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January 30, 1968 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-30

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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The Fourth Branch
Help Wanted on Pennsylvania Avenue
..r By Ran Klempner
-r .... t~r:.".vEr::: v: ". rv ". a.".^."r: av.^."."vv::" r."::::::,v:: va.:":r""::"v."rr v: "","" """""..

F ,v - ''

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764,-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The Waiting Game Brings
Success to the Boycott

STUDENT UNITY and stamina are two
necessary factors if the Student Hous-
ing Association and Student Rental Un-
ion are going to be successful in their
drive for acceptance ;of the University's
eight-month lease.
This movement must be supported by
a predominate portion of the students. A
handful of students who refuse to sign
anything except a University lease will
not make a great deal of difference to
Ann Arbor landlords. A massive boycott
The question of an eight-month lease
is one which concerns every student who
rents in Ann Arbor. Its implementation
would remove the bothersome and costly
burden of summer subletting, and in the
long run could lower rents. Acceptance
of an eight-month lease generally means
acceptance of a monthly rent increase.
This, however, is usually not more than
the rent lost in subletting an apartment
for the summer.
ANN ARBOR landlords are hardly oper-
ating on a marginal profit. Rents here
are among the highest in the nation-
some indexes place Ann Arbor as the
second highest.
In the past it was easy for the land-
lord to earn a lucrative return, well
above the national average, since stu-
dents were a captive market, and the,
supply of apartments was well below the
demand. The tables have turned, how-
ever, because the Investors have over-

built, there are now more apartments
available than are needed.
THF STUDENTS are now in a position
to take action that will benefit their
housing interests. Students must be will-
ing to man picket lines and refrain from
signing leases for w e e k s, possibly
months: when the novelty wears off,
drudgery will replace gaity on the picket
tine; anxiety will replace boldness on the
boycott. Landlords are waiting for stu-
dents to buckle under the strain of these
Officials at Apartments Limited have
met tne students' early efforts with scorn.
Apartment owners are not going to
change their entire outlook at the sight
of a few picket signs, and they will con-
tinue to view boycott efforts with scorn
until they begin to feel a pinch in busi-
ness. However, it will take time before
this pinch is felt, and students must
commit themselves to a long fight, one
which could carry through the summer
into next fall. (In fact, if the renting
trends of this winter semester are any
indication, students who wait until the
end cf the summer to rent will probably
land worthwhile bargains.)
TO LAST THROUGH the testing period
and beat the landlords, the entire
'off-campus' student body mustb and to-
gether and show their determination.
Numbers and stamina can beat the land-
lords in a market favorable to students.

THESE LAST MONTHS have proven troubled ones for
President Johnson. Countless times he has been
awakened in the middle of the night with word of a
crisis erupting somewhere around the world.
But these aren't his only problems. Like many em-
ployers, the President is having labor troubles with some
of his top personnel. Just recently he has received the
resignations of such respected and hard working em-
ployes as Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara,
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare John Gard-
ner, and the Chairman of the Council of Economic Ad-
visers, Gardner Ackley. Furthermore, it has been rumored
that Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler, and the
Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall are also con-
templating their resignation.
At one point in his frantic search to replace these
men, the President went so far as to place messages in
the "help Wanted" sections of the nation's leading news-
papers, but because of its length, The Daily never had
sufficient space to print it. So if anyone is looking for a
non-military position in our nation's capitol, here's
the ad:
A large eastern agency is now recruiting for positions
in a growing organization with a bright future. If you
enjoy the excitement of last minute decisions, the action
at all-day cocktail parties, and the fanfare of being
included in a Drew Pearson column, then a Washington
job is for you!
The qualifications are easy to meet:
-All applicants must have a college degree. We will
even accept candidates with teaching certificates (some
of our highest personnel have such degrees).

-Must be able to discuss high level decisions while
standing and eating bar-b-qued spare ribs (Official
etiquette not required).
-Need an extensive working vocabulary, and fully
understand such terms and phrases as "Yes," "Yes sir,"
"Yes your excellency," "excellent decision, chief," and
"Get those radicals off the lawn!"
-Be able to speak to Congressional committees,
picketers, and students, while all the time replying -to
criticism with the phrases: "We are acting in America's
national interest. "We must preserve the American
dream," and "God save the President."
-Must be able to speak to journalists and say such
things as, "We are acting in America's national interest."
-In your sleep must be able to "Preserve your Amer-
ican dream."
-Must be an excellent horseman, but unable to dis-
mount in mid-stream.
-We discourage applicants from having any present
affiliation with such subversive organizations as the Ku
Klux Klan, the John Birch Society, the Minutemen, or the
Minnesota Democratic Party.
-Previous government experience unnecessary: Will
give on-the-job training, although some experience with
government organizations such as the FBI or NSA is
THE RESPONSIBILITIES will prove an exciting chal-
-You will be given control of a large and diversified
agency, with complete power to classify material and re-
search at whim.
-Willingness to be considered underpaid, but refrain

