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January 20, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-20

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I"~ .. a
Vistaio P olI*icy
Fleming Plans Structural Revision,
Reorganization in Student Affairs
The Regents yesterday approved the elimination of cur-
few requirements on a one-term experimental basis for all
, women students in University residence halls who obtain
written parental permission.
The Regents also agreed to policy changes which will
allow each University housing unit to "determine by a demo-
cratic process the hours of visitation by members of the oppo-
site sex."
Both rule changes apply to all types of University-affil-
iated housing including fraternities and sororities.
The Regents discussed plans
to reorganize the Office of
Student Affairs with Presi- LI e'tLI 1
dent Robben W. Fleming and
Vice-President for Student "
Affairs Richard L.. Cutler. R
Both men agreed that the of-

'To Challenge'
Court Ruhng
On PA 379
Contract Negotiations
With Three Unions
Proceed During Case
The Regents voted 5-3 yester-
day to appeal a circuit court;
decision that Public Act 379
applies to the University.
PA 379, an amendment to the
Hutchinson Act of 1947, allows
public employes to organize un-
ions and bargain collectively on
wages, hours and benefits. The
University's challenge of the law
has been in the courts since De-I
cember 1965.
The Regents' decision follows'
the Nov. 14 ruling of Washtenaw
County Circuit Court Judge Wil-
liam F. Ager Jr. that the Univer-
sity's. constitutional guarantee of
autonomy does not conflict with
the legislature's constitutional
authority to "enact laws for the
resolution, ofdisputes concerning




Succeed Niehuss
Cutler Plans To Resign Position.
Stirton Announces June Retirement
The Regents yesterday accepted the retirements of Vice-
President William E. Stirton, director of the Dearborn cam-
pus" and Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss.
The Regents appointed Arthur M. Ross as Vice-President
for State Relations aid Planning, a post officially established
at yesterday's regular monthly meeting, to replace the execu-
tive vice-presidency Rosa' appointment will be effective
July 1.
Simultaneously Vice-President for Student Affairs Rich-
ard L. Cutler announced his intention to resign pending re-
organization of his office. Presfdent Robben W. Fleming said
Cutler may be appointed to a newly created administrative
post, but declined to discus details of the move.
Ross will be the senior officer in charge of planning and
coordinating the Uni'zersity's relations with the state legis-
lature. University President r
I Robben W. Fleming said ves- . . 1 tw r-ic+ & A

Wilbur K. Pierpont

rice gust undergo important By JOEL BLOCK
changes but declined to spec- University President Robben
ulate on possible revisions. Fleming said yesterday that he
The Regents also passed a res- had no comment on when a new
olution requesting "an expression athletic director would be named
from legal counsel concerning the or on when he would make a
rights and powers of the Board to recommendation on reorganiza-
limit the use, of motor vehicles by tion of the athletic department.+
students."'u There had been speculation
They requested "an indication;
from the City of Ann Arbor of prior' to yesterday's Regents'
the impact upon traffic and park- meetingtthat Fleming would pre-
ing problems of any future liber- sent his recommendations on re-
alization" of regulations regard- organization at the meeting. NoI
ing student driving permits. action was taken, however.
The Regents directed Cutler to At a news conference following
solicit statements on the problem the meeting, Fleming said, "II
from appropriate student and fac- have received a report on the pos-1
ulty groups for presentation at a sible athletic department struct-
future meeting. ures, but I have no comment on=
Regent Paul Goebel was the sole the subject at this time.
dissenter in the decision to liber- In its annual report to the Re-
alize residence hall regulations. "I gents, the Board in Control of
want to go on the record as oppos- Intercollegiate Athletics statedj
ing the resolution," he said. "If that the dispute between the Na-1
my present judgment is proved tional Collegiate Athletic Assoc-
wrong, no one will be happier iation (NCAA) and the Amateur1
than I." Athletic Union (AAU) will prob-
"The Regents wish to continue to ably not be settled in 1968.
foster a climate within which per- The report, signed by Athletic'
sonal freedom and responsibility Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler and,
contribute to educational and so- Prof. Marcus Plant of the law
cial development," the resolution school stated, "It is quite likely
stated.thoth sies ilmakeem
The delegation of authority for
establishing visitation hours in- porary concessions during 1968,
cludes the requirement that new which is an Olympic year, so as{
policies 'be carried within the not to handicap the United States
guidelines established by the representation at the Olympic
Board of Governors which pro- games."
vides for: the proper balance of Plant is secretary of the Board
academic, social and political as- in control of Intercollegiate Ath-
pects of residence hall life; the letics and president of the NCAA.
maintenance of good taste; the Plant said last night that, it
meticulous safeguarding of the was more of a hope than a pre-x
rights of minorities; and the utili- diction that both sides will hold
zation of the experience and ad- their fire. "This report was writ-!
vice of educational staffs of the ten before Christmas and things1
houses." are changing every day," Plant;
Regents Alvin Bentley, Robert said. "As far as the United States1
Brown and Paul Goebel voted Track and Field Federation isi
with Matthaei and Cudlip in concerned, the moratorium oni
favor of the appeal. Regents the dispute is still being enforcedt
Robert Briggs, Gertrude Huebner until Nov. 1, after the olympics.I
and Otis Smith voted against. "I can only hope that the AAU
See REGENTS Page 2 will have a reasonable attitude,

