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July 13, 1926 - Image 2

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TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1926

( p untmer straw which presents itself and
M i r aare ootenbTOASTED ROLL I
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THY The latest example of the strike as I r/
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN a weapon against the capitalist is ,A.
SUMMER SESSION fre ntesrk fa eti ~'1J
Published every morning except :Mondaytfudithsrkeoacran group y 111I LU
during the University Summer Session by! of the transportation workers in New D)~ISCOSURE l
the Board in Control of Student l ublica-1 Yor'k. The mnotormen of the sublway, b~osnt:TeLido h
that life artery of the great city, hav e dt aeredigheo-
The Associated Press is exclusively en struck with anl immense suddenness,1'ioilPgatrraigtecl
titled to the use for republication of all- news u1111111We, wrote- or rather, clipped-1
dispatches credited to it th orcotl e~is and its efficiency, which is for a large u~ahitdta iehp hr
scredited in this paper and telclnpartSaudy ine htpehp hr
lihdherein. pr synonymious with the efficiency
Eof the whole city, has been crippledweetnprosuthe yidsf
Entered at the Ann Arbor, M ichicaii, t h xtn aou ai. h a-RollIs readers who knew the identity
postoffice as second class matter, tofttheentent mentionedhSir.Toby pif-
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o ; by mail,I alizing effect, of the strike is being, Nor omke( ert1fi n
O2~ffices: Press Building. Maynar d Street,; felt at the piresent timie and theereTb wsou reeeso
Ann Arbor, Michigan. is a real danger that the whole group!



Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

Communications, if signed as cviarnce of
good faith, will be published in The Sunmner"
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. vin-f
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. 'Theme signiature may tie omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Surnmer Daily does not necessarily endorse!
the sentiiients expressed in tie comunica-

of transp~ortation workers, except the
surface line operators. will b~e drawn!
into the vortex of the struggle, wvith
results that can not be ,contemuplated.
Perhaps the president of the comn-
pany is wrong in refusing to meet
the strikers; peirhaps the strikers are
merely taking a vacation at an ex-
pence to puliic service. In anly case,
something is decidely unfair about a

Telephone 4925

MANNING HOUSEWORTH system which requires the whole
Chairman,, conmnunity to suffer every time that
Editorial Board..Eugeiie H. Lutekuns'.
City Editor............... William R. Breyecr ter s a wage difference in a public
Music and Drama......... William C. Ltica
Woman's Editor........... Julia Ruth Brown utility. It seems perfectly asinine
Night Editors that men should leave their jobs for
Wilton A. Simpson Theodore Ilornberger the purpose of making themn better.
Paul J. Kern Frederick Shillito and shol as ,ct osfe ni
Dougas oubldayit rises up from the mere unbearable-
Assistants tress and forces concessions from the

as Di1ly Official H-umorist.)
" s s
t olls' Auld Lang Syne (lepart ment,
inst ittut etIlast Saturday, is continued
in today's issue. The old-time con-
tributions used was written by a
young lady on the winter Daily staff
who evidently has the best interests
of the sex opposite her ownI at. heart.'
What p~uzzles us is that she hras
sworn many itnes in our hearing that
nothling of her authorship would ever
grace tihe Rolls' column. Anti then;
we find this effort over her signature.
Oh, frailty of woman........
!4T1'IENT 11I'131,'A TION S
(As they presumably haven't enough
to do) :---
There has always becen present on
the campus for sonme years the suc-
tom of giving the Froshman (this
should always be written freshmnAn)
the privilege of wearing diminutive
hats. Anyone else doing so would be
the butt of laughter from all sides.
Now it seems out of tihe ordinary
spirit of things to allow freshmen'
(mygoshagain) any privileges, es-,
pecially when they are as great as this


0. D. Morrill 1 7 Nick~rcade
The Trypewrniter and Stationer}' Store-




Tdlepholle Toll Rates
Under order of the Michigan Public Utilities Commis-

lon, certain readjustments in telephone toll
within the state became effective July 10.

