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July 07, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XVII. No. 16


PRICE FI~'VE 'liwa '. TR

4111UL 1

1 1 Y fit ti l i. N T;j




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heart,;."' You 'are perihap~s pre

UEILU U1W I i hi is not a freshmazifnee. The
reminiscences hereinafter described
TWO WOMEN GIVE LARG~E SUMS concer a play by one W. S. Gilbert.
A1GAINST ELGHTEtN'}Ii put on last night in Sarah Augell's
AMEN DMIENT Hall. and have nothing whatever to
do with the reviewer's personal experi-
LISTS DISCLOSED ene vr obviously meagre. Editor's
Borer tanks Next ToQ Rockefeilersj The Players give you an intersting
With Prohibition Gift j program, telling you that "Sweet-
~~ hearts'' is a "'saving relief fromt the
Of $1110bitter reality of our own present prob-
lems.'' Dear mne! They offer an or-
(By Associated Press) chestra which plays intermittently
WASINGOON, July 6.--John 1) iw ithi someo success at timzes. but un-
Rockefeller and his son.,John D. Jr., ~ob~ligingly forgets to an nounce the
have been the heaviest contributors toj rendition of "'Virtuous ;Asiduity",V'
the Anti-Saloon league, while two pae yprfisoi
women, Mrs. IBarend Van Gerbig, New Theiy give yon a curtain-raiser.
C'anaan, Connecticut, and Mrs. Marius ,.,The Sun'" by Jothnz Galswvorthy. 1Is
Debarbant, New York city, have giveni bleak tragic study" is singularly inef-
the largest sums to the associationi fective ona hot evening before a rest-
against the prohibition amendment. less audience, half of whom could not
This was disclosed today by partial hear the dialogue. "The Sun"' might
list of the dry organization contribu- much better he read at home before
tors made public by the Senate cam-taelcrcfn
paign funds committee over the pr'o- And then--they give you "Sweet-
test of Wayne B. Wheeler, and a full
list of donors to the wet organizationl
which William H. Stayton, the nationalI
chponh (isite reorldbsp FNArP ANaM D
upthm cominite sholdbspred
The Rockefellers have given $20,000
to the Anti-Saloon league since Jan- F R NA A A T I
u ary 1st, 1925, the (late fixed by the F R N 9 9 9 T 1)

for inush, but it isn't mush. You adl-
mire the tirist act withI its bash fuli gal-
lent ry, but dr'ead the gallant and his
lady forty years older- -in tenl min-
utes. But the second act is better
than the first.
Warr'en Parker, as Wilcox the gard-
enier, opens "'Sweethear'ts,' Last night
hie nearly b~roke up the show before he
had said a dozen words, certainly be-
fot'e he hadl sniffed twice. Wilcox had
a little trouble with his s's, a slight
but demanding itch, and general diffi-
en I ty with his nose, besides an u n-
canny under'st anding of mnot ives.
Al is .etinie Noi'thcott at sevenlteeni
or thereabouts was delightful. She
a~dded the tuirning phrase at . iust the
rg il ittme to disconcert the occasional
short -livedl resolutions of Mr, Hen i'y
Spirsidbro\x'. her 'departing lover.
F~orty ye arls--or' was it only ten nuin-
ili(es hater IRobe rt H1end erson didl
soEnc really good a('t ing ini returin g
to Miss .lennie, the versatile Amy
L oom is. And, lest we forget hint, Mr.
G;ilbert. was there too, in dialogue de-s
li ciousl y untdying.



