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July 07, 1926 - Image 2

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EItrp urmvr DISILUSIONMENT -NEDEiD I resentatives. For more than a month 1
1 At a recent conference of political the news front Geneva has recordedl
i r a n 3 a s ~ ci entists at lowa City, many dscus- daily setbacks for America. Blut, aft-
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE soswr il eaiet h nIf er all, these are merely committee
SUMMER SESSION ferent attitude- taken by the citizen in ocuin n r~oredtoi
l'ublisbieci ecerv morning e~ret M on lay ~ll~~l n 'KOnlndin
during the I. ni'.ersity Sunnmer Session by I (->pdCt to t he franlchise. must be reported back to the Prepar-
the board fit control of Studentt lblica- A particular group of speakers be atory Conmnission. This comnmissionI
lievedl the decline in the nmber vot- may accept or reject them o1' sub-
The Associated Pr ess is exclusively enl- In t ede O etr oenetstatute a whole new set.
t i t l e d t o t h e u s e f o r r e p u b l i c a t i o n o f a ll n e w s i g t e d e t e t r g v r m n i p t h s c e i t d t t o o t e i e I i s l . T e p o p r t w i h i a h r p r t r o m s i n 1 1 1 t
credited in this paipet and t'ic local ne--i Dub-1 in turn, submit its findings to the sev-I
fishe herin. ion- wide, together with the fact that
satisfaction reign, almnost everywhere, oral governments. At this stage, the
EntredattheAn Aru:Aiihiaai, hae redanapahyfoI dP~t~n ac iwhole works may be rev'ersed or an
postottbce as secondt class matt er. la~b'dai ptyti lcin
Subscription by carrici,$ 1.50 by mail,, cording to) the'se mein.Since the gov- entirely newv scheme Substituted.
Offices: Pres-s t3niIldaig MAae a a>'trei, drousing itgreat deali of uiriosit . Nvrhlss hr smehdi h
Ann Arbor, Michigan. no l onger in su ch close relations, eit-{ poitica I t rumpiery ot. hle last month.1
izen areneglgen in astig a lit. Ifthe participation of the I iiited
(oinunnriiations, U 'igncm as eenvreneliencitasin ahar
goodl faith, wi~ti be published in The Suminer lot. i taescn be shown to he futile lanti
Daily- at ithe discretion of the Editor.rinetgain ('iice ineffective, tefre fErpa
signed communications will receive no con- Phoroughl nsiaionC 1I
siderat ion. l'lersignature imay twe >titt ed it) etI tte ~e'ifin s mbtmilitarism can claim ,a victory of first
publication it desired by tie writer. Theceththetvri2Ltisn bt-
stuanie r Daiy) dues not necessarily cendorse t er than in the "'dinner- pail"' days {I iportance. The armeIId campjs of the
the etiitants xprsse in licc'u~mtttiea Iconitinent Can then go un0perturbed!
thns Corruption\pe~edi te o~mnoa tin a 4t lit uism are stillpre-
ti nS snt ed inI pttiot vrin. about t heir business. They had th le
E I)1TOI I. hST't F f'slightly. Our gove'irnment is nt.bet league of ;Nationslhanmstrung into ill-
'fl'lep iht' 492 t er I otlay--it. s imp1)1y is niot dealilug 1potent lethargy,.blot- years they hadl
MANAGING EDITOR with as manys affairs which aros klept disarmament---though pledged by
MANNING H-OuSEWORTH pbi neet~~[ff0~\ ld all the nations holding memrbership-
C hairnman,r in a state of academic discussion.
