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01 Ijr



4I iiti


VOL. XVII. No. 1







For Rhodes
WILL MEET FOR I Scholarship
AERecommendations for Rhodes schol-
arshlip) taking effect in the fall of
1927 were announced yesterday by
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Graduate
MICHIGAN BAND WILL PRESENTI school, a member of the committee on



Luncheon for Iichigan Alumnae Will
Be Uhven at Helen Newberry
Reunions of 34 classes are included
in the twenty-ninth annual alumni
convention, held here during the com-
mencement weekend. Registration of
alumni opened yesterday morning in
the lobby of Angell hall, and will con-
ffnue through Saturday. All former
members of the Varsity Band are
askedto register at Morris hal,Band
A meeting of the Alumnae council
held last night opened the convention.
Reports of groups and a general dis-
cussion of campaign activities for the
Women's League Building fund were
Classes to Heet
The various classes will hold sep-
arate reunions today at their head-
quarters in University buildings. Lit-
erary classes will hold their meetings
in Angell hall, medical classes will
meet in the New Medical building and
dental alumni will convene in the Den-
tal building. Law classes have sched-
uled meetings in the Law building,
Lawyers club and Angell hall. The
three engineering reunions will be held
in Angell hall.
The Board of Directors of the
Alumni association will meet at 12:30
o'clock in the Union. A luncheon for
Michigan alumnae will be given at the
Helen Newberry residence at 12
o'clock. Tickets are 75 cents. Any
unfinished alumnae business will be
continued in the afternoon if neces-
Will Entertain Alumni
Two entertainments are planned for
tonight. The University of Michigan
Band will present a program at 8:30
o'clock in Hill auditorium. The lower
floor will be reserved for alumni who
will secure tickets in advance at the
Alumni registration headquarters in
Angell hall. The balcony and gallery
will be open to the public. At 9
o'clock the William L. Clements li-
brary will be especially opened for
alumni of the University and Mr. R. G.
Adams, custodian, will give a talk
upon the Clinton papers illustrated by
Prof. F. F. Blicke, of the chemistry
department, has been transferred to
the College of Pharmacy as assistant
professor of pharmaceutical chemistry.
Prof. Blicke received his training at
Michigan and Berlin and has been an
instructor in the University since 1921.
He will devote his time to instruction
and research in the field of pharma-
ceutical chemistry.
Justin L. Powers, at present assis-
tant professor of pharmacy at Oregon
Agricultural college, Corvallis, Ore.,;
has been appointed instructor in
pharmacy in charge of the prescrip-
tion laboratory. Mr. Powers is a grad-
uate of the College of Pharmacy and
has been on the staff of Washington
State college, Pullman, Wash., as well
as in charge of the prescription work
of the health service here, and is reg-
istered as a practicing pharmacist in
three states, Michigan, Oregon and

the scholarships. Although five nom-
inationis may be nmade by the Univer-
sity of lichigan only three were
chosen this year, Thomas V. Koykka,
'27, Edgar 11. Ailes, '27L, and John G.
Garlinglhouse, '28L. The nominees are
all former upper staff members of The
The nominations were made by the
comnmittee, which was composed of
Prof. Iess S. Reeves of the political
science depai'tment, Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the summer session, and
Dean Lloyd, are to be considered by a
state body with selections made by
other colleges and universities of
!Michigan; one student will be chosen

Hawkins, Doyle, Northrup Considered
Dangerous to Opponents In
Field Events
Six Varsity track men left at 2:2S
o'clock yesterday for Chicago, where
they will take part in the National
('ollegiate meet in the Grant Park sta-
dium. Captain-elect Northrup, Hester,
L-eschinsky, Feinsinger, Hawkins and
Doyle made the trip with Trainer
Stands and will enter tho nlimin-

tfrom the entir
Campbell of th
also sr t with th
, An annual
pounds is inclm
{Rhodes chola
for a three ye:
award will take
ford at the beg
her torm in 192

