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July 03, 1926 - Image 1

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VVL. AVII. iNO. 14







Resolutions May Cause Unseating of
Pennsylvania Notinee Eien In
Event Of Election
(By Associated Press)
WASH INGTON, July 2.-While the
senate campaign investigating com-
mittee continues its pursuit of elu-I
sive details of the $3,000,000 Penn-
sylvania Republican primary, agita-
tion is mounting in the senate for ac-
tion before adjournment on resolu-
tions which proponents say wouldl
prevent the seating of Representative
Vare, the successful senatorial candi-
date in that contest.
Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin, the
insurgent Republican member of the
committee, is the author of one of}
these resolutions which already has
been submitted to another committee
for consideration and Senator Neely,
Democrat, West Virginia, is the spon-
sor of another. Both would establish
a rule designed to bar from the senate
any candidate whose primary and elec-
tion campaigns cost him and his sup-
porters more than $10,000 to $25,000,1
according to the number of votes in-

'Noted Advocate I
OfeMental Healing F
Dies On Continenth
Rachel Crothers' modern com-
(By Associated Press) edy, "Expressing Willie", will be
NANCY, France. July 2.-Doctor presented for the third perform-
Emil Coue, the famous advocate of ance at 8:30 o'clock tonight in
auto-suggestion in the treatment of ( Sarah Caswell Angell hall by
illness, died here today. Doctor Coue The Players. Tickets will be
was born in Troyes, France, and placed on sale at Wahr's and
studied at the lyceum of Troyes. He Slater's book stores and at the
spent 30 years at a pharmacist's in box office after 6:30 o'clock and
Troyes and served as an interne in are priced at 50 and 75 cents.
hospitals for two years. lie Bever The cast "Expressing Willie"
laid claim to be a scientist in the mod- is as follows: Willie Smith, Rob-
Sern sense but was always a strong ert Henderson; Mrs. Smith, Alma
advocate of auto-suggestion. Merrick, Minnie Whitcomb, Amy
His theory, as translated from an Loomis; Dolly Cadwallader, Cam-
article of his own , is enunciated in a ille Masline; George Cadwallad-
book, "self mastery by conscious auto- er, William Bishop; Frances!
suggestion." Sylvester, Frances Horine; Tal-
Doctor Coue visited the United iaferro, Eric Klewer; Reynolds,
States in 1923 and became the center Warren Parker; Simpson, Rich-
of much controversy among physiciars ard Woellhaf, Jean, Bernice
as to the efficacy of the healing pow- Hoheisel,
ers of auto-suggestion. W. S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts"
Although he announced that he h: d has been announced as the third
given up his "day by (lay" chant, it production of The Players, to be
spread throughout The country. Dr. presented at 8:30 o'clock next
Coue gave many demonstrations of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
his methods in American clinics. nights.
He returned to Europe where lie 1
resumed his practice and then came ----
back again to the United States in 1924
for a short lecture tour. Since then H I
his life in Nancy has been rather W IL IS LO E
EXRI'eports Exhibit Total f$7,00000
Distributed Among 22 States By
Dry Organization



1 i

"QUERAMRICN ntrsAlabama L
Senatorial Race UTEEN FCUT
Declares Clements Library Collection
Of Original Copies Of Historical Will Stay There Until Lamont Tele
laps Best In A ierlca scope Is Installed; Assisted
By Col'iau
mG E n11tts ILibra~r i! h h r, b ~ c ,,,.....'" r


lrCIII~ 1Lr ry is ne est pos- :;:
{rerFourteen members of the faculty of
lessor of original copies of h said Prof. the University of Michigan who have
maps in, thUnitedStates," saidP . been granted leaves of absence for
matis departient, and collector of the school year 1926-1927 will carry
atics depart ernC u and collectoron work of varying nature in many
books on Christopher Columbus and iffrn onesoyh goe x
early American maps, in an illustrated different corners of the globe. Ex-
lecture at five o'clock today in Nat- cienti professorships, research,
uralSciece uditriu. "Qeerscientific expeditions and scholarships
oral Science auditorium. "Queer are included in the list of activities
Maps of America" was the subject of whichilled bhe in by athtes
hisc talk.beindulgedinbths
his talk. John 1. Bankhead, Jr., who man- men dur igthe yiear
The dis(overy and gradual explora- aged the campaigns for the late Sena- Prof. Aubrey Tealdi ofrthe Lanl-
tin of America was seen by the mapstor John I. Bankhead, is candidate scape Design department and Director
thrown on the slides. The first sna for Ui. S. Senate from Alabama to sue-? of the Arboretum has beengrne
in wichAmerca XI5 li~i t ~seed Oscar W. 1'nderwood. Bankhead's ;le.ave of absence from the first t hree
made by an Italian in 1506. Here outlinied policy is for a strict enforce- 'weeks of the first semester. During
continetTh aptismaruelyefinedwasment of the Eighteenth amendment, this time he will participate in a
made l declaring "prohibition is the settled Vienna conference.
maeby a Mathematician in 1501 and
policy of the United States." Prof. William J. Hussey of the As-
heethe continent was named o -__

