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January 18, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-18

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lfltr o Eitau
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Fr"eedlom


High-Upper 30's
Partly sunny,
mild and hazy


. . ...........



Fleming, Regents Face
Major Campus Issues





Daily News Analysis
Today's Regents' meeting is
Robben W. Fleming's first as Uni-
versity President and it rmay be
one of the most important of his
Included on the agenda for the
#two-day meeting are a number of
pressing issues. Important deci-
sions - put off in the closing, in-
active days of the Hatcher ad-
ministration - are scheduled to
be made.

* Freshman women's hours lows University employes to bar-
and visitation privileges for stu- gain collectively.
dents living in University housing * Revisions in the Regents'
are expected to be set following Bylaws which would force the re-
open hearings this afternoon in tirement of Executive Vice-Pres-
the Union ballroom. ident Marvin L. Niehuss and Vice-
Approval of Vice-President President and Dearborn CampusI
and Chief Financial Officer Wil- Director William L. Stirton is

Panhel Vote,
On Alumni

bur K. Pierpont's recommenda-
tion to appeal an unfavora'le cir-

scheduled for consideration.
0 An announcenent will be;
nmade that the $55 million pro-

cuit decision on the constitution-
ality of Public Act 379 is antici-
pated. This 1965 state statute al-

-Daily-Robert Sheffield
President Fleming

gram,'which was concluded last R ole T abled
million mark, with the donation
of three more endowed urofessor- By ANN BUESSER
0 Selection of a new athletic President's Council of Panhel-
director to replace retiring Fritz lenic Association last night voted
Crisler. Reorganization of the to table a resolution which would?
athletic department is also ex- commit University sororities to.
pected. elimination of alunnae control of
membership selection.
The open meeting concerning The resolution stated. "We, the
freshman hours and visitation members of the President's Coun-
privileges was announced follow-''il of the Panhellenic Association
ing the decision of the Residence clo h ahlei soito
Halls Board of Governors to an of the University of Michigan, are
low house councils to make their committed to the elimination of
own regulations for visitation bindn and requird re omnen-
hours. The Regents' decision to that goal."
hold hearings in effect stalled of- The motion was tabled over The
ficial University recognition of objections of the advisor to Uni-#
the board's decision. versity sororities, Joan Ringel, .;
No Default - and Panhel President Ginny Mo-
According to Fleming, the de- chel, '68.
cision to withhold University rec- Sorority presidenits objected PRESIDENT JOHNSON delivered his Stateo
ognition came because "the Re- that the motion would cause last night as Vice-President Humphrey and
gents told me they are not pre- them as individuals to pit their McCormack looked on.
pared to let something so vital go chapters in jeopardy with the-
by default. Ihsuggested the pos- national organizations.INEE T TU Y
sibility of the hearing." Poll Members INDEPENDENT STUDY
However, both Vice-President "When we poll our individual,
for Student Affairs Richard L. members and find out how they
Cutler and University Housing Di- feel," said one president, "then n t
rectar John Feldkamp have fn- we can come back and represent
dicated they are in favor of the them"
rules change. Representaives of Mrs. Ringel told the presidents
the Board of Governors, the Of- "The point is that it is time to ag
fice of University Housing, SGC stand up for what you believe as
and Interfraternity Council will individuals. You are members of
make presentations. the University comrhunity before By MARK BASEMAN more than
The Regents will also consider you, are members of your national This summer while fellow stu- bus andi
Pierpont's recommendation to ap- organizations." dents splash in hometown swim- ;papers ant
peal an adverse court decision on Local autonomy of sororities in ming pools, some 300 University stances, lit
PA 379, an amendment to the membership selection has been a students may be found in libraries dents pers
Michigan Public Employes Rela- major issue since the Albion and reading rooms earning cred- member's
tions Act. Since 1965 the Univer- chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha was its toward graduation. to create a
sity has contended the act in- put on probation last fall for The Honors Summer Reading The lone
fringes on its constitutionally pledging a Negro. Program will be offered again dent-design
guaranteed autonomy. Many presidents expressed con- this year, allowing students to the English
Autonomy Threat cern last night that if they took structure their own course con- ment chair
University administrators re- a positive stand in opposition to tent, locale and hours of study. their appr
portedly feel that t abandon the the alumnae participation in The programs sponsored jointly
PA 379 case would damage their membership selection, they would by the Honors Council of the;
similar autonomy case against lose "financial and traditional literary college and and the Uni- R
Public Act 124. The University, support of the nationals." versity Extension Service, but is esi
together with Wayne State and Biggest Issue open to non-honors as well as
Michigan State University, filed In response to the motion to. honors students.p
a suit last month in Ingham table the resolution, Miss Mochel One merit of the program is IT S
County Circuit Court challenging said, "We are being warned by that it permits a student to learn
PA 124, a measure which gives both SGC and the administration in a completely free environment,
the state control over certain as- that discrimination is going to be according to Prof. Otto Graf of By LE
pects of University construction the biggest issue very soon -- and the German department and dean Most Un
policy. sororities are going to be the of the Honors Council. housemoth
The recommended Bylaw revi- focus." Last year the reading program ident dire
sion which the Regents are sched- During debate on the resolution attracted 275 participants who favor retai
uled to consider would require the Mrs. Ringel said, "You don't real- 1 elected about 400 courses. With the at least th
president and vice-presidents to ize the ground you have to stand exception of physical education freshman
retire at 65. Niehuss is 65. while on in opposition to the nationals. and natural science departments, student po
Stirton will turn 65 in March. Anti-discrimination requirements every department in the literary ing to go
Formerly, the retirement age are based on University policy college takes part in the program. These oi
for top administrators was set at and have the accompanying va- Although the student is guided a survey o
70. Sources indicate the Regents lidity. The University can have a by a syllabus drawn up under a rectors tak
have generally agreed to the pro- legal basis for action against us." faculty member's sponsorship, he
posed revision, although some in- According to Regents' Bylaw j must assume responsibility for CCouzens
dividual Regents have rased ob- 2.14 if a University-recognized completing requirements of the Charlotterl
jections. organization is found to be dis course. Most courses require oneurul for
The Bylaw revision was not in- criminatory, its recognition canior two papers to be turned in at crutch to
itiated by Fleming, informed be withdrawn.j the beginning of the fall term I students as
sources - said. The Regents are In the case of a sorority, this Afollowed by a final examination. no hours,
continuously in the process of re- would make sorority housing il A maximum of two courses may number w
vising their Bylaws and have legal for undergraduates and the be taken. she added.
been considering changes in the chapters would not be able to "Sponsoring" of a course by a Mrs. Bla
retirement age for some time. function financially. faculty member may involve little grants lat

