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July 13, 1926 - Image 1

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Both Company And Labor Leaders
Make Cladim To Victory After
Week's Struggle
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 12.-The crisis in
the subway strike was postponed for
24 hours today.j
The Interborough Rapid Transit
company announced that strikers
would have until noon tomorrow to re-
turn to work or be permanently re-
moved from the payroll. The "zero
hour" had been set for noon today but
the company officials announced that
they had received reports that men
who wanted to return to work were
being intimidated by strike pickets.
The principal developments today
in the strike, which has now been in
progress for a week, were counter
claims of impending victory by strike
leaders and company officials, and re-j
ports of the first serious sabotage
since the strike began.
Company officials said that 188 strik-
ers had returned to work and that
more were coming all the time. Strike
leaders placed dissenters among the
strikers' ranks at a handful and an-
nounced that recruits had been gain-
ed from the signal tower men.
Police were told that two motor-
men had been fired on while driving
trains early this morning and investi-I
gations were begun. Strike head-
quarters denied any knowledge of the
attack. |
Two persons were injured tonight
when a ten car express train on the
Broadway-7th Avenue line ran into
the bumper at the terminal at 242nd
Street and Broadway.
One hundred and fifty passengers
who were standing at the doors of the
train were thrown to the floor. The
injured were in the second and third

Players Will Present 'Belinda'
Thursday And Saturday Nights
As the fourth production in the sea torium, Ypsilanti, the following Mon-
son of summer plays A. A. Milne's day.
modern comedy, "Belinda", will be pre- Last night the Players presented
sented tonight, Thursday and Satur- "Sweethearts" in Ypsilanti to a crowd-
day evenings in Sarah Caswell Angell ed house, as the second production in
hall at 8:30 o'clock by the Players of the series being given under the
the University of Michigan. auspices of the University of Michi
In contrast to W. S. Gilbert's Vic-
torian comedy, "Sweethearts", "Be- gan Alumnae of Ypsilanti. "Express-
linda" has been a recent professional ing Willie" was performed there the
success, being played in New York previous Wednesday, the entire course
by Ethel Barrymore and in London being for the benefit of the Women's
by Irene Vanburgh. Frances Horine, League building as in Ann Arbor.
who was cast as Frances Sylvester in Amy Loomis is appearing in the
"Expressing Willie", will have the minor role of the maid in "Belinda",
title-role in the present performance, 1 while Robert Henderson is not casti
and Warren Parker is playing Harold in the production. This method alter-
Baxter, the statistician. Parker, in nates the members of the company in
addition to his position as technical an interesting manner, and allows all
director of the Players, has appeared of the actors to appear in major
as the Sergeant in "Great Catherine" roles.
an'd Wilcox, the gardener, in "Sweet- Seats for all performances of "Be-
hearts" linda" are reserved and priced at 50
A novel feature of the production and 75 cents. Tickets may be secured
is the alternation on successive even- in advance at Wahr's and Slater's;
ings according to the repertory system bookstores. The fifth and next pro-
in the role of Devenish, the poet. duction of the season will be Moliere's
Woellhaf will play the part tonight "The Doctor In Spite of Himself",
and Saturday, while William Bishop, lpresented in English according to the.
who created the role of George Cad- authentic traditions of Jacques
walader in "Expressing Willie", will Copeau's Theatre du Vieux Colombier
J appear Thursday and in Pease audi- in Paris.j
nr Iflh Tri nrnm Inrrn Tn nnri I AT

Scores One Man Goj erinent In Which
Groesbeck Is Holding Rule
Oier Legislature
Hon. William Comstock, Democratic
candidate for governor, outlined two
important platforms on which he
would stand in the coming primaries
last night in a lecture at the court
house. He emphasized his- oppositionI
to the present one man government
which Michigan has. His second plat-
form was the change of the election
system so that there would be a meet-
ing of the party before the primary
election at which men would meet
from all parts of the state. These
men would be elected by the people
from the section they represented and
therefore would pick the candidate
who best represented the people in
the party.
Mr. Comstock believes that the gov-
ernment of Michigan is a centralized


