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July 04, 1926 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1926


f~ I~ a ~ aI I Ata conlvention of political scient-
ists held at Iowa City, many explaa-,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE tions and antidotes for the negligencel
SUMMER SESSION of citizens in using the tranchise
Punblished e 'er vmnornt tg CN(CI t )londtav
during the L-nixversity Stner Session by- Were discussed. United States District.
the Board in Control of Student Publica- . ~g atn..Wdwosm er
(I,.,, NCrt .Wd'wosm er



The :associated P'ress is exclusively en-~
titled to the use for republication of all newsl
dispatches credited to it ir not other wise l
redited in this paper and the local neu s pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann .\rboi , A ichi gai,
postoffice as second class liati vr.
Subscription by cart icr, s$ . o ;by niai,
Offices: Press lBuilding~, l ,ira! - Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Comun oicati ons, if igned is exiacnce of
good faith, will lbe publishcd in The Sumner
Daily at tie discretioni of the Editor. -1n-
signed conimuniceations will receiv e no c:,n-
sideration. The signatuore may ie onmitt ed in
publication if desiredl by tie writer. Tihe
Summie r Daily-dues not necessarily emlorse
the sentiments vxprea.sed in the conminnnex-
C hai rmnan,
Editoria.l Board ..Fgenc- H. 6nttk11miimt
City Editor. .. ............ William RF. Breyer
Music and Dranma..-.......William (. Lucas
W~oman's Editor............I uia Ruth Brown
Night Editors
Wilton A. Simpon "Theodor e II oriibirge r
Paul J. Kern Frederick Shilhito
Douglas Doubleday
(Gail Lvyons hladdleo- t\\a-m-lc-\sii
George 'T. Mc Kean \lorri'. Lwa-idling
't'elephIonle 21214
C irculation.................. .Kenneth Haven
Aderisinig......... .. .......Franicis Norquit
As sj~ istats

ago began the movement for elucida- ISW TFRS
tion of the national constitution in! Perhaps thle most striking featutreI te
the schools. fosteredi a plan for comn- i of thec Suimner Plays is the contrast
bating this evil ----a plan based up ion an between each successive program.
age-old device.I Very liter ally there can be no comp'r
Judge Wade intend!s to dievot e all ison bet went every new bill-between
of his efforts towardl the legalization' the burlesque of "Great Catherine,"
in Iowa of a tax levied upon every cit - the modern farce of "Expressing WVil-
izen not voting-. All possessing the lie,'' and the quaint comedy of "Sweet -
right to cast a ballot woul dbe oblig; hearts'' which the Players are lgre-
ed to pay a surn not exceeding $20 to( sent ing as thei' third bill next week */,,.~~1a..,J. ,.~..".A'/'
Slie state government iuplon registra- A Victorian idyll, quaintly respect-~ h~LT'~ ~~C
tion---the same to be retu rned pro- able, ''Swveethearts'' has none of the MI HI A INS
viding the individutal's name aplpears burlesque of 'En1gaged'' or the Gil FOUNTAIN PE NS
in the election recordls.' bert and Sullivan operas. It, is pons-q ALADRM ( COCK
No doubt, legislation of ths sort iessed of a genltle and wholly artititial fLdi V
would greatly inc-rease tbhe number grade at once representative of the- __
oif those gong to tine 1pol1s --bt is such j\ictorian Arcady, where lover-s sighed-
pat ernalism necessary? Although the' and loved in strict propriety. 'Phrou gh-isHLES
benefits are obvious, the disadvant- !out, there is an atmosphere of criito- S ArP QTDE'
ages are not so eaihly d isctiee. OurI line, of gallant manners, of senztim('nt- T TES R E
overnmnent is aE republic andl we spone- .11 virtue. 3 JEW ELERS I
sor democratic idea ls-- we are privil- "'In "Sweethearts,'' W. S. Gil bert a
egedI to vo0te. Our welfare dependsI tells the gay story of Harry Spread-

1 Tables of Books o
rest' to Educators
At Both ]Ends of the Diagonal
The Polly Little Tea Shoppe
J will be open all summer.




