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January 21, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-21

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Deputy Ambassador
Locke Resigns Post;
War Moves to Coast




By The Associated Press]
Eugene M. Locke, former am-
bassador to Pakistan and deputy
ambassador to South Vietnam,
announced in Austin, Texas, yes-
terday that he plans to resign
his post and run for the Texas
governor's chair.
The announcement came while!
battle action below the demilitar-
ized zone in Vietnam shifted to
the coastal sector manned by
South Vietnamese troops.
The 49 year old wealthy DallasI
lawyer announced his political
^! aim at a news conference at
,the same time the White Housel
reported Locke's resignation from
the Vietnam post.
Locke -said he felt with the 'im-
proved situation' in Vietnam he
could "appropriately leave Viet-,
nam, and the President has!
There were frequent hints but'
no confirmation during Locke's
news conference that he will enter
the May 4 Democratic primary
with the blessings of Gov. John
Connally and possibly of Presi-
dent Johnson. Connally is notf
seeking a fourth term, but one
of his brothers will act as Locke's
campaign manger.
Bunker's TeamI
Locke said he spent 10 months
in Pakistan as ambassador then
was asked by the President "to
form a part of the new team with
Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker in1
He said during the nine months
in Vietnam "we have held villaget
and hamlet elections . . . presi-
dential and vice presidential
elections, and elections to the
newly created Senate and lower
world News

house. All this has been done in
the middle of a war and with
every effort of the Viet Cong
to disrupt the elections. I am
proud of the accomplishments of
our team. I am proud of the ac-
complishments of our fighting
men . . . Under the able leader-
ship of Ambassador Ellsworth
Bunker and Gen. William C.
Westmoreland, I am confident
these accomplishments will con-
Expect Offensive
Below the DMZ, where the al-
lies expect a Communist offen-
sive soon, government foces re-
ported they killed 73 Commun-
ist soldiers and captured 11 in two
brief, sharp firefights that cost
them light casualties.
One clash developed just south-
east. of Gip Linh, the right flank
outpost of the United States Ma-
rines. The other flared northeast
of Quang Tri City, the capital of
South Vietnam's northern-mostI
The Marines, backed by artil-
lery and helicopter gunships, had
borne the brunt of operations
earlier against North VietnameseE
units they believed to be moving
into positions for a big push be-'
fore next weekend.
They trapped a detachment of
about 200 of Hanoi's regulars
Thursday near the Marine out-
post at Con Thien and said theyl
killed 162. Eight Marines were re-
poted killed and 39 wounded. I
Souces at Marine headquarterst
in Da Nang have forecast theI
Communists will launch a border
offensive before midnight next
Friday - the opening hour the
Viet Cong have proposed for a
week long truce for Tet - and
then use the truce to build upa
manpower and supplies.
The allies aren't buying the
idea of a seven day cease fire,
but expect to halt offensive op-'
erations for 48 hours over the
Vietnamese holiday that will at-
tend the arival Jan. 30 of Tet,
the lunar new year.
In other war news yesterday,
Radio Peking said Red China's
air force shot down 'a pilotless
U.S. reconnaissance plane over
North Vietnam.
Such planes are little radio
contolled drones, ordinarily lessi
than three feet high, that carry
cameras to nicture terrain.

Clifford Appointment Pleases
Both Vietnam 'Hawks', 'Doves
WASHINGTON (P) - President ' Fulbright, who heads the Sen- billion dollar TFX warplane pro-
Johnson apparently has sought a ate Foreign Relations Committee ject, said the selection of Clifford
measure of peace with Congress and is the principal Senate critic "means an improvement."
on Vietnam with his appointment of Johnson's war policies, said he "It should mean less arbitra-
of Clark Clifford as secretary of? thinks Clifford is taking the job riness in the making of important
defense. with an open mind and "is cap- decisions," he said.
Before he steps into the shoes able of revaluating our policies." Unless there are unexpected
of Robert S. McNamara on or; Someone to Trust developments, Clifford is not like-
before March 1, Clifford, the for- The principal benefit to John- ly to provide much of a political
mer counsel to Harry S. Truman 'son falls in the category of his target for the Republicans in the
and a top adviser to John F. having given Fulbright someone presidential campaign.
Kennedy and Johnson. will face in the administration he can .
a friendly inquiry into his Viet- trust to talk to about war policies. I
nam views by the hawkishly- in- The Foreign Relations chairman .
clined Senate Armed Services has all but lost contact with Sec-a
Committee. retary of State Dean Rusk. He
He is expected to be confirmed never had much with McNamara.