uau aiwmenr we pre m lnar-
e list. Prof. Oscar J.
ie English department Ies this afternoon. The finals in all
te committee by invita-e
Will Compete With Locke
sum of four hundred Hester and Leschinsky, star Michi-
ded in the terms of the gan sprinters, will attract major in-
rship which provides terest in their attempts to defeat
ar residence in Oxford Locke of Nebraska, unbeaten this year
land. Winners of the in either the 100 or the 200. Hester
their residence at Ox- will meet him in the century and Vic
inning of the Septem- Leschinsky in the longer run. Alder-
27. ,man of Michigan State is the outer
outstanding sprinter entered. Coach
Steve Farrell looks upon the meeting
with Locke as a postponement of theE
race that fell through last year when
Locke did not compete in the Nation-
alssagainst Hubbard, the conference

Gladden Composes
Senior Lit Poem
By IDoris Gladden
The mountain climber strives from
crag to ledge
To gain scrme higher summit, where
the view,
Once his, remains a preface to the
Thatyesterday gave promise to his
But finds that summits higher'
stronger still,
Rise yet, to meet his strength withl
promise new.
And days rise into years, without re-
Each year demanding man that it be'
In higher ways than yesterday he
Anti that, which in him proves the
climber's skill
Finds that success lies farther, higher
For death is only that, when well de-
lIest not upon what yesterday has
But like the moving day, seek newer
To prove tie wtruths upon ; that which
jis won,
Is but a guide, to prove that Nature
Some purpose for man's striving while
he lives
For in that lies what Godlines is
TThN T'ear's Enrollment 1May Surpass
I Last Season's Figures Of
3207 Students

Grapes, '26E, Substitutes For (lass
President Who Is Competing In
National Track Meet
Holding its last meeting as a col-
lege group the senior Law class ob-
served its Class Day exercises at 10
o'clock this morning in room C of the
Law building. The program included
the presentation of the class memorial
as v ell as addresses by Dean Henry
M. Bai-s of the Law School and Hon.
O. L. Smith, assistant attorney general
of the state of Michigan.
Fiank Lewellen, secretary of the
Lawyers' club, presented t li<Class
mem~orial on behalf of the student
body and Prof(ssor Herbert F. Cood-
iich of the Law school gave a short
speech of acceptance.
Following the accepta ne" speec i
Dean Henry AN. Bates delivered an ad-
ure. to the seniors; and Hon. O. L.
Smith, assistant attorntx' t neral of
Alichigan, was the last s ' alk 'r on the
progran .
Class Day exercises in I e College
of Engineering wer: also held this
morning, the seniors meetin ; in Room
348 in the Engineering 'ilding be
cause of the rain. W. T. Colman pr-
sided as chairman.
The president's address was de-
livered by Jo A. Graves, class ttreas-
'Senior Women
To Celebrate
At Breakfast


. -
{ i
l i I
s I

I ________________. .______

Due to inclement weather the
Class Day exercises of the senior
literary class have ben post-
poned. They will be held at 4
o'clock Sunday afternoon in
trort of the Library.
The program will be as fol
lows: larry 1. Koenig will of-
ficiate as chairman of the cere-
monies; Harry G. Messer, presi-
dent of the class, will deliver the
president's address; the class
prophecy, poem and history, will
be read by Walker G. Everett,
&Miss Doris 'Al. Gladden, and Les-
lie W. Krieger, respectively;
George W. Ross, Jr. will deliver
the class oration; and the clos-
ing number on the program will
be an address by Dean John R.
Ellinger of the College of Litera-
ture, Se'cace, and the Arts.


According to word received from the
president of Northwestern university,
Prof. Fred M. Taylor of the economics
department will he awarded an hon-
orary degree of Doctor of Laws at the
commencement exercises in Evanston
Professor Taylor is a graduate of
Northwestern university and took his
Masters degree there in 1879. His
Ph.D. degree was awarded him by the
University of Michigan in 1888. After
13 years spent in teaching at Albion
college, Professor Taylor became con-
nected with the University of Michigan
where he has taught since 1892, a per-
iod of 34 years.
In addition to his teaching he is also
known for several widely used text-
books he has written on economics.
12:30-Meeting of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Alumni association
at the Union. j