Holds Conference

Costs 14 Cents To Print Each Copy Of
The New York Times Which Is
Sold For Two Sents
"A universal indictment of Ameri-
can Newspapers is as dull and stupid
as it is futile," said Professor John L.
Brumm, of the journalism department,
in a lecture delivered yesterday in
Natural Science auditorium at five
o'clock. "The News and the Citizen"
was the subject of his talk.
"Practically everyone has exercised
his vocabulary in damning the press,"
Prof. Brumm stated. "It has been
accused of all sorts of crimes and mis-
demeanors." Foremost among its
critics are such men as H. L. Mencken
who abuses it roundly. Don Seitz, for
20 years business manager of the New
York World, states that "in the news-
paper's passion for early publication
much important news is omitted."
Prof. Durant Drake, of Vassar, in his
book, "Problems of Conduct", accuses
the press of catering to advertisers
and leaving out any news which in any
way might injure them. These are

Joseph Caailleataix,

Frenchi 31nisterI

of Finance
New Magazines At New Jersey Arsenal
Swept By Flames And iMay Be

1 1

Physicist To Lecture On Displacement
Of Litres In Solar Spectrum As
Predicted By Einstein
Dr. Charles E. St. John, a member
of the staff of the Mt. Wilson Obser-
vatory of the Carnegie Institute, com-
mences this week a lecture course
which will deal with his work on con-
firmation of the displacement of the
lines in the solar spectrum as pre-
dicted by Einstein. The lectures
which will be of a semi-technical na-
ture and open to all who are qualified
to profit by them will continue for


II.iU LLU U ., one. The chief power of the state is
placed in the hands of Governor
Groesbeck. Since 1921 there has been
an administrative board whose power
has been raised year after year. It
Fitth Excursion Will VIsit Prison now has almost complete control over
the finances which are supposed to b

(By Associated Prey


AZIU roweto A. EJacksonJ U taken care of by the lower house. Mr.
On Saturday Groesbeck exercises an absolute veto DOVER. New Jersey, July 12.-New
over the acts of this board, Mr. Coin- 'Jersey's shell blasted area trembled
BOAK TALKS AT 5:00 stock explained. before the threat of another disastrous
Much action of the legislature aside 'ohmbardment tonight.
On the program today of summer he app iation of funds wa. Flames, smothering for three days,
lectures and entertainments is an i- tive board f Governor Groesbeck. Ex-,flared anew with assisting winds and
lustrated talk at 5 o'clock in the Nat- I amples which the candidate presented tired one of a dozen magazines remain-
ural Science auditorium by Prof. of the acts of the board in the appro- ling in Lake Denmark's burning ar-
Arthur E. R. Boak of the history de- priation of funds was the buying of senal.
partment. His subject will be 'Pri- th Chelsea cement plant. This be- The other magazines were en-
fore its being sold to the state gov- Ingered by the explosion and the
vate Life in Graeco-Roman Egypt."' grd yth exlso an te
-ernment had made no money and had task of reclaiming the dead of Satur-
Prof. T. 11. Reed of the political gone into the hands of a receivor. day' disaster was abandoned tem-
science department will speak at the The plant had been offered for sale
'Men's Educational club meetin g at 7r .h a -ily.
g a7by the company for $90,000 but the Secretary of the Navy Wilbur, who
o'clock Tuesday, and at 8:30 o'clock state paid $$500,000 for the plant, ac-
"The Players" will present "Belinda," cording to Mr. Comstock Since the i arty frometheedevastated are
by Mimne, under the auspices of the purchase of this plant there has been when the veering winds turned the
Women's League. great (eal more money sient in de-
a got di ole . siflames towards the magazines as yet
The plans for the fifth University veloping the plant until now the state
therio wicne11xj}lodedl and threatened blasts as,
excursion, whuch goes to the Jackson s amillion dollars invested in violent as those of Saturday.
prison and the Consumer's Power it. Part of the 17 bodies were found
company at Jackson on Saturday, have i--------n---- n today's explorations of the navy's
been announced by the director of ex- Shell-fora reservation bringing the
cursions, Carlton F. Wells. The .K raus R eturns seotallnumberofiknownreadt .The
prison will be inspected in the morn- . o bodies and remains brought out today
ing, and after lunch as guests of the Fr m VZSZt T were sent to the naval hospital at
Power company, the party will be tak- Brooklyn, where an effort will be
en through that plant. Mr. Wells ex -Geology Cam pI , t ie ,,f hmto ,rw
plained that the afternoon part of the


