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January 27, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-27

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North Korea Claims
Bucher Admits Guilt

TOKYO ()-North Korea as-
serted yesterday the captain of
the U.S. intelligence ship Pueblo
admitted his ship conducted
4 "plain acts of aggression and a
criminal act that violated the rud-
imental norms of international
The Korean Central News Ag-
ency said Cmdr. Lloyd Mark Bu-
cher, was interviewed by North
Korean newsmen at a news con-
ference arranged "at a certain
The agency said Bucher "admit-
ted that they were captured while
conducting extremely criminal es-
pionage activities deep in the
coastal waters of our country, giv-
Soviets Balk
At Mediation
MOSCOW () - The U.S. am-
bassador talked with Soviet offi-
cials again yesterday in a contin-
uing effort to obtain Soviet help
in solving the Pueblo crisis, but a
Soviet source said that Russia
will not mediate.
The informant said the Soviet
Union has no intention of getting
involved in any mediation role
between the United States and
North Korea, the Soviet ally
which captured the Pueblo and
her crew.
The Soviet attitude will appear
in the Soviet press, the Foreign
Ministry said. The press and ra-
dio has said North Korea acted
"rightfully", producing 'hysteria'
in Washington.
A m b a s s ador Llewellyn E.
Thompson visited the Soviet For-
A eign Ministry yesterday at mid-
day, continuing an almost daily
series of calls since the crisis
The embassy here has kept si-
lent on Thompson's visits, under
strict instructions from Washing-
Reports from Washington said
that in Thompson's discussion
Tuesday with First Deputy For-
eign Minister Vasily V. Kuznet-
sov, the ambassador got a cold re-
action to a request that the So-
viet Union'use its influence with
North Korea to obtain release of
the Pueblo and crew.
It was not clear just how large
a role Washington was asking
Moscow to take.
An intermediary role - simply
passing messages to North Korea
-might prove more acceptable t
Moscow than mediation, whic
would involve the Soviet Union
in responsibility for working ou
details of a settlement.
The Soviet government news
paper Izvestia reported yesterday
that President Johnson's call up
of reservists was meant to serve
as a military threat against Norti
Korea and as pressure on the
U.N. Security Council.
The paper accused Washingto
of responding "in the usual mili.
taristic way" to the crisis, whil
saying it would like to find a dip
lomatic solution.
The Soviet paper declared tha
Washington's reaction "showe:
the -general atmosphere of ag-
gressiveness prevailing in the Am.
erican capital, much increased by
the Vietnam war."
But, according to Izvestia
"Washington, stuck in the Viet
namese jungles, understands th
riskiness of opening a secon
front." It quoted from the Ameri-
can press on the theme that U.S
forces are already extended dan
gerously thin because of Vietnam
Later, the official Soviet new
agency, Tass said the U.S. gov
ernment called for a Securit
Council meeting "to delude th
world public."

en spying mission from the U.S.
[Navy comamnder in Japan, and
that their espionage acts are plain
acts of aggression and a criminal
act that violated the rudimental
norms of international law."
Another North Korean broad-.
cast said Commander Bucher
claimed at the news conference
that his ship had been sent on
other spy missions and had en-
tered the coastal waters of the
Soviet Union and Red China as
well as North Korea.
The Korean Central News Ag-
ency said the skipper of the navy
intelligence ship, Commander Bu-
cher, made the statement at a
"certain spot" in North Korea in
reply to a news conference ques-
The agency alleged that Bu-
cher admitted the Pueblo was cap-
tured "while conducting extreme-
ly criminal espionage activities
deep in the coastal waters" of
North Korea. Washington says the
ship was in international waters.
"We had carried outespion-
age activities in the coastal waters
of Korea and other parts of Asia
on many occasions" Bucher was
said to have replied. "We had in-
truded into the coastal waters
of the Soviet Union and China
r and repeatedly - perpetrated es-
pionage acts."
The Pueblo, with a crew of 83,
was seized by North Korean na-
val craft in the sea east of Won-
san, North Korea, Tuesday. Four
crewmen were reported wounded,
one fatally, in an engagement be-
fore the ship was captured.
Bucher was further quoted as
saying the Pueblo's crewmen
"were given a spying mission from
the U.S. Navy commander in Ja-
)an, and that our espionage acts
' are plain acts of aggression and
criminal acts that violated the
rudimental norms of international
Both Red China and the Viet
Cong in South Vietnam backed up
North Korea's action.
Red China's New China News
Agency said the Pueblo "intruded
deep into the coastal waters of the
Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, put up an arrogant re-
sistance and the naval ships of
the Korean People's Army re-
turned fire and killed or wounded
several U.S. imperialist aggressor
troops." : Thus Peking broke a
four day silence on the incident.
"This spy ship Pueblo of over
11,000 tons is equipped with anti-
aircraft machine guns and scores
of other weapons," the agency
added. "It is equipped with instal-
lations for espionage activities."
Tanoi radio in a broadcast said
the Viet Cong declared the cap-
Sture of the Pueblo was "a fully
1legal act conforming to' justice,
international law, and the inviol-
able right of an independent, sov-
ereign nation." The Viet Cong ac-
cused the United States of having
y "dark designs" against North Ko-