bI tU I RLN urviil wmno teUieriy are invited to the picnic which IU U U J I t
si~i~ i te Women's Educational club
MODERNPAINTING I will hold on Wednesday after- M DRPlTN
noo, Jly7, at the municipal'iM O [HN h i
I; fireplace near the Island.____
LE(i'I{UE ILLAUSiRATED Wt HI The picnic will start about f
_ANTERN 11)ES a: 30 in the afternoon and all OF MIERhA~
E XA PILES wmn0 h la ogo are r-LECTURES
_____ quested to assemble at Barbour 1
!gymnasium at 5:00 o'clock. ThisI
PLEADS TOLERANCE is the first public activities of the SL EMMONS TO TALK
+ I Club for the Summer session, the
D~enies New~ness Of Expresshinism; first meeting having been held at Grand Rapids IDoctor To1, lfscuss
It Is Merely Old Elenients 1 the home of Professor Cleo Murt- Pr~obh ls of Municipal hlealth
In Excess land last Monday evening, at Admtinistrationi
which time M~iss Sally Lucas
('onchi(Zng with a plea to look on1 Jean, of New York, an authority Dtr. John Sunidwall, Professor of
t I on health education, who was in
Ann Arbor for the purpose ofI
least as much tolerance as we view the *.I tor of the Division of H-ygiene, Public
giving the first two of the sum-
pn.'sertt day extreme fashions in danc- me r series of hygiene lectures,1 Health, and Physical Education will
tng and liter'ary fotnis, Prof. Bruce. 11 addressed the Club. gv h orhlcueo h eiso
D~onalsoni deliv ered thlit fir'st lecture1 summer lectures undler the ausp~ices
othwekyesterday oii "Tlie Modern - -- ------ - of the D~epartment of Ptublic Health
Nloventen t in Painting." P 11 i rr and Hygiene this afternoon at 5
j l 'Werie is niothi ng essentially new in ul A VA r o'clock in the Natural Science audi-
the expressionistic movement, accord- to)rium. is subject will be "The
ing to Professor Donaldson. The ar- moented npbi eat cii
tists arey simtply using to excess the ti es."
vartiouis eleentts, colotr, line, and mass O P [ OW D.Snwlwildawthsm
which formetrly were tused in modera- niewer movements in public health
tiort. D~emands That lie Be Granted Full which have for the ob~jective the con-
It htas been the lpopular viewv, ac- Atilority Over French Financial servation of adults. Pr'evious to this
cording to the le'cturer, that ani ar- Affairs time the chief efforts of the hygiene
tist's work in the creation of a beauti-'and public health experts of the coun-
ful picture. But the artist in the newer G EETED BY APPLAUSE try have been directed towards the
moventent, instecad of re-creating na- instruction of school children and the
ture, expresses what he thinks lie sees dlissemination of health information
in nature, his reaction to nature (Bly Associated Press) aniong them, according to Dr. Sund-
ISreof the artists achieve their ef- PRIS, July 6.-Extraordinary 1 vall, but these agencies are coming
tects lby color, others by heaviess of powers for handling the fiscal situa- more and more to the realization that
line, still others by exaggeration of tion were (demanded by William Call- the most serious morbidity is among
inass, laux in a speech to the chamber of adlsepcal mnIhs ewe
4These artists, represented by (ldeputies today. the ages of 35 an 45.
Pi("asso and Cezanne, were trying to Complete atuthority to arranige de- Many of these comparatively young
get back t o the sotrce of painting and tails of its program for stabilizationn and women find tesle
('orl'c,-t whbat they felt to bye vital (Ie- j of the franc and full power to effect handicapped and are unable to give
fects in art. However, as far as the1 economically the restriction of dom- their best service at a time in their
public is concerned, Professor D~on- estic consumption will be asked by lives wvhen they should be at the peak
a ldson continued, this new movement the Bfriaind ministry. If the applause of their careers. This condition is
is onlyx in its formative stages, chiefly with which he was greeted is an in- I especially prevalent among school
becausoe h( public dloes not under- tldicatiomi of the chamber's sentiments, Itechers, and the lecture will deal
stand the art ists' purtposes.I Caillaux will have a cleat' majority Isomewhat with this condition and the
in the support of his program, activities that have been put forth by
DEBA T1'E (CA4I(JSE The whole house, excepting the ir- the public health authorities to comn-
reconcilable redicals, Socialists. Conn-j bat the tendency, or the modlern trend
I24XCIITEDL FUROR..1 I mionists, and :Royalists cheetred at the in public health activities.
1~fl I~'lI T ~ TeS d of his staiterient on the govern- Dir. Sundwall is a member of the
~ ~ ment's project for complete financial "President's committee of fifty," a na-
--- ~renovation, If the chamber votes the! tional committee appointed by the
Presentinug 'a debato so tevenly and poes1twl eth is iete President for the purpose of further-
hot lv contested t hat the fourtenIvbeen accreudrte hr ng the cause of public health educa-
judge~s w~qee unabl( to arrlieat a deI Republic, although it is the second tion and public hygiene throughout
vision, the regular' weeskly mtee'tinigo time they have been asked for. M,. h onr.H sagaut fCi
tln hen's E 4ducational clubt was held Poincaire, when he announced the 1cago university and Johns Hopkins,
last night in the Union. The question budlget in 1924, in ordetr to obtain the !receiving his M. A. andI Ph.D. at Clhi-
for dlelat e was: "Resolved, t hat the l $100,f00,000 mortgage credit, asked c ago amid his M. D. at the latter insti-
but ton is iiiore important andt usefulfopwetofeceonmalyb tutioun. Previous to his comning to
to mankind- than t ,t buttonhole.'" Idcewih ne nte'nmi I Michigan lie vas for six years Profes-

