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July 03, 1926 - Image 2

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unmvr amount cut. Something must be done ///
-trees must be replaced, lands con-
OVIZICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE not be many decades before our in- '
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN dustries will be at a standstill. ROLLS
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summersession by A NEW BOULEVARD LOG
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions. Mayor Campbell has at last start- (Editor's note: for the benefit of the
The Associated Press is exclusively en- ed to make his long dreamed Of large number of our readers who find
titled to the use for republication of all news boulevard drive a reality. Since tak- it necessary to remain in Ann Arbor
dispatches credited to it or not otheiwise it necessaryhto hemthn id AnnnAmbod,
credited in this paper and the local news pub- tisg office e has had the idea in mind tis department has decided to run a
lished herein. of constructing a double drive on each series of travelogues or ideal week
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michivan, side of the Huron river from Dexter end tours. This is the last of the
postoffice as second class matter. to Geddes, a distance of twelve miles. series.
$ubseription by carrier, $1.50 by mail The drive is to follow the river as Further contributions should be ad- I
Offices: Press Building. Maynadl Street, closely as possible throughout so
Ann Arbor, Michigan. tt the tourist will constantly hav dressed to Rolls Travalogue depart-
thtth ouit il ostnl.hv ment. Autos for these trips may be;
Communications, if signed as eviaence of i the water included in his view of the ment.autsnfor thetpcay
good faith, will be published in The Summer beautiful scenery. At various places (urchased at any of the local gar-
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. 1n- ages. Adv.)
signed communications will receive no con- along the drive, wherever there is**
sideraiomi. The signature may be omitted incn-lsadwlbe ostue'
publication if desired by the writer. The surplus land, will be constructed
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse parks, picnic grounds and recreation I. MICHIGAN
the sentiments expressed in the communica- fields. From Michigan we pass lmmedlatey
A park of this nature, although into Ohio which lies over the border.
EDITORIAL STAFF not exactly an innovation, is following Michigan was green; Ohio is red. On
Telephone 4924 the lead of the more progressive cit- the Detroit auto club maps both are
MANAGING EDITORTH ie in the country. This together white. (adv.) Roads are blue nearly
MANNING HOUSEWORTH with the large area of park land now everywhere.
Cdiorial Board..... Eugene . Guteunst owned by the city will indeed make Nearly the first thing in Ohio Is Tol-
City Editor..............William R. Breyer Ann Arbor a "city of parks," for at edo. Toledo is a good town; Ohio I
Woman's Editor...........Julia Ruth Brown the present time, the city owns more State university is not located there.
Night Editors park land, proportionately, than any Next to the Main street in Flint,
Wilton A. Simpson Theodore i ornberger other city in the United States. It Michigan, Toledo has the worst pave-
Paul sJ. Kern Frederick Shilito would certainly make Ann Arbor one nents in the middle west.
Douglas Doubleday of our most beautiful cities. It Is not long before the tourist
Gail Lyons Asistds aieski Yesterday, Mayor Campbell an- realizes that he is in a city, for right I
George T.McKean Morn Zwerdling inounced the committee which he has away there is a traffic cop who holds
appointed to start making plans for up a block and a half of traffic to let
BUSINESS STAFF the new boulevard and park which a blond make a left turn. (Gentlemen
Telephone 21214 he hopes will be finished by the fall prefer blondes.)
PAUL W. ARNOLD The part in the plan that should
Circulation ................Kenneth Haven After passing three hospitals, six
Advertising...............Francis Nont.uist make the inhabitants of the city more churches, an orphanage, and the pre-
enthusiastic about it is that no pub-
Assistants tentious Ann Arbor railroad station
Edward Solomon William F. Cook lic financing will be necessary. As the
mayor has it planned, the University (adv.), one runs on to a bridge under
aorhasitplandh n pned, te aniersi which there is a river known as the
and the landscaping department in
particular will handle all the work. Maumee, in which there are several
SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1926 Mayor Campbell is to be commend- boats pushed down about half way
ed because of his foresight and pro- into the water which appear to be for
Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN ressiveness and he certainly de the purpose of floating around on the
serves all the support in this new Great Lakes.
THINK! project that the taxpayers can give From this point the motorist skims
It is ironical to say the least, that him. over the wooden pavement until he
A Ao the-gets on the outskirts of town. There
Ann Arbor citizens shoud choosei are many great factories in the out-
Birthday of the Republic as the time ---4aemn ra atre nteot
to indulge in breaking laws. There is EDI- RIAL COMMENT skirts, with great black smoke drip-
a city ordinance against the sale and1 ping from their chimneys and great
use of explosives on the Fourth, but as -- - armies of employees playing baseball

