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IAl 1 ND iG H i CE
VOL. XVII. No. 13
Custodian of Clements Library Gives
Second Lecture in Series
On Independence
American history dealing with the .
period of the Revolution will have to3
be entirely rewritten during the next
few years, according to Dr. Randolph
G. Adams, Custodian of the Clements
Library who delivered a lecture yes-1
Georgia Woman
Enters Race For
j Governor There
terday afternoon in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. Dr. Adams' subjectt
Miss Lavonia Seals, above, is a can-
was "The Winning of Independence"L
and was based upon the Clinton didate for governor of Georgia subjects
papers now in possession of the Clem- to the Democratic primaries. She is a
ents Library. school teacher.
Lecture Illustrated Cr
Dr. Adams' lecture was illustrated Church Census
throughout with slides of portraits, Ij' T T"
maps, and letters which had a very i 0 fn ve s t
direct bearing upon the course of-the
American Revolution and which up to Is A nn unced
a comparative recent date have been1
lost to historians and scholars inter- Methodists in the summer session
ested in historical research. These
papers in the Clinton collection-form- number over two hundred more than
Ing the nucleus of the British side of the Presbyterians, their nearest riv-
the Revolutionary war-were secured als, according to the religious censusa
by Regent William L. Clements last made public yesterday by the Student
February, after they had remained al- Christian Association. The Methodist
most unnoticed in England for 150 ,
count is 710, approximately one fifth
sof Arnold Lettersof the student body, while the Pres-
Dr. Adams showed portraits and byterians number 481, or nearly fifteent
correspondence of many of the leading per cent. Of the other denominations,
British generals, tying up the subject the Congregationalists were thirdr
matter of the letters with the course with 245, the Catholics fourth with
of the war and showing when andt 24,Th e Catholisfourth with
where the popular historical concep- 225. There are 204 Episcopalians reg-_
tion has been erroneous. istered, 181 Baptists, and 103) Luth-
Of pasticulanerestos.ege erans. The remainder of summer stu-
Of particular interest to the general dents are distributed in groups of less
public in this respect is the multitu- than a hundred each among a great
dinous correspondence between the numer of denominations. Only about
famous American traitor, General Arn- wumberfen tions.tOlabout
old, and the British headquarters; trelve per cent failed to claim men -
these letters have neverbeen published. bership or expnres a preference for
According to Dr. Adams, however, this soni denomination. The religious
new source of historical evidence does nsus is based on information obtain-
Buffalo Industrial Plants Will Wei.
come The University
With the announcement yesterday
that more than 40 students had al-
ready signified their intentions of go-
ing on the annual Niagara Falls ex-
cursion, indications are that an ex-
ceedingly large party will go from the
University this year. There is still a
week before the excursion, the fifth of,
the summer season, leaves on July 9,
and it is expected that many more will
arrange to go in the intervening time.
The excursion, which will be made
under the direction of Dr. Russel G.
Hussey of the geology department,
will leave Ann Arbor on Friday and
arrive in Buffalo Saturday morning,
giving the party more than a day and a
half at the Falls. The group will
leave at 6:00 o'clock Sunday night
for home and arrive in Ann Arbor at
11:15 on Monday morning.
Side Trips Planned
The Detroit and Cleveland Boat
company is handling some of the ar-
rangements for the trip, and Mr.
Strickroot, the representative of that
company, will visit Ann Arbor on
Thursday July 8, at which time ticketsI
for the excursion may be purchased
as well as tickets for all of the side
trips and features of the Falls. Many
special features will de open to the
students, among them the Niagara
Power company, one of the largest
electric power concerns in the world,
and the model of the Falls which this
company has had constructed on its
grounds in miniature, and which may
be manipulated to show the effect of
water diversion on the Niagara river.
Will Use Special Cars
Industrial plants in the city of Buff-
alo will also be open to the party,
among them the Shredded Wheat fac-
University Professor And Two 1DStdent StdyinrPhlippnes
B Associated Press) publfation, doing this work under the
ANN ARBOR, July 1.-History and direction of Prof. Hayden.S A
institutions of the Philippines and the i Mr. Powell graduated with honors
movement of the Island peoples in ad- 1from the University of Wales in 1923.
