4hp 41P
:4I itq
ffedIIerranean Watering Places And
Villages Along Spanish Coast
Picturesque and historic scenes
along the Rhone valley and the Riviera
were pointed out by Prof. John H.
Gerould of Dartmouth College in an
illustrated lecture on "Holidays in
Southern France" delivered yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science Audi-
torium. Professor Gerould is conduct-
ing work at the University during the
summer session.
Starting with the Rhone basin, that
part of France which is less familiar
to tourists than the well-known cities
of the Riviera, Professor Gerould de-
scribed by means of slides his trip
through the valley west to the Pyre-
nees and along the Spanish and Italian
Home of Popes Visited
Avignon, the home of the popes, was
the first stopping place of the excur-
sion. The palace of the pope, a beauti-
ful and massive structure, erected in
the 14th. century by Pope Clement
the 6th., stands in this vicinity. Here
also are the Rhone ramparts and the
bridge built across the River in the
11th century.
Arle, an ancient city, was the next
place to be described. This was form-
erly a Greek colony, later taken over
by Constantine. The women of Arle
are celebrated for their beauty which
is a survival of the Grecian type. An
arena, used now for bull-fights, an
amphitheatre, and a Gothic church
are a heritage of the ancient days.
Some Corinthian columns are still
Monument By Caesar Seen
The following scenes were a succes-
sion of quaint villages situated along
the region of the Spanish coast. The
sites abound with remains of Roman
monuments and feudal castles built
into the rock on the tops of hills and
cliffs. In an isolated country spot
where a one-time city is buried stands
a lone monument erected by Julius
Caesar. In one of the old villages
the place where Louis the Great
started on his first crusade to the Holy
Land can be shown. The spirit of ad-
venture has not yet died out among
these people, Professor Gerould said.
The industry of this country was evi-
denced in vineyards, cord trees, and
great salt manufacture facilitated by
stagnant waters.
Southern Resorts Included
Passing finally to the Riviera over
torturous roads, picturesque walls,
and beautiful gardens descending to
the harbors and flanked by maritime]
mountains, the traveler arrives at
length at Cannes, Nice, Monaco, and
Monto Carlo, the famous resorts of the
Italian frontier.
American League
LEGL ROFS~lNKansas Negro
A review by William Inglis and Miss
Lillian Bronson
"Belinda", both the play and that
abstract lady, was "perfectly ripping".
The audience ripped and pealed with
laughter. It is good to laugh for an
hour and a half with only two inter-
missions. At last night's performance
of "Belinda" they were not the usual
giggles-they were real laughs. It
was laughs, pure laughs.
The lady of the play who could be
almost any age between 18 and 49 that
happened to be convenient, was
Frances Horine in the part of Belinda.
4Belinda was officially Mrs. Tremayne,
which fact didn't make much differ-
ence to Baxter, of Devensh-or to
Mrs. Tremayne for that matter. For
eighteen years before, when Mrs.
Tremayne was anywhere from four to
twenty years younger, they had
quarreled and Mr. Tremayne had gone
off to the Rockies to hunt lions. In
the mean time things had become
Former Professor Of Art, Archaeology
At Bryn Mawr College Will Speak
Here This Afternoon!
Mrs. Caroline Ransom Williams
who willlecture at 5 o'clock todayI
the Natural Science auditorium on
"Egyptian Life under the Eighteenth
Century", is a recognized authority on
Egyptian archaeology, according to
Prof. John G. Winter of the Greek
Formerly professor of art and arch-
aeology at Bryn Mawr college and]
curator of the Egyptian Collection of
the New York Historical society, Mrs.
Williams has recently published a
catalogue of the New York collection
of Egyptian relics, which has been
acclaimed by American and European1
scholars as one of the most importantI
contributions ever made to the study
of Egyptian jewelry.
"Especially valuable", says Profes-I
sor Winter's review of this catalogue<
in te Classical Journal for June, "is
the masterly treatment of alloys,r
metallurgical methods an danalyses,e
and above all the technical processes I
involved in the inlaying of gold, gran-s
ulated decoration, soldering, coloring,<
wire-making, and the like. Upon this
phase of her subject Mrs. Williams1
has brought to bear both her un-
rivalled knowledge of ancient jewelry
and her wide experience in modernr
laboratory methods." t
During the past year Mrs. Williamsr
has lectured before many of the so-
cieties of the Archaeological institute,s
and next winter will return to Egyptt
to assist Prof. James H. Breasted ofs
Chicago in is work on the monuments.
