ol 4
:43 ttl
ii Y ND NI%411'l WIRE
VOL. XVII. o. 16
Michigan Party) Will leav e On Nilagara 1
Falls Trip On Friday Af'terjitoowt L arso
H~ussey 1In Charge debatt
Another full week of entertainment meeti
events, including lectures, excursions. opell1
plays and a concert starts at.i o'clock Th
Tuesday, July 6. for II
Prof. Brune Donaldson, of the fine ,;,.y.
arts dIepartment, whose lecture at the-
above :stated time begins the week's
program, will speak on ''The MNLdcifl
:Movement inl IPainting.'' His lectureCO
will be illustrated. The Men's Educa-
tional club is meeting as usual Tues-
day night. The Players' first produc- II
tion of the week will be Tuesday night
at 3:30 in Sarah Caswell Angell hail.
At this time they will present "Sweet- a2e I
hearts," by W. S. Gilbert.
Excursion To River Rouge j
Prominent on Wednesday's program
is the fourth University excursion, PI
which goes to the River Rouge plantI
of the Ford Motor company, leaving To 11
in special auto busses from the front Schoolo
of Angell hall at 1 o'clock. T[hle round Fl Icult Y
trip fare will be $1.25, and the tickets ;!ili at
must be procured in advance from the auiditoriu
Summer session office., ton, {1.'I
River Rouge is priluarily a plant j ianist.
frt the conversion of raw materials. 1 ATr. 14
Being a Great Lakes port and navi- 3 (very s5
gable to tihe largest freighters, iron lihe was
ore, limestone and lumber are hauled Clica~go'
Wing its se'onld nieeting of
>ummer session, the iAlen's
ational club will convene at
o'clock 'Tuesday evening for
Feting which will last about
our. Professor NXilbert L.
of the School of Education
prIeside at the 11eeting.
Iwill be held at the Michi-
eprogram for the evening
c'onsist of' a humorous de-
The subject is : "Resolved,
the button)1is15mo re impo't -
hin the button hole'' memn-
of the clubi will presen'it the
o and after the ''formal''
ieits 5are'lpresetted thle
ijig will be' turned into an
discu ssion.
ei t'rsI meeting of the eluib,
hlId dunie 2 and was
he pur'pose otf OI ink; under
lauiiltolno rl, An, id 1i"ss N(1
Stockiveli, Piallist, Will
lFeatumre lProgrrai
itai b f t r- 0'1he faceultyv of th
of Mlusic xvwill pr'esent the thi'
('oncert 't fthe Sum mer ' S
5 o'clock Wednesday in lil
ium. They are ,James Hlamil
or and :hiss-sNell B. St ockwell
Hail ton has sung in pearl
>tate in thle Unio11. 1Pol' a tiue
soloist wvith the Apollo clubi
iand he'Ihis appeai'ed at Ili
-1,Reimann H4,ill Conduct P arty Of
University Men On Ontario Trip,
I Lewis Reimann, '16, former Varsity lo xx' a chain of lakes, and the Mississ-
tackle, will conduct a party of fac- auger 1Li ver, through virgin country,r
ulty anilUniversity studlents oni a where the canoe is the only' possible !i
( a noe trip into northern Ontario Oluii- ineant s of travel in summer.
ing the latter part of the summner., Several niemiber's of the faculty and
The party will leave Ann Arbor alumni have already made reserva-
August 16, for a three week outing in tions, and a fewx more can be included.,
the Mississauga Forest Reserve, northi The total cost fromi Detroit, round trip,j
of the Canadian Soo. They will fob- is $175, including everything but per-
___--__ --' sonal eq uipment.
C ~According to Mr. Reimnann and!
othiers who have made the trip, the
EXTEN0 0 SES ION 'being n theheartof the neeoe
EXTEN ED SE SION on of Ontario. Last year a group
__________ of high sclhool boys under' thle dii'ec-
1Ii1~ o ~iiitCamaig FX11'id~i tion of Mi'. Rerniann made the trip
Fail In L~ast Miiute Rush O . and prionounced it the tfiest they' hadj
E____ be through the same region as last.
LAUDACCO PLIHMEN S (amne of all kinds abound in the re-
LAUD CCOM LISH ENTSgion, since it is very seldom entered
liv ~,ocate Prv~,)by hunters andi sportsmen, and black -
W BAsscaedP S);III NCT ON, J uly 3Carrying bear and moose are among the animals
oti usP iogia ii o' lbortot a~j~, found. Fishing is likewvise abundant,
'en be r fore Ju ly 4. C'onigress enlded its! with speckled t rout, lake trout, great
-''~i liere todav1 . lnortheirn piike, and ba ss all present.