vancement of government is a subject During the past year he has held a
being studied intensively by three Riggs graduate fellowship in the Uni- BOTH HOUSES ARE STIRRED BY
people connected with thb University versity of Michigan. Here he has DEAEO EHDO
Sof Michigan. Heading the list is Prof. utilized the University's collection of
J. R. Hayden, political science, ex- Philippine material, including the rate NOMINATION
change professor at the University of books and manuscripts given to the
the Philippines in 1923-24. Prof. school by the late Dean C. Worcester. BEGINS IN SENATE
Hayden is returning to the islands This collection includes a large
this summer to continue his studies amount of material upon the estab- Neely Borah, Reed, Express Their
in development of democratic institu- lishment and development of local Opiyo, o d Epion I
tions in the islands. Associated with government in the Philippines. Opinions on Corruption li
him is I. B. Powell, a graduate, while Miss Lazar, who graduated fromennslvana
Miss Marie C. Lanzar, a resident of the
islands, is making a study of the Anti- the University of the Philippines in (By Associated Press)
Imperialistic league. 1922 and received a degree of master WASHINGTON, July 1.-Demand
Mr. Powell, a graduate in Political of arts in political science from that that steps be taken to
Science at the University, has re- institution in 1923, is engaged in the si epsndituen of pre n
ceived a Laura Spelman Rockefeller preparation of a doctoral dissertationsynprim-
memorial fellowship, granted him to on the anti-Imperialistic league. Miss ary campaigns were voiced in both the
allow him to complete a study of local Lanzar has made a remarkable collec- Senate and House today with the re-
government 'in the Philippine Islands. tion of documentary source mterial cent Pennsylvania primary the par-
He will proceed to the Philippines in on the cource of the league, says Prof. ticular target.
August and remain there long enough Hayden, including the private papers. Ar d
to use the historical records bearing and documents of most of the men who rNeely Democrat, West Virginia, se-
upon the history of provincial and directed the activities of this organi- eral senators joined him in a denun-
municipal government since 1898, and zation. cia s o hed nsl nna drima-
to observe the existing system in ac- Miss Lanzar came to the University! caaino Seen syvaeed epbiany
tion. He will then return to the Uni- as the hoder of one of the Barbour campaign, Senator Reed, Republican,
versity to prepare his material for Fellowships for Oriental women. Prynsystemi, notporrtin, a the-
I - ary system, not corruption, was the
D octor Show During the debate with Senator
Borah, Republican, Idaho, assuming
R elation Of the lead, the system was defended as a
I -bulwark for the protection of the
H ealth Bopeople from crafty politicians.
The Senate discussion got under
way and spread to the House where
School Founder, A Normal Professor, In his lecture on "The Relation Be- I Representative Schafer, Republican,
And Educational Directors tween the Practicing Physician and Wisconsin, demanded an investigation
the Department of Public Health." at to determine if charges brought out
G!IY CUA~~eoeteSnt omte er re
not show Arnold in any better light
than he has heretofore been seen;
they,in fact, make him all the more
despicable character because of the
quibbling over ransom from the Brit-
ish government and the small driblets
of information sold over a long period
that they reveal. Arnold, according to
Dr. Adams, was negotiating with, the
British government for 20 months be-
fore his final act of treachery.
Discusses Maps
Documents and hand-maps illus-
trating the scenes behind many im-
portant battles from the time of Lex-
ington and Concord to the final sur-~
render at Georgetown were discussed
by Dr. Adams. Among the letters
shown was a "mask" letter-a letter
that tells nothing important when
read in its entirety but which reveals
a vital message when a form is placed
over the pages and just the words
falling within the form are read.
The entire Clinton collection pur-
chased for the Clements Library em-
blaces some 12,000 separate docu-
ments and over 400 campaign maps,
said Dr. Adams. He concluded his
lecture with an invitation for the audi-
ence to visit the Clements Library and
see many of the interesting documents
in the collection now on display there.}
The Library is open to visitors from
two to five in the afternoons.
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, execu-
tive secretary of the Alumnae
council, has announced that Mr.
F. A. Stuart of Marshall has do-
nated $300 to the Women's Lea-
gue Building fund. The contri-
bution was secured by Marian L.
Welles, '28.c
Beginning July 7, and lasting
for a week, the League will hold
a drive to secure funds for the
building. This campaign will be
under the supervision of Laura
Osgood, '28.
ed from the registration cards filled tory andlthe Carborundum company.
out by all students. The lists formed I Many of the trips will be made in
from it are used for the student work special cars, among them the trip
of the various Ann Arbor churches down the gorge route, which will be.
both in the summer and during the made one way on the Canadian side
regular school year. and at the top of the bluff and the
other in the Gorge itself. The party
will also leave Ann Arbor in special
Announce Tag Day cars.
Thursday, July 15, was announced
as the tentative date for the annual
summer school tag day for the Fresh
Air Camp by H. 1-. Grafton, camp
manager. At that time boys from the
camp will come to Ann Arbor to sell
tags on the campus in an effort to
complete the budget for the summer.
Approximately one fifth of the cost
of the camp, which runs for six weeks,
is given by the student body in the two
tag days.