Mrs. William's lecture will be i11-L
lustrated with slides.
_ _t
Announce Marriage
Mrs. Adele B. Lally, 1102 Olivia If
street, announces the marriage of herr
daughter, Mary Felicie, ex-26, to C.e
Wells Christie, '26, of Goshen, New
York, June 16 at Toledo. At the con-
clusion of the summer session, Mr.
and Mrs. Christie will go to New York
where Mr. Christie has a position with
the New York Central lines.
pretty serious with Harold Baxter
statistician, and Claude Devenish, poe
for it was April and Devonshire an
Belinda. Along with April came the
return of Belinda's daughter Delia
who became nominally Mrs. Tre-
mayne's neice-also for convenience
All this is preparatory to the entranc
of one Mr. Robinson, lion hunter. Th
rest of the play is spent in proving the
fact that Mr. Robinson has the most
right to become Mrs. Tremaine's hus-
band, chiefly because he is Delia's
father and Belinda is Delia's mother.
Miss Bronson says that it was a
"lovely part", Belinda's. Belinda was
Frances Horine who is "very pretty on
the stage", according to the same
authority. "We" decided that the way
in which she used her head and
shoulders was the making of this
"abandoned" lady.
Warren Parker made a truly "stic-
iany" statistician. My fellow-critic
seemed impressed by his ease in play-
lug a comedy. He is fully aware of
the fact that he is going to be laughed
at, which is good technique. He used
his bowler hat, his comedy mouth,
and his make-up to full advantage.
The two poets of the play are Rich-
ard Woellhaf and Wiilliam Bishop.
Last night it happened to be the later.
He was an idealist with the faith that
moves mountains-and molehills
chased by lions in the Rocky Moun-
Enactment of Eight Hour Bill Fals to
End Trouble Between Workers
And Dune Owers
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, July 15.-Peace in the
coal fields is not yet in sight. The
government and mine owners had
been confident that after the eight
hour bill was enacted, the miners
would flock back to work. This con-
fidence has not been realized, for
there is no sign of the men resuming,
except in very small numbers.
Today the trades union congress an-
nounced it had agreed to give all pos-
sible aid to the striking miner, rais-
ing funds to support them in their
struggle against longer hours and re-
duced wages.
Religious and other bodies have
been trying to find some new way
out of the deadlock.
Much hope has been entertained of
new developments by reason of the
rades union congress' invitation to the
miners federation for a conference.
since the calling off of the general
strike, there has existed mad feelings
between the two bodies. Their repre-
sentatives met today. An official
statement issued subsequent em-
bodied the announcement of the prom-
ised assistance of the miners by the
trades union congress.
The coference will be resumed to-
Premier Baldwin had another in-
formal talk with his colleagues to-
night on the deadlock, which the gov-
ernment is eager to terminate.
Booklet Made Of
Radio Programs
Programs of the radio entertain-
ments presented by the University of
Michigan during the last school year
ave been printed and. are being dis-
triputed to all who call for them at
the Summer session office. Approxi-
mately fifty speeches delivered over
the radio by men connected with the
University are contained in the print-
ed programs.
According to Dean Edward H. Krous
it is planned that similar programs
will be printed at the conclusion of
the next season's radio program but a
definite decision in regard to this mat-
ter can not be yet made.
2000 of the programs were printed
th'is year. The speeches included are{
on various topics such as the Univer-
sity, education, politics, science, lit-
erature, athletics, medicine and ex-
Members Charge that Legal Profession
Has Failed to Enforce Laws
Throughout Country
(By Associated Press)
DENVER, Colorado. July 15.-In-
dicted by its own members, on
charges of failure to hold public con-
fidence and inability to enforce the
laws of the land against marauding
criminals, the American judiciary to-
day started the taking of testimony in
an effort to place responsibility for its 1
derilection and to find a remedy for
existing conditions.