Editor ial Board ....ugente It. but t ,_, lhe free-SIlverI'issue, the bat tie xvith Ct dtr ilaiR r fetut; vds)oIrv~~ o thywne obe ttu.Te
Music and tDraama.........Williamr C t Luepcedt o )1ineiialsivei
Vomans Editoir.... . .1 uti:~rRuth lt ,naiytibing but a aelfni lt)litic'da rena.-tX~'tlt ooiiieii l xhn
Night Editors Affair's a few idecades ago do-tim ido'tl ttnan unguardedl momenut, the:y ilivit-
Viltoti A. Snipson eT d , More ,rnbe: ger immnediate ansxwers, hbutItoday the itied. thle Tnited States to pail icipat e-
Paul J. Kern 1,r1terick Slliit ture of the particulari ' cCIooitivbing atithOe IUnit ed States insisted on I ak-
D)ouglas D)oulleday ce'i ip-mtsiiIid ox tbu ig lie inivit at ion seriously.
Assistants arisFrom 'etdulu' urost.that moment the Iniliarists
Gail Lyvons I lhaddin i \a~r-iewsi- Our hacks are a litltle remfloveti from 'outil see thliat they were sounk iln-
Goe P eKa l'i-'Zedig the wall, less they mtanietvered the a 'nitedI
C'tI1E SAFF'T'en th fnliferece shi~itdd yStates otit ofthfIe picturie. Tile oh-
Telephone 224 volters is bult a natural result of the tuiilsingtndrwaadhs
IBUSIN ESS MANAGER late war. In a period characterized n~ eso ydyo yngt
PAUL W. ARNOLD by tension, governmnental affairs were iipri tRtemthasI. tentd tatesvehas
t'i-cttlatioii... ................Kcnneih I 1-teen; npeso th ,teU iedSa sh s
Advertising .... ........... ...raiieis \N ',~jtuist 9 I li ('concertn -erv lfew' were Unin - unuagantablnwllThsa-
Assistant,, foirmied on anyx subject tof public in - coon ts for every vote that has=been
' . ' es7 . IIrot e(t ion uirged voting, and
dar ontiilamneatrly all responded. Today, with taken in t he t echnical committt e.
safety once more irmlyemtrencedo in Dla- after day American representa-'
Amer'ica , 'great'umbers are willing to alives were -onfronted-(Iwith opposing
gioa ~ i * ajorities, always shiftiiig hut always
WEDNES] A Y, J L X 7.19 2 ta forget itall aliollt gtverlituent ..Add toI
1 h i do e(' w iet ] bstexery('t.against th1e proposals they advanced.
teiolcewihamsevr t-iNight Editor P, IH. 811ILLIT() izen hias for voting suich an element T'he cumulative effect has undoubt-
for relaxation, arid it is a wontder edly' prov'ed somewhat effective. The
I'IE IRET IIt~I.1N tat nyoe a al voes-Iiist Jpoiwerful nation in the world
In this, the open season on Congi'es- Num11erous (lasses dteplore the rise h as been made to applear weaker and
I of thle foreigner in jpolitics, but such less influential than the smallest.
sionl inuires ad Snateinvstig- jThe proceedings have degenerated in-
ions, itnisumt rlies moendoer ha folk have little cause for complaint., oeajk nth jie tts
tiositis erap moe ilOP~' lI erlortuance iof' thir 'civic dutiii Th oe- iainoresilnthUnitdSts.
ever before to arraign 11l(e diirect p)i- - might bring- abhoui t)oeof th eir de-1 he ipsio tis elouy
mary system anti open it to c riticismi. siredi endls, brought about is, of course, not found-
Pennylvnias mllin dllareleJiW Ou goernientapnarsto e te ied on the truth of the situation. The
Pen syl ani 's iiilio do lar ele t i n c Ome ' gova rn mnto agh ite s o e tha e ! TInited States lhas not, overnight, he--
and thlit'attemntdanit st-andalIs lhtve'open comei tdayiallback isnun(mberar.-
i -orf a diffe~rent n ,ti ir(. 'ho, %v.~,bomeahckT mbr his -Nation