Special Tables of Books ot
Interest' to Educators

At Both Ends of the Diagonal


Scientifically selected and
prepared foods
Open every Evening except Monday
and Tu eday
600 E. Liberty Phone 9215

We Do Not
on Monday



417 East Huron Street \
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Phone 7781






ire 1hn front er rr7a Mono nhilfir®rt

the day draws near, stores become TO MUCH IODINE in the ront yards many euaren
more flagrant in its violation and the l (Christian cience Monitor) are playing in the streets, also.
(ChritianSciene Moitor
snap and boom of fireworks becomes Not very long ago the cry was for
incessantly greater and more persist- iodine in the drinking water to prevent OHIO
ent. a certain rather prevalent physical From here the motor car may travel
The old, old plea for a safe and sane disorder. So emphatically was the at an immense rate through the beau-
Fourth will presumably fall again on doctrine that the absence of iodine tiful country of northern Ohio, for
deaf ears-just as it has in previous caused the trouble preached, that act- they do not leave their cows and
years. Ordinances are passed and ually in some localities this chemical chickens out on the road down there.
disregarded and propaganda is spread was deliberately poured into water * * *
to make the day safer to bodily integI streams that otherwise were claimed Fremont

Featuring the Famous Orchestra-

Novelty Nito Every Friday

Matinee Sunday

rity but still the tabulation of CWsll-
alties mounts.

Last year, after Independence day,
the United States public health serv-
ice made a survey of the casnaltie
and they found that there had been
111 killed and 1030 injured from the
careless use of fireworks. These fig-
ures should make parents stop and
think before giving their children
money for the more powerful kinds
of explosives, and should make them
feel that if they consider fireworks ne-
cessary to celebrate, no vigilance
should be spared while their off-
springs are toying with these danger-
ous playthings. To the oldsters who
must participate in these childish
pranks, it should carry an ominous
note of warning. Let us make this
the safest and sanest fourth that the
city has ever seen.

to bee without an equal for purity
within a radius of many miles. And
Snew, as is but natural, there has come
a change of thought. In the column
entitled, "How to Keep Well," publish-
ed daily as a syndicated story through-
out the United States by a doctor
whose opinion is looked upon by many
as quite authoritive, was printed re-
cent ly an article under the caption.
"Too much Iodine." This stated in
part that some reaction against the
general use of iodine as a preventive
of the disorder in question is devel-
oping, and that the daily use of io-
dine by the human body being very
small, "the daily intake necessary to
overcome that loss is readily exceed-
ed." The writer said further that in
the effort to escape the danger of the
condition under discussion, we "occa-
sionally take too much iodine, thus
jumping from the frying pan into the
fire." One more medical superstition

v Fremont is famous because it is
the home of a president and because
Chudzinski's restaurant is there. The
president is dead and Chudzinski's
- hashhouse also produces a tremendous
-idefunct odor. Here one should turn
jto the right and take the road to
v Tiffin, which makes an insignificant
- thirty mile detour through Fostoria
because a bridge is out in Fremont.
At the half way mark one passes
'through a place known on the maps
as Fort Seneca and on the highway
by a sign and a speed limit which is
one of the most interesting places in
Ohio. The town gets its name from
an old garage with three old men sit-
ting in front of it. It is only about
ten miles from here to Tiffin.
Tiffin is famous for many things.
The town was named after Sir Toby
x Tiffin, conductor emeritus of Rolls.
It has the only hill in the northern

