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January 21, 1968 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-21

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,Public Housing Delays Endanger Federal


When Ann Arbor citizens voted two
years ago to build low-rent public housing
throughout the city, the town's 1800 im-
poverished families saw a way out of
their sub-standard, dilapidated apart-
ments and shanties.
Today, however, the city still hasn't
broken ground for the projects, and will
face certain loss of $3.7 million in federal
funds promised for the project unless it
begins constructing the units by June 30.
Under the current proposal submitted
by the Housing Commission-a five-man
board appointed by Mayor Wendell Hul-
cher after the 1965 referendum - Ann
Arbor will build 142 new apartment units
and purchase 58 more on seven sites scat-
tered throughout the city and suburban
Families, the elderly, single men and
women and students who are unable to
cope with Ann Arbor's spiraling cost of
living will be eligible to rent the units,
built with the long-term federal loan.

But not everybody on the City Council
or Housing Commission is satisfied with
the proposal. The federal government is
giving Ann Arbor little more than five
months to get started, and the city's gov-
erning elite still hasn't decided definitely
where the public housing units should be
build, or just who is going to build them.
And now the City Council and Housing
Commission are embroiled in a dispute
over sending a special delegation to
Washington to seek an increase in funds
and an extension in time.
Proponents of the delegation proposal
are those who are most disenchanted with
the public housing blueprint. They seek
greater dispersal of the housing units on
more sites throughout the city, and this
requires more money.
"We don't want great, big concentrated
barracks-type developments," says Coun-
cilman Robert Weeks (D-Third Ward).
"We want to see the public housing dis-
persed so people living in them aren't
stigmatized by being collectivized, and so

they can be absorbed into the coinmu-
nity "
Housing Commissioner Flora Cherot
agrees. "I'd like to see low cost housing
the city can proud of; but more impor-
tantly, housing that the families can be
proud of."
This means building no more than 25
units on any single site, says Mrs. Cherot.
Presently, at least two of the seven sites
proposed by the Housing Commission will
have 39 units each.
But councilmen like H.. C. Cirry iD-
First Ward), who is also unhappy with
the current proposal don't want to send
any delegation anywhere. Curry fears any
further delay in beginning construction
will only guarantee overshooting the June,
30 deadline and scuttling the whole pro-
"We haven't yet spent one dime of the
federal money," says Curry. who wants to
begin the project as it is. "I want to see
some holes in the ground."
City Council has simply postponed

settlement of the question. Last Monday,
every councilmen except Curry voted to
delay consideration of the delegation pro-
posal until they have a bigger portfolio of
facts and figures to show the Department
of Houising and Urban Development in
Washington. This would mean waiting
until after January 31, when contractors
have promised to submit bids for actual
construction of the housing units.
Firm public housing advocates are dis-
enchanted with Ann Arbor's progress, and
feel that problems which beset the cam-
paign run far deeper than the current
dilemma. Councilmen like Weeks say the
program was doomed to difficulty when
Mayor Hulcher first appointed his Hous-
ing Commission-for it is a commision.
charges Weeks, only half-heartedly de-
voted to the ideal of public housing in
Ann Arbor.
Hulcher's Housing Commission began
operations in the winter of 1965, after the
housing referendum passed by a slim
See CITY, Page 8



LOW-RENT, public housing throughout Ann Arbor will one day
replace the dilapidated houses of the city's poor if plans can be
agreed upon by the City Council and the Public Housing Com-

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



College Honors 199 is a strange
course. In it one can discuss the
meaning of Fitzgerald's super-
#cilious sacrifice, listen to the
harangue of a Negro militant or
examine some of Joyce's attitudes
on life as expressed in "Ulysses."
Actually, College Honors 199,
consists of six seminar courses
dreamed up by students who
wished to participate in a super-
vised inquiry of a highly special-
ized topic.
Working in conjunction with
the Honors Council, though not
restricted to honors students,;
each colloquium is composed of
approximately 12 students and a
professor. The students a r e
Or' graded and given 2 hours of
credit in each course.
The responsibility for the suc-
cess of t h e s e coloquiua is
thrown more upon the student
than in most regular classroom
situations. "Commonly the super-
visor is merely a resource person
* as the student is quite literally
responsible for the presenta-
tions," Honors Council director
Otto Graf explains.
The activities of each course
vary according to subject matter.