comnmittee behind which it wvould not
go in seeking donations to political or
semi-political organizations.
Next to the Rockefellers, .ioseph

so~ld By ilepresentatli e Of

Schl dOf Muslc Presentsj



Teo Rnt'and I rauist iomglitin
1Hi1l Audito'riumi

Boye'r0of Detroit 1Uox r a amng W
individual contributors to the dry or- COST TO BE $12.10 WINTER TO SPEAK
ganization. He gave $11,000 while S.:____
S. Kresge, also of Detroit, the five &nd Fintal atrrangements for' the annual , .a ners sbig vmcdi
ten cnt stre manategave . 'iagara Falls excursion fromi the I r111- thle ivei'sity excut'sion to the Fotrd
P. A.-Peterson, of Rockford, Illinois,y
cotrbued$650.v ersity, which will be lheld Fri'idalv., Motor' company at River Rouge,
Stayton was on the stand for morei Saturday, and Sunday of this week, whichlevsisecabuesfo
fotla teltrrbuliga1 tlOlthan an hour today and he atid Sena- have been made, according to an
u't'ocktody. a ilt tt ells. directoi',
for 0Goff had a somewhat heated ex- notincettetit made yesterday by Dr. lc oa.CrtnWls
of c u nrsions, has anno e d that it
change about the con.stitution and the Russel (7 Hussey of the ge'ology deg-j
will be necessary foi' all mieinbers of
Vlstead act. Stayton fra nkly, statedtIpartm ,nt. at oprcaebstcesi
tht i ogaiato ame t wo Te ereenaiv cfth J)i'ttoit teprytoprhsjustcesi
thathisorgniztio aied t to Te ieprs .l tti ve f .the Summer session office before the
actioit at the polls:, (o brinig about, land Cleveland boat lintes will be in t
first, a modificatiotn of the dry laws,.n tbrTusa f rio trip commncrtes.
and ultimiately the repeat of the 18th this week for the puirpose ol' s',eliitg Tonight atS o'clock a concert will
ante ndmnt. the tickets foi' the trip, which will belbe given in Hill auditoriumt by Jlames
"ewntogtbctotetimneof pi(edIianiiltdin, t enrt, atidMiss Nell 1B.
''Wewantto gt bak totlt at 10.7 fom thei ,tick-l Stockwell, pianist. This pr'ogr'ami is
Jefferson and Washington." he said, from I)( t roit to Buffalo Mdr. Stik
"and away from the time of Wayne 1B. rote gnwilb n h sic ~pomnsored by the University School of


Wheeler." The wet leader agreed that the Summner' sission in University hall
the 18th amendment had been adiopttod fromi 2 to 5 on Thursday 'afternoon.
legally, but said it had not been rati- Arrangement s have beeni ma do fot'

tied front a standpoint of good morals.
Asked to explain, hie pointed out that
Ohio hail voted at a referendum
against ratification but despite it legis-
lature ordered the treferendum voted
for ratification.
'The legislative comitmittee of the
Anti-Saloon league filed with the coin-
mittee a stateenett giving two reasons
why it objected to publication of anti-
Saloon league contributors prior' to
January 1, 1925. The first was that
it was not ethical to tmake public the
names of donors without their consent
and the second because such sharp dif-
ferences had arisen as to the proper
mannei' of handling the liquor traffic
that "many contributors to the funds
of the Anti-Saloon league had ob-
jected to the publication of theitr gifts
because they thought that such publi-
cation would have a harmful effect
upomn their family, social and busintess

"Ithe party to take the sidelt'trips at.
special rat es, amid members of the ex-
cutrsion mtay take advantage of thIese
I rates foir the trip through the Cave of
the Winds amid also for that on the
-pMaid of the Mist, the boat: that has be-
corine almost a t cad it lon at thme Falls.
The par'ty will leave frt'oh herediOt
tthe iterutrbanti at :,':15 o'cloc'k Friday
afternoon frnm the State stireet st a-
tioni. the rountld trip tickets on the
interurban fi'onm here to D~etri'ot will
be ptricedl at $1.35, which is also a re-
duction over' the usual price. The
Itotal cost of the tratisportat ion for'
the trip will be $12.10.
rAn uniiusually large nmurt have itt-
dica'ited the~ir in tentionms of going, anmd
proslpect~s arie that anm exceptionially
lar'ge part y will take advantatge of this
excursioni this year.
'Those who dlesiire to go and have not
yet signied up shou'l t do so at once at,
the office of Dr. Huissey in thte Natutral
Science building.