Special Tables of Booksotf
Interest" to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal


Local Subscription


$ 1.50
-- 2.00


I'll 11 . , , I ; - I f " - C , , I A i, " v f I , ,

VL U ltliLCt Gll 1, t1 ci.611A t'. 1 Iil3 +{_ M !lU ;

en n x nt t ii ('i-e rin ii'ii t)U iibel ie ye it to be Chan"]1fr teUbIt_- commands a. oice in world affairs
diversion of our law -nntheis, and it is .i-'aici ,lo il tl inei Iln ' iio i gmiel i a h
only to be expect ed that one of t belalo rt rtilrset
wou0tld coticeivoe the titill ianUt ide;a tht i The significant fact is t hat Even if ; erti(011~e rset
it wre ettr tday it(,,ol]( no Iog jTh1e obstrutct ion ists lhave been a ble
the whole trouble is with our edo-ct itolordceteetchia ietsin
titon t so.sMOr . r'a of'prospierity wIIi 'dnn hs ecncl(I Cl5501,
systemi, ratheri' hani withl the integri- tos ncpifeTeaeislky
ty of the candidate's. Vanishi--demnocr'acy will he defeatedItt) be far d iffent he Vcasedis likey.
tinlesevery (citizeno h faodiesi.ia.ith,: ibeeStte
Pri mary vel ('tiomis havlt ie 'nanaitin - - s (imines to(Iforce ashodown
stitution in Americanpepoliticsaforvoteswisely. (e t. siix.on
st'tuion i' Amricanptoitcs ad svy;t Militarist mon key-wi'enches have
long that it xwill 1)e'extriemeitly di -- h1)(-n thii'twl iitotilie incliinei'vat
ficult to abolish their, even if tieb Ite iiil(e1te-iseie(f u eiex'a. But icre is strb a thingr
are dieemted iiadet'tt-t, for thiey 1have' .tity's tlost vaitiitiili:''rx'nntc. If wve itaboiiiz" Thsltf 'u
established lheniselvyes iiilt- wh leadlhalIt as miany t'foi iners ;111i1l twicft'ii-alii 11
o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o onrll o fA i t'eoigiviiit8 iiii 1i-ot m t e rx-Ot db t Itiis xill hiave'Anii-
And then, if they ares to b)c' atolisliedl. ioatIiir'-l,' i Oiibia k-1)isarim anmii is niot, only a policytof
what can be s ubst it utedt ill their1 deit of iscon~sin i i -sity. thell, Unit ed States governiment. lint ant
places? Sur'ely, it is a listlt'tto) 5up)- ittililof fito'Amuericatn people.
pose that an accur'ate cli oic- coul d beI "' Ii 1.511i ts o f D etfto(:er's xx'ill spend tI These )V'tmnsx-ilaso av
mae rot heiuientIiibe o id(h ndnc dy n( :inada.' ' lree
matl frninthei 1itu'lii' 101in hm' ~f pi'a totci lax ittoanis wet' to thir i0wit pitoples. The
candidates that xwou l pi'set ot-I''51 mt Iie)-I' l 'a r' t'deriof tttiatic1t s wveighs heavily
anxsida o)'i -00 O~ iilthe dni.a)douil~omn E~ ropo'. Theo'peoploes of the
onily altinernat ix-emisear'ims to o h b it', thIlltI > Worl holaii t omr somicrelief inl this1
convetos lrt)-it u'wih Certainty and celem ity of criminal liiovocnie nt toxvard re'duc'tiomn aiid Iii--
we have at liresent in our pmesidi'nt in proce'dure, rather than severe punish-1 itat ion. Their ploiticans s('O'1Ri ent
nominations. nient, a will act a ,dete-rrent to crime." 1 t, nimgttllthsreif n
Hf this. t heiom, is oum' alt ei'at i-c- e -K Geto continuing the militarisnm that helped'-
fronm the present. systemi it, is ve'ry all-bring on the World war. The petty
parent that tdIeelch anmmgo'uvold be to l"ihe iliffeorence between t alenit anid Stat esmnen at Geneva are pilayinigxxithi
the disadvantIage of1the- dli ciency of ; geiitR5 isthiit tailenit gts pa iid every fir-e.
the method, for we have only to look; Saturday."- Ed Wynn.fre
at onur last tw olilt mty convontions to THEu BUSINESSOUL K
aee two glittering exanmples o~f this MoiioircI ~' shows greate'r' t'sp-'ct fortiTI K
l~ln t is oi'twitici i Jrobliy an liberity thtan t his cotuntriy'- (New York 'Times)
paso itsbe t. o nes of hch is tRO Previo us
asithetOnoftecon ventions a lpert tHutghes. I oprvosyear has there been
__________I larger voltmme of railway traffic.

felt entielv int ithte(domtintiloni oi
a single man, xwhose cotntroil of the
party machine miadoe it inevit ablie thiat
he would lie electeid. In this case
there was practically no ch oice on
the part of t he elect or'shIn the ot heor
convention no one had seen m'ed this
complete control 01fIthe pairt y in chn'
and the resumlt xxas a iridicut1lotts dead-
lock wvhich i ttinatelvr led t o thle sel-
ec'tion of a mttan xwhio bad no trealI sup
port of the people behinid him. If this
is wha~t won idhatipen to thle con vetn-
tion system in a state, andi it is x'mx-
apa lUrntil y thle only t liitig that could
happen to a coiivenitioit syst-m, it, is
betterr that, xwe retain ithe p1ir'inary
method in sp~ite of' the ireorit sc'andt-
Besides this fact, it is very timits
that the graft. in the elect ion in Poit -
sylvantiia xwas not duct' to thie systedm
as much as to the chiairtcteir of the
candidates; anod if it is possible10 to liii
the votes of a milIlion, hitwv ll ch eas-
ier it would be to buy those o)1 a, fexw
hundred, especially xwhen that fe-wxx
hundred Ihatd n1o particular interest in
the election and wer(' anxiotis to gel
awvay to their' summer r'esor'ts. Tiruly.!
if primaries are imnperl'ect, thle coni
venition systi ea is in mcl xWorse, amid thme
solution to our' election prolems cer-
tainly does not lie in that direction.
Detroit police, those defenders omf