Out of the maze of investigations
carried on during te last year the legal
profession of the United States, ex-
emplified by those delegates here,
hopes to invoke remedial measures for
the restoration of confidence. The re-
ports of the committee presented facts
as entertained by the lawyers con-
cerned the failures and successes of
Belies es IlonisSehoo ,Churche
Should Work Toether in Nation
Wide Social Promgra u
Solutions for the problem of moern
laxness in social relationships of men
and women as well as of youth can be
foun(l only in a complete and exten-
sive program of sex education, is the
belief of Dr. N. W. Edsonj, of the Am-
erican Social Hygiene Association of
Now ork, in a lecture on "Sex Edu-
c at o:,' helcin the Dental auditorium
- at 4:00 o'clock yesterday.
iRelate" liygiee With Li'e
"'Tbis education must be one of in-
Nick Chiles, owner and publisher of tregation a m n t e on' lie
the "Topeka Plaindealer" has filed stated "Mr sex searilnot
nomination papers to oppose U. S. statencere sex hygiene will not
Senator Charles Curtis in the Repub- intiuene c t, until it is tied up
licanintimately with thle life of the boy or
lican primaries to be held in August. irl Realzn tis, o e luyaor
He stands for strict enforcement ofirealizing this, modern educators
are attempting t rn bu co -
the 15th and the 18th Amendments to to bring about a co-
the Constitution and for the electionoperation of homes and schools tend
of a western man for the Presidency churches in a nation wide program of
the law, tl
tion here, g
making age
in this qua
er in anoth(
Each repor
tions to the
for raising1
in order to
to the public
port and tI
adopted wit:
mittee of j
procedure d
nesses and
belief "that
The repor
tions provid
expert witn
salaries to
state and to
comment on
such testimc
Another r
"failure of
country to
law student;
The crimi
sus" divisio:
"provide fir
might be he'
tion of the c
Lewis Ho
Arbor high
the past fou
in this city
the actionc
which met'
salary whic
been raised
mainly beca
At the pr
carrying stu
addition to
work at Win
heir needs for simplifica- in 1928 social instruction. Calls are being
reater coordination of law issUed for the revision of such sub-
mcies there, more vigilant Shs je's as Natie Study and Biology
rter and extension of pow- S ow Students and the intetion of sex with these
er. i
were read from 16 com- ObservaIy inimum essentials for the con-
d seven sp~ecial sections. 1Jet tT plete social eucation of the start at
t tin ecN extW eekthe pre-shool age an extend up to
bar ssocatio as eansfull grown manhood. The pre-school
bar ssoiaton s manschild should have, first of all, an in-
the level of the profession Visitors' night at the University Os- terpretation of lief's origins. Second,
present a greater service ervatory will be held July 19, 20 andteetshonldf aie'soritsSa od
he soul hae cocree apreifation
c. In each instance the re- 21 for the purpose of giving students
he recommendations were in the Summer Session a chance to e amyler foses by thea
hout discussion. The com- inspect the building under the direc- He and mohe, s of clen
urisprudence and judicial tion of Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of H me and habit of seice in
home group complete the essential in-
enounced "the growing the Observatory. Four hundred and r
of the use of expert wit- fifty persons, it. is estimated, will take stPre-Adolescent AgeDifficult
with their contradictory the trip through the observatory in pre-Adolescent ge irct
which is giving rise to the the three nights. The pre-adolescent age, or the per-
such testimony is pur- Admission to the observatory will be is from nine to r
by ticket. These tickets may be se-' s more , tIiscult. According to Dr.
rt contained recommenda- cured by students at the Summer Ses- rEdsoat this time an added inter-
ing for the employment of sion office on the presentation of Pyetatiol of life by Nature Study and
esses only at court order, treasurer's receipts. The supply s hysiology should be given. The
be fixed and paid by the limited to 450. 'child shouldI be given practice in per-
be fxedandpai bythe mitd t 45. .sonal hygiene aind taught self respect.
permit the trial judge to The observatory will be open three ['ar'ents should be careful to provide
the value and weight of hours each night. Fifty people willPa entortecret oe
ony in instructing a jury. be shown through at a time. Each ansement for their children at home
eport severely scored this I trip lasts approximately one hour, and aot foemt h to s the set
the law schools of the no one will be allowed to take theI for amusement. This is alsouIe h, a-
teach the constitution to trip who has not secured a ticket at g0(o whereskillsare acquired and
s. the summer session office for the a girls should learn to playatheriano
nal law section, urged es- ticular night he wishes to go. and sew and cook to some extent. The
of a "special crime cen- _boy, also, should have his work and
n in the census bureau to WIN [.N aMIlINfhis hobbies."
