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July 08, 1926 - Image 2

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_ I

I 'T.Rle *ummer


Yi illisbed e: erV i1UrOi, Iceaeelit lunI o i
durin gthe U.niversity Sun-mr i Sson by;'
the B'oard in Control of Student Publiica-I
The -Associated Press is~ exclusively en- ,
titled to the use imt repuoblication of all news
dispait em credited to it or not other wisel
,credited in this liapel and the local nec s oub-l{
lished herein.
IEtered at the Ann .\rbnr, =tilacia,

enough to be annoying, is the aggrav-
ating fee which is required in order
to play tennis on the Ferry fields rFD !
courts ' in the summer. There is noth- // O L
ing wrong in this polioiy, for the H EE
courts must be kept up and summer WUDB
school studitetts payino other fee, butMSE
the sutiltle implication that the bene-
fits 0f this great p~hysical welfare or- c~m ourit xth a dearth ot traffic
ganization are only for those who pay, infringement and lprohibitionl cases

Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

for t i diagreah1' idee. I phy- wuldbe raning agetlo osf
ical welfare is only for the sons of! ferIing humanity in general anid the
1ich1igan who10cani affard to pay srgln tdn npriua fi
tor her st oeel and concreto a tid her tsrgln tdn npriua fi


postoineeas sewn 1tclias nlid! wul-tkesoe tiepst rtc:si
Subscripitiut h4 cairrieri, t. ,;he mail, l )('t aculla' (equipmnenlt. thenl the Pill- wui tk test lrtctsi
$2.00." rs l po .N-i oetise of the whole sysitemn is narrow j Ist udent trout the lecture room nuis-
Ann :arbor, Michigan. indeed and in worthy of the great I~n-':ance.
-i versit v which it r( preset . this special form of annoyance gen-
Corx itiiojcationrs, it -iguced a is c cee of,
good faith, w~ill lee published in The *ij 'noe! Of etirse. a1(dolla r and a half isn't:era Iy 11Sits next to you inl class, usually
Daiy t he ~iveiu o~t e dit".'mnoch andnaryevroe can pay it. at you r left. He is either too lazy to
signed e io n a itcat in as will iccciv e no con-A iie ri-eeiVOI
side ration.'lie signatu re may he omitted in BlitheI( Athletic association is not litnto ht 'h ecue sy r
pobl icat i o If desired !,)the writer the supported 1)y Ithe students in the win-moelrlbl.islwatangoe.
Sum(mrreailobably, notslow at taking notes.
SmnrDtydV, eesrv drethe senitimnti'O Xle einl the eomiflunica- kter' Sess5ion, Which is the conion ilihI. If he misses anyvthing in the discus-
tin _____sion., but rather by the people of the lion he, will lean over and nearly
F .DI''ORI:l. ''AlFt; tale of Mlichig an who come to see theistand oil his head I rying to read what
Teolep~hone 4 a z~igames, and in this sense(. at least the you've written.
MANAG ING EDITOR orgaiz'-ationi is a St ate inst lutution, T'hus, hie offenids ini two ways, First,
MAN NI NG OU0SEWORTH al Shotil1d have the welfare of the lie wastes the timie of the individual
Cihairman, whole state at heart. There is iiothl who has kept up with thb lecture by
F-ditorial Board.... -Fugv2nc 11It'G ~o -t
City Editor . ...... William R. ii .,e, In,"" s revoltingIt) the intelligence of? demnandilug, implicitly, not explicitly of
Mxena an ditor.ii.........Vubaltiti L 13ueds the commttoni leanOt1 ~to see tundue se]d- course, to See the notes histie ighbori
Night Editors fishuess and narrow Mindedness onl has written. Second, if the viletimo
WVilton A. Siinuisoa I[lli,dui e 11 'a nbrrger the pl' f n gnztion Or ~in is iyeasily i rr itatetd, as we are, by Such
PatnI J Kern Fr ri '4,lito vitdual, and the raising of a feiw pui-ita procedure, his mindl is distracted
Douglas Doubleday ? 4flenldotllar11s by a gr'oup that the peo- fromnt tie subject of the lectutre by
Assistants pie oStlpl'1o1t to the extent of thousatnd , Slhiet11tit on what he would like to
(fail Lyons 'I a,l~iir \\Wii s ~ ~iand mill ions ev(r\v ear ' en1)111 it oliiporei o fthsw t o
Ue~ e .Ael~ai A oi~Aanti n',virthy indeed. ' vi lized country.
Telephone 21214 OUTGRO11" In ttrite for the Week's "Worst


. .

