FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926
Published every morning except Monday l
during the University Summer Session by!
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all newst
dispatches credited to it or not othewise
c:redited in this paper and the local neves~ pub-;
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michirzan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,.
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as eviaence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Jn-
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Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-1
Telephone 490-.
Editorial Board......Eugene H. Gutekunst
City Editor...............William R. Breyer
Music and Drama.........William C. Lucasj
Night Editors
Wilton A. Simpson Theodore Hornberger
Paul J. Kern Miles Kimballl
Douglas Doubleday
Gail Lyons Thaddeus Wasielewski
George T. McKean Morris Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Circulation---------------Kenneth Haven
Advertising----------------Francis Norquist
Edward Solomon
William F. Cook
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926
"The decision of war lies in the
hands of young men. If you feel
that you are hazardng much in
surrendering something of your
liberty to the unknown demands
of your Nation, what shall we
say of the hazard of the Nation
in placing Its destiny in no small
degree in your hands? Have you
done anything which justifies the
Government in this expression of
its great confidence? In a great
battle Joffre and Foch, Luden-
dorf and von Hindengurg, may
control the organizaton and direct
great strategy, but in the main,
whether we will or not, our des-
tiny must be confided to young
men in war when old men fail in
the councils of peace."-Message
of Secretary Wilbur to the grad-
uating class at the Naval Acad-
Today marks the beginning of the
four day whirl of events which leads
to the end of four or more glorious
years of college life for over a thous-
and of Michigan's sons and daughters.
The next four days are filled with
festivities and fun and the supreme
joy of at last shaking free the
shackles of college-to plunge into an
icy world and struggle for oneself.
Yet, throughout all of it, there must
be interwoven a thread of sadness.
For college, no matter what life may
have been there, is the place where
fond memories start.
For the alumni the next few days
mean quite a different thing. It
means to them a time of joyous re-
unions, the revival of dormant mem-
ories, and a rebirth, after a fashion, of
undergraduate days. For the alumni
it means the remaking of old ac-
quaintances while for the graduate
it means the breaking off with things
familiar and beginning of a new life.
This morning the classes meet to
review their splendid history. And
it has been splendid, indeed, for the
class of 1926 is one of the greatest
classes ever to be graduated from the
University. Many new things have
happened on the campus since this
class first entered, many new build-
ings have been erected, changes have
been made in educational policies, a
large memorial fund has been estab-
lished, many athletic championships
have ben won, and so on. Although
the class graduating Monday did not
have a direct hand in all of these
things, it was through its loyal co-
operation that they have been made
possible and through is efforts that
many of them have been started.
Atheletically, spiritually, and scholas-
tically, the class of 1926 ha. had a
history that will long be remdmbered
by succeeding generations of Michi-
gan students.
Commencement means the end of a
sheltered academic life and the be-
ginning of a new life in a world that
cares little how a man looks or acts
as long as he can command respect for
his personality or his abilities. This
class which has worked and played
1: gOther for so long will now be
scattered to the four corners of the I
world-in places where commercial- OASTEDROLL
ism is rampant. It is there that the
graduate will miss cultural and intel- /
lectual environment of Ann Arbor.'IW T
There is a big disappointment coming
to the student who expects to find his GRA1ATE
future life merely a continuation of Well, commencement has coimmenc-
his life at college. That is the sad ed. Everybody will now naturally |
part of graduation. For above the gravitate toward Ferry field( or Uni- 6
pain at separation from familiar versity Hall auditorium in case of
campus life, above the sorrow at rain) fpr reunions and whatnot.
breaking off old friendships, there is Everybody but us, however. While
a sadder revelation that comes to the the rest of Ann Arbor is merrily
graduate wlin he finds things away sweltering in the sun, listening to the
from college crude, dingy, and prosaic pearls of wisdom dripping from the
to a la-rge extent, lacking the glamour, lips of the Commencement speaker-
culture and ease of college life. whoever he may be-, we will be
equally sweltering in the Press Build-
Wearing a derby never made any jng, bravely bearing aloft (good line,
man or his head hard. that) the standards of Journalism.
At present we are very busy editing,
writing and proof-reading the Com-
S EDITORIAL COMMENT mencement issues of the Summer
Daily. Any defects, therefore, in the
humor of these columns, must be
NOT SCORNED OR BRUSHED ASIDE borne with patience. We have grave
(The Daily Illini) problems to surmount, my public.
Some proof, perhaps, that the "aver- * * *
age" college man is not being scorn- We happened to mention the most
ed or contemptuously brushed aside fundamental of these problems to a
by the business world, but that on the pal of ours yesterday, the question of
contrary he is being welcomed by em- getting copy for the front page. With
ployers in industry and the profes- the serene confidence of one who has
sions, may be offered by this year's never worked on a student newspaper
experience at Columbia University. he offered the following:
More jobs-not positions, but jobs- "Why dontcha go out on State Street
are awaiting 1926 graduates of Col-' and count the drunks?", sezzee, "You
umbia University than at any previous oughta be able to get a pretty snappy
graduation. This is not an idle haz- little feature on that." "Why don't
ard, set forth to elevate commerce you do that?" we shot back, heerfully
schools to any position of sanctity but socking him over the bean with a
it is the official statement made by ten pound collection of Elizabethian
Nicholas nM. McKnight, head of the dramas. "You could sell it to the
Appointment Office of Columbia. Mr. . Whaddya think The
McKnight controls the employment Daily is, anyway? A tabloid?" And
agency of this largest school in the that closed the incident.