A:It1bough there was some last rain- All arrangements for the t rip will be
u ii licee 1 c g over l egislation in the iliade by Mr. Reimnann, and part of the
senate, thle xvi ndl tlp was (devoid of .jouirney vilIl be made with the aid of
;thoe cxc iin and'rcll idiaii guide, which is necessary
in thoeexctineadriitory. tqe ci
All women of the University
are invited to the picnic which
the Women's Educational club
will hold on Wedntesday after-
noon, July 7, at the nmunicipal
fireplace near the Island.
The picnic will start about
5:30 in the afternoon and all
women who pllan to go are re-
quested to assemble at Barbour
gymnasium at 5:00 o'clock, This
is the first public activities of' the
Club for the Summer session, the
first meeting having b~eeni held at
the home of Professor' Cleo Murt-
land last Monday evening, at
which time Ntiss Sally Lucas
Jean, of New York, an authority
on health education, who was in
Ann Arbor for the purpose of
giving the first two of the sum-
mer series of hygiene lectures,
1Head Of D~epartment Of Hlygiene Anmd
Public IHealh W1illGive
Fourth Lecture
As the third speaker' of the summer
series of lectures ont hygienie givenl
under the auspices ot' the department
of Hygiene and Public Health, Dr.
and ublc Helthand iretorof the
divsion ofHygiene, Public Health,
N anti Pr~ainticai ,>;wi1.speai _n
. 4
the Club,
DID EG S ATI0 o'cl Tuesday afternoon Jlyt6.Dr.
Sndwall's subject will be 'The mod-
F911 OF gS~mG[ern trend in Public Health Activities",
and the lecture is open to the public,
Th perien e rstheaed o uaieheat
I E'
of a congressional session.
While thle President xxas ('ngaged ill
si giling last minute bills, e~ffort s w orel
Istill Ia'iii made inl thes Senate to SO-!
CUl'ethle eitt ent ofIIta iiiastit'cim-I
itiug se'nat orial camipaign expendlituires
es. Me anwx'hile tie Houise wa~s involyv-
' (ldiil a rund~ of political speech muak-
ing.,IRepubbeian leaders reviewinig the
session all d cong rat ulatinug 'ongress
for its accomplishmenits,; an tte min-3
oi'ityx'floor leader. C arrot of Tetnness ee.
I e> potided thiatIthe D em ocra tic' party
' wxas xx'ill in g to go to> the country ini the
fall el ctlions on thle record of ('on-!
gro'ss,aii persisted that it. w'ould(
Fight Exchainge Professors From
Oth er Colleges Teach HIere
This Summerj
E{ighit menre cognized authorities
ollgress Fails To Pius Mfeq
Last fnimute iRush "Of Bus
Of Closing Session
Radio legislation went
board in the closing session
In and hygiene, and at the present time
is one of the leading authorities in tihe
United States, being a member of the
"President's Committee of Fifty", a na-
tional committee, appointed by the
President for the purp~ose of further-
ing the cause of p~ublic health educa-
tion and public hygiene throughout
of Con- Chicago university and
Johns Hop-
gress today when a last minute at-I kipls, receiving his M. A. and Ph.D. at
4 tmp toesablsha sopgapmes-Chicago and his M. D. at Johns
tcmp toestalis a sop-ap mas-Hopkins.
rc until the ntext session of Congress! Taught At Kansas,
failed. For six years after his graduation
This leaves radio legislation ini the he was professor of anatomy at Kan-
hands of the Department of Commerce,! sas university and from there he went
as t hs eenin im pat.to Minnesota university, wh ire he
was for three years professor of
W 'hat the next move will be is Prof- I h g e e a d c ar a f t e s n t
Avifir,--------lY'1\A'. A 'hygene nd l aimanof te1snat
to the lplanit docks by the companies',May ' l:;tii aI i h(e.liiiring lbheyer
own ships. The (xcurisioni party xil 1I924 andl 1925 Ihewas a bse:nt on leas _
see the blast furnaces, the coke ov'eims, in Eturope whier'e he 1'1-,ie linstrt'ic -
the power plant, the foundr'y and theI tioni from many rinurihe asters
electric fiurnaces. The foundry is the ini Praine-'and It aly, iand took Phart ini
largest in the world and original and numerous pr'ofessiona~l actixities there.
unique processes are here employed. Miss St oc'kwell is a g;raduate of the;
The power produ ction being a hob by School (If Music and hias suppi lethieitedtt
of Henry Ford, he has expended 1he' SItidl y in .Alm A rbor' withi xworkl
much money amid effort ton this phaseI under Josepill exititie. Shie has ap-
of enginee'ring to snake hits plane t pea red ini recitals oil mlany occasions.
most efficient,. The program ni full, to wxhich the'
Visit. Tractor Plant; genier'al public wxithl the I'exetioni of
Electric fur'naces, particularly1 small children is5iinvited, is as fol-
adapted to reclaiming scrap metal, sal- Lowvs:
vage 500 toins of steel scrap pfr day. I "Aiiiot Ti Vieta Di noti Amiar"... .