tjsUic. rtie ciucmnucat retume ny 1)r.
Samuel Lind1 which was ;scheduled for?
4 o'clock this aft ernoon has been can- '
celled (due to an injury received by
Dr. Lind which will not permtit hint
to :onlic= to Ann Arbor.j
Dr. C'. C. Slemnions of Grand Rapids
will speak at 4 o'clock tomorrow in

t he dental atiditorium on ''Some Prob- ;lfinvie xv (4f thettie0vote of01 the ,jud~ges,
lens Int Municipal Health, Administra- tfle decision t hen irestoed with the pre-
ion.' At ii o'clock will be the lecture siding officer, Prof. W. L. ('arc of the
of Pro>f. Oscar' J. Campbell, of the Eng- niimtigonhet'n mtsiv,
ish department, his subject being Ltndpetma,1r ar fe
' Fxpt'essionisn in Drama." W. S. 0-il- r "'"eed kris dciksion in fa vor' of th
Beirt's ''Sweethearts'' will be repeatedf safety poin and adjourned the imeet ing.i
touiiiow ih a :Thte affirmative was upheld by W W.
Two events are ott th~e program for' (iumsem', Lowell; S. H. Little, Manais-'
Friday, and none for Saturday. The Ite and A. R. IDean Newcvteu en

the sante power requested by the pres-
enmt government.
Full powers, as indicated in thel
finance minister's declaration today,
mneant the authority to niake a re-
trenchmnent in the exp~enses of the ad-
ministration, treduce the mnumber of
funuctionatries, cease r'ecr'uitmnent of
employees, amid cut dowti expenses of
all sorts.
Student Tour
Will Sail On
September 18

sor of Anatomy at Kansas and for
three years ptrofessotr of hygiene at
the University of Minnesota.
Tomotrrow afteirnoon Dr. C. C. Sleem-
coois of Girand Rapids. who will
speak on "Problems in municipal
health administration." D~r. S1cm-
mons, who will he the fourth speaker
oni the program of the Hygiene and
Public Health departmient for the
summer, is health commissioner of
1Grand Rapids, and in the opinlioti of
Dr. Sundwall he is tint' of the most
successful in his field.
D~r. Slenmmons is also chairman of
the section on public health adiminis-

fifth University excursion, which goe's
to Niagara Falls andl the vicinity from!
July 9 to 12, starts at 2 o'clock. Prof.
John G. Winter of the Greek and Latint
dlepar'tmetnts will lecture at 3 o'clock
oni ''Some Greek Landscapes, with

sx'ivanta. Then'iegatve wxa~s main11
ai ned luv Waltem' Horst , Three Rivers;I
ll. 'M. Mut'phy, Hlastinugs; and H-. Y.
'M(lusky of Anni Arhor'. Nume'rous
ar'gumtlits wetre prestented by each
spt'a k('r who (discussed this question




Amerlean League
St. Louis 5, Detroit 2

Coolidge Flees
Washington Heat

#Cleveland 0, Chicago 8 1i"By Asociatedt'i'ress)
Bostn-Piladlpha (rin)I On lBoard Pt'esident Coolidge's Spec-
National League ilal Train, Baltinmoire, ,lu 6.-_- Leavin~g
Chicgo , PttsbrghU Ithe heat anid humidity of WNashington.
Chicago 2, Pittsburgh 3 President Coolitdge sped by special
Brooklyn-Boston (rain) train tonight toward the north amid thme
St. Louis 2, Cinoinnati 5 cool woods of the Adiu'ondtacks for a
____________________________ -vacation which is expected to keep
'' 1 ini away from the national capitai
% ' iuntil late August oir ear'ly Septemnter.
Our we~,I~e~~J.GL 'The 1presidential tiraini is schetduled to
_ arrtive at. COh ariels, a few mmii 1es frmn
_ WThite Pines, '"the sunim er W lute
liousi'," early tomorrow.
-. PARIS.----Paul Painleve, former mnin-
± ~ister of war, who said recently that itI
;. was not illogical to think that the ex-
tensive use of radio may have some-
thing to do with this year's frequent
Prophesies geilerally fai' weather for rains, look forward to the time when
today. man will control the elemnents.