iildre ,'' saidi a harditixork itig police-- lower, but retail sales are larger, ac--
an~~ c ordintg to the Federal Reserve report.I
________________ h ese facts leave no doubt that the 3
"College is a place to p~reach the j rocesses of production and distribu-
AIvation of t mniby mami " Pastoenr. tioni are healthy. There is no large
accumulation of unsold goods and
"Progres's must always await 'pop- !there will be no upbidding in a run-
!a euctin.- I.C.Hlvihrt. away mar'ket. There are shadows in
ar ductio."-i, . Ithe textile and garment trades, but
-- -- they do not hide the fact that wage- ,
earners as a whole were never more{
EDITORIAL COMMENT I lprosperous. Nowhere and at no time
have they shared more largely in the
I3Il1TT7IMG .IEIIU( dividendos and interest which were a
(I'iiaelli I'1110irge' maximum at $491,915,000 on July 1.
it s tioiealy ii ay ht tit'(11 -For' the yeai's first quarter Europe's
ittl~eli iioxnitit51oml~iCtlbyliltichases from us decreased 28 per
o- Leagtie of Nations amid stipported cenit, and Germany's 52 per cent.
r lie United S ttes is a farce andal This was largely offset by exports
elsewhtere anol by our increase in3
failtmr'. Brt. it is noit difficult to I_
t litha111t .,, ie t. hrmI1101(otimestic consumption, but 1there re--

G-E Motorized Power-
an ideal combination of
electric motor and con-
trol properly fitted to theI
individual task-is at
work the world-over,
relieving workers more
and more for better and
more profitable pursuits.
A new series of G-E ad-
vertisemecnts showing
what electricity is doing
Iin many fields will be
sent on request.
Ask for Blooklet GEK-2.

Ten or twelve hours a day toils the coolie. If he
carries all he can, he moves one ton one mile irs
one day. For that he receives twenty cents.
Cheap labor! Yet compared with our American
worker, receiving at least twenty-five times as much
for an eight-hour day, the coolie is expensive labor.
In America we move one ton one mile for less than
one cent. The coolie, working by hand, accomplishes
little; while the American, with electricity's aid,
accomplishes much.
Plenty of electricity and cheap electricity --these
are two great advantages which America enjoys
over the rest of the world. While our present gener-
ating capacity is 20,600,000. kilowatts, new develop-
mnents call for 3,000,000 kilowatts more per year.
To college men and women- potential leaders--will
fall the duty of finding more and still more work
for electricity, with less and still less toil for our
workers. For the task is but begunl



his pt'oced time has beenm 1
slio ild(et' tfle United lStateso
The conversations thus
subjecteodAnmerica to ridicu
axV' ebem entimrely out of heee
the good faith of Amtme'ii'amml

to c old- mranimicol a decrease tin 12 per cent. in
otoft Ic our exports. lBut our foreign trade will
mmpmroive with conditions abroad. The
far haxve agreement between economic history l
ilous and ln and prophecy now is certified by the!
lay. They, spir'it. disclosed in the new financing.
;pingfxwithICoi'porato issues total for the half-
hait 'i(iha_ ye'ar $2, 7.72,990,000, an increase of
.e States $7.1 S,000,000 over 1925 1for domestic


4 ms


has reached flagirant and almost imt oh-- issues alone. F,~oreign credit applica-i
arable proportions. { tlions have recvived, and have been
Btut nothing has been definitely orI abundantly supplied. Those who find.
I finially decided. For more than a their happiness in borrowing trouble
I mnitth comnmittee'sof unaval and mmiii- I may think these conditions too good
E itary experts have been hemmning and to continue. Others will find them at
hawing--and voting down every pro- least satisfactory for the present, and
p~osition advanced by American rep- promising for the immnediate future.

the lawy ando the Volstead act, art' to
build a country club, forty miles into)E
Canada. Well, well, even Policen'n1
are human.


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