Excursion four' will also visit tihe
Fordson tractor plamit. Here tractors
are fabricated fronm iron or'e ini lessj
tihan 31 hours. Ford bodies are also
built at River Rouge.
At 4 o'clocki Wednesday Dr. Samnuel
C. Lind, of the research bmanch of the
department of agricul~turie in Washinig-
ton, xwiii speak in Natural Science
auditorium on to subject of'"C hemical
Activation and Gaseous Ionization." A
University School of' Music condcert is
scheduledi for Wednesday night 'at.
o'clock to be participatedi in b~y Mr.
James Hanmilton anid Miss Nell 13.
Stockwell who will take the principal
Thursday at 5 o'clock Prof. Oscar
J. Campbell, of the English departmentf
... ... ... ... ... ... .. Ciodano
fronm opera ''Fedora''
EF Lucevait Lo tel'...Pcit
Mdr. Ilanmilton
Mlagic Fim'e .......... X' a gu er - li', i
from opera '"Die Xaiuert''
mun Courant tl.......Coda i'd
Sipamisih, Dances
"Da iizas i0 mtanesas 2' No. 6..
.... ... ... .... ... ... ... V illar
... . .. . . Turina
Polainaise, Op).-10, No. 12......( holu
Mliss Stockwell
Negm'o Spiritutal...........*, url eigii
Mr. Iamiltomi
Proizram OfL1
xxriest comngressi onalI conitrol tf'omli tli'} in their fields, area teaching in the
I bli iciallis. u niversity this suimmer as exchanige
The m'ulIesto limnit ('a mnlaigri expend- p mofessors.
it I re-s u ally failed of consideration,. in Science has broughit to the Iltni-
spite ef mlme fact that. Senator, Neely. ; 'emsitfy P rofesstor Karl H erzfeld of
-"7 t Virinia mad sevral tten lit' I'e niversityV of Munich. lie is giv-
e to go:t unanIimiouls consenlt towardls
I d im sieml iu o th masrr'.Obj'cing a twov houir lecture couirse ill-Sde-
I cnsit~rtin o th plasre.Ob~c-ledcdl Cha pter'is l'tihe Molecular
t0Iiis weve''llwd~e iby several xvho saild
T'heory of Matter.' Professor H err-!
I ht theyxx' mi e I nieto iscss tfel d has been visiting at I Larx'ard pre-
maIlttter1. vIOUS to his conming here,
Tbhe rules xx'rke finally killed whlen
Senat or Conl on, Repubihlicanil, Arizonau, IJ~ohn It. Ge rouhl, professor' (f biol-
f1libuster1ed for' the last halIf hour o' nt ogy at D artmnouth college, is offering
iri'igat itoni mieasures. ad vaiiced studly andi experiment al work
_____________________in zoology, Professor Ger'ouldl is a
_______ -- _____ - - unber (of several Amierican assot'ia-
B ASEBALL SCORES t ions and societies (of scilence and re-
________ sear'chi as wxell as of it' Austrian
IAmeriI~n League ' Etymological society.
'levelanid 7, Detroit 5 Professor Bur't on Hiowa rdl of Wes-
Phil ade'lphlia 12, Bostonl 4 leyanm Uni versi ty, Connectic'ut,. is iii-
Phi iladelphdia 83, Bost oil 5 stria :big in thle depa rtmetnt (of mliithe-
( 'Ciicago 8, St. Louis 3 'Imatics, ProfeltssoIr Camiilp is aimenmber'
New Ytork 5, W~\ashingtomn 4 of the American Statistics Association.
