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January 28, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-28

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Ilr tigan

:43 xil#

Occasional light rain;
continuous fog

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom






Talks on Pueblo Crisis

By The Associated Press
Security Council has moved into
a weekend of intensive private
talks on the seizure of the USS
Pueblo, after hearing an Ethiop-
ian suggestion that North Korea
be invited to tell her side of the

range for an intermediary to "ex-
ercise good offices" between the
United States and North Korea.
North Korea declared itselfj
ready for combat yesterday and
said it would deem null and void
any U.N. Security Council resolu-
tion "concocted to cover up U.S.

story. imperialist aggression" in the
The council met for about two case of the USS Pueblo.
hours yesterday but no clear A broadcast statement issued by
course of action emerged. The at- the North Korean government in
tention of the 15 members ap- Pyongyang contended the U.S.
geared focused on an informal complaint to the Security Coun-
Canadian proposal that they ar- cil over the seizure of the Pueblo
Cutler Calls Student
Activis-m 'Negative~
Student activism is a "negative Lion gap'in the '30's. He said that
:eaction with no ideology or pro- the different cultural environment
A gram," Vice-President for Student of today has produced students
Affairs Richard L. Cutler said in a that are "more antagonistic, cyn-
recent speech to residence hall ical, getting smarter and smarter
staffs. -but not necessarily wiser."
"The student power advocate is "T l
-e University is not a dem-

and her 83 crewmen was illegal
and that the council had no right
to discuss it.
j The semi-official newspaper
Seoul Shinmoon said it learned
from South Korean military sour-
ces that a U.S. Navy flotilla of
six vessels comprising an air craft
carrier, several destroyers and
submarine chasers was moving in-
to Korean waters to strengthen
the task force of the nuclear
powered carrier Enterprise. U.S.
military spokesmen in Seoul and
in Washington declined to com-
ment on the report.
Threatening War
Communist China accused the
United States last night of threat-
ening war over the Pueblo inci-
dent and said Peking was watch-
ing developments "with grave con-
The first Chinese comment on
North Korea's capture of the Am-
erican intelligence ship last Tues-
day came in a broadcast by Pek-
ing Radio based on an official
New China News Agency report.
The Chinese previously had dis-
tributed North Korean reports of
the incident without adding any
An unofficial translation of the
Chinese statement said that, after
the vessel's capture, the United
States "presented the North Kor-
ean people with extremely open
threats of war by raising the cries
for war like a madman and de-
ploying its armed forces."
Second Look
The Soviet Union will take a
second look at its refusal to in-
tervene with North Korea for thej
return of the hijacked Pueblo,

SHA-SRU Picket
partments Ltd.
Realtors Continue To Refuse Lease;
Protests Scheduled for Entire Week
Students began picketing of the offices of Apartments
Limited yesterday in rrotest of the firm's refusal to accept
the University's eighxt month lease. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
a steady stream of student pickets paraded in front of the
The action was part of boycott by the Student Housing
Association and Student Rental Union (SHA-SRU). Hand-
bills were distributea urging students to wait until land-
lords accept the Univ-rsity-approved eight-month lease be-
fore renting apartme its for next fall.
"I was very pleased with the turnout and enthusiam of
students who joined in tahe picketing," Mike Koeneke, '69
Bus. Ad., chairman of SHA,.
commented. "Students are be-
ginning to realize what we
are doing and how important
it is'"

immature, focusing on the most
nearby evil that one can get his
hanegs on," Cutler said. "We (the'
administration) are playing a very
long-run game," he continued,
"and they (the student activists)
are playing a very short run
"A real impact from the studentJ
body will never be felt unless it
manages to influence the faculty,"
he added, "and it has neither the
time nor the numbers to do this."
'Personal Sacrifices'
"The concept of a great Univer-
sity must be attached to that of a
free University," Cutler said. "I
am willing to pay the personal
and administrative sacrifices in-
cumbent in having 75 very diffi-
cult individuals on this campus in
order to have a great university,"
he continued.
Cutler attributed the presence of
student activists on the University
campus to several factors. "Activ-.
fists tend to like to go to large,
good, free universities," he said.
Challenging attitudes are encour-
aged in the classroom and natural-
ly will continue outside as well, he
Hierarchical Relationships
The campus is "cosmopolitan"
and has a large proportion of
graduate students which contri-
butes to rejection of arbitrary re-
strictions, Cutler said.
Cutler discussed the generation
gap comparing the schism raised
under the "radically different,
t stresses" of the '50's to the genera-

ocracy. I'm paid to be here, and
Bruce Kahn has to pay," Cutler
noted. He explained that hier-
archical relationships are implicit
in the university situation where
students are learning under pro-
However, he added that "dem-
ocratic processes are used in many
ways," these processes are often
"long, tedious, imperfect, make a
lot of mistakes-but eventually get