d Colloquia Provide Puts Books
ity for Creative Study In Storage

By HOWARD KOHN number one. we're number one."
Ranked second behind the Bruins
top ranked UCLA 71-69 in a land- all season, the Cougars have won
mrk decision at the H-ous~ton As- 1 17 in a row on the year. Their last




The seminar on "Revolutioi in
the Urban Area" has several out-I
side speakers slated to appear,j
while the course on "Ulysses" at-
tempts to remain a tightly-knit1
intra-personal group.
The "Revolution" colloqium,
started and carried out by Phi+
Kappa Tau fraternity, attemptsE
to delve behind the apparant
"violence for the sake of vio-
lence" phenomena.
According to Robert Pinkel,;
68, "in this colloguium, we will;
basically be asking differentI
people the same questions, such
as 'who's in charge' and 'what is.
everyone looking for,' The con-
clusion, if any, will be to view
these different answers in -a per-
sonal framework.
"We want to talk to as many
people as possible," he continues.
"Anyone who is feeling and ser-
sing this experience. If we just+
interview white middle class pro-+
fessors because we're afraid,
then we're in deep trouble. Our
plan is such that if we want to,
sit on a street corner and talk,G
we will."
David Von Oeyen, '70, another1
member of the group, adds that
such a course is "a continuation

of a basic sense of life you ac-
quire. It will put a little structure
on my thoughts, and by the time
the course ends, I will still be
beginning. What we are discus-
sing are just some things we have
to know so we can make some
decisions. The idea that educa-
tion is separate from real life
is ludicrous."
The course on James Joyce's
"Ulysses" directed by Prof Rich-
ard Stewart of the classical
studies department also attempts
to deal with the numan rather
than the structural side of the:
According to Stewart, th, course
will examine Joyce from a deeply
personal and human standpoint.
"We are not concerned with the
novel's specialized form. It doesn't
bother me if the students don't
learn specific techniques. Rather
each one must be fascinated by
one facet of the novel and work
his head off pursuing that facet."
Stewart views his course as a
means to teach people, to develop
his students as adults and help
them discovering their unique re-
sources, using "Ulysses" as a
means to this end.
"Half of the course concerns
how you get to know about one
another, and if you can really
know them," comments Judy Cal-
houn, '70, a member of the "Uly-
sses" course.
Prof. Robert Sklar, of the his-
tory department advisor to the
Fitzgerald seminar, conducts his'
class in his home. While his
students sip on coffee and munch
chips, he poses a few intro-
ductory questions. Soon opin-
ions and suggestions are being
tossed about with Sklar inter-
jecting a few questions. The
class ends only when everybody
decides to terminate it, not by
the tolling of Burton Tower.
Although Sklar finds this
course resembles many of the

Grad Library Addition
Necessitates Partial
closing of Old Wing
The General Library has re-
cently been forced to place a large
number of books in storage areas
because construction of the ad-
dition to the building has caused
the closing of several areas in
the stacks.
Books which were located in the
affected areas have been moved to
the North Campus Stack and
Storage area or the old Argus
camera plant on the west side of
Ann Arbor.
The circulation department will
obtain books from storage for stu-
dents within 24 hours. An average
of 50 to 75 of the storage books
are requested by students daily,
but librarians expect the total to
double as thesemester progresses.
Mr. Fred Dimock, divisional
librarian, commented that al-
though this constant transport was,
a nuisance, the library is happy to'
provide the service. He also invitedj
students to browse in the North
Campus annex.
"The library tried to choose
the least used books to be stored,"
Dimock said, "but you cannot
second-guess the reading public."
Since 1965, more than 200,000
books and 9000 volumes of bound

trodomie last night.
Houston's victory, rivaled only by
other titantic struggles of yester-
year, snipped off UCLA's victory,
skein at 47, ending forever predic-
tions of 90 straight wins.
Hayes two free throws with 28
seconds to go, under the demand-'
ing eyes of 52,693 fans, lifted the
Cougars out of a 69-69 tie.
And then, with the pressure on
the defending champions, Mike
Warren lost the ball out of bounds.
Hayes took the inbounds pass with
12 seconds left, dribbled deliber-
ately in the backcourt and tossed
to 6'5" guard Don Chaney.
Chaney bounced the ball once
md then launched it into the
No one came forward to dispute
the chant of Houstan fans, "We're
Bursley Slates
Bus Teach-In
A teach-in is scheduled for
Monday night at Bursley Hall,
concerning north campus bus
Howard Rontal, '71, Bursley Vice-
President, explained the purpose
of the teach-in is "to educate the
students on the bus service situ-
ation, and to impress the admin-
istration with urgency of im-
proved service."
Robert Hughes, assistant dir-