United States, and despite any ten- I* * *
dency he might have to set Columbia i Referring, as we ought to be doing
forth in appearances of glory, his for 'the next three days, to the im-
statement in this regard has consid- pending festivities, we realize now
erable significance. why everybody gets pathetic when
The Appointment Office's experi- Diploma Day comes round. We feel
ence, moreover, discloses the fact that that way too. This is our fourth
the jobs .are not open because of any year on the campus and we still lack
increased number of applications on the requisite hours for a sheepskin. I
I the part of the graduates-to-be, but So when all our buddies march up on,
largely because of the fact that con- the platform for their rolls of blank
cerns are coming to stress the activity I paper tied with maize and blue.rib-
of recruiting college graduates in bon we won't be among them.
competition with other employers to In a way, though, it has its ad-
a groater extent than ever before. vantages. While our classmates are
Business men, it seems, are actually choking back (maybe) the lumps in
vying with one another in the attempt their throats at leaving the dear old
to get the men who are most com- place, we with the knowledge of eight
petently trained to enter the so-called more weeks-and maybe more-in
practical side of all kinds of indus- Ann Arbor, can watch them with un-
trial organizations. sympathetic joy.
"The real meaning of the recruiting * * *
is that the companies want to make In the second item above, note
sure of the quality of the material the blank space after the words "sell
they are going to consider," Mr. Mc- it to the". The space was originally
Knight said in explaining the situa- filled with the name of a well-known
tion which is but a natural outgrowth g-roup of sheets which likes that sort
of the development of commerce col- of news. But Washington barged in
loges, and suggested that it be left open for
The real meaning of this tendency, the reader to supply his own pet hate
furthermore, is not alone the cer- <among newspapers. Not ethical for
tainty regarding the quality of men one paper to razz another.
to be considered, but it is reasonably All of which may be true, but F. P.
sound proof that the "practical" man A. does it, and who are we to set our-
who has not exposed his mentality to selves above the dean of colyumists?
* the complexities of a college course, *
is not considered competent to stack The name at the bottom of the col-
Sup along with the college-trained lumn will doubtless be the subject of
man. a good deal of speclation'on the part
Columbia's experience this year,! of those not familiar with the inside
and any similar state of affairs in details. We refer you to the first
other schools of the country, will series of A. A. Milne's plays (Knopf,
mean little or nothing in the long! $2.5,-ani advertisement). Then
run if the men so selected do not everything will be understood.
prove by actual accomplishment that The chief difference betwen us and
they are far better qualified to be the man in the play is that we haven't,
chosen from their class in college, by any stretch of the imagination,
than the man who has not had college been offered a quarter of a million
training. Business employers don't dollars for changing our name. We
give a whoop if a man has eighteen( do it of our own free will and accord.
degrees from eight different schools;
they want results and they will make This column written, edited and
their selections from sources where 'proof-read by--
they are certain of getting desirable Wurzel-Flu3mery.
results. If their experiments are re-
cruiting at Columbia, or at any other the seniors at Columbia have for the
school, do not prove successful, the most part a sane point of view on the
will try other fields. matter. They realize that their value
This year's situation at Columbia to the companies employing them is
may also serve in part as proof that solely potential. They realize that
curricula in commerce schools are they must be trained and developed,
giving way to a tendency to become and unless they make up their own
more directly useful to the graduate minds to take advantage of every op-
than formerly. It is readily admitted, portunity to develop themselves they
by educators and business men alike, will benefit little from their college
that a broad background of theoretical training."
knowledge is an almost vital necessity What Mr. McKnight says regarding
for the well-trained business men, but the seniors at Columbia applies in
that there must also be a fundamen- general to commerce graduates from
tal training in the elements of actual most schools throughout the country.
business practice, which, coupled with If the seniors don't believe it fully
the theory, serves to produce a man when they graduate, they will find out
whose knowledge of business in gen- the truth so soon that the jar will not
eral is much broader than it could be be nearly so great as it would have
by any other method or any knowl- been if they had no idea, previously,
edge gained in a similar length of of their actual worth.
time. Columbia's experience this year is
Mr. McKnight's statement as to the doubtlessly duplicated by many other
opinion of the graduates concerning schools in the country, and viewed
themselves is thus summed up: with an optimistic eye, it exhibits a
"In spite of what is said and writ- tendency in partial proof of the fact
ten about the college man in business that the "average" college graduate is
and in spite of the money expended J not being scorned or contemptuously
by the larger companies each year, brushed aside by the business world,
GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal
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BOOKS--New and
Let Fashion be your favorite sport this summer and many a winning
score will you make from the modes we have assembled. Among the fine
points of the fashion game this season are the sleeve details-graceful and
flowing,'pleated, puffed, embroidered and what not-every time different.
Frocks show they know what is flattering by using delicate laces, by making
their slender lines more graceful with gentle flares, short skirts, scalloped
hemlines and low bloused effects. Indeed, the summer mode will fascinate
you, with its every detail chic.
To be smart as well as cool of a
Summer's afternoon, a slip of a silk
frock will be necessary. When
printed these frocks are gay and
cheerful, when plain the color is a
Capri blue or a poppy red, perhaps,
new and becoming. Frocks priced
from $15.75 up,.
Chiffon, always becoming, always
youthful, is the little darling of the
evening mode. In black you will
find its chic unexcelled. Other even-
ing highlights are frocks of georgette
and lace. Prices begin at $29.75.
1 ;
Tub Frocks
the Favorites
of the Summer Mode
Smart, simple pleats, vested and tucked effects,
perky little sashes and hand-hemstitching make
the practical tub frock as modish as the latest
French imports. Included in our collection are
frocks of silk and English broadcloth and wash-
able crepe de chine. For sports wear you will
like one of the smart two-piece models of striped
silk, $10.75 up.
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