from accepting the usual Christmas gifts such as stereos
and free love from Washington lobbyists.
-Hold an intelligible conversation with Everett McKin-
ley Dirksen on the status of the marigold as the inunici-
pal flower of Pasadena.
-Talk to the boss about your personal life in most fam-
iliar situations, and as a captive audience in the White
House john
THE BENEFITS, HOWEVER, will prove to be well
worth your while'
-Although there is little peace and security, your
position will provide an invaluable experience in our
governmental operations-experience that can be useful
in future jobs. Our past employees have often gone on to
high prestige positions in the field of business and ed-
ucation, and the most reputable publishing houses de-
mand thei memoirs
-Give you a chance to travel and see Aierica, first!
(Sorry, but we are temporarily curtailing our overseas
travel; however, you may soon get to see such overseas
sights as Hanoi, Pyongpong, and eventually Paris.
-Meet and see all the big Washington celebrities who
you have read and heard about all your life. Get to chat
with such effervescent personalities as J. Edgar Hoover,
General Hershey, Wilbur Mills, and Ertha Kitt.
Besides, you will have that good feeling deep in your
:ieart of doing something for your country in a draft-
deferrable position.
-In OUR organization you will be not just another
cog in the wheel, as they say, but an important 'yes' man.
For further information write: Great Society of
America, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington,
D.C. 00000.

Letters. Taxi Squad Instead of -Bursley Bus

To the Editor:
AS ONE NOT directly involved
in the bus problem of the
Bursley students, I can not help
observing, nevertheless, the paral-
lel between their problems and
those faced by bus riders in many
communities across the country.
Public transportation systems al-
ways face the dilemma of how to
provide continual service in off-
peak hours without raising opera-
ting costs prohibitively. Usually
this is resolved by removing the
service altogether and permitting
the bus patron to ride taxicabs-
at his own expense.
I am lacking the necessary data
on both the operating costs of the
University bus service and the ex-
pected traffic volume of students
during early morning hours, but
from these data it should be pos-
sible to develop a rather simple
and obvious solution, that is, to
provide taxi service at University
expense during those hours in
which bus service is too costly.
This can make the simple form of
permitting the student a free
choice of taxi from any point in
the area to Bursley Hall and reim-
bursing him about $1.25 for each

such ride, this representing the
estimated taxi fare from the Den-
tal Building to Bursley Hall.
Though a novel plan, it might
provide the necessary service at
less overall cost to the University.
-Ben Z. Rubin
To the Editor:
IN PUBLISHING Navy Lieutenant
John W. White's letter, Dec. 6,
1967, reporting the statement of
the Sonarman on the Maddox that
neither his destroyer nor the Tur-
ner Joy was attacked in the Tonk-
in Gulf, Aug. 4, 1964, as charged
by the Johnson Administration,
the Connecticut New Haven Re-
gister rendered its readers and
many others a signal service. (See
I. F. Stone's Weekly, Dec. 18, 1967) .
A reporter of the now defunct N.Y.
Herald-Tribune reported a few
days after the alleged Tonkin Gulf
incident that he could get no con-
firmation of the attack and that
the Pentagon people "seemed an-
xious to forget the whole matter."
In the November issue of Esquire
Magazine, 1965, Tom Wicker of the
N.Y. Times also reported that Mr.
Johnson had been carrying the

Tonkin Gulf Resolution-now the
Johnson "legal" basis for bombing
North Vietnam-around in his
pocket for weeks awaiting for a
suitable opportunity to spring it.
I stated at the time that the
"attack" was most unlikely (Ashe-
ville Citizen of North Carolina,
Aug. 6, 1964). I also stated at the
time that if any attack too place
at all, it must have been made by
the forces of either the Saigon
Juisling General Khanh, or the
U.S. stooge Chiang-Kai-shek. Each
of these Quislings quite naturally
had personal reasons for extending
the war to North Vietnam, or even
further, for neither could achieve
his purposes short of the massive
involvement of U.S. military forces
in Asia.
all events, obviously, was an at-
tack by the tiny North Vietnam
Navy upon the mighty U.S. Navy.
The Ho Chi Minh government im-
mediately denied the charge and
stated that no North Vietnam ship
was in that area. The precipitate
action of Mr. Johnson suggests the
doubtful character of the charge.
Otherwise a prudent man would
have made a careful investigation