National League 'I iithe departmlettof political sci-
jPhiladelphia 4, B~oston 1 ecte Professor' Orren C. Hormell, of
IPhiladelphia :3, Boston 2 I lBowdoin Colege. Me., is inst ructig in
s!I New York 4, Br'ooklynm :3 I j p'oblt'fis of muniicipt(le diitrttion.,
Brooklyn 9t, NewvYor'k 2? Associate Professor Augustus W.,
IPitt sburgh 12, St. Louis Mayes, who xvas here last semeter,~t, is
Chiiicago) 6, Cimcinnati 2 takinig Professoi' Wood's place in the
Chicago 2, Cincinniati 0I sociology dlep~artmen~t. P rofessor
_________________ - Haves is from thlit Iowa State (Cohllege
r at Anies. Ioxwa.
..+cal Churches Professor hRay 1K. Irunel, fornmerly
jot' this University and nowv of the Iuni-
has pleaded for radio legislation to
pint teeth into radio regulations and to
prevemnt chaos in the broadcasting
The resolution that failed was drawn
up by Senator Dill, Democrat. Wash-
ington, and Representative White, Re-
puliican, Maine, as the result of a
hopeless (isagreement between piro-
poneiits of the White and Dill bills
passed b~y the House and Senate.
Cthief among the features of° the
measure would have been the limiting
of broadlcasting permits to 90 days in
mlost cases.
Report Reveals
Big Increase In
spor'ts. At Minnesota, also, he was
director of the student health service
which he established there. After
teaching there for three years he was
brought to Michigan, where hie was
made director of the then newvly
created department of Hygiene amid
Public Health at this university.
Has Written Books
Since his arrival in Ann Arbor lie
has been teaching short courses in the
School of Education and has also been
in charge of the gymnasiums aundi the
departmnmt of Physical Education.
Dr. Sundwvall has also gainied conlsidl-
erabile renownt throumgh the books on
public health anti physical education
which he has written. Some of the
best works in their field ar'e umbered
amonig these.
Auto Fatalities ' The fou~rth speaker of the series will
________be lDr. Slemnmons of Grand Rapids,
Depar'tmniit of Commner'ce figures' who will speak on "'Pr'oblemsii in
I sox tht htm'exxerd 261 deth ,municipal health administration" on
from auitomonbile accidenlts in the 784 Thursday afternoon July S.
leadlinig dities of the country from --
Jan. :3 to Junie 19, 1926. Durinig tle!, Ann Arbor Youth
forwekperiod closedl June 19 there
wxere' 549 deaths in these same cities, ! Wins !j,'otI .tlet
.in increase of 56 ovem'tile corres-
ponding period of 1925. John Malloy, 19 year old Ann AribI'
The percent of deaths per' 100,000 youth, woni the D)etroit district golf
,,,,,,,1'ntio in these cities for time six championshtip, defeating Stanley Foi'd,
will lecture on "'xpressionis'n 'In - AL_"
Drama," and at 8:30 o'clock the play
"Sweethearts" will be repeated. First Mce1il01bi (liimrclu
Niagara Falls Excursion Theio Rev.Ar thur 'St alker'iliiisp(,ahi
Starting Friday at 2 o'clock will be this morniing at 10: 30 o'clIock oi1
the University excursion toi Niagara I ''Chim'st au('itizenzslip.'' flT'e tidet.
Falls and its vicinity. The party will cls et-t\elyhl rii1
go by Michigan Central to Detroit, , to 12'45 o'clock uinilci' the l eadershipi
and then by steamer to Buff'alo. Re- of 13. C_ Coffmami anmid Dona;ld liimier-
turn arrival at Ann Arbor' will le ie Iunnr coa tuet r
early ?Monday morning, July 12. Dr. espeman.lyuijiem' seit 0to'cloctit hae"
R. C. Hiussey of time geology depart- { Weslevami guild meets a.t Wesley hal
mxent will be in charge. BShermamn Richards is in charge of this
The final event of the week is the iiiieetiig. Openi house is at 7 o'clock.
Illustrated lecture to be given at 5 j___
o'clock Friday by Professor John G. j t. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Winter of time Greek and Latin de-~ Holy ('011(1(111ioii is at 8 o'clock, and
partments. His talk will be entitled lH oly 0001 niiio n a1(1 the seriuniare
'Some Greek Landscapes, with their at. 11 o'clock. Op)en hors at H arm'is
Literary and Historical Associations." hlall is at 4 o'clock,
No other excursion is planned Satur- #-
E', i
C at holie Stu~dents' ('hapel I
Sunday niasses areiiheld at 8 :3~0 amid
± 10 o'c'lock.- Rev. Michael 1'. Burhe is
chaplain. - -
First Pm'cshyterian C'hur'ch
Churt ich school is at 9 :30 o'clock.;
Thel( morninug worship is at. 10: 45 o'-I
('1ock, w it~h tile sermon by -1,r. ede-I
soin "li'The' Christ We Forgot.'' The(
You hg, pbeoples'sodcial lionut is at 5 :30
o'clock. folIlwed at 63 :0 o'clock by
the Young Peoples' society mueetiiig.