West Wind Lending Library
AAt- mrican Ti-agedy - lUreisc-r
'i'Hit;C7MPL)1Y RIOT
" The Family Upstairs"
F;KT TINF 1M1ERi with
R~ollo Peters Ann Harding

Beginning Tomorrow -A Timely
and V7ery Specil Two-Dav Sale of


Circulation ............ ........KIii irii I Ia veti
Advert ising;..................Fr ii-enN n jo i

I feel that thle twi\o- thirds rule willj
lie ahItrog-,,ted at t he next cotiven tion.
It is a pT'1C((ire wh i ch has outgr-own
fts us.,eful twss ~" ''t sit-words sptoken

Edward Solomiino

\ " liiain i ('nn1: l

ti , o . Iby sell,\Williamn l. otis of Coiorlolo

L stottld be <a souttceiof entlliiasli ftwt
liemocraa:thrlioughot thle cotintrti.
TI-l.'RSDA~, J1U LY 8,1926 i It Iis timethItat t elielJtti ecrat ic p)at--
Nigh Fldtow . F.DOUBtDAY Ynralizes wihat al anaichroisnl the
'Nigt Edtor---D.F. tOUBIEDAY tio-i tiris rule is. Ith le days when'
governmental tactivities -were not so
1 iWOM 8 ?F IL4O I F va'i cii. it toia aveti beyelltia "iise reg; u1-
Quietly andI sedately, amid Itlie fus~s tion, bt today it is niot evo-f a mat-
over his own state, Senator- Reed l tevt'it for spte-tilatiti Thmis rul ing
arose and blunt ly proposed to thle defeats it's owit end--intsteadi of pro-.
Seniate Rules cot rnriBtee t hat h creaf-- rviding for thle choice oftoa Pppular

W'sisecrack has been awarded. It be-
longs Unconditionally to the youth
who, hearing his instructor in a qluiz
call on a Hiss Schmalz, shouted, 111
see Von in the tfunnty plae r "'
« s * *
\Vc lbargeod over- to the Dynamnic
City dturitg the late weekenid. Among{
01 Item things wve took in the show at,
the Carrick. JIust a pleasant little
t omiedy of hone-lifei that, you could
take your grandmother or little sister
to seye. We weren't particularly im-
pressed with the stock company. but
then, we never expeci anything of
stock comp~aies.
'theni we motored over- to Belle Isle,