in this matter so as not to impair public employes."
the United States' chances in the The University recognized two{
Olympics this summer." unions-Washtenaw County Build-
The board's report also in- ing Trades Council and the Inter-N
cludes a financial statement for national Union of Operating En-;
both the fiscal 1966 and 1967 gineers-following elections o6r 1I
years. The financial report points ganized by the State Labor Me- OSS.
out that in fiscal 1967, $291,000 diation Board, with the proviso
of tuition fees were automatically that a University victory on PA
channeled into the account for 379 would make any negotiated!
debt service on the Univesrityl contracts void.- i jJ iii,
Events Building "and do not any Two other unions - AmericanI
longer constitute a receipt of the Federation of State, County, and Arthur M. Ross
board." Municipal Employes and the University vice-P
The report notes that football Building Service Employes Inter- Relations and PI
receipts, basketball receipts, and national Union are still petition- comRlissioner of
basketball television r e c e i p t s ing the board for elections in cer- the U.S. Depar
from fiscal 1967 were collectively tain bargaining units. An SLMB since 1965.
down $180,000 from fiscal 1966. decision and vote is expected in
It explains the reduced football the next few months. Ross, 52, has bi
receipts were due to the fact that Regent Frederick Matthaei Jr. his post as profe
1967's Ohio State University and said the decision "represents rns at the
Michigan State University con- no anti-union bias." fornia at Berkele
tests were away games. "We just want to clear up the government posit
The Board reported that the constitutional question," he said. a member of th
Big Ten event which caused the Regent William Cudlip agreed. ulty since 1946.
greatest concern was the Illinois "That was the spirit of my mo- Ross received
slush fund scandal and its im- tion," he said. arts degree magn
plications. See 'U' Page 2 Harvard College
HoweWarnas Against Tac
tUsed b 'Radical Resis tat

w Vice President Arthur i' o*
New Mediator


, newly appointed accepted into Phi Beta Kappa
resident for State honorary society. He earned a
anning, has been PhD. degree at the University of
labor statistics in California ih 1941. He has been
tment of Labor a lecturer at George Washington
and, Michigan State Universities.
een on leave from Atomic Energy Panel
essor of industrial In the period from 1953 through
niversity of Cali= 1958, Ross was a member of the
ey to serve in the President's Atomic Energy Labor
ion. He has been Management Panel, and has since
e California fac- served as a member of various
presidential emergency boards and
his bachelor of fact-finding boards on atomic
a cum laude from energy.
in 1937 and was Ross was named a Guggenheim
Fellow in 1960.
At California Ross has held a
number of important faculty com-
ic !J mittee posts. From 1964-65 he was
chairman of the Emergency EX-
ecutive Committee of the Berke-
ley faculty, following the "free
speech" demonstrations on that

terday that the new post will
have three functions. Ross, he
explained, will be:
-a contact man with the
State Board of Education
-a man "who would quarter-
back" the University's relations
with the state legislature, and
-a "senior advisor and consul-
taut" to the president and other
vice-presidents in both academic
and physical planning, and defin-
ing the University's objectives.
Ross will be assuming some of
the duties previously assigned to
Niehuss, whose retirement as Ex-
ecutive Vice-President becomes ef-
fctive June 30. Fleming said yes-
terday that Niehuss, who is 65,
will continue to serve the Univer-
sity in some capacity.
President Robben W. Fleming
indicated that he would not ap-
point a new director of the Dear-
born campus to fill the vacancy
left by Stirton's retirement. The
campus will be administered by a
dean in an arrangement similar
to that used for the University's
Flint College, Fleming said.
. Ross has been on leave from his
post as professor of industrial re-
lations at the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley to serve as com-
missioner of labor statistics in the
U.S. Department of Labor, a post
he has held since 1965.
Fleming said the new post was
created because of the need to re-
late long range planning and
"selling it to the state legislature.
I thought it would be advisable
to combine in one man the du-
ties of planning and dealing with
the legislature."
Ross said yesterday that "part
of my job now is to testify before
Congress on problems of unenm-
ploymenta' He appears before
Congressional committees "five or
six times a year" and thus has had
some experience in dealing with
legislatures, he said.
"I am very delighted that I'll
See THREE Page 2