Breakfast, Lunches and Dinners.
Please call for dinner reservations.
Tea or cold drinks afternoons.

225 S°ou-n-fT'1-AYER


Behind Hill Auditorium

Dial 3941

oin ounr'vot i ng, a 11( ve should have
comm on sense enough to realize it.
It is (it iizeni's dutty to vote, but it
is another thing entirely to penalize
him for not voting . -\ privilege, bit
niecessityx. (does not mer it conpul sion.
:Nor is coersion the proper method
whereby an obligation may beC fulfill-
.I'udg(' W'ad14 neveret beless, is n oble
in that he has the interests of the citi-
zen-s of Iowa., and eventunally the na-
tion, at heart. But he is attemrpt ig
to reach his ideal through very diral,
me ans. It is a case of medieval usur-
pation, at tired in a modern fashion.
Democracy demands that all cit izens
vtet, hilt no one-is c'ontradlicting Judge
Wade's end-it is only his means that
is objectionable.

F-dward >Solonmon

'illiazzi !'. Cool,

SUNI)AY, .171 b4. 1 li2t
Night Editor -PA"L .. KERN

STILT, STR'I'41, I Ntr Even such a desired end as this
A hundred fifty- years a go, a groupi movement fosters may be brough
-of zealous men createdl a new nation about through improper means. Coni
whih tey lorousy poclime asCompulsory voting would be simpl
whih tey lorousy pt~cainetl an iother curtailment upon persona
"the land of the free.''it was an ex liberty, and it is time that the cur
periment in government, the first of! tailnient of freedom bre stopped
its kind, which would have to be giv- Through education. aii through t~a
en the acid test of time before scept-alnmytecizneyadtorl
icalEurpean wold amitt~it. -izi' his responsiiliti+s-paternaibmt
icalEurpean wold amitthat itof this sort may have in it the see'
w ould w ork. 'Their plan was Success- of Iinidqui , and is entirely un w arfu n p p r n h y w r o e o a t d
its success in practice. AndI so. whut
hey designated as a democracy w.as TIMfE 'rt) IAW' ~ETHE SLEEPER
set ulp. These mien had planned a "Mexco can escape the presen
nat ion under a System-'of01julst ice t t m 'act- of sel f-exh~iust ion tony 'by tus
all, a land(of alsolute personal free-in, fnstadof rfusin'K ftlt' aid offer
dom. pledged toy a convict P in of idui
cation for all bound by thle ties of Pdi by other coutries No inoderi
brothierhood andml ieigioniuder one sale has ever een m-le, alone, t
Father. A land ruled by t h leople' emere frot primit iv stages in thi
the'ninassesA'liTe- milleniniuni was ight 1(o control (con-lathe foreso
approaching. A frenzy of joy pet'xad - nattre'' are words auttered by Prof.I--
ed t he ai'oiset colonies AnidIli I. Priestly, In iverst x of ( aIioini
struiggle for freedom was started. 1ii storian - last Tuesdtax at the tnve
A ihundired ffty years later, and the sif v of (C'hicago
Americaun peopte are still st rugg liti g Professor Priestly N -'tt oto 10Sad
for freedom. They have gained a that very little advanc'n en t has bet'r
certain freedom in government IinthlaItade in Mexico snce IlihS pathisl
they have cut awayv ext ertnal control, ;onq a st by Cort es. P ou'-cut tri n
but their realI treedonm has largely havec('tilt hu t litt' cwaid ma kin
been taken from theme by tinscm ulul - xico tonomicall y a.1~ socially fre
otus p01 it ic ha ns, fanatical reformers, I auise of its ktowmi 1)1)1 ut ialiies
allnd narro w-mitindted bIlunoses who Mexico in is present state may justI
have niot con11 iletolt. steveredt'the ir be called the most backwvaridi nat ion i
c'ontact front king. 'ttrough abusinig the Americas.
their new go ve-rnmenit, xvhich thitcy Even in thn- matter of public healt
expected would runt without. their aid' which has ra t remendous effect ottec(
as it had und er George I111, through onic and social conditions, th
refusing to take it serioursly and to countlry to the south of us has re
participate t the ftullest, the people mtained practically stationary. Tuber
have in a agreat t.mieasu re lost tOw (-itlosis, pneum on i - malaria, small
real control of their government, pox, dysentery, nil yllow fever haye
Today, America. or thte better part a free hand- There are very fe
of' it at least. is c'ryintg fot' ('010)1 ci' years in which thte country is not ra
freedom. They 'arne- begging for ,a xliged livy at least one of' 1these d isease
niew conr ol xiiichll viigive Ithent reaI Thlieseem ingly innrtate 'shift lessnes
freedom. They are trying to a rose oftet liavencge MexicanI is, no dn t, a
the letha rgic- 'greattn xash lito m the botto011 of this st agna nc. Mos
temandin g it. Theyic xvish to ba n ish if t hi populace is ext rem ely ignoran.
busy-boody refoi'mters5 xvho are con- sanid is tius niot. desirous of change.
stantly devising xas and metans In a nat ion where t here is almos
whereby their fellowx mena may bw e(I-tn iversa I ignorance anti lack of in
prived of freedom and(1arei'iuca pabli- it ia tive, outside a i shou 1(1 iiot be re
of doing anythiitg else. They wish to garded with disapproving eyes. Italy
destroy tiai-now-mciintledn ess and le for examrrple- -a niat ion wiich has
restrictions of group iflnces(t'. They' vet'x' Minh percentage of illiteracy---a:
wish to ext erin]a te bias prejtudic, largely hieut developed in the las
anti ignorance. ''he'y demtand a fairer! half centuiry by foreign capital. t
division of incomte with its resultant status1 is coisid erabl y better- toda
approach necarer t t he idealI of equal -t han it itw-as iti 186, -at the birth o
ity, They wish to tear'(town antiiuiat- ;itnitty. II ow('vci' Mexico has regarde
ed restrictionis anid throw art, and all foreign interests xith suspicion
life andl literature open to a great-; Although xery seldom offered for al
er freedom and to tUe possibilities of 't rutistic nds foreign assistance should
geater levelopment. be welcomd by Mxico, as a mean
Selfishness, stupid fear, wornout of awakening the country. For
tradition springing front stperstitorh,{ hundred years of sleep ought to h
ignorance, narrowness, and greedol enough.
must be swept from America. It it,____________
timeo for a new D eclaration of mid-i "It. is all to the good that me
penidence. even while we (celebrate the -should1( go on talking; because, even
old one. it' noting happens, it relievs the at-
mosphere."---Earl of Birkenhead.
We may assume thiat Professor - - - ______
Record's newly discovered "milk tree" "Criticism by the public is the one
will soon displace the coew, as the au- great safeguard of a reublic."-Os-
tomobile has driven out the horse. xWaldl Garrison Villard.
"The value of a college education for "College is the place where pebbles
women is to know a good man when are polished and diamonds are dim-
they gee one,"-William James. med. "----Ingersoll.

