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January 21, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-21

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City1 Houin Delays
Jeo~ardz udn

(Continued from Page 1)
margin. It didn't submit It's first
proposal until almost two years
later, in August 1967.
That proposal, which suggested
buIlding 200 units on just two sites,
was promptly rejected.
"The proposal was socially dis.-
advantageous and short-sighted,"
says Weeks. "It called for shutting
poor people together In a new
ghetto, setting up a culture of
poverty all over again."
Houising Commission's second
effort Is the present proposal, but
some councilmen aren't happy
with that one either.
City officials like Weeks and
Cuirry say it Is curious the Housing
Commission took two years to for-
mnulate a plan--and a plan whic
was quickly rejected.
At best, the Housing Commission
has been lukewarm toward the
whole idea. At the worst, it has
tried to jeopardize It.
"The Housing Commission start-
ed immediately to try and scuttle
public Housing,'' says Curry. "The
commissioners have been playing
games with this thing, and if they
get more time, they'll just sit
around longer."
Councilman Le Roy Cappaert,

tD-Fifth Ward) doesn't limit his
criticism to the housing commis-
sioners. "There would be some
council members who wouldn't cry
if there weren't any public hous-
ing," he says.
But commissioners like Henry
V. Aquinto deny any delay. "The
two years was the usual time
needed to find sites which met
zoning and density regulations,
and which fulfilled certain social
environmental requirements," says
In any case, Ann Arbor now
faces a dilemma. If construction
doesn't begin in five months, the
government will retract its $3.7
million and the city will have no
public housing at all. The first step
is to make final approval of the
housing sites, so the City Council
has scheduled its first public hear-
inghon the matter for tomorrow
City officials see the hearing
as a hopeful sign Ann Arbor will
soon begin building public housing
for the poor, and hold on to fed-
eral funds after all. And, according
to the progam's proponents, the
public housing now planned for
Ann Arbor is better than no public
housing at all.

(Continued from Page 1)
seminar groups offered at the
University, it differs in the sense
that his students are drawn solely
by an interest in Fitzgerald ra-
ther than because they are Eng-
lish majors fulfilling a require-
"The interesting thing to note,"
Skiar adds, "is that they selected
such things as books to read or
topics to discuss in a much freer

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
otficlal publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ia responsibility Notices should be
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
lore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for teaurdy and Sunday. General
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organization notices are not
information call 764-92V1.

Whether these courses repre- LVJ IYA.t
sent a rejection of the present Bureau of Iiidustrial Relations Sem-
inar - "Management of Managers No.
course structure at the Univer- 48": North Campus Commons, 8:15
sity remains an unresolved mat- a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
School of Music Recital - Charles


The eek o Coe
A Camus Caenda

Graf contends that such cour-
ses are built upon a basic founda-
tion of regular University courses.
"It doesn't mean a rejection of
the system, since it presupposes
a prior interdisciplinary train-
ing. It's pointless for a student
to get involved if he's had no
prior orientation," he says.
Stewart finds his course pro-
vides the student with an escape
from large lecture classes. "I
can't see anyone who is not in-
tellectually alive liking such
courses. They're not tailor-made
to the interests of students. These
courses provide a useful outlet,"
he explains.
Von Oeyon says these seminars
represent a strong attempt by
the students to detach themselves
from the structured course sys-
tem. "The typical University
course asks many questions, then
proceeds to give you the answers.
This often means you've missed
many of the important questions
-- the emotional questions that
lie beyond the scope of the mater-
ial and don't resolve into near

Lehrer, Oboe: School of Music Re-
cital Hall, 2:30 p.m.
Writer In Residence -- Irving Howe,
''Yiddish and World Literature," Hil-
Cinema Guild - Michelangelo An-
tonioni's "La Notte": Architecture
AudItorium 7:0 and 9:05 p.m.rit f
Michigan Chamber Choir - Maynard
Klein, Conductor -- Charles Fisher,
Red Nibley, Pianists: Hill Auditorium,
Events Monday
Real Estate Institute I - Registra-
Ion, Michigan Union, 8:00 a.m.; Morn-
ing Session, Michigan Union, 9:00 a.m.,
to 12:00 p.m.; Afternoon Session,
Michigan Union, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar - "Management of Managers No.,
48": North Campus Commons, 8:15 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Neuropsychopharmacology Training
Program - Drugs Brain and Behav-
ior Seminar - Dr. R. L. Isaacson, Pro-
fessor of Psychology, The University
of Michigan, "Effect of Infantile Brain
Lesions on Adult Behavior of the
Cat": M7412 Medical Science Build-
ing, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.-
.Department of Engineering Mechan-
Deipartment of Engineering MechCais
The University of Michigan, "An Ex-
perimental View of Shell Contact
Problems": 311 West Engineering
Builing 4:00f pm