1UIter S
A History
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler's an-
nouncement that he intends to
resign pending a reorganization
of his, office signals the end of
one of the most colorful admin-
istrative chapters in University
Cutler is expected to leave his
office sometime this summer or
fall. He may assume a new ad-
ministrative post in the .Univer-
sity, according to President Rob-
ben W. Fleming.
During Cutler's tenure the Uni-
versity liberalized numerous regu-
lations affecting student conduct.
The latest and most sweeping
came yesterday when the Re-
gents agreed to exempt freshman
women from the. dorm curfew and
let students in university living
units make their own regulations.
Although he has been vice-pres-
ident for three years, the 42-year-
old child psychologist has been
perhaps the most controversial
figure at the University.
He has drawn fire from some
quarters for a number of actions.
The latest was an unsuccessful
attempt to have 'academic units
discipline three readers of the
campus chapter of Students for a
Democratic Society for their role
in a protest against a visiting Navy
He was also in the center of. tur-
moil for his role in turning in the
names of 65 students and faculty
affiliated with three campus polit-
ical groups to the House Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee in
August 1966. Cutler made an un-
successful attempt in November
1966 to invoke a ban on disruptive

By AVIVA KEMPNER Suicide?". Howe called the re- an opening to violence." Howe ad-
Writer - in - Residence IrvingI sistance movement an "elitist, mitted, however, that he would
charged last night that tactics of manipulative activity run by a follow extreme resistance only if
radical resistance endanger dem- tminority to oppose its will on the "all militant paths were hopeless
ocracy and the anti-war cause. majority." He warned that such and nothing could be done." He
Howe spoke before about 200 a "leftist assault on civil liberties also warned that college kids in
people in a symposium at Lydia will unleash the people on the the movement will "render them-
Mendelssohn Theater. right who posses greater skills." selves helpless by either burning
themselves out or being de-
"Certain tactics, such as block- Arguing that the resistance stroyed."
ing the draft boards, shift the movement was necessary Prof. Deeds of Violence
focus from the issue of ending Thomas Mayer of the sociology Mayer asserted that not all acts
the war and endanger democratic department said that the move- of government were acts of de.
values," Howe said. ment "desires to use non-legiti- mocracy. "America has lost its
Answering the topic question, mate channels purposively to in- essential character - the ability
"Radical Resistance: Success or I stitue changes in a corrupt Amer- to check evil." He also stated
ean society which cannot be used that the 'deeds of violence come
for its own transformation." Ra- not from the men in opposition
dical resistance, he continued, to the government but from those
offers a "double rescue from the behind the law, especially evident
political abyss and from the in this century.
moral tarnish in America.'" John Bishop. Grad, argued that

He also served as chairman of
the Committee on University Wel-
fare and on the Committee on
Privilege and Tenure. From 1954
until 1913 Ross was director of the
University of California Institute
:f Industrial Relations.
Professional Works
Among the many books Ross has
co-authored are "Trade Union
Policy" and "Industrial Conflict."
He has also contributed several
articles on economics to trade
journals. Two of his most recent
articles are "Full Employment:
The Role of Government. and Ed-
ucation" and "The Next Twenty
Years in Manpower."
Ross is married to the former
Jane Noble and has four children.
Heart Surgeon
To Visit '


. {#

Need for Resistance resistance tactics were not good.
Barry Bluestone, Grad, who He presented the alternative of
also advocated the need for the supporting any candidate who
resistence movement, described would be running against Presi-
the potential dynamics of resis- dent Johnson. "We need power
tence. "I hope it will chop away which comes from the institution-
from the middle until all con- al structure of society," he ex-
sciences are touched, and get to plained.
the people within the movement Final Goal
in order to consolidate them." However Bluestone admitted he
Howe, however, stressed the dis- had "tried legitimate channels but
tinction between civil disobed- realized that they were not work-
ipn, nnd isruntion. "Civil dis- i ina Beinm a human being TI feel

Dr. Christian Barnard, the South
African surgeon who successfully
performed the world's first heart
transplant last month, will speak
at the University March 6.
Barnard is expected to stay here
three days. conducting teaching
rounds in the medical school, and
Aplivarine a lrt,nr' in TTill And

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