'1)roxw andi Jenny Non hicotft. As a girl,- .
,Jennuy meri''lessly last's he(r iiai'tic-I
tu late suit or, and they part xwith th eir,
0affect ion iuitexpiresscid. Foi'tyx'year
vI ;atert'the twxxo meet again, but the~
I. jpassing yeah's ha ve'brought mor'e tlihn
d- merely grayinrg hairs and r'he umat ic
knees; the tables art' curiiouisly turn' I-
ed, and therein lies the citriiotus ironxy
,o f this ('harming little mast erpiece.
i- InIIlkeepintg withIithle s pirit tof thi'
[- 'omet-dy will be t he inucitdentalI and en- I
g t re'act.ccimush-cxxhich includes such. old.
b oldc favxorites, as ''The Orphan's La-
-' ment," "Virtuous Assiduity," "Soft as'
the Morning Dew-,''xxeepy, seitiuiehtal
,sItunes, dearly loved in thte days wheni
ey lamiing youth xxas biuied under cri'n-
ol ices and rtuft's and Vic torianct'oniven-
Is In the cast are Robeit HIenderson,
It Aitiv Loomtis,.Wacrrell Parkei', and
- Al ma Merrik.
AXnot her vetu rc in suhmmer stock,
r- in Detroit,- the comtpany headed by
dAnn Harding and Rollo Peters at the
it- Garrick, announces -.''ThelFamnily Upi-
stalt's'' as its niext offering beginning
dMonday, July 5.1
-- ''he F~aiiiy C-pstai's" is oun' of the
- ntim ero uss ribies of com edlis Ipurpoi't-
ling to give' a cr'oss-sectionl of Amer-1
ican life wh-iich have flooded tin' stag
since ''The Sliv Off" lighte-d thle war
xx s ith a long and prosperous tirtn.i.le I
s;p1lay is the work of Biarmy Delf, and'
r- x'as originally prioduce-td in New York
lat Augucst vw i tcmoderat e stu(cess5.