rates on messages

George T. Mlleaeg

,n 1t orris Lwterclling

Telephone 21214
Circulation ..................Kenneth haven
Advertising ..... ........... Francis Norquist

owners. The economic loss involvedi
and the attempt to secure justice
through striking are only two foolish
phases of a system of (disputes andi
struggles between tile workmen and
the avaricious owner.
Soinet une humanity mtust. meet this
problenm face to face, and there is no
better way of precipitating this action
than by strikes. The solution may lie
in the direction of government own-
ership, or governmental arbitration,
but somewhere there must surely be
a change; sotmething must. surely be
done to eliminiate forever the weapon
rl t 1>.rlr _ -. 1 . ..livp 111 t c, 110

MirI a r a
Z b o
Scientifically selected and
prepared foods
11:30-1:30 5:00-7:30
(Open cvery PEvening except 'Monday
and Tuesday
600 E. Liberty Phone 9215



Edward Solomon

WVilliami F.C

TUESDAY, JU lY 13, 1926
The Damnetd Soutls society at the
University of Rochester is a grout) of
five students, headed by a 19-year-old
ex-Catholic freshman, who consider!
themselves atheists and Iate spread-1
ing the gospel of atheism. TIhe un-I
versity administration has wisely con -
tinued to look the other way rat her,
than molest them., Perhaps they real-
ize that tile society is just antot her
outgrowtih of the "Youthfu11l Revolt.
But Clintoni 1-0oward, proil it icn orat-
or, is not as wise, for in one of hiis
impassionetd ha rangut-s and l ea s to
save tile counitry from going to thli
dlevil, he referred to thie I a ino el!o l s p r e ts r o a e r: teds
and intellectuial imoroins. lThe IDamnii-
edl Souls resenlted t his i bl oiis iii-
stilt and as a('c onsl 0 ure. ,lva ligeIf-
ist Hlowatrd hz's a suit for S,;](000U
(amages pcn(1i111 against hiiii whichl
he may have to pay.
However, when thle caset'ws iticl l}
brought to court the judlge redcred
the society to prove that at Iiiso i is
normal in order to show that the,.
were mental ly rnormal . We du otn
know hlow well t hese st rn lent,, site
ceeded as t ho report hiadilnt vet
come in. But why s houlId these Wrein
have to pr'ove Ithe normia litv of thli--
ism-what does that 1har"to 10tIn wit Ii
a lib~el suit? Is it ever possible tr
prove that. a new movemient is, normi-
alP If it weren't abnrmral hiow
could it be new? Copernicus. Luther.'
Colum bus, and a great manyv ot berl's
were ridiculed antd pcrsec'it edwhenl
they advocated contrary teach ings
They were considered far from iiorm-
al---but today we honor eir ninor-
A college is surpposed 1(toie <a pht
of freedom in which to discover tie .v
truths. Should these students then
be persectted becauseth bey he Ii eve
contrary to the teachings of the .pest
few cent uri es inl regarid to)relig loli'?
Who is this Clinton H oward that hr,
should get up on a puiblic platt'ortm
anti condemn sonicew frbelieit''ii
cointrary to hiis xvishets ? I as lit' thoinit
anything that. should iijake himo ar


essit y of using itt. a crown less, brimless hat . the chief
advantage of this typ~e of headgear isI
____________________-its lack of tonnage. Don't you often,
CAMPUS OPINION e (very one of you boarti nmember's, of-
A5no.nymous communications will be
disegaded Th nmesof ommni- en wish that when you m~e.et Mary on
cants will, however, be regarded as the Street. ( or perhaps her name is
confidential upon request. Aial o ol ipysieyu
hand over tile hack of your head, tak-
FRANC 'S F N kIN lLY .At"TIITI D ! ing with it a mere scrap of (-1th,'
To the Editor: inisteatd of lifting a biulky fedora of
Ever' sinte thet'question of repaying t; ldvelIvet?
the United States has occt pied the Take a monment of yotur spare time
t,'Alic Oitil in F~raince,.FFrench new s- t ii reason it out . Suppose, as may be
pajers anid reviews have been vying 3 lie fact, that the style of lid I pro-
-ith ech iiiothli-r in insult in g thie Vit-j pose weighed 7 1-4 ounces less than
ed Stat es. "Inult inog"May' sceni like hithat the prlesent common type, re-
str !'rg %vordl hel-e No other weoid lstilt ing in a saving of 33 3-4 dynes of
in we vet-.w old ad equaly civ x lirisM force for the wearer every Wt ie Ih(
the violeiit journualistic outmts i't wotx for~ced liv the great miaster, Con-f
tai ta itt s. 011oe 4it xxwe-a ie ('alld xventIionali ty, to take off iiis top-piece;
It-( "niolili- anil va-ia iii'Aerican lpeo- a nd suppose also, as a very conserva-