ter no0 Senator elected by less Hatti2::"
her cent of the adult population in his
,toate shall be enitit led to a seat !in the
tipper house o1 Congress.
Almost jut titediat eli- ee'ry Setautor
front sotuthi of the :Masomi-Dixon tine
v oiced a prot est. No t so mruncl a pro-
est against the measure as against
lhe acctisa tiontIhat th1ey wer'e not en -
titled to their seats. The accusaltion
was that iinsten d f tbeinig the real voic_
(.s of thleir stIs Ithey were lomn-re pre-
sent ati ye m aeo ters 1t of CogresvwItose
i'crv claini to theft- otfices wats dotibt-
Although petfcll13 iilling to leart
the Pennay Ivalnun primaries all apart
aid to adimoniish othemr Non lt'rn states
forth ie high coal of lect fois, they
bectne highly imsutlt-t when anyvone'
suggests that thousands of vot ers ate
denied t heirm const itutionialI rights bly
"grandlfathler clauses, property rights.
V. valt li''or' anyvother trountda bout way
o1 keeping lh ,ie Ngro from voting.
Recent figures show Ithnt tuati of
these gentle mwit nfirontithe -southI hia\°c
been elected by as little as ten11pet
cenit of the adtl popuilationi of IHi(it
varioums sect ionts, aliiot hioldIoffi cent-
til they get rea dy to give it uip.1We
knowi that.I tie Negro in thmei Sou li
canntot vote becittise of the strong
rae'plrejudm~ice a gainst liim 'e.A111nd et
these Southern Senators resent great-
ly any intimation that they are not,
representatie ofthe peop~le.
It wou~ld sent that it is time for a
little political mreforming iln the South.
Woulid it not he wise to forget Mr.
Volstead's little aimndIent for a
t imie and B tenint (Ii for'ci ug somte of the
ii (1 earlier- ones? Whrle ta ituan
fear r itic(islmt, Iitlwromiayi be a great
deal of truth in the actiisa tions.
Wtould it not be wvellI to give the black
man a little share ini the dtemocrac'y
which Ite foilght to pt'eservye in the re-
cent war?
Michiganit tin i four t (Conference
chamlpiornsliip ; ill majuor spomrts doarinrg
this last school year. Ii w in Itand
with tiIhe elmnpionshltip tI cams here-
immeiiniise crowiids Ot tll thli, daimes and;
meets andl cort'es1) old ingly great
receipts. The Athletic associaetionitof
the Vniversity has. in the past feiw
yearst', with the proceeds w on trot the
ktdock of w inuig 4teamls, accumiiulaited
an urntetic seanttdis thati it u tolyhs
paid for the Yost field house but has
made jpossibtle ia tiew stad(ium iii a mi
the pturchlase of the otnl lage tracts
of land th at stilt remitained tiear the
caipis, one of tuteri with a hockeyl
a rena alrteady hil t omn it and thle otht-1
er one stuitable for any sort of devel-
opmtent. This, in brief', has Onert thej
encouraging record of that organiZa-.
tion which is supposed to have the
physical welfare of the student body
as its objective.
There are a few things, however,
that could be criticised about the Ath-
letic association at this University.
One of these things, which is petty,

muanm it no cessil at(es nominatinig a! thle irst time ewe have 5t'('Ii the place~
'ilark-horse.' Comiprom ise seldoin and, it is to be hoped, the lost. It is

Just One Feature Price
The dress of your dreams is
here !-Whether it's a friv-
olous Georgette, a swanky
sport silk or a dashing street
frock! Frocks for blondes
and brunettes, for the flap-
perish Miss and her Mother.
Every one in a grade of silk
fabric never before possible
at this price!
Chiffons, Georgettes
Polka Dots, Prints
Washable Crepes
Raja Silk
Tw.o-piece Frocks
Jabots and Frills
Combination Plain and
Figured Fabric



ranuts in gootd fortun e-- tiel like
.1oh n WN I Davis a r-e tard to thnd.- Us-
Itallr ItIItsm1it atlet mIaterial is chosen,t
bti occaionilly' a Icod titnnwins
out. In thamaiot her comp Iromnise is,
ntcoissitatr I litre rarc alivays someit
wiho o itust h,.- pacified Aetort in ly
+t1 ' cait ilblt-' vic-pres4idential nomi-,
to(, is motthIletickert,.giinmg the whiole
coltIlt':iti(-t ory apr'ear~line. The year
1:124 with ltdin \V. I )n is amdCmi(ha rles
Bryami is amuple proof of thlit truth of
tlI 1O~ ov'nS(:rt tort
T h e Ile p ni li ei a rts ('ti ily ' th e m a jo r- u c n o s q u 1 _; h i o
v ion 1it1tti- tetiili'sectr a choice on
ten halIlots tor less. 'otll at' inen,
vhto almiostittaiabinlyv m of profound
politic-al t'xptrience, a;,rehnominutat ed.
'PTic mioiyhs not I (e oppomrtunity;
of cheating the g;reat mr part of the
ta-ople of their ehoici I Democratic
Colt ve-lit iotils are, lit) e vi'r, al1ways long'
I mid drawi-outt anrd of an ext reini-
flitter ntim me. Mitch ti:Ie and ener~y

a pla0ce that is vastly overratetd.
WNe've seen the Bronx, you see. In
the words of the immnortalh blonde, De-
roit is really nothing.
" r
Unlike the people living on New
York's loiver East Side, who support
t heniselves by taking in each others'
' wash, the Dynamic Citizens seem to
subsist biy selling each other real es-
tate. . . . Antd running hot-dog stands
on the side....