First C'hurch of Christ Scientists
The sublject of the serumonth bis muorni-
is "Gd."
S Fir'st Congregaionual Church
At 10:45 o'clock the Rev. ,John WV.
Niven, of Loonim Eng., will prmeach.
The' studtent supper'amnd chat, under' the
leadership of Mr. Mitchell, meets at
5:301 o'clock. The discutssion wxiii he
oil "'What is T't'me Patriotism Today.'
-,r,. ,.... i-.> .-,F f . li4'rv nia aTl f3 T [1fPRRf1P { _
Clarence Humiter'-(If Ohio Wesleyan monlut hislier'iod in 1925 wvas 16.8, and i Detroit bight school champion four utp
University are c'onductintg vork ill the the pr'esenut figure shmoxx', a per'centage amid three to go in the finals of the dis-
public spedaking; depar'tmtent. of 17.8. animnmcrease of ont' death lerul trict tourniamenlt.
- ------- -------1 100,000) population. Thme city of D~e- The tournamemnt was played on the
Wom'en ps League I troil shiowed a goal of 130 deaths in 118 hole Oaklantd Hills countr'ycu
bI4 this period, a incr'ease of almost,25!course. bred Glover of Grosse Isle,
Wlill Give T(?asI per'cent over the samte period iii 1925. University of Michigan golfem', reached
the semi-finals where lie was eliimiat-
nvrnr ed ontt he twentieth green.
Begiii fing Ttiesday, Jul(ty '7 time I NSW L RSN
W\omieon's league wvillI serv e tea from LI d WLL PE NTDT IT-
:30 tol 5 oclockdli(aily in the pat'- GIBRj14owhm ercilenn afc
lors of Ba rbou r gymnasiumn. Bridge - accidents in Detroit duriing June, the
tabeshae tenSe ut fr hoe a ccid(ent, in xestig t ion biurmeaui of the
wish toI play cam'ds.'
- -- -- --- -- - Sir XW. S. Gilbert's twvo-act senti- IPlc lprnimt a 'pitd
mientalI comedy, "Sweethearts," will'I
Our-WeatherN a be presenited by The Players for' three NO SCHOOL -
f_ perforimances at 8: 30 o'clock Tuesday, t
s ~~~~~~~~I um'sday and Saturday nights at Sar- MnaJl ,wl eaUi
a hCselAngellhll.Tecs i versity holiday according to anI
le composed of Amy Loomis, Warreni
-official University announcdementt.
-I Parker, Rober't H-enderson amid Alma No excursions will take p~lace
IMerrick. f Saturday July .3 and classes will 4
"Sweethearts" will be preceded by ntb eue ni usa
Johnmi alsworthy's one-act tragedy,Imong.Tiisnacrdwt
' "The with Caile Mslne
_____Ihm Bsorn ihr olbf the national holiday, July 5, set
Believes That it will bec generally fair t Seats I'or all performances are on sale aiefrteclbaino n
with scattered showers amnd about at Slater's and Wahr's book stores and dependencellaysoresofsAd n
- the samte temperature as yester. at the box office after 6:30 o'clock on IAbrwl lob lsd
day. I the nights of the performances.
day, but "Sweethearts" will be pre-
sented for its third performance of!
the week at 8:30 o'clock,
Because of the U7niversity holi-
dlay on Monday, July 5, The Daily
will suspend publication on that
day. Publication will be resumn-
Ied in the issue of Sruly 7.
First 'Baptist ClChurch
Mr. Sayler xxWill g-ive the sermnon t hisa
mor'ninmgatI10:145 o'clock on 1'life'z i
.Reciprocity." At 12 o'clock Student!
I ile ic latss mecets iiithme cbhirchi an- The motion picture service, which is
{ (litomiiim with 'rofessom' St evenisifor:- eld at 8 o'clock, will he Kenneth :Har-
I teacher. lan in: "The IRanger oIf the Big
-- --- inies."'
''Thomas Pailu' and thme Amier'ican
Revolutioni" will be the subject of Dr.
Robins' seirmion this mornuig. Sem'v--
iecs will begin at 10:45 o'clock.
c ~ Zion Lutheran Chiurch
At 10:30 o'clock. Reverend Ernest
Stellhorn will llreach. 'there will be
: special patriotic hymns and features.