-Associated Press
of the Union message
House Speaker John

Voice Asks Forum
To Quiz Recruiters

d ingPro
tudent I1
drawing up the sylla- mat
grading the assigned prog
d final. In most in- "our
tle more than a stu- ing
everance and a faculty cour
sympathy is necessary help
Gsuccessful course from becoi
he e
exception to the stu- In
ned reading course is ordir
,h department. Depart- sum
man Warner Rice said j McN
oach was made "syste- fort
'dent Direeti
ihrnan wont
niversity d o r m i t o r y late
ers - now called "res- be
~ctors" - apparently 0o
ning women's hours for 1Hu
ze first semester of the stud
year. Several also view
wer as a case of "try- rule
too far too fast." girl
L'J Ui

e f f orts
Stresses Legislation
For Social Welfare
Union Message Vows Stable Dollar,
UnifiedBudget Spending Increase
WASHINGTON ( - President Johnson told the nation
last night it can expect higher taxes, continued progress, the
most massive spending program in all history - $186 billion
- and continued explorations for peace.
There was a call for legislation to "free our gold re-
serves" without backing off from commitments to maintain
the price of gold at $35 an ounce.
Johnson also urged in his State of the Union message
legislation aimed at private employment of 500,000 hard core
unemployed in the next three years.
The President delivered his message in person to a joint
Senate-House session, broadcast nationally by television and
He asked, for the lauriching of a 10-year campaign to
build six milion housing units for low and middle-income