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
APARTMENTS LIMITED personnel had few customers yesterday as students declined to cross a
picket line formed by protesters outside. The action was part of a boycott of Apartments Limited
organized by the Student Rental Union and Student housing Association.
Residential College Instructors
See Room 'for Restructuring

SGC Coordinating Vice-Presi-
ent Paul Milgrom '70 said, "This
was a great kick-off to what will -
be a long and hard campaign.
The support we received today
indicated to me that we are... ..
going to be successful in obtaining
an eight-month lease."
SHR-SRU plans to continue
the picketing of Apartments Lim-
ited throughout the week. Distri- '.n.
bution of handouts, establish-
anent of an information table in
the Fishbowl, a sign campaign,
and telephone canvassing are al-
so planned as part of the drive. >'{'>- >?
Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman
of SRU, said, "By the beginning Paul Mil
of the week we don't expect any- - -
one to be willing to rent from
Apartments Limited. Very few ' oca
people entered their offices while
we were picketing and most of
them appeared to be employees"
Allow Picketin Pro ests

"I don't know how much the!
kids are getting out of the courses
-but the faculty's getting quite


Vice President Hubert Humphrey a bit from teaching them," says
predicted yesterday. Residential College teaching fel-{
"The Soviet Union has a great low Seamus O'Cleireacain.
stake in freedom of the seas," The attitude of the professors
Humphrey said, adding that Rus- and teaching fellows at the col-
sian intelligence ships patrol lege is one of general enthusiasm
close to U.S. shores in interna- for the concept. But at the same
tional waters and "one of their time some have reservations as
ships is with the carrier Enter- to the planning and scope of the
prise right now." present operation.
Sen. Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont.), Borrow Teaching Fellow
said yesterday that if the price "Along with the students, thej
for release of its crew is a false teachers took an active role to
U.S. admission that the Pueblo make the courses dynamic,"
was seized in North Korean wa- comments Dean James Robert-;
ters he would pay it rather than son. He cites as an example a.
resort to force. studio art course inaugurated at
Mansfield, the Senate Demo- the College this semester.
cratic leader, said that any "rash "The students told us the type
action" by this country could seal of course they wanted, and we
the doom of the Pueblo's 83 crew- borrowed an excellent teaching
men and bring about "another fellow from the literary college
bloody and prolonged involvement as the instructor," Robertson ex-
in Korea . . ." perhaps involving plains.
Red China and Soviet Russia. Hard to Teach
Declaring that the fate of the But the instructor, George
crew members is the most urgent Founds, has mixed feeling about;
consideration in the seizure of the the new course: "The students'
Navy intelligence ship by the are all very bright, but I'm not
North Koreans, he said this coun- particularly excited about the
try, should go to extraordinary course-it's very hard to teach."
lengths to avoid using military "It could have been set up much
force. better," says Founds. "Twenty-

their students. Classes run no
more than 12 students, and many
times the sessions are held in the
professor's living room.
Prof. James Meisel, of the po-
litical science department, de-
scribes his seminar class as "the
most exhilarating experience of
my whole career. Each week we
examined and discussed ideas,
and the students learned how to
read, think and express them-
"My system was to leave the
book selections up to the stu-
dents-I didn't impose any re-
quirements on them," says Prof.
Marston Bates of the zoology de-
partment. "But I don't know if
this is the proper educational ex-
perience or hot-we wandered all
over the place. Our immediate
evaluation is whether the stu-
dents enjoyed it or not-that's
Prof. Irving Copi of the phi-
losophy department, also a fresh-
man seminar instructor last se-
mester, raises serious doubts
about the college's grading sys-