SAmericus Vespucius, 1000 copies of
each of these maps was printed but
to-day only one of each can be found.
The third map of the New World

Old Business Cleared ji pIn Senate



volved. nd, HNose In Last 31inute Rush
Representative Vare's primary cam- liefore Adjournment (By Associated Press)
paign has been shown to have cost WSHIGTON, July 2.-Expendi-
something like 25 times the maximum MANY MEASURES PASSED tures of more than $7,000,000 by the
set in the pending resolutions. HisAi
personal expenditures alone exceeded WASHING N -n Anti-Saloon league in 22 states during
$70,000, and Senator Norris, Republi- there is all unexpected hitch ilh the past six years were disclosed byj
can, Nebraska, disclosed 'hursday plans of lcadlrs, the first s&ssion of additional reports filed today with the
that he had indorsed the candidacy of Ire9th Congress will end tomorrow. Senate campaign funds committee by
his Democratic opponent, William B. ' lany ieasure which have been , Wayne B. Wheler, counsel for the na-
Wilson, who told the investigating waiting for weeks oni the Senate and tional dry organization.
committee he spent less than $89 in House calendars were passed today , N
his campaign for the Pennsylvania and tonight as ngress entered the hese states included New or
senate seat. win. uj of t . Taryland and Rhode Island, which
windup o thesesson. heyin-
Senator Pepper, who, with Gov. Pin- cluded: ;alone have no local dry enforcement
chot, was defeated by Vare for the Passed by the Senate: statutes, as well as Pennsylvania,
senatorial nomination, testified that A bill already passed by the house. Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Frank X. O'Connor, Philadelphia mag- increasing from 270 to 340 the num- ' Missouri and Kentucky.
istrate who ran against Vare's candi- ber of officers in the coast guard. Besides the figures of receipts and
date for the seat he now holds in the I A resolution authorizing the public exlhenditures for the state leagues,'
house, told him he had been offered lands committee to investigate the Wheeler presented a number of other
$75,000 to go over to the Vare organi- advisability of changing the bound- reports including one from Andrew
zation. aries of Yellowstone park, expenditure Wilson, treasurer of the league cam
of $3,500 if the inquiry is authorized. paign committee, showing exagndi-
II h tI fA bill not yet passed by the House, tures of $8,678 in gqneral elections
PLUI OFfi R IO hII b extending provisions of the Harrison since October 8, 1924. This did not in-
narcotics act to the Virginian Islands. elude expenditures in primaries, the
S PANISH Kii UNCOVERED rA resolution authorizing the public reports stating that these "are not
lands committee to investigate th-e ar- required to be reported under the old
raticiovement of Sand Island in the Federal corrupt practices act nor the
(By Associa" Press) Columbia river, to determine whether act passed last year."
PARIS, July 2.-What apparently it belongs to Oregon or Washington. After concluding his examination of
was awell-developed plot to assassi- A bill already passed by the House Wheeler, Senator Reed announced that
natwl-ngvAlonso ofpaintasss-making a national park of the Civil the committee would seek further light
nate King Alfonso of Spain during his war battlefields at Petersburg, Vir- on the activities of the dry organiza-
visit to France has been uncovered in ginia. tion tomorrow from Doctor Ernest H.
the arrest of two members of a band Passed by the House: Cherrington, its general secretary.
of five. A bill already passed by the Senate Armed with reports Senator Reed
The men are said by the Matin to to prevent the government from col- subjected Mr. Wheeler to a long and
have confessed that they purchased an lecting over payments received in rigid examination, both made a di!-
automobile in which to meet the train good faith by persons in the military play of temper at times.
on which Alfonso and Queen Victoria service during the World war. Wheeler denied that he had written
were traveling and to do the king to A bill already passed by the Senate;the celebrated Volstead act and picked
death at the last stop the train made to autorize sale of the Mesa target Volstead to champion the measure in
before it reached Paris. If the effort I range, Arizona, the funds to be used Congress. He added that he had con-1
to kill the monarch failed there, it was for other ranges in that state. suited with Volstead frequently about
the purpose of the conspirators to I A measure not yet passed by the; the original enforcement bill.