Lookshk~ EA ILAND
Nase orkhirs.mad

Rates are unchangbd on station-to-station (Anyone)
messages between points uip to 30 miles apart.
Rates are increased :5 cents on station-to-station
(Anyone) messages 1fo' tany distances between 31) and
112 miles.
R'ates are reduce-d 5 cents on station-to-station (Any-
one) messages for many distances between 112 and 152
Rates are redtucedl on all station-to-station (Anyone)
messages between points more than 152 miles apart, the
minimum r'edtuction being 5 cents, with the reduction
becoming greatemr as the distance increases.
The minimum char'ge on person-to-person (Particu-
lar Personm) messages is changed from 15 to 20 cents.
Person-to-person (Particular Person) rates are in-
creased in most cases tip to 144 miles, the maximum in-
crease being 1 Scents. Beyond 144 miles, person-to-
person rates are decreased in almost every case, the de-
ereases becoming greater in amount as the distance
The night station-to-station (Anyone) message rate,
under the new order, extends from 8:30 p. m. until 4:30
a. m. at a 50 per cent redluction from the day station-
to-station rate (and without further discount at mnidnight.
The minimum discounted night station-to-station rate
is 35 cents.
Michigan Boll Telephone Co,

ii-t ant! the unext they call n4lRod
8!: ins P-i tix- lion: ges rand tarbhi i
ians. I have> in lY oxlissessi~ion n.t i-'
(11101111 aticles sho~wing what Owli
Frenchi think of uts wxithi refer-emc i'If)
the (h-liltt' owe tus. The' "1cmit iv''
o( ,erly' all the ar'ticles, is t hat wt'
W"'- apri's allgain'' it'reedy of gait ti.
A- iirdtimito itee tnc h wxe ii'-' a at-
lion 1ot Slivloiks, 'tlhey'thiik that lhex'
0W0v('11s not hIt ing sinitkethey always
slpeaik of a "c'ommonititi c Pti -''i ntiti
thereltv. I suppose. that our c-ountst-'
was just as miiuch endia iigei'd ias tiht<
of the FVtntce. 'Thex-forget Ithat-it~
t\va puirie idealisni that Inade us side'
'xith heii-alIie- .A fewxvof1the miost f
intelligent Frenchmen still le+',thIe
ia~ic iWoodIrow \Wilson I'('t'et clrhi'-
(.'Ilse of his noble idealism. An'l 011"
niax- well ask xvhet hetr the I tiid i'd
thiosaid vyiutng Amner'ican: wtvosac(-
riificet I'l theselves for Firanice and who
are nowe sleeping in Fra<nch soil were
also :ictua~tedl livreed tf gain.
Tlheica lppardi in a r'ecenlt nuinilimi'a
of a l-Prenchi ievicw an article froom
wihirl the following passage wtill give
tu riei'ader' an idea of the at ii r't o-
Al <XIour tlelioaitt-spleiidor- Ihave
tnow-been lihanded ox-er to thue Ba rbar-
ians who tomec 1(o us5to wini ovc'er ir
boa otitul girls and treat I herisctIvesi
to out' tioblte xwiines or ' uy 0111'old
bindinigs by thei eer '1c'anrd all thliis
at small cost. we have not 'c veli I lie