-Associated Press 1
SENATOR EUGENE McCARTHY (D-Minn) kicked off his campaign for the Wisconsin primary
Friday night amid speculation that the Americans for Democratic Action may split widely on
the question of whether or not to support him.
ADAMay Split Over McCarthy

Fulbright Cheers
The effectiveness of Johnson's
action in moving a comparative
outsider into the thankless job
of running the Pentagon was
demonstrated when the appoint-
ment of Clifford was greeted with
cheers by both Sens. J. W. Ful-
bright (D-Ark.) and Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga.).
Russell, who heads the Armed
Services group and is considered
the leader of the Vietnam hawks,
predicted an outstanding career
for the nominee in his new post.
He said Clifford is thoroughly
familiar with defense and intel-
ligence problems.

But Fulbright and Clifford,
both Burning Tree Club golfers
and friends for more than 20
years, are at home with each
other in the kind of intellectual
discussion both enjoy. They may
differ but there is not likely to
be any significant misunderstand-
ing between them.
Clifford is well known to many
members of Congress and is not
likely to be trapped into the kind
of acrimonious exchanges with
congressional " committeemen in
which M c N a m a r a sometimes
found himself.
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
Ark.), who has fought for years
with McNamara over the multi-

WASHINGTON (R) - The lib-
eral turmoil over Sen. Eugene J.
McCarthy's challenge to President
Johnson is boiling toward a cli-
max that threatens to shatter
an alliance hammered together
20 years ago.
A pro-Johnson union leader
predicts labor members will march
out of the liberal Americans for
Democratic Action if the ADA
endorses McCarthy in his con-
frontation with Johnson over the
Vietnam war.
The upheaval within the ADA
exemplifies-and some say mag-
nifies-the stresses and strains
within liberal ranks over the war
and the Johnson-McCarthy con-
Opposite Camps
It puts friends who have
worked together for a score of
years into opposite camps or
leaves them uncomfortable
straddling fences.
Washington 1a w y e r Joseph
Rauh Jr., an ADA vice chairman
who once headed the Democratic
committee in the nation's capi-
tal, says there will be a move at
the special ADA board meeting
Feb. 10-11 to put the organiza-
tion on record as endorsing Mc-
"There will be a motion to en-
dorse McCarthy and sthen there

will be a brawl," says Rauh, a
McCarthy supporter.
"It could be a perfectly happy
meeting," Rauh added in an in-
terview, "if it weren't for the la-
tent threat of the Johnson crowd
to walk out."
The ADA board, ,with dovish
Harvard professor John Kenneth
Galbraith as national chairman,
numbers about 150.
A showdown would involve such
figures as I. W. Abel, president
of the United Steelworkers of
America, Walter P. Reuther,
United Automobile Workers pres-
ident, Sen. Wayne Morse (D-
Ore.), historian and former White
House aide Arthur M. Schles-
inger Jr.; Richard Goodwin, for-

mer assistant and speechwriter
for President John F. Kennedy
and for President Johnson, and
civil rights leader Bayard Rustin.
Working to rally Johnson sen-
timent is Gus Tyler, assistant
president of the International
Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Rauh calls Tyler a "hatchet man"
for the White House.
Tyler grins at this. He says he
also tried to keep, or bring, lib-
erals in line for Harry S. Tru-
man and John F. Kennedy.
"If you want to call it hatchet
man," he says, "I'll take credit for
it down the line."
Tyler figures the McCarthy
people have a 50-50 chance of
winning an endorsement for their

Clark Clifford


I ____-______



By The Associated Press


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Company of 65, including Symphony Orchestra


"Coppelia"-Music by Leo Delibes
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WED., JAN. 24, 8:30

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TICKETS: $6.00, 5.50, 5.00, 4.00, 3.00, 2.00
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Hours: Mon. through Fri. 9 to 4:30, Sat. 9 to 12 (Telephone: 665-3717)
(Also at Hill Auditorium Box Office 1 1 hours preceding each performance)

Discounts Still Available

Open- Weekdays-10:00-1 :00 and 2:00-5:00


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2 .Prrfrmances Each! _




TUES.-FEB. 5-6

in concert
Block Ticket Sales
will be accepted
between 12:00 &22:00
Sunday, Jan. 21
at UAC office,
2nd floor, Union

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?> !
>:::: ji

MON..TUES.-FEB. 26-27
MON.-TUES., MAR. 4-5
DM L R I alssrn JNIso sEIE MI
MON.-.TUES.-MAR. 25-26


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