loss was 73-58 debacle against'
CLA in the national champion-
ship semi-finals last spring.
Hayes hit only seven points over
his average but dazzled the Bruins
with 29 in the first half. spurring
Houston to an undisputed 46-43
halftime lead.
UCLA never led in the second
half, tying the score only three
Hayes played the last 11 minutes
with four fouls, staying in on
coach Guy Lewis' aggressive gam-
ble. "Wasn't he great!" chimed
Lewis afterward.
Losers, Weepers
UCLA's only excuse was a weak-
ened Lew Alcindor, (obviouslyoff
after spending four days in a hos-
pital with an eye injury last week),
an excuse which coach John
Wooden refused to claim.
Alcindor. who has been com-
pared favorably to such greats as
Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell,
simply did not seem up to par in
the defeat.
"I've seen Alcindor more effec-
tive," admitted Wooden. "But
naybe they didn't let him be
more effective tonight."
Hayes, listed at 6'8" in the
Houston press book but admitted-
ly an inch and a half taller, hawk-
ed Alcindor most of the game. The
Cougar's center, 6'9" Ken Spain,
helped out in the final stages when
Hayes was in foul trouble.
But the "Big E" spent the eve-
ning living up to his pre-game
plan of vindicating last spring's
performance. He climbed all over
Alcindor, blocking three of his
shots, stealing the ball and shut-
ting off UCLA's most productive
offensive source.

Guild House Sessions Offer,
Sample of Non-Violent Life

Non-violence is a way of life'
which begins inside you and can
grow outward in many ways. Par-,
ticipants in yesterday's training'
session at the Guild House sam-
pled several of them.
Leader Allan Solomonov of the
Committee for Non-Violent Ac-
Aion in New York led the group
in acting on some of the prin-
ciples of non-violence. "To reachI
)eople you must share something
with them, really care about what
they are thinking."
So the group went out in pairs?
'o fraternity houses, to dorms,
to the Union, to approach people
in a way more concerned with
their thinking than with ideology
?r making a particular point
about the war-and returned en-
;husiastic, saying people had been
'eally eager to talk when ap-
proached in this way.
"The only people who are effec-
ive are those who are doing their
awn thing, who have looked in-
side themselves and know whatj
they are, and so can reach out!
to others," Solomonov continued.
Accordingly the session began
with candid statements from each4
)articipant about "where they
were at" about the peace move-
ment, after which they joined
bands in silence. Later they dis-
-ussed going to places where you
can put yourself in order and
talk about living non-violently.
"To start some continuing ac-3
tion, it is difficult to wait for a
large consensus on methods. Just,
get together a small group who
can know each other, share feel-3
.ns. and become close." Some!
,,rirnnc, wnf-+.8 t o he'nmP

with police and hecklers. (Sever-
a1l passers-by stopped to see what
the excitement was about; a few
even joined in.)
How successful was the ven-
ture? "Wonderful!" said Joanne
Parrent, '70. "They gave me a new
°aith in people. Sometimes you
-an get so involved with peace
people you almost forget how to
approach others. Things like this
help you develop a better atti-
tude, and continued contact will
help us maintain it."

newspapers have been stored at: ector of University Housing is'
the North Campus annex. In ad- scheduled to discuss with stu-
dition, the library places 75,000 dent complaints about the lack
new volumes in storage each year of bus shelters as well as de-
because there is no room for them mands that bus service be ex-

-Associated Press
with a rebound to meet Ohio State's Denny Medors (14) and an-
other Buckeye player in last night's game at St. John Arena in
Columbus. Stewart was the outstanding player of the night for the
Wolverines with 17 points and 10 rebounds in a losing cause. The
final score was 103-70.
OS Oerpowers
OUUninspired Cagers,

in the main library.
The storage system in the an-
nex is geared to space saving by;
the storage of volumes in trays'
according to size. In this way the
library has been able to store 40,-
000 volumes in the annex. Books
have also been stored by entire
sections to lessen location prob-

tended later at night and on

Presently the last bus is sched- Unwavering Esprit
uled to return to Central campus Alcindor had a game high of
from North Campus one-half 12 rebounds but sunk only 15
hour after women's closing. With points.
the new policies on women's! Houston's espirit de'corps did not;


i Mihi-an which shoe. a hor-

hours, it is likely that a different
formula for operating schedules
will need to be formulated.