Israeli Ship
missing Off
Cyrus Coast;
Foresee No Indication
Of Hostile Actions
By Egyptian Forces
TEL AVIV, Israel (P)-The Is-
raeli submarine Dakar is missing
in the eastern Mediterranean, of-
ficial Israeli sources said today.
and British and American forces
have been asked to help search
for it. The ship normally carries
a crew'of 65.j
There was no suggestion in the
initial Israeli reports that the sub-
marine was lost in hostile action.
Israel lost the destroyer Elath
to Egyptian rocket fire last Octo-
ber and retaliated by destroying
an Egyptian oil refinery with ar-
tillery fire in the Suez Canal area.
The British Coast Guard picked:
up and relayed first reports that
the Dakar is missing. The report
vas quickly confirmed by the Brit-
ish Admiralty, the top echelon of
the British Royal Navy in London,
which said an international air
sea search was under way.
Although the Admiralty said thep
ship was last reported in contactc
just after noon, Israeli sources didt
not confirm that it was missing
until early today.-

THE PENTAGON released an official picture of the USS Pueblo, seized last Tuesday by North
Korean patrol boat. Ndmbers locate the vessel's special equipment.
The Anatomy of an Intelligence Ship

-Associated Press
photographs which North Koreans say are her husband. Mrs.
Bucher said she was unsure whether the photos or writing she
received were of Commander Bucher.



New Year
Begins in
SAIGON (R) - The Vietnam
war entered a Viet Cong pro-
claimed truce period today for
the lunar new year Tet with pros-
pects for little if any abatement
in fighting that has marked the
week. Tet arrives with the new
moon Tuesday.
Communist forces killed 21 Am-
ericans and wounded 137 in a
rash of attacks throughout the
country through 36 hours before
the start of the Viet Cong's pro-
fessed week long stand down at
1 a.m. in observance of the festi-
That was 12 noon EST yester-

The Admiralty said the Dakar1
was last reported at 5:12 a.m.
NU S:EST at a position 300 miles north- c
west of Haifa, Israel. and 240r
miles north of Alexandria, Egypt.I
The water at that point is moreI
than two miles deep and the area
is one of the deepest in the east-t
V ie tern Mediterranean.
The Dakar - the name means.
shark-is one of four submarines
listed in Israel's navy. All are
the other of repeated violations British built and date from World
of past truces. War II.
There was no word on fresh The 1,280 ton submarine was
casualties or damage in the spor- acquired by Israel from Britain
adic fighting North Vietnamese in 1964.
regulars initiated last Saturday, The Dakar was almost entirely
which allied commanders consid- rebuilt at Portsmouth, England,
er the probable prelude of a ma- last, November and may have
jor offensive, been on its way back to Israel yes-
Both sides have been moving terday. After the refitting, it was
large forces into the area of Khe tested off the Scottish coast and
Sanh and there have been pre- was expected at the time to sail
dictions some of the heaviest for Israel early in 1968:
fighting of the war may be shap- The Admiralty said the 2,800
ing up there. ton British destroyer Diana was
Some military sources said yes- standing by west of Cyprus with
terday, however, they felt that, submarine rescue equipment. It
with the situation still a standoff, said British planes based on Cy-
any major outbreak would not prus were to start. an air search
come until after the Tet period. at dawn today.
Board of Education To Sue
State Over School Funding

The USS Pueblo, one of a large'
fleet of American intelligence
gathering ships, carries millions
of dollars worth of secret elec-
tronic equipment. Its electronic
gear enables the crew to listen to
land, sea and air communication
within its surveillance range.
Intercepted communications are
recorded on tapes that go ulti-
mately to Washington where ex-
perts try to fit them into a world-
wide intelligence pattern.
By capturing the Pueblo the
North Koreans may well learn
about the latest American intel-
ligence-ferreting techniques.