of the report before making the
charge. And if this investigation
warranted the charge, the Presi-
dent, in compliance with his oath
of office, should have submitted
the evidence to the United Nations
for necessary action. This was the
time to have submitted the issue to
the United Nations. It is now too
The failure of the President to
follow this course clearly demon-
strated his contempt for U.S.
treaty obligations under the United
Nations Charter. It also brands
him before the American people
and the world as a dangerous and
reckless operator. The entire rec-
ord of his Vietnam war confirms
this view.
The most probable result of this
madness is the disaster of World
War III, and possibly Journey's
End for Man.
-Hugh B. Hester,
Brigadier General
U. S. Army (Ret.)
Committee Work
To the Editor:
I WISH to correct one point ap-
pearing in Mr. Hirshman's
otherwise excellent (Jan. 24) ar-
ticle. The standing committee I

chair, the Student Affairs Com-
mitee on Student Records and
Their Use, was initially constituted
and remains advisory to Vice-Pres-
ident Cutler. At no time did the
Committee presume to formulate
a statement on disclosure with
University-wide application, but
rather sought only to reach con-
sensuson the matter within the
framework of Student Affairs.
I am currently undertaking to
assemble a special subcommittee
comprised of administration, fac-
ulty and students to review the
Committee's report of last April.
My understanding is our work
goes forward on an interim basis;
and, further, whatever we accom-
plish this year by way of a re-
vised statement will be superseded
at such time as a like one emerges
representing an all-University
poseture or stance.
I should not want anyone to
think Neil Hollenshead, Roger
Leed and I, acting last year as a
draft subcommittee, arrogated to
ourselves so ambitious a task of
writing policy for the whole Uni-
-James M. Lawler
Assistant Director of
Student Affairs


Dragging Down Autonomy

the unfavorable circuit court decision
on Public Act 379 has raised a new series
of charges and justifications. The newest
of these-the relation of PA 379, the
labor relations act amendment, to PA
124, theconstruction law-must be con-
sidered in light of the older arguments.
The Regents said recently that they
do not oppose unionization, but rather
the infringement on autonomy that the
state act entails. If this is the case, the
University could show it by a more
amenable attitude to the unions that did
attempt to organize on campus. The er-
rors the administration made were errors
of ommission, not commission. They could
have-in what might be called a "good
faith offering"-sped up the process of
preparing for unionization. This would
have proven their avowed willingness to
accept unions, and they could then have
argued the case independently. They
failed to act in time, leaving themselves
exposed to a darkened record of labor
relations-created by employe dissatis-
faction with an unduly long wait for
litigation to be completed.
lri addition, the question of unioniza-
tion or not is now a dead one, despite,
not because of, Regental action. Unions
are here to stay, independent of whether
the appeal is denied or not, because of
their strength on campus, not state law.
For the University to attempt to elimi-
nate unions after they are established
would create rather unpleasant results.
Thus the University has behind it an
unimpressive and confused record on
PA 379.
THE STANDARD argument for autono-
my - Regental control of University,

affairs independent of the state - ap-
pears weak in the PA 379 case. A paper
by Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Allan F. Smith, then Law School Dean,
entitled "Constitutional Status of the
University of Michigan," gives a brief
history of legislative attempts to control
University actions.
Not a single case cited in the history of
University-Legislature conflict over Uni-
versity autonomy involves any state law
other than appropriations aimed specifi-
cally at the University. The cases typi-
cally were instances where the Legisla-
ture or Auditor General attempted to re-
strict some specific action of the Univer-
sity - in one case by ordering an aca-
demic change, but usually by limiting
some expenditure by the University.
To extend this principle -- protecting
the University from specific acts of the
Legislature aimed 'at restricting the Uni-
versity-- to give the University independ-
ence from as tate law seems an over-ex-
tension of autonomy.
PA 379 IS NOT wihin the trend of
autonomy rulings. To tie further au-
tonomy fights to this one may doom the
others, or at least do them serious harm.
President Fleming, an experienced labor
mediator. is opposed to appeal of the
law. In his judgment the appeal faces
almost certain defeat, and so the question
is which way will the University look
worse: if it drops the appeal now but
continues on PA 124, or if it takes PA 379
to the Supreme Court and loses?
It seems that the move the Regents
nave taken will at best hinder the more
important-and more likely unconstitu-
tional-PA 124.