Colloquia in Philosophy -Professor
Herbert Morris, School of Law, UCLA,
"Persons and Punishment," in Aud-
itorium D, Mason Hall, 4:00 p.m. For
further information: Call Mrs. Ann
Desautels, 4-6285.
students in the School of Nursing
may sign up for preclassification time
in the lobby of thedSchool of Nurin
Jan. 24. 1968.
Exa minia lions
Doctoral Examination for: Dale Ed-
da sBriggs, Checal Egineering.
tasslum Vapor," on Monday, Jan. 22
at 1:30 p.m. in Room 3201 East Engin-
eering, Co-Chairmen R. E. Balzhiser
and E. E. Hucke.
Doctoral Examination for: Hugh
Kendrick, Nuclear Engineering, Thes-
is: "Analysis, Design, Construction
and Various Applications of a P0-
larized Neutron Spectrometer," on
3102Reactor Bdg. Phoenix Memor
ial Lab; Chairman: J S. King-
ANew YoCEkESte Department of Civil
Service will interview at Bureau of
Appointments on Wednesday, Jan. 24,
for New York State P~ubllc Administra-
tion Internship Program. Applicants
must have completed all course work
for Masters In Pubi. Adm., Govnt..
Poll. Scd., or Pubi. Affairs; or all
course work for MA In a field in-
cluding or supplemented by at least
18 undergrad or grad credit In courses
appropriate to govn't. administraation
such as poll. econ., publ., finance.
comp. govnt., or LLB/JD from recog-
nized law school. This Interview Is
45 mmn. In length, no additional exam-
ination is required. Make your ap-
pointment immediately, please.
Interviews for the week of Jan. 29,
Febr. 2, 1968, please make appts. be-
fore 4 p.m. day preceding interview.
Monday, Jan. 29, 1968
National Steel Corp., Detroit. Mich.
_- All degree levels Math and all
areas of Chem. for EDP, Mgmt. Trng.
Mktg. Res., Prod. Purchas., Sales.in
Minn. - PM. BA Arch., Econ., Gen.
Lib. Arts, Hist., Math., Physics, Poll.
Sci., Psych., Speech, Soc., and Chem
(anal), for Mgmt. Trng., Prod., Ter-
rit. Sales, Stat., and Trans.
Peace Corps, Wash. D.C.-All week,
ro o 3 24 S A .B., in fo rm a ti o n n ter,
tives, with out appt., between 9 a.m.-
5 pm. Placement tests given 4 times
daily, you must complete the quest-
inair b efore the exam, thesepaeat
are available to speak to Interested
campus groups, call Miss Mildred
Webber, 764-7460, for arrangements.
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1968
Mobil Oil, Niles, Ill. - M & F. All
deych. andelAnthro. for Mgmt. Trng.
and Territ Sales.
Paul Revere CompanIes, worcester,
Mass. - BA/MA Econ., Engl., Gen.
Lib. Arts, Georg., Hist., Math, Philo.,
Poll. Sdi. for EDP, Insurance (Home
Office), Mgint. Trng., and Stat.
Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, Mich.
- BA/ MA Gen, Lib. Arts, for Territ.
Wednesday, Jan. 31,168
Brunswick Corporation, Chicago, Ill.
- M and F. BA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts
for Personnel and Territ. Sales.