To Race Former Victors
Feinsinger will run in the quarter
mile against Kennedy of Wisconsin,
Schoch of Illinois and Swenson of
Iowa, the three men who heat him in
the conference meet, with a possibility
that there may be some fast men from
the south and west. In the final leg
of the mile relay at Iowa City Fein-j
singer came from behind to defeat
Schoch and Kennedy and was timed
unofficially in less than 48 seconds.
Hawkins Is Favorite
In the field events Hawkins in the
hammer, Doyle in the discus, and
Northrup in the pole vault, broad
jump and javelin, are all dangerous.
Hawkins, winner of the hammer in
the Penn relays and the outdoor con-
ference, is almost certain of first place'
with no eastern man entered. He has,
moreover, an ambition to toss the ironI
ball something over 160 feet and erase
the name of Ralph Rose from the
Michigan record books. Doyle, con-j
ference champion in the discus, willj
throw against Houser of Southern
California, and other non-conference
men who have beaten or approached
150 feet.

Correspondence in the Summer ses- Senior wonen will meet together
sion oflice indicates a decided gain in for the last time at the annual Senior
attendance for the thirty-third Sum- oBreakfast to be given by the women
mner Session, beginning June 21. The frafs ob ie ytewmn
mer esson, eginingJun 21.Theof the class at 9:30 o'clock Saturday
inquiries of outside and special stu- in the Union ballroom.
dents have been much more numerous Following the breakfast, which more
than in previous years and provided than 375 women will attend, will come
the regular students register in pro- the t'aditional candle and lemon cer-
ortion as they hav e in the past the emonies which announce engagements
coiing Summer session will be the and marriages of members of the class.
largest in history, surpassing the en- At 11 o'clock mothers ad guests of the
rc.lment of 3207 of last year. senior women are invited to attend the
4 ('ourses ('overed Senior play, "The Glass Slippers That
The eight week term will offer over Broke Themselves" which will also be
five hundred courses in nearly every presented in the ballroom.
school and department of the Univer- Guests of honor for the breakfast
sity, while summer camps in biology, and play include Miss Jean Hamilton,
geology and geography, and engineer- dean of women; Mrs. Amy Hobart;
ing add to the attraction of the sum- Miss Alice Richards and Mrs. Clarence
mer work. The staff of instructors is Cook Little.
drawn largely fom the regular teach- Elizabeth Van Valkenburg, '26,
ing staff and augumented by some chairman of the breakfast, is assisted
forty visiting teachers, offering sum- by Ruth Tallman, '26, finance; Millie
mer students even wider contacts than Moorman, '26, decorations; Alice
those of the regular term. Campbell, '26, programs; Ceorgia Peet,
Dr. Karl ,ersfeld of the University '26, entertainment; and Marguerite
of Munich will lecture during the Dutton, '26, ceremonies.
Summer session on theoretical Marguerite Ainsworth, '26, is gen-
physics. He comes directly from a eral chairman of the play.
series of lectures at Johns Hopkins
university. Breakfast To Be
Visitors to Teach History Served To Alumni

urer, who took the place of Harry
Hawkins, class president, who is at
Chicago competing in the National In-
terseholastic Track and Field champ-
Following tmiis address the class his-
tory wa.; read by James P. Vose, and
Professor Alfred O. Lee of the Mod-
ern Lant.aiige department, gave the
'ustomar adress by the class men-
'TFhe pr ;::: was closed by an ad-
diess by ] )an Mlortinier E. Cooley or
the Collegi .; if Engineering and Archi-
.iss Margaret Al. Sumner presided
at the Class Day exercises of the
seniors of the School of Education,
which were also held at 10 o'clock
this morning, in the University High
:-c~(hool auditorium.
'he first number on the program
was the president's address, which
was given by George F. Iacker. Maize
A. Vanlderbeek gave the class history
anl John K. Osborne, who was clpss
treasurer, presented "Reflections."
The oration was delivered by Russel
NV WVest and the program was closed
with an address by Dean Allen S.
Whitney of the School of Education
Overemphasis of the value of a uni-
v rsity diploma in the business world
is deplored by Emma D. Partridge,
secretary of the/National League of
Business and Professional Women.
"Lay aside your diploma", she stated
recently, "in rose leaves or lavender
it you choose. But don't frame it and
don't take it into business with you."
Miss Partridge criticized the class
consciousness and snobbishness of tha
college graduate in commerce. "If
you want to be a success in business,
pocket your pride and make friends
with the humblest gum-chewing typist
in the office," she stated. "You may
feel and be superior, but you musn't
let anybody suspect you realize it."
Hayden L eaves For
Philippine Island
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po-
'itical science department left Wed-
nesday for the Philippine Islands
where he will study the development
(of American colonial government in
the Islands.
He will accompany, unofficially, Col.
'armi Thompson, whom President
Coolidge recently appointed to investi-