of these days it will becom11e1
abiout that youi cant heave a
without hitting a real est ate

Tnen those membe rs of the Skeptics
club who belonig to the stubmierged
tenth (i. e., newspaper' men, automio-
bile manufactur'ers, aitd vaudeville
actresses) wvill start a riot to find

Clearance Sale of Coats
For Sports or Dress
at $10.00, $14.95 to $25.00
Many priced way below cost.

are wastet ini the genei-ally futile at- And Detroit will ble Iiade a lideas-
I citpt to saisfy Iwo-I ldirds of the del- anter place to live in, God ftorbid-.
cgates wit iotutcomprommse. ***
Senatoi' Lyons pr'ediction merits NOTED HUIMORISTf
applreciat ion,"ie, as Western man- TO PUBLISH TOM1,E
a- "cr fotr WillinmG.I -McAdoo it 1920
and 1924, is thoroughly familiar with Bei' & Ierigit Will issue First
t'c difficultit's lying in t he wake of L~t okB tiit 1i
the twio-t hir(Is rule. LngWok IyF. tued#Wi-
In accordance with Rolls' policy
ED'ITORIAL COMMENT ' of giving publicity to noteworthyI
achievements of humor, it is with
HONEfST',A L -IiSTileasure that we announce that Frank
t~he Nt lll)Sullivan, wit extraordinary of the4
ewYork World will issue a book
IHoniest mten am'e thle trustees of Oh i- al h il sntytkon
in thefalThtilisntytko ,
ie(t college, Mlich igani. Thecy recenitly
dismissed I '~~sve rof, J. E. rkaikIritisv perhaps to the author and his
the acutytieaus ofhisradcalpublisher, who will probably be Hor-±
vicis on studnt slf-gvernent ace Liveright.
vtitw onhe t udenly tid eifhg. vrnkent Mr. Sullivan first came into promin-
FGreen, secretar'y of the Board of!ence under the name of "Michael
Trustees, inin tformting Mr. Kir'kpat- Grayson" when lie pinch-hittedi for
liek o iiis isn isa t wrte:Don Marquis as conductor of Frank
~Iat 'st'itt b ebro Munsey's Sun Dial in the "Sun."
I I' et 'ut1Y0ton mi te aid f tti little over a year ago he attract-
Board of 'Trustees to say that, this re- e considerable attention by editing
solution was adloptied not beca use of I isOfneparTh Bot"i
any ineii cnty on yourt' tar't as ai collaboration with Milt Gross (The
ci assaom teachrm- hit because your'! Mil t Gross), 'who dlid the illustrations
views of college administrationi, whiichm for the newspaper,f
Viewis von have always been free to 'TieBtzwadscnnud hn
expriess atid atdvocate, arec not in hiar-IF. P. A. left for Europe, and Mr. Sulli-
mony with the views of the Board of van substituted in Adams' column,
Trttstees and of substantial friends of The Conning Tower.'' In the natural
Oliv-et not on the board who atrc giving course of events, Sullivan took Hey-
t~iatciil uppm' t Olve colee.wood Broun's place in "It Seems To
l'xperienice has shown that these two ' Me" when that noted Algonquinite andk
conflicting views cannot live in liar- poker-player went on his vacation-
mionyy ca the samte campus." And it is in that same capacity that
SThe same is'sue of the Olivet Col-;IDr. Sullivan is acting now.
loge Echo which recorded his dismis-; At this tinme last year, Professor
sal also announced that "the endow-? Sullivan was 32 years old. That would
int, drive had passed suiccessfully make him about 33 now.
its first unit in its umillion dollar ef-**
fort." Hdip, Hip, hurray for Olivet,l Contribute To Rolls--Adv.
and its million dollars! What does it l * "
matter who teaches there or what, Our contributors do not seem very
if "only the substantial friends" give enthusiastic. We must have copy.
their "financial support?" 11 ilti.


Read The Daily "Classified" Columns

Mom- ''«i-- d.J"12 JJJ~d./1 ~~~:IJJddJy

101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.---330 S. STATE



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