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February 02, 1968 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-02-02

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PAGE 817C'




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Fleming Speaks On
'U'-IDA Relationship
(Continued from Page 1) ticipation in Project 1111 Fleming
emphasized it would result from a added that "I am unaware that
Regents' decision and not his. the Univesrity is in the process of
When SGC member Sam Sher- extricating itself from the Thai-
man, '68, said it was necessary land project, and it is my belief
that the students be in close con- that those aspects of Project 1111
tact with the Regents, Fleming which involved Thailand are now
replied that although more ef- completed. However, there are
fective communications w e r e many things at this University of
necessary, there "are certain mat- which I am not aware."
ters which just cannot be dis- Then Fleming said "I have reser-
cussed publically such as property vations about any foreign program
matters. which has a relation to the mili-
"I feel that they are interested tary as they might conflict with
In feel hak t theyrmeinterted some of the social and economic
in making their meetings open programs that the University is
and the current problem is one conducting abroad."
of mechanics and not one of On financial matters Fleming
whether open meeting will be said that the University appropria-
held." tion was inadequate and "We will
Fleming continued speaking on be hurt badly in additional staff,
classified research and the Uni- which we need badly." The presi-
versity's membership in the In- dent emphasized that the real
stitute for Defense Analysis (IDA) problem was to distribute the
"I realize that the University's funds in the best possible man-
withdrawal from IDA would not ner.
inhibit individuals from participa- ____
tion in IDA but the problem is
anticipate no further action until
the next meeting of the Regents."
Regarding the University's par- Attack In
40 Cities
(Continued from Page 1)
C. Westmoreland painted a pic-
ture of the blunting of the Com-
munist drive. He told newsmen it
was a go-for-broke proposition
and there is evidence to suggest
the enemy "is about to run out of
"He has, however, some re-
serves yet to be committed," said
the commander of U.S. forces in
Vietnam. "We are watching this."
U.S. and Vietnamese troops and
aircraft broke up major enemy
elements around Saigon, but .the
Communists carried on harass-
ing operations in small groups.
North Vietnamese troops were
reported operating alongside Viet
Cong in Saigon for the first time.
Allied authorities said they were
among five enemy battalions -
perhaps 2,000 men-which opened
the attack on the South Vietnam-
ese capital Tuesday.
Westmoreland told newsmen he
believed the Communists' cam-
paign is a prelude for their big-
gest push of the war, to be staged
in the northern sector adjoining
the DMZ. This main effort "could
come at any time," he said.

Text of SGC's New
Student Bill of Rights

To help foster and preserve an
enlightened, free, just, and demo-
cratic academic community, Stu-
dent Government Council hereby
recognizes and undertakes to
guarantee these as rights of stu-
1. The right to express their
views on any subject without
penalty, except where the form
of that expression endangers life,
property, or the equal right of
2. The right to publish and dis-
seminate their views on or off
campus free from censorship.
3. The right to establish and is-
ue publications free from any cen-
sorship or other official action
aimed at controlling editorial pol-
icy, with the selection and removal
of editorial staffs reserved to the
organization sponsoring the pub-
4. The right to organize and
participate in orderly, non-violent
demonstrations on and off cam-
5. The right to form, join, and
participate in any group or organ-
ization for intellectual, religious,
social, economic, political, or
cultural purposes, subject to rea-
sonable regulation by Studen Gov-
ernment Countil.
6. The right to invite and hear
speakers of their choice on sub-
jects of their choice.
7. The right to use campus fa-
cilities for meetings and other
activities, subject only to payment
of normal expenses where neces-
sary, and to such uniform regu-
lations as may be required for
scheduling time and place and
assuring the use of facilities for
purposes to which they are suited.
8. The right, subject to reason-
able regulation, of agents of rec-
ognized student organizations, to
solicit money on campus.
9. The right to petition the ap-
propriate authority for changes
in faculty, administration, cur-
riculum, and University policy,
without fear of reprisal.
10. The right to take resaoned
exception to the, data or views of-
fered as part of academic instruc-
tion without fear of penalty, to be
graded solely on academic per-
formance, and to be protected
through responsive and well-de-
fined procedures against preju-
diced or capricious academic eva-
11. The right to be subject only
to such uniform rules and reg-
ulations as have been fully and
clearly formulated, published, and
distributed to everyone concerned.

12. The right to be governed only
by such non-academic rules as can
be changed by a democratic con-
stituency to which those governed
13. The right of those resident
in University-owned, affiliated, or
associated housing, to establish
democratically all parietal regula-
tions governing their dress, con-
duct, and ,activities within their
14. The right to form and main-
tain a, democratic student govern-
ment with the power to administer
and regulate those affairs pri-
marily concerning students, to levy
and collect assessments on stu-
dents, and to be represented in
the formulation of all University
15. The right to an indepen-
dent judiciary'with jurisdiction in
all non-academic cases the out-
come of which could be expulsion,
suspension, fine, or other Uni-
versity disciplinary action.
16. The right in all non-aca-
demic cases, to be originally judged
only by a judiciary drawn from
and responsible to a democratic
constituency to which they be-
17. The right to be exempt from
suspending or expulsion from the
University except for academic
failure, failure to pay a Univesrity
debt, or a violation of a University
regulation when continued pres-
ence on campus endangers other
members of the academic com-
18. The right to judicial due
process, including a speedy trial,
confrontation of plaintiff and his
witnesses, counsel, presumption
of innocence, protection against
cruel or unusual punishment, and
19. The right not be twice put in
jeopardy for the same offense.
20. The right, if aggrieved, to
bring suit within the regular ju-
diciary system for any putative
violation of right.
21. The rght to be secure in their
person, possessions, and residence,
against unreasonable invasion,
search, or seizure.
22. The right to the privacy of
their academic, non-academic, and
disciplinary records with the right
of personal examination of such
23. The right not to have non-
University financial obligations
placed on the student's University










Here's How Tc Rent It Quick Through The
Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guide"

I 1
1 I
* I
1NAME _ __ _ __ _
/ I
* ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
1 II
* I
PHONE__ _ _

Print or Type Copy Legibly in
Space Provided as You Would
Like it to Appear.

The quickest and easiest
way to sublet your pad
is through The Daily's
special apartment
supplement to be published
Sunday, February 11th
For only 5
you can place a
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35,000 readers.

with central air-con-
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2 large Bedrooms
CALL 769-3247
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of Apt. No. 5
320 E. Madison




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