cars. tour weeks.
iDr. St. John is a native of Michigan
and former graduate student and in-
Late W ire N ew s structor in this University. ie also
pursued graduate studies at the Uni-
DOVER, New Jersey, July 12.-The versifies of Harvard and Berlin. After
cause of danger from the powder mag- a year as instructor here, 1896-97, he
azines threatened by approaching fire spent eleven years as professor and
ti ndthe dean at Oberlin College. He joined


only a few of the charges brought
against the modern press.
Though acknowledging that these
charges may have had occasions of
truth, Prof. Brumm believes that the
faults with which the newspapers are
charged may be charged against any
other business enterprise. A market
could improve the public's health by
furnishing only the best of every-
thing. Theaters are tainted by com-
imercialism. "Can even scho6ls and
colleges he pure?" he asks. "Even
government is seldom free from politi-
cal corruption. We live in an imper-
fect world. It is human nature to
adapt things to individual needs."
Most of the difficulties of the press
arise from the fact that that it is of
necessity a big business enterprise.
The day of one man newspapers has
gone. Advertising is essential to the
newspaper, and the advertising de-
pends, first of all, on the circulation.
The circulation in turn, depends upon
the popularity of appeal and this does
not always call for the best things.
It costs 14 cents to print each copy of
the New York Times, and it is sold to
the reader at a cost of two cents.
The advertiser pays the rest. The ad-
vertisers demand that the paper goes
into a large number of middle class
homes, and it is to these middle class
people that the paper must appeal.
Consequently, much space is spent in
society columns, weddings, woman's
and children's pages, and the like and
a great deal of the first page news is
scandal and crime. "The ordinary
citizen reads trival things. Our un-
differentiated reader assumes no re-
sponsibility for the paper but he
exercises a tremendous power of veto."
"The main weakness of the modern
press lies in the frequent failure of
the newspaper writer to distinguish
between fact and truth," Prof. .Brunm
asserted. "Facts may be accurately
presented without being truthful. A
false emphasis on some fact and an

was elimiated or a time,a C
fate of the devastated area of Lake'
Denmark's naval depot was halted, it
was announced at five o'clock this aft-

the staff of the Mt. Wilson Observa-
tory in 1908 and has since been con-
nected with that institution.
According to Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer,
of thn hvair dlnrm n "t) R

or taeP t ysics aepartment, ir. .
PARIS.-Paris today received a dis- John is recognized as one of the
tinguished and unusual visitor in the j world's leading astrophysicists as al
sultan of Morocco, Mulai Youssef, who result of his many contributions to the
has come at the invitation of the gov- sics."
ernment to participate in the celebra- E study of astronomy and stellar phy-
tion of bastille day and to attend the He is a member of several learned
opening of a new mosque here. societies and international committees
_ngwm_ rincluding' the International Astrono-

tour is optional, and that those who
wish are welcome to stay for lunch and
then take an early car back to Ann
Arbor. This year women will be al-
lowed to take the full inspection trip
of the prison. Until last summer
there was a special ruling against]
their visiting certain sections.
The party will assemble first in the

Dean Edward l. Kraus returned
yesterday afternoon from the geology
camp in Kentucky, which he visited
Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning.
The camp is in excellent condition this
year, Dean Kraus stated, with its new
three story building which provides
comfortable sleeping quarters.
Those at the camp who are taking
courses in geography and physio-
graphy are leaving Wednesday on an
auto trip which will be continued until
July 24th, when their work will be
completed. They will tour Tennessee
and cross the Appalachian range to