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Black SeIVmmwDefense and the tem,

REACHING through the outer
walto really know the
thoughts of a man like Henry
Austan is impossible. But it's in-
teresting trying.
At first glance, you might think
that is the sunglasses and the
single gold earring, or the tight-
lipped way of speaking he has that
makes him seem just a little bit
different and unreachable. But
these are irrelevant artifacts, as
he will tell you quickly, and only
the real man and the real issues
mean anything.
The man isHenry Austan, "public
relations director" for the South-
ern-oriented Deacons of Defense
and Justice, a militant black self-
defense organization. The issue is
protecting people and their prop-
erty from the Klan. "I was work-
ing in the South in 1964," Austan
says, "and the Klan started
chasing me. So I joined."
The Deacons were just organ-
izing at that time. In early 1964,
they were established to defend the
black people of Jonesboro, La.
Since then they have spread and
grown into a national organization.
"We don't say how many members
we have," Austan said. Not that
they don't know, they just don't
IF YOU are naive or curious,
you ask Austan why the Klan was
chasing him. "They don't seem
to need much of a reason if you're
a Negro," he said. Now he spends
his time touring the country to
"educate and organize black peo-
ple" for self-defense.
Austan came to the University
last Thursday with the intent of
speaking at the Ugli. Due to com-
plications, the speech never took
place. While waiting at the
MUG Thursday night for an audi-
ence that never materialized to
hear the rescheduled lecture, Aus-
tan spoke about his concerns and
When asked what groups he had

ple around the world and improved
economic position for these peo-
But here Austan's outlook splits
off in a different direction from
many others concerned with the
economic position of the Negro in
America today. Although the econ-
omic status of his people must be
improved, he says, it cannot be
improved to any satisfactory ex-
tent within the present structure
of the system.
Austan believes that the Amer-
ican capitalist economic system
and the "military-industrial com-
plex" that, in his opinion, controls
it, lead directly to 'the oppression
of black workers. "American capi-
talists are the cause of many of

the problems around the country
and the world," he said.
He gave an example of the op-
pression he referred to: "Workers
in the cotton fields of the South,",
he said, "are working for two dol-
lars a day. Whenever they demand
a decent wage, the demandis re-
fused." Austan attributes this not
to the bias of the plantation owner
but to the economics of the north-
ern businessman.
"The businessmen don't want tc
pay more for raw cotton, so then
pressure the plantation owners to
keep their prices down. The owners
certainly don't want to pay their
workers more while getting the
same price for their cotton, so they
keep the wage level where it is," he

explains, not because of hatred
but because of economics.
INTEGRATION and race rela-
tions are irrelevant as regards im-
proving the economic position of
his people, Austan claims. To back
up this idea, he gave an example
of oppression caused by the Amer-
ican capitalist businessman in a
case where racism is not even a
"Latin Americans are also ex-
ploited and oppressed by Amer-
icans," he said. "Americans own
Bolivian tin mines, and they keep
the workers in the mines by sup-
plying arms and money to the
government in power."
Austan also' believes the , strug-.
gle in Vietnam is another example

1 ' ''.

of people fighting against the op"-
pression of the American "mili-
tary-industrial complex." He sees
the National Liberation Front as a
parallel to his own group in the
He feels both are fighting for a
better economic and political deal
for their people against the over-
whelming and ubiquitous influence
of the capitalist system.
Thus, Austan claims that any
changes and improvements made
today in the economic position of
his people can only by minimal
and unrealistic. He condemns Civil
Rights Legislation, which aims at
bias and social inequalities rather
than economic inequalities, as
being again,. "irrelevant" to im-
proving the economic status of his
people. "What good is open-hous-
ing legislation if you can't afford
to buy a decent house?"
PROGRAMS of educational and
cultural enrichment also come
under heavy fire from Austan.
"They go into a school and tell a
kid, 'you're stupid, you don't have
no culture' and they try to give
him some." But the culture dump-
ed into the lap of this poor kid,
he claims, is certainly not his -own
and not desirable.
He advocates a completely black
school system, or at least a system
where the students would learn the
tools for further education, but
would avoid the indoctrination
that he claims occur now. "Teach
them to read and write," he said,
and then he believes they would
learn a philosophy of their own
choosing, not of the schools
Some feel there is another side
to the story of Henry Austan and
the Deacons of Defense and Justice
that is even more important than
talk of defense and improvement.
How about offense?
"We've run the Klan out of a
few towns in the South," Austan
said. Austan himself is presently
facing a ten year jail sentence
after being arrested at the scene
ofa lnn~f .fina f~' itsman wtyk~.


Breaking the Record Keeper


regarding the releasing of student
records leaves the student's right to
privacy unprotected. Although the hon-
esty and fairness of most members of the
faculty administration probably mini-
mizes the mis-use of student records, the
absence of a University-wide policy in
this area, and the corresponding lack of
control of the student over what others
may know about him, is a potential
source of injustice.
Upon the request of someone claiming
to have "a legitimate interest" (whatever
that might be) in the student, the total
contents of an Office of Student Affairs

THE FILES OF the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
provide another example of the neglect
of the student in the area of records.
If a professor is inclined to write an
uncomplimentary recommendation of a
student, the student will have no knowl-
edge of such a letter in his file. Thus, his
chance of being employed will be injured
because he misjudged a professor's opin-
ion. At Northwestern and Michigan State
confidential letters have already been
banned from the student's file.
THREE GROUPS are presently under-
taking the task of straightening out

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