Copi also questions the advan-
tage to the student of the sys-
tem employed. "As an admissions
officer in the graduate school I
can say that I won't go to the
trouble of reading evaluations for
400 students when we can only
pick 20 or 25." he explains, add-
ing that "I think it's a joke to
say anyone pays any attention
to the evaluations. I recommend
to Dean Robertson that this
method be dropped."
The Residential College also is
experimenting with an intensi-
fied program in their language
department, consisting of a morn-
ing "lecture" of about 20 stu-
dents and smaller recitations in
the afternoon.
"It worked out very well,"
claims Justin Vitiello, a teaching
fellow of Spanish. "I was given
complete freedom. In the morn-
ing the students studied gram-
mar, and in the afternoon we de-
veloped their reading skills. We
also used the language at the
dinner table with each student
in the section present. The stu-




..., ..__

Representatives of Apartments v
Limited refused to comment on
the boycottfor the picket line. No
attempt was made to halt the

The b hnvtt tms fronm the re-


Richard L. Cutler

'UM News' Makes Debut
A X- imF! it ltlJP l

Students Hope to Bea
By Shoplifting at Loc

Key Question
Already faced with a charge of
bungling, President Johnson's ad-
ministration is bracing for a


five kids decide they want to draw
or paint-I could take a semester
teaching fundamentals and then

1 t 1~ 11111 .F.U.R U} jK 1 . l uI I storm of questions from Congress
J 1over its handling of the Pueblo
By CAROLYN MIEGEL time consulting with members of crisis.
The UM News, a publication for the staff, faculty and student Administration officials say the
non-academic University person- body. For it is my opinion, that operation was approved at high
nel, has reportedly received "en- I only through this form of dia- levels of the government - but
thusiastic response." logue can we bring increased sta- the question remains whether
The tabloid size semimonthly ture in all fields of the Univer- handled routinely by officials in
newspaper is desigend as a "com- sity," Fleming said. I specific moves of the ship were
munications device for people not Any "feedback" opinion will be the CIA or some other intelligence
reached by the University Record, carried in a Letters to the Editor agency or controlled from day to
which is aimed at faculty mem- ; column Caplan plans to include day by officials with broad policy
bers," according to Michael Rad- in future editions. responsibilities.

two more semesters applying By HOWARD COHEN
them in each separate category." Most University students com-
Difficult Communicating plain about the rising costs of
He adds that because the at- books. Howover, some never need
tendance has fluctuated "tremen- to complain-they steal all their
dously," and because the section books.
meets only once a week, "it's been "Shoplifting is quite a problem,
difficult communicating with the and it's been, getting worse over
students. It's very hard for them the years," admits Milton Moore,
to see what I'm talking about." manager of Ulrich's Bookstore.
One innovative aspect of the "We only need 10 employes to
college is the freshman seminar wait on customers, but have to
course, where top University pro- hire 50 more to cover the store,"
fessors meet informally with he adds.

Reasons for student theft are
varied. Some feel that the big
bookstores are part of the ",sys-
tem" and thus owe them some-
"They really screw me .on art
supplies; when I steal something
I feel I'm evening the score," one
architecture student explained re-
However, Bob Graham, man-
ager of Follett's disagrees strong-
ly. "We make a very small profit
on textbooks and considering that

