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July 02, 1926 - Image 2

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FRIDY. JLY 2 192

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not othe, wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-,
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class ratter.
Subscription by carrier, $i yo; by mhail,l
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,!
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as eviaence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. -Jn-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communicA-
Telephone 49
Editorial Board......Eugene Ii. Gutekunst
City Editor. .. .. ......... William R. Breyer'
Music and Drama.........William C. Lucasl
Woman's Editor...........Julia Ruth Brown
Night Editors
Wilton A. Simpson Theodore Ilornberger
Paul J. Kern Frederick Shillito
Douglas Doubledayj

ever. Then Bernarr McFadden taught
him how to keep well, and charged him
nothing! Naturally whenever he reads
"vicious" attacks upon his benefactor,
f he rises to tell what he knows.
What is startling about Mr. Sin-
clair's letter is his naive reference
to such matters as surgery and dent-

- ------------

istry. When it is remembered that a GILBERT AND GALSWORTHY
man spends from five to seven years John Galsworthy's intensely dram-
of his life, just in order to pull a atic one-act play "The Sun," is an-
tooth or to perform a surgical oper-
ation, the performances of such tasks nounced for performance by the Play-
do not appear so trival as Mr. Mc- ers next week as curtain raiser to W.
Fadden seems to make out. Undoubt- S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts." "The Sun,"
edly there is a whole lot in keeping grimly tragic, almost sordid in its
oneself physically fit, but that isaonly humanity, should prove an interest-
the half of it. There must be some ing contrast to the dripping sentiment-
means provided to cure those unfor- ality of the Gilbert play. The effect
tunates, who, through ignorance or of such a contrast is not easy to an-
indifference to health rules, are not alzye, but judgng fom similar selec-
continually in the pink of condition. tions in the past the incongruity is
The mistake apparenly rises from a more apparent than real. It is un-
false idea of a doctor's calling. In fortunate that the curtain-raiser has
America his function is primarily to been so largely neglected in recent
cure sick people; it is not to pre- years. The one-act play is a form of
vent people from becoming sick. That drama too rarely witnessed and the
Mr. McFadden was able to keep the psychological effect of the curtain-
body of Upton Sinclair healthy and I raiser is not to be ignored, either,
free from disease was a fine thing, from the manager's standpoint.
was even perhaps a literary boon The selection of "The Sun" is par-
which posterity will never forget. But ticularly fortunate. Assuredly one of
It also must not be forgotten that the finest one-act plays in the lang-
had it not been for such matters as uage, it is promised an excellent per-
surgery and dentistry, Mr. Sinclair formance by Camille Masline, Richard
might never have been in a position Woellaf, and William Bishop.
to reap the benefits from the teachings
Florenz Zeigfield's amusing attitudeE
"Outside of the Court house in the on the question of stage nudity in re-
fine 011 city of Dussledorf they rais- cent reviews has evoked loud guffaws
.c hfro mthe Messrs. Shubert and Woods,
ed a wonderful statue of Justice. One .
. who plainly think that the producer
night lightning struck the sword from of "The Follies" is posing. Of course
the hands of Justice. That is what
ails American Justice."That Ma there is some truth in Mr. Zeigfield's
justice."--Judge Mar-contention that nudity as originally
cus Kavanagh. Illinois Superior court. introduced by him took the form of
artistic tableaux at the rear of the j
"For the first time in its history stage which were no more immoral
the Mexican government has money, than many of the most admired paint-
and instead of spending it in prepara- ing is public galleries. But it has now
tion for war, it is using it on roads reached a point where the ladies of
and other civil improvements."- the chorus fear not to parade be ore
Gerenal Serrano. the footlights clad in a bit of gilt braid

Departments of theUniversity
At Both Ends of the Diagonal


Gail Lyons
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Telephone 31224
Circulation ...... . .. Kenneth Haven{
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DO Prete Collegiate Shop
Any Light Colored
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HEN hoop shirts and the
Virginia Reel were in
vogue, and loving hands at
home fashioned Grandfather's home-
spuns for the prom ....even in
those days, Anheuser-Busch was
nationally known to good fellows.
And today .... when feminine
heads are bobbed and shingled, and
we dance the Charleston in expen-
sively tailored clothes to the stir-
ring strains of a jazz orchestra ... .
is the favored drink of college mep
because, like the college man, Busch
Pale Dry is a good mixer every-
where and every time.





FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1926


The National Education association
at its convention in Philadelphia fos-
tered the creation of a Federal de-
partment of education. Miss Mary'
McSkimmon of Brookline, Mass., who
carried tremendous influence at this
conference may be quoted as saying;
"The United States is the laughing-
stock among nations because it as yet
has no national department of educa-
The Curtis-Reed bill, which is now
pending before Congress, is a means
whereby this state of affairs may be
changed, according to the association.
Acceptance of this bill would mean
the establishment of a national pres-


and colorea lignts. In a recent review
"Jazz is a caricature of music. A 12 agile ladies thus attired, and at-
J caricature can be artistic. In so far tached to cables, were swung out over
as jazz is artistic it will survive,"- the footlights to the intense delight
Joseph Weber. of the occupants of the first six or sev-
en rows. When the show filled its en-
"No matter what we build, let it gagement with this number intact and
have the setting nature intended it to no protests registered, the critics
have."-:Merle Smith. one and all admitted the public was
- - becoming appreciably sophisticated,
--- - which may, or may not be a good
thing. The outcome will be interest-
ing to watch, but, Mr. Zeigfield to the
contrary, the public does not seem to
WHERE DICTATORS FAIL be tiring of the unclothed feminine
i P i Lform, or the racy play, just at pres-
Philedelphia Public Ledger} n


, ^

Distributors Ann Arbor, Mich.