The above photograph, released
by the Pentagon, shows sogie of
the external equipment on\ the
patrol ship for electronic intel-
ligence gathering.
1-Twin antennae indicate direc-
tion of signals being monitored so
other devices can home in on
2-The long poles appear to
support cables for sending mes-
sages to submerged submarines
via low frequency radio waves.
3-Radar equipment apparently
designed for bouncing signals off
the lower atmosphere, the tropo-
sphere. This technique has spec-

al advantages for eavesdroppng
on airplanes and their ground
4-A convex antenna, barely
visible in the photograph, is focus-'
ed skyward probably for listening
in on aircraft radio conversations.
The Pueblo, center of the cur-
rent U.S.-North Korea crisis, star-
ted its career toward the end of
World War II as a small cargo
carrier for the Army.
It was taken over by the Navy
In 1966, converted into a "special
project ship," and commissioned
in May 1967.

Armed forces of South Vietnam
and its allies, averse to prolonged
pauses that permit Red units free-
ly to build up supplies and man-
power, plan to observe a shorter
truce. They expect to drop offen-
sive operations for only 36 hours
-from 6 p.m. Monday to 6 a.m.
The most widely celebrated of
the Vietnamese holidays, Tet is
a time of family gatherings at
which Communist b i d s this
month for the initiative in the
war are certain to be talked ov-
er in the countyside.
The U.S. Command said Amer-
ican forces, "as' in the past, will
honor the Republic of Vietnam
truce. There are no plans for any
decrease in U.S. operations dur-
ing the Viet Cong truce." A
spokesman elaborated: "We will
continue to defend ourselves
against any action the enemy
takes at any time."
The Viet Cong, in statements4
broadcast via Hanoi and Peking,
made plain they were leaving
themselves free to carry on the
shooting by declaring that any
violations during the seven days
they specified "will be punished
severely." Each side has accused


DETROIT (P) - The Detroit'
Board of Education will sue the
State of Michigan in an effort
to have the present method of fi-
nancing public education declar-
ed unconstitutional.
The board hopes a favorable
judgment will result in a differ-I
ent method of distributing state
aid that would give proportion-
ately more money to Detroit and
other cities with large numbers
of culturally deprived students.
Board member A. L. Zwerdling
Detroit labor attorney who pro-
posed the court case, said state
school dollars were distributed on
a per capita basis-the same for
each student. The Detroit figures
are from one to three years below
the national norms on these tests.
The schools will not seek a spe-
cific amount of money but are
asking the court to make a decla-

ratory judgment that the present
method of financing is unconsti-
Such a judgment would force
the State Legislature to adopt
some other formula for allocat-
ing state funds to schools.
The suit is based on require-
ments of the 1963 Michigan con-
stitution and on the 14th Amend-
ment to the U.S. Constitution.
The schools will argue that, to
provide equal education, the state
must allocate more money to
school districts which have cul-
turally deprived students.
George E. Bushnell, Jr., school
board attorney, said he would file
the suit in Wayne County Circuit
Court next week.
Detroit schools have a budget
of $180 million and an operating
budget of $167 million. Of this
latter amount, $70 million, or 42
per cent, comes from the state.



Commander Bucher


(from San Diego, California)
returning by popular request to sing
ballads, children's songs, love songs,
blues, contemporary and traditional
folk music-playing guitar, banjo,
and autoharp.

1421 Hill St.
8:30 P.M.

Every Friday and Saturday Nite
1:30 to 4:00 a.m.
Cover only $1.00
216 W. Huron Phone 761-7866


$1.00 Cover includes entertainment and refreshments!

"he Wrl0o
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