Voice Political Party yesterday
presented University President
Robben W. Fleming with a resolu-'
tion requesting all "controversial"
*campus recruiters to hold public
forums on their organization's
The proposal states that repre-
sentatives of firms and govern-
ment agencies recruiting on cam-
pus should participate in at least
one such public discussion each
semester. Fleming termed the res-
olution a "constructive kind of
proposal," and said he would talk
about it with Voice after he had
investigated it more thoroughly.
Fleming has already received
similar suggestions from members
of the faculty and from Graduate
Basic Assumptions
Voice feels that discussion is
needed concerning both the tech-
nical aspects of the jobs available
and the "basic assumptions of the
recruiting firm or agency." The
resolution proposes a discussion
f forum composed of speakers de-
fending bth sides of an issue,
imilar to a panel on the Dow
Chemical Corp. held in the Law
School last November.
Vice stated the forums could
be directed by the Advisory'
Board to the Bureau of Appoint-
ments which would determine
which firms or agencies are
"controversial." However, student
or faculty members who request a
forum and are turned down by the
board would be able to over- rule
the board by submitting a petition
with 100 signatures.
The statement suggested that
funds for publicizing the discus-
sions should be supplied by the
Bureau of Appointments because
"the forums are an integral part
of the placement procedure."
Criticize IDA
Voive members presenting the
resolution to Fleming in his office
yesterday morning also criticized
the University's membership in
the Institute of Defense Analysis.
IDA is an association of 12 uni-
versities which provides advisory

place after IDA completed its own
study on the organizational prob-
lems of the association.
He explained that since the IDA
was originally organized to pro-
vide the Defense Department with
outside advice, the institute may
feel that such information can
ie supplied without University
membership in the corporation it-
Expelled Protesters
Chester also asked Fleming
about the University's position on
the admission of student pro-
testers who have been expelled
from other schools because of
their political activities. Fleming
replied that in some cases these
people will be considered in the
same way that the University con-
siders students who have been ex-
pelled for criminal offenses such
as assault.
Fleming said he was refering
to the protester who does "any-
thing he wants to and since he
was talking while he did it claims
he was merely\ using his right of
free speech."

He urged steps to improve what he called the shocking
infant mortality rate in America.
In addition to prodding Con-
gress to pass consumer legislation
still left over from the last ses-
sion, the chief executive suggest-
?d a major study of automobile
agto insurance, "new safeguards to in-
sure the quality of fish and poul-
try, and the safety of our com-
munty water supplies."
These and other proposals will
be covered in a budget for the
English honors 1969 fiscal year, which starts
ic" because theaEngload onr July 1, that will be up $10.4 bil-
ram places a heavy load on lion in spending over the current
r overburdened staff." Limit-;oy
the number of available year.
ses to between three and six Revenues will come within $8
ed prevent the load from billion of providing a balanced
ming completely impossible, budget, and that takes into ac-
xplained. count the tax bill Johnson is In-
Lstead, one man handles co- sisting is vital to protect the
nation for all the English country against inflation.
mer reading courses. Prof. Leo There was no backing away
Namara has acted as sponsor from the President's bid for a 10
the past several summers. per cent surtax on incomes of
- individuals-and corporations.
The budget figures are based
for the first time on a new uni-
o rs Favor fied concept which includes $47
billion in spending from vast
trust funds. These are for such
,,en s H ours things as Social Security, high-
ways and medicare.
ertain number of ausomatic Reacting to the speech, Con-
pers' each semester might gressmen expressed opposition to
a good idea," she commented. the President's tax programs but
n the question of student applauded the plan to increase
er, Ruth Higgins of Thronson the ready gold reserves. Rep. Wil-
Lse, South Quad, feels that bur Mills (D-Ark.), chairman of
tents shouldn't take tart in the House Ways and Means Com-
changing. "In Thronson, the mittee, withheld comment on the
s have demonstrated that they surtax proposal until he has seen
Idn't care less about abolishing Johnson's new budget figures, due
rs," she said. A resident ad- at the end of the month.
r pointed out that Thronson Rep. Wright Patman' (D-Tex.),
irimarily for sophomores who head of the House Banking Corn-
e no hours presently. mittee, said the gold proposal will
Irs. Higgins says that students share top priority with the hous-
uld concern themselves pri- ing recommendations on his com-
ily with their academic lives. mittee's schedule.
ne resident director of Stock- Growth Outlook
1, Fora ewtn, sid "n)- Johnsoni said the economic out-
. Flora Newton, said "t - look for this year, if the country
ts should be listened to on i iiat s o e fr sed
s, ' such as at today's Regents' is one for steady
rings on women's hours, al- growthn
ugh he elttha ingenral "I warn the nation that this
gh she felt that in general failure to act will sweep us into
dents were pushing oo fast an accelerating spiral of price in-
what they want- creases; a slump in home build-
oth Mrs. Blair and Mrs. New- ing; and a continuing erosion of
emphasized that student the American dollar," he said.
nion should be expressed Both at home and abroad,
)ugh existing channels. "They Johnson said, the nation is chal-
ld get a lot farther, faster, lenged. But he said it is the na-
t way," Mrs. Blair said. tional will and not its strength
Dress Regulations that is being tried, its sense of
sked questions on dress regu- purpose and not its ability to
ons, mostihousemothersead- achieve a better America.
ted that they were becoming Among the challenges, of course,
ustomed to rules they disap- is the war in Vietnam. And John-
dP ofat first. They had See JOHNSON, Page 3