their Literary and Historical Associa- fr'om t vEery concuxim ole angle., tr'ation of the American Public HeIalth
tions, Hi-s lectture will be illustr'ated. .Next 'I'sda he clubd w) xill be' ad,- Students and faculty of the univer- association.i.-s lecture, dealing as it
dreossed by' Prof. Thtoias P-I. Rteed of sity trip around the world will set will with the problems faced by the
i thie depar'tmenut of political scienuce. sail from New York ott September 1S, municipal health officer, will be of es-
W omen' s Lea aue; Baseball g;ames haxve been arranged it has definitely announced. The pecial interest to public health nurses.
Drv il tr for club mutmbers with' the following liner "R-yndam" which will carry theI
schtedule; Today at 61:30 p.,in. Teach-pat will arrive in Los Angeles 15 nor Henry J. Allen of Kansas as edi-
jBegininmg today and lasting for (otne 's ~'iial;X~d .uy1,a days after leaving New York City, Itor in chief, assisted by students.
week th Wonans lagu wil 11)11 6 :30 It, m. Utniversity faculty vs. Sup- sailinig by way of the Panama Canal, ; Through the courtesy of the Assoc iat-
a drive towar'd raising funds for'teIeutmdtts u.dy Jl 0 the i order to pick up Pacific coast stu- ed Press, an average of 800 words
xv, inuners will Iplay.,etprdyo oldnx' vl esp
proposed mew building for' tte xwom-t-cet.prdyo ol eswl es
e,11 of the t' uivemsity. Miss Laura {)s- -°___ Lionel Crocker of the public speak- plied to the paper.
good, '28, is chairman of the drive. Lind Not Able To iiig tdepartmnt and Prof. W. Car'l j Thirty five different states and
Unmder herm supervisiomi are 35 girls, 1-~ Rufus -of the astronomty departmnmt Porto Rico amid Hawaii will be repre-
one at the head of each large league Deliver Lecture; will both be on the faculty which num-; sented in the student body. In adidi-
hous, srorty ous, ani oorm itry.I hers 50. In addition to these twvo- tion there will be official representa-
Thie league plants to raise $5,000. Drm. Samiuel C. Lind, associate direc-- Michigan thnr on the faculty, several tives front certain foreignt countries
alt. ptirosemut effort is beinminade by t or of the Fixed Nitrogetn tesearch stiudents who were enrolled in the : for different parts of the tirip. In vat'-
Mlichigan womenu in all parts of the laboratory of the depar'tmtent of agri-I University last year will take the trip, touts ports the American students will
counut'ry to raise $500,000 by June',i culture at. Washington, who was! Accommiiodations have been made fori be met by students front universities
1927. It' out' millionu dollairs is pledg- scheduled to speak today on "Chenil- 1450 students, the large majority of ' adjacent to the ports aitd one of the
e d ctn that, date., the Regents will turn tca I Act ivation and Gaseous Itoniza- Iwxhich ace already registered. large aims of the trip is to pr'omote in-
over the land puirchased fouryai'cn ie yearsa hth old Tit oeg outiswl evs ternatiotual friendships and to supply
ago for' the league and building op- ;ibe unable to keep his Ann Arbor eni- ited before the ship treturns in May. the American students with first hand
orat ionusxwill begin imimediately. More' , gagenit duo to an injury to his foot. 1927. The plan is not to follow the! information on college and university
than $500,000 has already boecn pleg- Dr'. Lind wv4as assistant professor of prescr'ibed itinerary of a tourist trip contditions in other countries.
ed 0o' paid in. chetmistry htere fr'omu 1905 to 1915. H~e hut to visit those countries wvhere'ecdui- The utniver'sity afloat is the first
The trive among women on the( invenited. the Lind initerchtangeable tcational or international contacts willI thing of its kinud ever to be attemupted.
cantpus which s atrts today will be electroscope for radiunt measure-i be of value. It was planned for last year' but was
paralleled by a drive for $25,000 dur-I menuts, antd was the origintator of the 'Thne vessel will be equipped with a called off several months before the
ing thte winter among the wonmen in iontizationi thueory of the chenmical ef- !model plant for printing the unique sailing date and postponed to this
the regular session. Ifect of radium rays. ' daily paper which will have ex-gover- fall,.


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