tix-e estimlate', that every student nmeets
h1is niecessityv 47 times each tday ex-
uetiunod ay, on which lay he would
bie forced( t(1bare icls thead to time icy
breezes 48 time-s, aiid that there are
12. 111 1-2 studexits on thle camnpus;
thie o111y logical re'stltt of such reas-
on ing, xVIi ich must btW in fallible, it
tbhat t he itse of s;ilk thIireati in tie man-
uifact urie of plate g lass wilndow Vs would ;
cauIise a saving of 1,0120.0)30 dyiies of
force liter wxork maim for each (lay of
ibe wor u-kaltone potundt of Ceen t fom-
eat-l ton of lead on Sutnda y, antd there
Ixx'ouI thlbus he 43 volts for each 501)--
hiomore who spanked an unruly fresh-
timani on Sunday.
yTherefore, dear- Board members, I
proposes and appeal that, as a means
of giving ea ch studentI sevene thurs -
a ndl, one hiiudred fonu' and one-halfI
stecon ds more of sleep dturing each
t went y-four- hours, each class period
he lengthened to onre houtr, one uminute'
and one second, thbus giving the in-
striuitois appr'oxinmitely tAwo years
more in jail for each lesson of more
than fifteen pages that he a ssigns,
fot' each giirl in It'e class.
Yours, dear' Board members, to
make the old Rolls roll with one of
lbhose roll 'oll ing rolls thmat make
one roll Willi laughter.
I iremaini fondly,
* ti:PHY1'1'S.
From all over tecityv and coun-{









. .

l4g umr
frhi an

competent judge?.' Ills namet. <at leasi
1is not universally krnoxv -in less it be
to a few "saved souls."
Let us hope!'that lfor' t'einterests
of undiscovered trut(hi that I um neiI
Souls society is successful iin its :suit
such a vit'toi-y may help to tttiell
these fanatical reforniers who are'
atteumpting Itoielay prtogr'es's5inithis
country anid it will lit a little finiian -
cial help to these fivyeinmen in getting
more education.
Among the ua iiy rep rethiensihic
weapons that. capital and labor have
discovered and tiurne~d aga ist on",
another' is the seintgly petrpetual1
battle that they wage, none is more
destructive, more futile, muore tin-
worthy, and more useless thmanii Ow
general strike. It is plain to see why
the workingmn is foyrced toI resort to
this moost disagreeable of all weaipons
for at times management is unreas-
onable, and the laborer, who feels his
uitter helplessness, grasps at the

coiso! at ihiiioftcontquering'iilg (,()i-o- try toltmetequests for the Nize Baby
quiierors, t'or' theIo'nitins tis o sackedilexaggerat ionls xx'epromised a couple
Ctorinthi we're gtood Ba rbariaiis tager of weeks ago. We say all over' the
to inmitat e and tleSim'tis to a cqiiirec ount ry because mor' than one tuer-E
'kitowl Ietdge, Whiiereas It'IBa rbai-ians (mci'of otir family are reading Molls
of t odayv tispiise0 tonqtueredt Euopeli'O'-and xvatching our future progress
andi areictomnvimcidt pon tbheir-rettir xvwithIi considerable initerest! n at
homne thiat, they areo in fin itchy super- we have a vague fear t hat they con-
ior Io us. sinmce, af11tr having bought sI ittite our only public. It is a horni-
all otir civilizat ion, they still have' hle thought, but the total absence of-
money left inl thei' pocke't-hiooks." a any comntributions ° seems to hear outI
Hundreds tof articles in F'retiu'hi our fears. Not that we care, how- -
journals manifest a trend similar to ever. Your true artist writes for- tile
this. v coniclusion is that t he French sake of xwriting, not for' the salke of
have lost their- heads over their debtj being read.
to uns. They forget. that it was Agm- Ygtnlf
erica t hat saved thuem f'romn ieing:
C'omnquered by the Germans.- Now celing their debt, especially tofT the
they want us to pay for thei' war' French ar'e willing to reduce Ger-
besides. imany's debt to them, all the nmore
Yet, in spite of all thei-r vitupera- since it is now definitely proven that
tion and hostility towardl us, I ad- the Germans were not the most to
vocate tile utmnost generosity to the blame for the Great war'.
French nation-reducing or even can- M. LEVI.







Subscriptions Now $1].00
Press Bldg. Phone 21214



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