Kelsey Museum Changes Name, Image

In order to emphasize the
University's r e s e a r c h and
teaching in ancient and medi-
eval archaeology, the Kelsey
Museum of Archaeology has a
a new name and a more schol-
arly function.
The Regents changed the
name of the museum Friday to
the Kelsey Museum of Ancient
and Medieval Archaeology.
This move was accompanied
by action to transfer many of
the objects now housed in the
museum which are not useful
for teaching and research -
but are of popular interest -
to the Exhibits Museum at
North University and Wash-
Underlying the change is the
need for office and classroom
space in which to teach
courses in classical and medi-
'1 sorha1nino mt rItnts

versity has conducted extensive
research in the Mediterranean
and Near Eastern areas, in-
cluding Tuhisia, Egypt, Iraq,
and Syria. These expeditions
have drawn international at-
tention to the University's
But this work has created
problems. Only limited space
has been available here on
campus for research and re-
view of the field work.
Prof. George Forsyth, dir-
ector of the Kelsey Museum,
said the museum will be de-
voted primarily to this research
and instruction, but that vis-
itors will still be welcome to
look at the materials in the
building when classes are not
in session.
The exhibits that are the
major drawing cards for the
museum, such as the Egyptian

w aver in the face of W ooden's spJ Vla 4 T hV an y re do s 3 8 r ce t froma the
famed fullcourt press, permitting Special To The Daily rendous 34.8 per cent from the
the Bruins only one breakaway COLUMBUS, Ohio-It didn't floor, was only able tostay with
steal all evening, even matter what Michigan coach Ohuttes f the firs.th fouvrin-s
Running counter to the form Dave Sttack said at halftime last ue ftegm.TeWleie
expected of the underdog Cougars, night. enosneand were maching t Buc-
Hayes rocketed Houston into The Wolverines were so far be- eyes point for point while Ohio
command early. Alcindor's shot hind Ohio State at the intermis- State, looking flustered, was un-
with more than 14 minutes to go sion, 58-32, that the two teams able to hit from the outside.
in the first half gave UCLA its just went through the formality
last lead, 12-11. of playing the second stanza before The Buckeyes were not to be in-
Asked what he considered a the clock mercifully ran out with timidated for long, though. With
turning point in the game, Lewis the Wolverines behind 103-70. the score tied at 9-9, Ohio State,
answered, "Getting the ball with The Buckeyes' front line of Dave led by its massive front line, took
12 seconds to go. That was the Sorenson, Bill Hosket, and Steve up the scoring slack and outpoint-
only time I was sure we could win Howell tore the Wolverines apart ed the Wolverines 16-2 in the next
it." with 14, 14, and 18 points respec- four and a half minutes. By then
Lucius Allen ,Bruins' high scorer tively in the first half. The trio Michigan had completely lost. its
with 25 points, tied it for the last even managed to score as many poise, and the Buckeyes outscored
time, 69-69, with 44 seconds to go, points as the entire Michigan team them 33-21 the rest of the first
setting the stage for the last-sec- in the sloppily-played game. half.
ond maneuvering. Howell, high man for the game{ No Momentum
The Rundown with 29 points,' was especially = "My team should be disappoint-
Reynolds, a suddenly tough de- deadly from the outside in the de- ed in itself," bemoaned Strack.
fender, finished with 13 points and structive first half, swishing "We just let the game get away
several key steals. Chaney had 11 through seven buckets by inter- from us. We would give the ball
Warren pumped in 13 and Lynn mission. up without a shot. We couldn't get
Shackelford 10 for UCLA. "Tey just destroyed us to- any momentum started.
Hitting well below its season i night," a disgruntled Strack said
Hverago5 er ent, 7ts Bruins after the game. "The harder we "I know we're not that bad.
connected on 26 to 77 field goal at- tried, the worse things got. In the second half, with the
tempts for 33.6 per cent. Houston Wolverines hopelessly aut of it,
was 30 for 66 and 45.5 per cent. Barnard To Speak both teams played run-and-shoot
Alcindor contributed greatly to basketball. Still, the Buckeyes were
UCLA's sub-par percentage, as he1 At Galens Lecture able to make the most of it, out-
n.lcm .-of 10 fiple ralscoring the Wolverines 45-38. Both


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