4:00-6:00- Open house at Martha Northrup to Meet Boyles
Cook building, Helen New- Phil Northrup, the newly elected
berry residence, Betsy Bar- j captaln, will vault again against
bour house, Alumnae house Boyles of Iowa, who tied him in the
and Adelia Cheever house. conference meet, and several strong,
7:30-Annual meeting of the Board western vaulters. In the broad jump
of Regents. will be Alderman of Michigan State,
8:30--Concert by the University of Wallace of Illinois, and a number of
Michigan Band. outsiders capable of beating 23 feet.
9:00--The 9lements library will be Kuck and Cox of Kansas State Teach-
especially opened for alumni ers' College will be at Grant Park with
of the University. javelin records of well over '00 feet
Saturday and the utter confidence of the south-
8:00-Alumni registration in lobby west that one of them can beat the
of Angell hall begins. world's record of some 218 feet.
7:30-10:00-Waffle breakfast at New- Northrup holds the conference record
berry hall. with 207 and quite possibly may beat
8: 30-Breakfast for senior nurses in that with good weather conditions to-I
Nurses' dormitory. morrow.
9:00-Dental alumni reception opens{
in Dental building. 8:00--Varsity band gives concert on
12:15-Annual Alumni luncheon in campus.
Barbour gymnasium. 9:00)-Senate reception to members
1:15-Annual Alumni Mass meeting of graduating classes and
in Hill auditorium. friends at Barbour and Water-
4:00-Alumnae house, Helen New- man gymnasiums.
berry residence, Martha Cook Sunday
anl Adelia Cheever Alumnae 11:00-Baccalaureate address by
associations meet in respective President Clarence Cook Littlej
houses. given to graduating classes at
6:00-Alumni dinner of the College l Hill auditorium.
of Pharmacy at Huron Hills 4:00-Prof. Emil Lorch of the archi-I
Gold club. tectura. %ollege and Mrs. Lorch
(:00-Fifth Annual Architectural will be at home to architec-
Alumni dinner at Union, tural gr'aduates.


A number of visitors will teach in!
the history department, among them
Prof. Charles E. Chapman of the Uni- .Ann Arbor women in the University
i tiwill serve a waffle breakfast from
versity of California, an authority on
Spanish and American history, Prof. 730 to 1 o'lotk tomorrow in g
A. C. Krey of the University of Mn- in Newerry hall under the auspices ot
the advisory board of the Y. W. C. A.
nesota, chairman of the committee on
the leaching of history and the social Visiting alumni are invited to be
studies of the American Historical present. A charge of 35 cents will
association, Prof. Frank M. Anderson be made.
of Dartmouth college, widely known
as a student of diplomatic history, Sl)4c'Cal Lectures Planned
Prof. Arthur C. Cole of Ohio State Extensive plans for entertainmentE
university, a student of American po- and special lectures have been work-
litical and social history. ed out by the Summer session, be-,
Registration for the Summer ses- ginning with an illustrated lecture by
;sion begins on June 18 for all colleges Robert B. Hall of the geography de-
except the law school, for which en- partment on "The Republic of Haitil
rollment will be held today and to- Today" at 5 o'clock June 21 in the
morrow. Natural Science auditorium.

LANSING.-State headquarters
Governor Groesbeck's campaign
the republican nomination will
opened in Lansing next Monday.



gate conditions in the Philippines.
Professor Hayden will write special
articles on his findings which will be
published in the Christian Sciene.o
Monitor. -

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