Good Roads all the way via Saline and Clinton




G' Cab
®® ®f

At the opening session of the annu- is apparently heading fr the discard.
dhalf of the state (suitably marked for
al convention of the League for In tourists); Heidelburg college is there
dustrial Democracy, Edward A. Rich- SYMBOLISM (not the one were they drink); and
arils, forestr'y expert, was of the op- ( University of Oklahoma Daily) (ntteoew0 te rn) n
ios that rthex c a wlfae o the The time when universityadu- they have apotato chip factory.
nation demands the preservation of ates sp)oke ntot only their own lang- Heeteouitmstrnaud
more foestmand. tage but several others fluently and and start back if he hopes to make
more forestland ...the trip in a week end, and after buy-
Mr. Richards went on to say that were familiar with the classics has i
"our industries are directly or indi- passed. R ing gas he does same.
restly dependent on the products of Now they speak, with fluency, of the At ten miles out there isdFort Sen-
the forest. Coal could not be mined lOsitions they held on football teams eca with the same three old men sit-
with mine timbers: railroads could not and the games they played. ting in front of the same garage. They
be built without wooden ties; lumber (cultural pursuits do not enter into are on the other side now because
is necessary for the farm; books their lives. They are obsessed with the the sun has moved.
newspapers, and magazines are di- idea of making money and of having a
d ti In Fremont one stops at Chudziu-
rectly dependent on forests." good time. I rmn n tp tGuzu
In spite of the great importance of In a recent issue of the Readers' ski's again and the only college stu-
our forests, they are gradually being Guide to Periodical Literature, ten dent in the town parades up and down
destroyed. The cut-over area is in- articles on college athletics were listed before one to show off lis balloon
creasing at the rate of 3,000,000 acrei j while only three were given on col- pants.
a yeam, yet available remaining lands lege education and one of these was On the way from Fremont back to
are being acquired by the government "''he Money Value of Four Years in Toledo it rains and rains and rains
at the rate of only 500,000 acres a a University." and one gets all wet and disgusted
year. It is a known fact that four 1 Men often choose their university with Ohio.
times as much is cut as in grown in because of its athletics. The school In Toledo the wood pavement has
a year. with the best football team is the best jall floated away, leaving no pavement,
Private ownership has always tak- school. It's the only one they hear which is quite an improvement, and
en advantage, and destruction lies in about. the motorist skids and is saved from
its wake. America and Europe real- A victorious football team is carried going into the Maumee by a sign
ize this, but with the exceptions of off the field. Games were photograph- which says:
France, Germany, and England, no ed and thrown on the screen. Caution: pavement slippery when
country has whole-heartedly attempt- ,Butwho ever went to the movies to wet.
ed to set aside large reserves. The 1see pictures of Phi Beta Kappas? TOLEDO AUTOMOBILE CLUB
United States, it is true, has large Alumni decorate their homes and
reserves, but not relatively speaking. offices with pictures of themselves Soon one is again back in Michigan,
Although twenty-three States have be- wearing their letters but few, not en- where cows are contented and the
gun to protect forest land the propor- gaged in educational work, wear their I. O. O. F. gives Fourth of July cele-
tion of public lands set aside is not as small Phi Beta Kappa keys long after brations.
large as it should be. they are out of school. The trip ends in front of the court
The significant fact is that the What fun it is to brag about some- house in Ann Arbor, Mich. (adv.)
-,+h i only one-fourth of the , thing that no one else values?


The Right Hatwat a Low Price

An Unusual Collection of
Millinery Regularly Selling
Goes on Sale at

at $7.50

Height of the Mode Fashions are
Included in This Group of $7.50 Hats
Now on Sale at

Here is a most fortunate opportunity for all fashionable women to include
several light colored hats in their summer wardrobe at very little cost. Many
proven successes of the summer season are featured in this marvelous collec-
tion from which you are certain to choose the perfect hat. Straws, silks
and combinations-airy, cool, summery looking hats at prices women are
pleased to pay!




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