i 111C UOYCOLL 6. 111 ' U11 L1CLC }A local citizens' organization
fusal last Tuesday of Apartments a t pk City Hall to
Limited to accept the new Univer- plans to picket City Hall tomorrow
Li roaept tse ne Uer- evening because of what the group
sity-approved lease. The lease calls "ghetto features" in the Ann
I ma bre e fo e t r e Arbor Housing Commission's plans
month or twelve-month- contracts. frlwcs ulchuig
Charter Realty and Campus 1.FPur o g
Management have also refused to . The Fair Play for People organ-
Manaemen hae alo rfuse toization, 'which is sponsoring the
accept the new lease. University picketing, is composed of citizens
Towers, Herbert Wickersham, p bic asstancThey
Madison Management, and Hu- who receive publc assistance. They
ron Towers, however, have agreed are demanding that low-cost
to use it. housing be constructed on numer-
ous small sites scattered through-
out Ann Arbor.
The Commission's plan calls for
tbuilding and renovating 200 apart-
which are within a half-mile of
al Stores Narrow Margin
The proposal to construct public
housing passed by a narrow mar-
books are such a small fiaction gin in a public referendum held in
of the cost of education there 1965. The federal government has
is no moral or economic justifi- allocated $3.7 million for the pro-
cation for shoplifting," he said. ject, but this is in danger of being
"It's just not worth the isk." withdrawn if work is not started
The risk, however, i3 a lure as on the project within about five
well as a deterrent. Some stu- months.
dents seem to get a thrill in get- In a news release yesterday,
ting away with stolen merchan- Fair Play for People called the
dise. housing situation a "crisis brought
"A bookstore at MSU hired - a on by the Commission's dawdling
house detective to catch shoplift- around for two and a half years.
ers, and he nabbed more than 30 "We need to save the program
on his first day," Moore said. by turning out again in orderly
"When word got out that he was but emphatic demonstrations," the
there, the rate doubled. It be- statement continued.
came a game, a challenge, to get Open Hearing
by him." Picketing tomorrow evening will
For those who get caught, the taket place from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.
price is high. Because the book- Then, the marchers plan to attend
stores receive little disciplinary the City Council Meeting. This
support from the school adminis- will be the first of three such
tration, and losing $25,000 to actions scheduled during the week.
$30,000 annually, they prosecute Fair Play for People will picket
everyone they catch. the Housing Commission meeting
The result, at best, is a drawn- on Wednesday evening and the
out court case and a police record. City Council open hearing on pub-
No store wants to reveal the se- lic housing on the following Mon-
curity measures it uses to prevent day.
stealing, Moore explained. The group said that it decided
"We followed one shoplifter to organize protests because City
home and found he had stolen a Council members had not changed
$1500 library of our books, as well their positions since the large open
as books from other stores in Ann hearing last Monday. "We have
Arbor and Detroit. We needed a decided that we must take our
truck to bring them back," he message to the public as well as to
said. the Council, if the public housing
Not all bookstores feel shop- program is to be effective and
lifting is a severe problem. Both humane," a statement said.
Student Book Service and Over- Set of Rules
beck's Book Store are little The Ho g Co s i
bothered by the problem. "We mae ousing ommission
sell primarily 'to graduate stu- made'up"mostly o opponents o
dents, and that presents a special public housing," the group claimed.
.. The Commission consists of a five-

ock, vice-president for University
The first issue was released last
week and included information "on
new University policies and staff
changes along with features about
Proposed by Radock
It became the third intra-Uni-
versity publication for personnel,
and may be joined by a fourth, in
the form of a second monthly
newsletter for academic personnel,
which was recently planned by
University President Robben W.
The cost of printing the UM
News which is published by the
University Publications Office, has
not yet been determined.
News editor Jerome A. Caplan
said the idea was proposed to the
Regents by Radock in late 1966,
but funds were not available until
.4 this year.
Only Staff Member
Editor Caplan is the only mem-
ber of the News staff at the mo-
ment. Before coming to the Uni-
versity, Caplan was a communica-


Cage rs Drop

Thriller to OSU, 95-92

David came within three points
of slaying Goliath yesterday in
the hardest fought, most tens-
ion-packed games the Wolverines
have played all year.
Deep into the waning minutes
of the game Michigan had Ohio
State on the ropes 84-76, but
poor foul shooting, a clutch per-
formance by Buckeye reserve
Jody Finney, and a technical
foul at the most crucial of times,
sent the Wolverines reeling to
their thirteenth consecutive Big
Ten defeat, 95-92.
It didn't look as if it would
end that way. With Dennis Ste-
wart playing his finest game as
a Wolverine, 'Buckeye soup' in-
stead of 'Frazzeled Wolverine'
seenme to he on the menmi fox

play their hearts out to win this
It was that kind of a game
with the victors feeling lucky
to come out alive and the van-
quished - well - asking them-
selves what might have been.
A defected Dave Strack put
it this way: "Well, of course it
was a tough game to lose, one
:f the toughest we've ever play-
ed. We played so hard and so
long only to lose it. I don't know
what to say except that I am
in despair over what happened
out there."
Strack is right about playing
a long game. By all rules of
logic he never will play one as
long again. Most basketball
games take an hour and a half
from start to finish, this one

itself for flooding the court with
Technical number one was dir-
ect punitive action against the
Michigan bench. In the official
statistics it is listed that way
for all to see: "technical on
bench, one shot." It seems a
player on the bench detected
waving a towel or something at
the whistle-conscious officials.
Technical number two no one
is sure about. Best guess is that
someone, somewhere, said some-
thing he should not have.
Technical number three was,
you guessed it, the crowd.
"It's too stiff and harsh a
penalty to call against a team
that is playing so hard," Strack
moaned after the game. "That
kind of thing has never happen-
d +n mn 0- tnump hacfn" ha

.#. ..'.~ ~'

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