st hand information that Care In C'hioosing Friends
ipful in arriving at a solu- IU L UVIIIUIIU "The beginnings of a disrimina-
rime problem." cltion in companionship should he
rdimIeta POTIN taught early," Dr. Edson believes
Children should be given a basis for
100 COACH ,choosing friends and their choices di-
(By Associated Press) Ireeted. An acquaintance should early
NEW YORK, July 10.-The finger be made with great characters, such
of the National Crime commission was as those of history, and the admiraltion
pointed at the weak spot in criminal of the children stimulated. The be-
law today. ginnings of other-mindedness. or hap-
liway, coach of the Ann From a six months' study to de- piness in the presence of othe's, the
school athletic teams for termine why 90 percent of major crim- acquisition or self control, and the de-
r years, has been retained inals are not apprehended, and why velopment. of loyalties to groups are
for another term following 75 percent of those caught escape I other social manifestations which
of the board of education punishment, the sub-committee on should be well directed.
Wednesday evening. His criminal procedure and judicial ad- Adolescence. the period of growth
:h was formerly $2,800 has ministration emerged with recommen- into manhood. gives the real concrete
to $3,5q0; this is granted dations for putting the criminal in ideals which govern later life. A
use of his community jail and keeping him there. spirit of happiness. self reliance, and
work on the city play- The provisions contained in a report respect for others should e taugh d
made to the commission recommend, Plenty of opportunity should be given
resent time Hollway is among other changes in criminal law, for sex social relationships on the best
idies in the University in jthat judges be allowed to comment on terms.
directing the playground evidence, that attorneys be permitted "Not fewer dances in High Schools
aes field. to draw inference from the failure of a and Communities, but more dances and
defendant to testify in his own behalf, games should bring about the best
n's Tennis i that the power of district attorneys to conditions. give the young people
quash proceedings be modified and something to do."
List Is Posted that activities of professional bond-
men be curtailed.
the Women's Athletic as- "Under the provisions," Herbert S. Starts Vacation
iletin in Barbour gymna- Hadley, chancellor of Washington
lists for the tennis tourn- (university, St. Louis, chairman of the Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of the Cral-
order for the tournament committee, said, "'the trial of the uate school. leaves Ann Arbor the end
d off promptly the first criminal will become less a game of of this week for his summer home in
les must be finished by skill, cunning and endurance between the Adirondacks Miountains. It is
July 21. For the benefit opposing lawyers and more a judi- situated at Piseco, New York. He will
ant the telephone number cial investigation under the trend and return to Ann Arbor the middle of
nent is also listed. Miss impartial direction of a judge bent on September.
gson, who is in charge of discovering the truth."
lent, is very anxious that lxports of newsprint from Canada
be played off as soon as PARIS.--Abd-el-Krim, the Riffian for the 12 months ended April 30, 1926,
order that the second chief who surrendered to the French, were valued at $102,95,286, and in-
for those in the regular will be exiled to Reunion Island in the crease of $11,000,000 over the previous
oa ran. v,.1an nlswaIin cen.year.I
Detroit 7, New York 2
Cleveland 4, Boston 2
Cleveland 2, Boston 6
St. Louis-Philadelphia (rain)
Chicago-Washington (rain)
National League
St. Louis 11, Brooklyn 5
Chicago 3, Boston 1
Pittsburgh 3, New York 0
Piladelphia 7, Cincinnati 6
IOur ear hr~anj
' I
Says: Somewhat unsettled with pos.-
sible thunderstorms. Slightly
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 15.-Field-
ing "Hurry-up" Yost, football
coach at the University of Michi-
gan, is going into the motion pic-
tures. The Famous Players-
Lasky today announced that he
had been engaged to supervise
the football scenes in a picture
to be produced soon.
Yost will direct scenes made
up largely of former university
players, but whether he will do
this from the sidelines or play
the part of a referee has not been
Posted on
sociation bu
slum are the
ament. In1
to be playe
round matc
of each entr
of her oppo]
Pauline Hod
the tournam
the matches
possible, in