Procter and Gamble Research, Cn-
cinnati, Ohio - Women. Any degree,
any major, for mktg. res.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,
Boston. Mass. -- BA Econ., Engl. Gen.
Lib. Arts, and Math for Home Office
Navy DManagement Inter MProgram,
Educ. EngI.. Gen. Lib. Arts, Law,
Poli. Sd., Psych and Soc Wk. for
Management Training.
Pece Cors seMn

Friday, Febr. 2, 1968
Bell System. Detroit, Mich. - M &
F BA MA Econ., Engi., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Hist., Math., Poll. Sd., Psych., Phys.,
and Chem for EDP, Mgmt. Trng..
Production. Purchasing, Sales and
ot er n er st d pe rsons for mana ge-
Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y,.
-M & F. BA MA PhD Econ., Geol..
Libr. Sri,, Math. Physics, and all areas
of Chem and Biochem. for EDP. Lib-
ray Mktgs S, .Personnel, Product-
Univesrity of Rochester, Personnel
Office, Rochester. N.Y. - M&F. BA
Llbr. Scd., Microbiol., Pharm. Soc. Wk.,
Biology ibrary, Secretarial.. Social
Wk. Health careers in UR Med. Cen-

P., Gen. Sd.. S., Sp. Ed., Sp. Ther.,
H.S. - Art, Eng., Dr. Tr., H.E., Fr
Span., bib., Math, P.E., Biol., Chenm.,
Gen. Sd., Phys, 5.5., Sp. Ther., Soc.
Work., Psych
Albuquerque, New Mexico (Bureau
of Inan Affair.') - All Fields and
Lorain, Ohio - All Fields.
Thursda~y, IFeb. I:
Dekaib, ill. - Fields not listed yet:
Yorkltown tlgts., New York (Board
of Coop. Educ. Serv.) -Sp. Ed. Only.
Sp. Ther., Hearing, Brain Damaged
Sch. Psych., Supv. of Class for Em.
Fiay Febr 2:
Mt. Clemens, M~ich. - All Fields,
Torrance, Calif. - Elem. qouns, Sp.
Ed., Educ. Hdc., H.S. - Ehg, Math,
l.. oonsf d *' - i WU 1~

9 a.m,-5 p.m.-VISTA recruit-
ers will be on campus from Mon-
day, Jan. 22 through Friday, Jan.,
26 in Room 3524, Student Activi-
ties Bldg.
8 p.m. - The Wolverines will
play Ball' State University' In a
basketball game In the Events
8:30 p.m.-The University Mu-
sical Society wil preset the Na-
tional Balti ilAd
7 and 9:05 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present "Mein Kampf" in the
Architecture Aud.
FitIDAY, JAN. 26
p.m.-The Center for Russian
and East European Studies will
present Prof. Alfred G. Meyer of
the political science department
who will lecture on "The War
Scare of 1927" in the Commons
Room, Lane Hall.
7 and 9:05 pm.-Cinema Guild
will present "Mein Kampf" In the
Architecture Aud.
8:30 pjn.-The School of Music
will present the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, Josef Blatt con-
ducting, In Hill Aud.
2:15 p.m.-The Wolverines will
play Ohio State .University in a
basketball game in the Events
7and 9:05 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present Mark Donskoy's

"Gorky Trilogy, Part I: The
Childhood of Maxim Gorky" In
the Architecture Aud.
7 and 9:05 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present Mark Donskoy's
'Gorky Trilogy, Part I: The
Trilogy of Maxim Gorky" in the
Architecture Aud.