14**_ - amomm- -- I

tige for teachers--something which Under a dictatorship a nation may Concerning this matter the good,
they saddly lack. But primarily the be consolidated, industrial disorders grey, Channing Pollock has some-
advocates of legislation on this mat- halted finance and business compell- thing to say. "On Broadway," writes
ter are striving for a means of edu- ed to toe the mark, heavy taxes col- Mr. Pollok, "business has never been
cational research-a way in which lected from all classes. With his abil- better-for exhibitions that vie with
proper methods of education could be ity to keep a people at work for a the motion picture, the comic supple-
quickly brought to light. minimum return, a dictator may over ment, and the house of ill repute.
However, the Curtis-Reed bill is a an apprciable period affect the econ- For art and dramatic literature busi-
wolf in sheep's clothing-or at least omitc workings of a nation. Hess has never been worse. The pres-
it has the potentialities of becoming These things Mussolini has been' ent theater with its appeal to Peeping
such. Its adherents declare that it able to do in Italy. But even a Mus- j Tom and Laughing Jackasses, may or
would not disrupt local traditions of solini cannot gain absolute sway over;may not continue to exist, but if it
education, but it cannot be doubted the finances of a country. His power does, it will be considered the theater
that the passing of this bill would is limited in this field. Mussolini no more than "Old Sleuth" is consid-
soon mean standardized instruction. could not prevent the lira from going ered literature or the chromatic com-
At first benevolently offering advice, down with the French franc. icalities of "Pa's Son in. Law" are
its paternalism would not be long in A dictator also has great moral considered art." To which we hear
assuming a dictorial role. power. Italian Fascism is a fine a loud chorus of amens.
Legislation of this sort has its ad- frenzy of patriotism. The loyal Fas-, If it would only occur to those who
vantages no doubt-teachers as a cist devotes himself to his country be- are loudest in deploring the state of
class do need prestige, and proper fore all other interests. He is ready affairs in the theater that the only
education means are lacking. But to sacrifice himself not only on the way to bring about renascence of the
the disadvantages are too great. A battlefield but also in the business of !dramatic art is to support a truly
standardized, "canned" education life to keep Fascism pure and un- worthy performance when it does ap-
would certainly smother individaul- defiled. pear. The other course lies in the
ism. Some localities ought to be en- But Mussolini could not make all institution of the Little Theater or the
lightened from without, but not many, his Fascists individually honest. He resident stock company. For the re-
A national educative system would could not free them from the taint view, salvation seems to lie in emula-
mean that sooner or later all Amer- of wanting to feather their own finan- tion of those two excellent English
icans would be almost identically cial nests at the expense of Fascist reviews which have aDneared in this

Is .d

alike, and teachers would be mere
mouthpieces of an immense machine.
Regardless of the merits of the bill,
a Federal department of education
would be a usurpation of State con-
cerns. The State is better suited to
decide upon a remedy to combat its
evils of education than is the nation-
al government. Intimate knowledge
of local affairs could not possibly be
of much significance in Washington.
The national government is already
bothered too much by matters which
should be handled by the States--it
is time to start drawing the line upon
centralization by starting with thisl
latest move.
In an open letter addressed to
Time, Upton Sinclair. American writ-

honor. He is now in the midst of
cleaning up a big bank scandal which
involves many higher-ups in the Fas-
cist regime. There are some prob-
lems that not even a dictator can
(Philadelphia Public Ledger)
A curious phenomenon-this rush
to get into Sing Sing Prison. Prison-
ers at the bar, we are told, are chang-
ing their pleas from not guilty to
guilty in order to expedite their in-
carcertion. Others are refusing to
take advantage of the multifarious
technicalities which often keep them
outside prison walls for indefinite per-
iods. It is quite possible that somel
who would not be convicted at all are
convicting themselves and beseeching

country, Chariot's and Jack Hulbert's
1entertaining "By the Way," their chief
contribution being the significant fact
'that a sketch need not necessarily
concern the sexual relations of milady
and her boy friend to be funny. And
for the nude ladies, we can stand it
if they can.
* * *
Apropos of the above it may be Mr.
Pollock is somewhat soured at the
varied reception of his drama, "The
Enemy," which he advocates as a
"stirring indictment against war."
Strange to say critics have been far
knider to this play than to the dramat-
ist's recent panaca, "The Fool," which
received an immense amount of at-
tention from the public in spite of
critical sneers. Burns Mantle, Percy
Hammond, and William Lyon Phelps,
all agree in putting "The Enemy"
among the ten best plays produced
last season in New York.
Burns Mantle's "official list," the
most recently published, included, be-
sides "The Enemy," "Craig's Wife"
(the Pulitzer Prize play), "The Green
Hat," Eugene O'Neil's "The Great
God Brown," "The Last of Mhs. Chey-
ney," "The Bride of the Lamb," "The
Wisdom Tooth," "Young Woodley" (in
which Glenn Hunter is still appear-
ing), "The Dybbuk' 'and the "Butter
and Egg Man." t

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er, accuses the magazine of being too the authorities to "send them up the
severe with one Bernarr McFadden, river." Not knowing the facts, one
health expert and millionaire editor.. bight suspect a wave of repentance on
McFadden made the statement that the part of these persons so anxiousl
cancer will yield to dietary treat- to begin serving prison terms. The
ment, promising to cure it under that reason, of course, is something else
method. Time. received this asser- again. A new and stricter parole re-1
tion with a deal of skepticism. gime goes into effect on July 1. Those
Mr. Sinclair then rose to remarl admitted after that date will have to
that he had spent several thousands serve their minimum terms, and good
of very good American dollars on behavior records will come under
doctors and dentists, "end except such closer scrutiny. Naturally, all who
matters as surgery and dentistry," can make it want to get in under the
they had done him no good whatso- 'older and easier rules.


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