DETROIT.-The experiment
fic court presided over by ,Jud
les L. Bartlett of Recorder's+
credited with having reduced t
ber of traffic fatalities in
compared with the same per
RESITA, Rumania.--The v
Queen Marie of Rumania has:
ed her subjects with a display
chanical skill by driving a loc
at 50 miles an hour.
PARIS--Former Premier P
minister of war in the ninth
cabinet, has long been known
most absentminded politici

tal traf- I
ge Char-I
court is
he nuns-
-iod last
e of me-
as the
an in

mical Society and the National Acad- guard room, where Warden Jackson
eny of Science. will explain important facts about
the penitentiary. Then special guides
will conduct them through the prison
,dormitories, the dining room, and the
FDE S A cell block. Then they will be taken
TAKFI N [RO M AM MI~S IflN to the different industries, including
the monument and stone work depart-

(By Associated Press)j
DETROIT, July 12.-Frank B. Le-j
land, former regent of the UniversityI
of Michigan, and president of United
Savings Bang of Detroit, died at his
home today. He was 66 years old.
He also had a conspicuous part in
establishing and directing organiza-
tions on the treatment of the tubercu-

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1 ,

met, the auto license plate factory, North Carolina. They are planning to Mr. Leland was graduated from the omission of others may distort an en-
(By Associated Press) the cannery and the binding twine de- visit Mount Mitchell and study the Ap- University of Michigan law depart- tire story. The remedy of news dis-
WASHINGTON, July 12. t-hThe partment. dpalachian system. ment in 1882 and practiced for a shortI tortion lies with the reporter. I firmly
French debt settlement, in the opinion The Consumers' Power company, on The paleontology and the strati- time in Flint before removing to De- believe that the day of better readers
of Secretary Mellon, is out of the the afternoon schedule, supplies pow- graphy groups are remaining at the troit. and reporters is at hand."
hands of the American debt commis- er not only for Jackson, but is the camp until July 24, where htey are AIX-E-PROVNCEFranc_-Th
sion and if France wants more lenient distributing point for power for sev- womitg around Mill Spring. Foty - Edson Sneaks On AIX-EN-PROVENCE, F ranee.--The
terms, it must lay its case before eral communities in the lower section stuts anmp staf of seve n I ajpe t here h ju s ired
Congress. of the state. gstuctors compose the camp personnel. ,gene Society judgment in a case which was first
Since the agreement already has heard 599 years ago, in the year 1327.
leen ratified by the House he con- PAUL SMITH'S, N. Y.-A six-pound Ta pping Leaves Dr. Newell Edson, special lecturer --_----.----
siders it impossible. pike was caught by President Coolidge . .Ifor the American Social Hygiene As- ASEBALL SCORES
An agreement was signed today for from a canoe in Lake Osgood today. On Alumni Trp sociation, gave the fifth talk in the
the funding of the French war debt I series of summer lectures. He dis- A c e
to Great Britain after a conference of Australia is developing the motor T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary cussed the work of the Association., riericn League
a single hour between Winston i bus as a means of transportation of the Michigan Alumni left recently stressing in particular its educational Dasrit 5 . St. '2
Churchill, chancellor of the British where the railroad is not feasible. for a trip in the west. He planned to work at conventions of doctors and nashington 7, St. Louis 6 (10
exchque, ad Jsep Cailau, ________________________ I innings)
hexchequer, and Joseph Caillaux, be present at two meetings of the dis- public health officials, especially in
French minister of finance, and a sub- trict alumni associations at Sioux New York City. hClvel , dNework2
sequent discussion with treasury of- All unpaid subscriptions to City, Ia., on July 17, and at San Fran- Dr. Edson laid especial emphasis on Chicago 8, Philadelphia 6
ficials to draft the terms of agreement. The Summer Daily are now due cisco, August 6-8. He will also make the cooperative efforts of the League ost National League
and should be paid at once at the a general tour of alumni associations ' of Women Voters; which has assisted
NEWPORT, R. I.-Rear Admiral Publications Office on the second which are located in the west. Among the Association i every possible way. ItBrg 5, Nhic o 0
William A. Marshall, U. S. N., retired, fofloor of the Press building on the places he will visit are Omaha, Four more lectures will le given In Pittsburgh 6, New York
died at his home in Jamestown Sat- Maynard Street. Denver, Spokane, Seattle, and Port- this week at four o'clock daily in the Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia 5
urday, II land. Dental Auditorium. Ij _.-

Prophesies--mostly fair weather and
coutIfaned ceRouess.


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