3 til 6 Evenings 8 til 12
Dick Young, piloting the BLUE LANTERN
SPECIAL, demonstrates Aerial
Stunting twice daily




ip ,r

I Cr
- -'~ 0

I <

L~ouis E(-lksteiiht, In girig titector
of the Ravinia Opera comtpaity loc-ated 1
at Ravxintia Parck neat ' Chicago. an -
a (inics lttlhe is xWiling to establish
his conmnpaniy for twxo xxeeks of opera
in ot'cnear Detrioit thle lat tei' part of
fliii' sucnimer. m nthus,,iastic IDetroit
spon1sors Sot' f1 i the rojtct have'csuggest-
cot 13ll o Isloe as a sit iahle' location.
:dl r. 1,lcksI ii rep11led that unhider ito ci
-uinistanuc3 woiuldhIBelleIc1shelie esates-;

factory, which perhaps seems strange
iitoallty but Ithose xxhio have visitedi the
iv eautnIlfui spot onthttle shore of Lake
-'Michigan, fatr away from the noise
iof tih- city, kn owxn as Ravinia Nark.
h'Act evening of grandi~ opera in the
opien-air liavillion in the lovely set-
P0 ig that the park affords would lie
e-"experience not soon to be forgotten.
Belle Isle'. however, is about as suit-
1-able a location for the Rav'itnia orgalti-
ve ation as the Ford grounds in high-
lIand Park, or Hamtramnck.
TPhe Ravinia company, by the way, is
~TImost excellent. It includes Florence
3sMacbeth, Lucre'zia B~ori, Giovanni Mar-
,tinelli. Edward Johnson, and other
st{artists no less imposing, and a chorus
t!anti orchestra, (Frederick Stock's
Chicago Symphony), that for sheer
5t artistry stand unexcelled. Richard
Strauss called the Ravinia organiza-
tion "the finest operatic institution in
Y'!the world", and the~ maestro meant it.
In the same breath he referred to the
5 I Metropolitan as a "gilded Hatbox"
and its organization as "an Italian
it ighrt ma i'', va pid antd disguisting.''
-f Senorita Raquel Meller, darling of
dthe press agents, is on the west coast
rwhere she is making' a p~icture with
1_ Mr. Charles Chaplin whose aspirations
d stop) at nothing less than Hamlet. The
sjnatuire of the picture has not been di-
I i vulged, except for the statement that I
e it will be a comedy with dramatic
emphasis, whatever that may mean.-
'It will he interesting to see Senorita
nRaquel on the screen. On questioning
nher adlmirers as to just wherein the
-lady was worth ten dollars a seat they'
either become incoherent, or quote
the expensive prospectus whicmhI
served as programme. The general
_idea seems to be that Raquel Meller
has personality, that indefinable some-
thing, etc etc..... All of which we
do not deny, but merely point out that
Mr. Goetz expended some $60,000 n
advertising his Spanish songbird.

With the midnight oil
It's quicker to bed, if the pen does its work
infallibly. The smart pen for the American
student is made of green, jade-green radite, an
indestructible material of jewel-like beauty and
has a nib that is guaranteed for a lifetime. But
better dealers will sell you the "Lifetime" prin-
cipally because it is always a dependable per-
former--and helps to save the midnight oil,
Price, $8.75 Student's special, $7.50 Others lower"
"Lifetime" Titan oversize pencil to match, $4.25
Sheaff'ei' Skrip-successor to ink-makes all1 pens write better



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