was a simple Marine chart. "Here,"'
said Prof. Karpinski, "as in many of
the subsequent maps, North America
was joined onto the continent of Asia
and believed to be but an extension ofI
the old world. In 1548 a map was
printed in which all the continents
were joined into one huge mass of
land entirely surrounding the smaller
bodies of water. Not until 1616 was
America separated from Asia by a
The history of discovery of the Great
Lakes and the region of the Mississ-
ippi Valley was shown by Prof. Kar-
pinski through his display of maps.
These first began to be seen on the
I maps of the French in the 17th cen-
tury and not until 1696 was the first,
scientifically correct map made. This
contained the correct proportion in
size of the continents as well as the
correct outlines. The northwestern 1
part of America was still vague andt
"Early maps are interesting from an 1
artistic standpoint as well as a geo-
graphical and historical standpoint,"
Prof. Karpinski believes. "Between
I the period of 1600 and 1680 maps were
highly ornamented and beautifully
colored. Many of them are greatly;
valued because of their fine workman-1

- --tronomy department and Director of
C ,the Observatory here in Ann Arbor
MAGAZINE ARTICLES AR has hbeen granted a leave for such a
period as may be required to install
the Lamont telescope on a site to be
WITEN BY PROFESSORS 1selected in South Africa. Henry J.
Collian, Instrument Maker and De-
"A study in the genesis of Words- I signer at the Observatory will accom-
worth's aesthetic qualities," is the sub- pany Professor Hussey to Africa.
ject of a series of articles being writ- Another member of the Astronomy
ten by Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, and department who will be away during
Paul Mueschke of the English depart- the next. school year is Prof. W. Carl
ment. The articles are being publish- 1 Rufus. He is one of several members
ed in the current numbers of ".Modern of the faculty who will make the trip
Philology," a journal devoted to re- around the world on the S. S. Unliver-
search in Modern Languages and Lit- Ity which leaves September S.
erasures. Prof. Robert M. Wenley has been
"An attempt to rescue Wordsworth granted a continuation of one year to
from the Philosophers," is the purpose the leave of absence which was given
of the articles, according to Professor him a year ago. ie will continue on
Campbell. "We ar a ttempting to the English division of the American
('amhell "Weare ttemting to niversity Union situated in London.
present a new point of view concern-ss
ing Wordsworth by studying his . Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer, of the Phys-
ics department, a holder of one of the
aesthertic development in terms of r- hs
tistic history. Hitherto much of the Guggenheim Scholarships, will also
beauty of his poetry has been over- he away from the University for- the
looked while searching for his phil- year.
osophy, or else his works have been The University of Southeri Cali-
treated by the critics from a merely fornia again claims Prof. Ray K. Im-
biographical standpoint." r mel, of the Public Speaking depart-
Professor Campbell and Mr. I ment. Prof. Immel has been in the
Mueschke will ultimately publish the California university for the past
articles in book form. Year and this leave of absence is a

continuation for another year.
Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, director of
DUBLIN.-Soldies are to help local the Botanical Garden, has leave for
authorities collect taxes in certaii an extended tour of Japan and Form-
not paistricts wheforyears.ients have osa. He may possibly include Mada-
gascar before returning to the Univer-

ship alone."



I . ,w . - _ "y 0 .

A rchitects Exhibit R ork In bOther men who have been granted
leave of absences of different lengths
West Gallery Of Alumni Hall are: Prof. A. G. Canfield, of the Ro-
mance Languages department; Prof.


