
back of the Viet Cong attack has the 50,000 U.S. troops now sta-
been broken. We can consider they tioned in South Korea.
have been totally defeated." North Korean craft'captured the
Thieu and U.S. Ambassador U.S. intelligence ship Pueblo Jan.
Ellsworth Bunker appeared on 23. A North Korean commando
television yesterday to tell the platoon was detected after it had
people that the guerrillas aid infiltrated Seoul with a mission
their North Vietnamese allies to assassinate President Chung
were being beaten with unprece- Hee Park.
dented losses. The sources said the Korean
A battalion of South Viet.iamese request for additional U.S. troops
Rangers was reported moved into was made under the iutual de-
Saigon to reinforce security units. fense pact between the two coun-
Heavy Contact tries.
The U.S. Command reported They said the number of Amer-
heavy contact with the Viet Cong ican troops requested was not




-Associated Press
THIS MARINL BATALLION was forced to retreat as it attempted a crossing over the Perfume River
at Vietnam's ancient capitol of Hue. A combined force of North Vietnamese regulars and Viet Cong
forced this American contingent back across the other side in just one of the many forays since the
intensificatior of military activity in South Vietnam's urban areas
-on Leases

Fail To Bind Landlords

Daily News Analysis
Although Student Housing As-
sociation is attempting to force'
Apartments Limited and other
Ann Arbor realtors into accepting
what they term the University's
"eight-month lease;" the Univer-
sity actually does not print an
eight-month lease.
What it does print is a "Stu-
dent Rental Agreement" which
may be used for any term rang-
ing from one day to one year.
The lease, revised extensively
this year by the Off-Campus

Advisory Committee on Housing'
is known as an eight-month leaseG
because of some unique phrasing'
in the section describing term and,
The section is divided into three'
parts. Part A is an agreement to
rent for a period not greater than
eight months, B is an agreement'
to rent for a period not greater
than four months and C gives the
amount of the rent.
This means that if the land-
lord and the student signing the
lease want to rent for a twelve-
month period they must complete

versity lease. If they agaree to rent
for only eight months only part
A should be filled out.
Most,' if not all, pi'vate leases
may be used .to rent for an eight-
month period if both parties
agree. No lease can be used for
an eight-month period without
both parties' consent.
SHA's aim in asking students
to "wait for an eight-month
lease" is not necessarily to force
landlords to use the "Studen:t
Rental Agreement" but rather to
have them offer theic apartments
on an eight-month basis with a

Housing Bureau and the E

tee. said earlier that requiring public
Gayle C. Wilson, executive asso- meetings with some recruiters
ciate director of the admissions of- would be "implicit recognition of
fice, said, they expect 70 per cent the fact that there are certain or-
of those offered positions to ac- ganizations which have policies
cept. which some consider immoral."

Grad Schools Brace for Draft Call-Ups

Student parts A and B on the new Uni- minimal rent increase. 'about daybreak today in the Gia
Some Increase Necessary Dinh area on the northern edge
Student leaders recognize that of Saigon. It said the enemy was
eaitors U se some rent increase is necessar blocked by a South Vietnamese
if any eight-month lease is to be force on the southwest.
used in Ann Arbor. Renting on The Viet Cong were said to be
an eight-month basis will force trying 'to escape past the South
in tli Iieases the landlords to attemot to rent Vietnamese troops, some of them
their apartments twice as ofiesi See INTENSE, page 2
private leases while' Huron Man- as they do now and would double
Arbor's agement, University Towers, Ma- cleaning costs. Apartments are
Is have dison Management, Huron Valley cleaned by the landlord wqcn-
lousing Real Estate, and others are using ever an apartment is leased, but
force the University lease, although on not when it is sublEsed.
y's new various conditions. Although BHA contends land-
m a n y Huron Management and Howard lcrus are "gouging" their tenants,
reed to Hirth, for instance, have used the they don't fee: it would be tac-
eight-nonth option on University tically wise to try to force them
Tharter leases in the past, and contiue to use eight-month leases and
'tments to raise monthly rents about 20 lower their profits at the saio A AND
it con- per cent for eight-month terms. uime.
to sign University Towers The "Student Rental Agreement
University Towers has used the is a model lease," according to
University's lease on an eight- William Steude, director of stu-
month basis since July. dent-community relations. It pro-
Madison Management, Herbert vides more protection for the stu- k
Wickersham and Huron Valley dent than most private leases and
Real Estate are using the Uni- specifically charges the University C
versity lease's eight-month option to "act as a mediator in any dis- .
for the first time, and all have pute that may arise between the
at this hiked rents about 25 per cent. parties."
will ; Shipman Associates also say they The student protection under the
and I will raise rents by one-quarter, but University lease is most important
Li;h'tne to use their own ra- inthe reastoidamag deposits
met h n the Universy eigh- and withdrawal. daag epsit
e Ymg epstlnierit' mnth" lease. The Un......t..sdamagedeposi
en In addition, said SHA chairman clause requs itemizaiond oall
fu" Michael Koeneke, '68 B Ad "quite charges against the deposit be :
a few small landlords" are taking made by the landlord, and that ::
here is the University lease. the unused portion refunded to the
of the Uncertainty student within 20 days of the
ill have "The small landlords are taking lease's expiration.
will do the lease because they've got to Itemized Damage Costs
>t clear protect themselves," said Koeneke. The lease currently used by
He said he thought the main rea- Apartments Limited specifies only
son they raise rents as much as that itemizd costs of damages be
25 per cent for eight-month terms given to students and allows 30
of the is "they're very uncertain - it's days of repayment. Many student
9nran In a thing- they've never done before. ..,,,.M t

known. It has been reported from
Washington that the United States
might send two Army divisions to
In related developments, Presi-
dent Johnson reported yesterday
that a second Panmunjom appeal
to North Korea was unsuccessful
in winning return of the Pueblo.

WASHINGTON (CPS) - Last the final decision on both ques-
fall, education officials were say- tions concerning the draft, if any
ing that chaos would result if decisions are made.)j
President Johnson didn't act to Graduate school deans have been
clear up the uncertainties in the predicting that their incoming
draft situation by the first of this classes next fall would be made up
year. primarily of veterans and women,
The first has come and gone, since they assumed most grad-a
the White House is still silent on uating male seniors would beI
the draft, and graduate schools drafted. This prediction may turnl
and potential grad students are out to be true, but at this point
seeing the first signs of the chaos there's no way of knowing, because
that was predicted. the President hasn't yet said who
There are two major questions he's going to draft.
that still must be decided regard- Therefore, g r a d u a t e schools
ing the draft: the first is, how are which are beginning to make deci-
the actual draftees to be selected sions on applicants can't tell
fr,- t +he nnn f draft.pelig-ih _ . . . - 2 , a ,_

ucation officials with close con
tacts in government predicted ac-
tion by the President before
Christmas, and nothing came of it
There are, however, a few observa-
tions that can be made.
It appears that the President
(or, in this case, the President and
other members of the National
Security Council) will not grant
deferments to all grad students in
the natural sciences, math and
Government Committee
A special government commt
tee set up to study the defermen'
question last year recommende(

Am~ia C ',rnrep o~n Edl

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