pinions were elicited in
f women's resident di-
ken by The Daily.
Resident Director
Blair said, "I feel it is
freshmen to have a
lean on. While many
re capable of handling
there are also a great
ho don't feel at ease."
air said she liberoily
te permission. "I feel

is p


Although the University's
just-completed $55 Million
Program has collected over $71
million in private donations,
most of the fund's original
goals remain as yet unfulfilled.
In the closing month of the
three-year campaign, the Uni-
versity received a million-del-
lar anonymous donation for
two endowed professorships in
public health and medicine.
$100,000 of the gift is to be
used to support a third pro-
fessorship, the Paul G.-Goebel
Regent Goebel directed the
fund drive, which ended Dec.

scheduled for completion in
Oct., 1968. H
-$6.7 million from the C. S.
Mott Foundation, Flint, for the in
C. S. Mott Children's Hospital,
expected to open in Dec., 1968. i
-$4 million from the Ford
Foundation for an Inr.,rna- M
tional Studies Program.
-$3.5 million from the W K. h
Kellogg Foundation, Battle W
Creek, for additional construe- U
tion of the public health and o
dentistry schools. g
-$3 million from the Ford t
Foundation for research in a
population trends. f
In addition, the new Gradu-
ate Library was supported $
with $1 . million from the

-An H. P. Bentley Chair in -E
History. tute
-A Samuel T. Dana Chair Cost:
A Outdoor Recreation. dollar
-A Henry M. Butzel Chair Vice
i Law. Relatin
-An S. S. Kresge Chair in plaine
Marketing. ningc
Most of the programs that bjecti
have been funded, however. ing lis
'ere not planned when the The
University first published lists progra
f its objectives in 1965. Pro- is tha
crams that were planned then, impreE
heir estimated costs in 1965, tance.
nd how much has been raised dock s
or them to date, are: cific 12
-Residential College. Cost: small
1.8 million. Raised: 841.157. s a s
-A new International Cen- Cost



ndowment for the Inst-
of Industrial Health.
$1 million. Raised: Five
- hesidentfor University
ins Michael Radock ex-
d that at the very begin-
of the program, the list of
ives was open-"a work-
t for the alumni."
reason funds for these
ms have not been raised
t large donors were not
ssed with their impor-
"The large donors," Ra-
aid, "usually have a spe-
roject in mind. Only the
donor has the University
whole in mind."
of the entire program

Provdthat the elaain - -------
feared that the relaxation off
rules would change the atmos-
phere of the dining rooms. Open Hearings
Mr.Newton saw the changes
as definitely "letting our stand- On Visitation
ards down." She said she "strong-
ly disapproved" of changes both H o s
in hours and dress codes, though 011S ioii V
she has adjusted to them now.
"Ethics, morals, practically The University Regents will
everything has lowered somewhat hold a two-hour public meeting
in the last few years," she con- today on the questions of fresh-
cluded. man women's hours and the re-
Girl's Grooming cent decision of the Residence
Mrs. Blair pointed out, "It's a Hall Board of Governors to allow
girl's grooming which is import- dormitory house councils to make

- mn ~

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