One of the finest and most artistic
exhibitions that has been shown in
Memorial hall this year is on display
in the Vest Gallery at the present
time, the exhibition of the work done
by the students in the school of archi-
tecture during the past year, including
about half a dozen pieces that were
done in competition for the Booth fel-;
lowship in architecture.
'The exhibit consists of about 50
sets of drawings of buildings, with the
floor plans, and includes everything

of the exhibit is a design of an old7
soldiers home done in relief with clay.'
The buildings are also exhibited as to,
floor plan and general appearance, and
constitute an interesting phase of the:
exhibit. Two of the pieces are de-
signs of homes for artists, one of them
a design for a home for three artists,
which includes separate studios for
them and a common living apartment
of true artistic setting and design.

partment, for the second semester
only; Prof. Louis C Karpinski, of the
Mathematics department, for the en-
tire school year and Prof. Roy W.
Cowden of the Rhetoric department.
Texas Has Rare
Geography Text
AUSTIN, Texas, July 2.-"Cosmo-

Carter Goodrich of the Economics de-
club building which show considerable partment; Prof. Francis W. Kelsey,
skill. Director of Near East Research; Prof
One of the more interesting features Charles H. Cooley, of the Sociology de-

slay him during his walks in Paris.
The prisoners had ample funds, three
carbines and plenty of cartridges.
PADANG, Sumatra. --- New earth
shocksvhave occurred in central Suma-
tra, where at least 200 persons are re-k
ported to have been killed in Tuesday's
quake. The damage to property will
be enormous, dispatches indicate, run-
ning into millions of guilders. (The
normal value of the guilder is 40.2
Olu~r WaerMan1

Senate to give the interstate com-
nmerce commission extended powers to
suspend railroad rates and to provide
that beginning of action against a de-
livering carrier should be brought in'
tihe state where the carrier is operat-
ing a line.
A bill not yet passed by the Senate
to create an aircraft procurement
board to coordinate aircraft purchase.
A bill not yet passed by the Senate
to authorize the Secretary of the
Navy to turn over the gunboat Wolver-
iine to Erie, Pennsylvania.
A bill already passed by the Senate
to establish a customs collection dis -
trict for the Great Lakes, to preclude
masters of vessels having to file maui-
festos with the collector of each port.
MOSCOW.- Prof, Grabar, director of
the central organization for the Re-
storing of Works of Art, has just;
brought to Moscow a picture which he
found in the Ural district. This paint-
ing has been identified by him as be-
ing a genuine Raphael. It it "La
Madona del Porpolo."

Switching the examination to the
appointment of Federal prohibition em-
forcement agents, Senator Reed want-
ed to know what influence the anti-
Saloon league exerted in that direc-
tion. Wheeler conceded that the
league had made recommendations for
MONTEVIDEO.-Co-eds at the Nat-
ional University of Uruguay are on
strike. They want a winter vacation.
American League
Cleveland 3, Detroit 9
Chicago 2, St. Louis 3
New York 5, Washington 6
Boston 3, Philadelphia 4 (13 in-
National League
St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 3{
Cincinnati 6, Chicago 1I
New York 5, Brooklyn 2
Philadelphia 2, Boston4 j

from water towers on country es- Ecclesiastical buildings occupy a graphy," a medieval geography text
tates, of which there are two very ar- considerable portion of the exhibit, written by Appianus in the Latin Ian-
tistic ones, to a pretentious summer one design of particular merit show- guage and published in Germany in
hotel in the mountains, which is de- ing an Episcopal cathedral at the seat 1524, is now included in the collection
signed on an elaborate scale, and of a diocese. There are also several of rare books in the University of
placed in a setting of mountain fast- small town churches and church Texas library.
ness. groups and one which is a colnbina- The book contains many unusuai
The six pieces that were entered in tion church and community center. illustrations. There are several mov-
the contest for the Booth prize in Several schools and academies are able diagrams designed to depict the
architecture are all designs of a included in the exhibit, as well as a i movement of the earth and other
chamber of commerce and convention design for a seaside resort. One of planets as well as hand colored wood-
ball for a small town and show an the pieces which shows a particular cuts. The index of the text is printed
amazing amount of ability on the part artistic touch is the design for a com- in both red and black ink, a practice
of the students. These are among the bination railroad and steamship ter- not in general use until much later
best pieces of work in the whole ex- minal. than the early sixteenth century.
hibit. In the maps of the "Cosmography",
Among the more interesting build- ATI-HNS.-It's going to cost money South America is given considerable
ings on exhibition are a residence for for men to remain unmarried in Greece space, but North America is shown
the president of a university, which henceforth under the Pangalos regime. as an island, bordering on the mythi-
is an admirable piece, and a design for! A decree issued recently imposes a I cal "Northwest Passage", sought for
a national tennis club. There is also tax of 2,000 drachmas (about $24) on by the early explorers. The book, as
a building for the permanent exhi- bachelors over 24, and 1,000 on those a whole, was written for navigators
bition of automobiles and a university over 40. 1rather t4ian geographers.

-believes it will be warmer today
with a possibility of showers. J

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