I'ublic service Commission of Can- BUREU OFYAPPOINTMENTS yt
ada, Ottawa, Ontario - M & F PhD. EDUCATION DIVISION For further Information and to make
Georg., Geol., Math.. Microbiol., Wood. 3200 S.A.B. appointments contact Mrs. Shear 3200
Tech., Forestry,, Conserv., Wildlife OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-12:00, 1:30-4:30 S.A.B. 764-7459.
al Parea mfChienhyfor Scientic Re- at the Bueauduing the wee ite of ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE
search. Jan. 29: Mon., Jan. 29. 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Mellon National Bank and Trust LANSING, Mich. - Elem. - all, Make Interview Appointments at
Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. - BA/MA Sec. - All, Couns., Math Immed. Room 128-H, west Engrg. Bldg. tun-
Econ., Law and Math for Banking, Hayward, Calif. -- Elem - K-6. sp. less otherwise specified.
Mgmt. Trng. Ed., Sec. - Math, Life Scd., Phys. January 29, 1968
Aetna Casualty and Surety, Detroit, Sdi., G.P.E., Span., Bus. Ed.. L.A., E. W. Bliss Company~
Mich. - BA/MA Econ., Educ., EngI., Eng., S.S./'Couns. Burlington Lines
Gen. Lb. Arts, Georg., -Hist., Journ, Tuesday, Jan. 30: . Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul &
Law, Libr. Sdi., Math, Philo., Poli. Portage, Mich. - Elem. - K-6, Lib ExCell-O. Corpmto
Sci., Publ. Health, Speech., Soc. and Art, Vocal, P.E.. J.H. - Art, Eng Fer hele Coorpt.o
Is c Wk d for om Officee and.Claims 5.. Math, Sci,, H.E. lA, Fren, General Electric Cor.
and Field Reps. H.E.. G.P.E., Lib. I.A. Art, Slo Gul eeaMtrch&Dvemn Co.
Michigan Department of Social ser- Learn., Em. Dist.. Sp. Ther., Tch. Georg ea A.He & Ceom - .
vice, Lansing, Mich. -- M & F. BA Couns. for Phys. Hdcp. Kellogg Company
Anthro., Educ., Engi., Gen. Lib. Arts, Wednesday, Jan. 31: Kelsey-Hayes Company
GPol ,S.H Pub Healh. Soc and Soc Art, Vocal, Inst, PE. Sp. Ed, Sp Union Tan Car Company
Wk. for Social Work Ther., Read., J.H. - Art, Eng., H.E. U.S. Patent Office
sympDosi um w i th

S .,,.

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only, Forms are available in
room 1IO1 SAB.
- * *
Lutheran Student Chapel-Hill St.
at Forest Ave. Sun., Jan, 21. Continu-
ig Series on "Man Against Himself,"
Undergraduate Anthropology com-
mittee meeting, ,Jan. 22, 7:00 p.m., 210
Angell Hail.
The John Stewart Mill Society
(I.S.I.) and Young Americans for Free-
dom will hold a general mieeting Sun.,
Jan. 21 nat 3:0 ponm i the third floor
Conservtive Union will be discussed.
Michigan Rugby Football Club mass
meeting, Jan. 22. 6:30 p~m., 131 Bus.
Ad. Bldg. discussion of spring season
and election of new officers. New-
comers welcome.

School of Public Health Lecture -
ON NOTICES an himo h eDepatment o
Virology Karollnska Institute, Stock-
holm, Sweden, "Live vs. Inactivated
gsli###isisig~ggglggis ssase ##eVirus Vaccines": Auioim School
Washtenaw, Sun., Jan. 22, 9:45 and __ubiH__h,4 _0p~.
11:15 a.m., Worship Services, A Nar- Wrestiing - U-M vs. University of
rative Communion Service, with the jOklahoma: Events BuildIng, 4:00 panm.
celebration of Holy Communion; 11:15 ___
a.m., Bible Class, "The Christian and History Department Lecture - Pro-
the Civil Law." 6:00 p.m., Fellowship fessor Mason Wade, University of
Supper; 6:45 p.m., Student Panel on Western Ontario, "French Attitudes
"Why Christianity?" Toward the American Indian": West
Communication Sciences L e c t u r e 4:10 eneRomR pamBim.n'
Series: Prof. Alan Oppenheim, MIT: ____
"Deconvolution of Speech," Tues., Jan. Basketball - U-M vs. Ball State
23, 4:10, Michigan Union Room 3C. University: Events Building, 8:00 p.m.
* * *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Mon., Jan. School of Music Recital .- Robert
22, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze: Una Reunmon, Noehren, University Organist: First
Cafe, conversacion, musica. Vengan Baptist Church, 8:30 p.m.
Todos- ____
UM Young Democrats, general mem- General N otiCes
MultipurposetiRoom JUG. , 8:Speaker: Political Science 483 Make-Up Exam
State Senator Roger Craig, "Con- on Monday, Jan. 22 at 3 p.m. in room
science and Politics." 245 PhysIcs and Astronomy.


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