Franklin Cappon, who assisted
Coach Yost with the Wolverine foot-
ball team last year, is teaching in the
summer school at the University of
PARIS.- A Matin dispatch from
Sofia says four bombs were thrown
in the market place of the capital Mon-
day night. Three of them exploded,
injuring numerous bystanders.
BERLIN.--The Reichstag approved
the second reading of the bill regulat-
ing the proposed settlement of claims
of former German rulers. The third
reading comes up tomorrow.
Krea her M
Any person interested in the trip
may go, -and Dr. Hussey will be in
his office in the Natural Science build-
ing from 2 to 5 o'clock nearly every
afternoon for the purpose of inter-I
viewing those who wish to go. The |
trip, including all sundry expenses
and meals, will not cost more than
$30, and probably much less.
Prof. Karpinski
To Lecture TodayI
A lecture today at five will be the
last number of the week on the enter-
tainment program. It will be an il-
lustrated lecture by Prof. Louis Kar-
pinski of the mathematics department
entitled "Queer Maps of America."
The first event on next week's pro-'
gram is a lecture at five o'clock on
Tuesday, July 6. At this time Prof.
Bruce Donaldson of the fine arts de-
partment will talk on "The Modern
Movement in Painting." This lecture
will also be illustrated.
Women To Picnic
All women in the School of Educa-
tion are invited to a picnic which is to
be held at the fireplace near the IslandI
at 5:30 o'clock on July 7. The party
will leave Barbour gymnasium at 5:00
Miss Grace Richards, acting Dean of
Women, assisted by Margaret Eaton,
'26, acting president of the Women's
league, and women of the faculty, was
at home to all women students of the
University yesterday afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium. Refreshmnents were
gve uourses ...i. . . , a
the auditbrium of the Dental building{before the Senate committee weFe true.
If they are, he declared, Vare should
FIVE MEN INCLUDED yesterday, Dr. Guy Kiefer of Detroit be seated by the Senate and should
Iexpressed the belief that this relation be unseated in the House before the
Of the 32 visiting professors and is a mutually dependent one. Dr. end of this session of Congress.
Kiefer based his opinion upon his ex- I Opening debate by urging passage
instructors offering their services ate
1 periences as former Commissioner of of his resolution to make it unlawful
this University for the 1926 summer Health of Detroit and as a practicing for any candidate for the Senate to
session, 5 are included in the School physician. +spend more than $25,000 in his cam-
of Education. Among these is Wen- The practicing physician aids the paign, Senator Neely declared that the
dell Stanton Brooks of Northwestern department of health by making re- primary campaign in Pennsylvania
University. Mr. Brooks is the founder ports to it of births and dzaths, and had exceeded anything in political his-
of the Brooks School for Boys at ;of communicable diseases. In its tory for its bribery, graft, infamy and
Indianapolis and is a charter member work of stamping out diseases, the perfidy. He asserted that it made
of the National Association of Prin- department of health must also depend Philadelphia and Pittsburgh the polit-
cipals of Secondary Schools. He is upon the assistance of the physician. ical Sodom and Gomorrah, not only of
the author of a book called What to The department of health, in turn, the United States, but of the modern
Take in College and a contributor to offers aid to the physician. Through world.
educational and religious magazines. the establishment of clinics to educate, Senator Borah interjected that the
He is giving courses in "High School the field of specialization in medicine Pennsylvanian senator would get
Curriculum" and "Principles of Teach- has been broadened through the need small consolation if he compared the
ing in Secondary Schools." I for specialists in such fields as chil- expenditure before the primary system
Clay D. Slinker, director of com- dren's and lung diseases. Medical in- was adopted to those afterwards,
mercial education in the public spection in schools and the enlighten- while Senator Neely announced he was
schools of Des Moines, Ia., is giving ment of the people regarding preven- unalterably opposed to a return to the
courses in "Principles of Commercial tion of diseases has made a greater convention system.
Education" and "High School Com- demand for the services of the physi- Senator Caraway, Democrat, Arkan-
mercial Education." Mr. Slinker is clan. sas, averred that the wet and dry issue
the organizer and director, of the Des Doctor Kiefer stressed the fact that injected in the Pennsylvanian cam-
Moines Junior Chamber of Commerce the work of the public health depart- paign had made it so that the elected
and organizer of its Bureau of Educa- I ment is not to practice medicine but officer either was a subservient tool
tion, the first of its kind in the United to educate the public in matters of or the most ungrateful man on the
States. disease prevention. For this reason,! earth.
Milo H. Stuart's courses deal with every department should have some- The Senate debate closed with both
administrativeand supervisory prob- one available to explain these to com- Senators Borah and Blease, Democrat,
lems in th6 schools. He is principal munities whenever the demand is South Carolina, announcing they
of the Arsenal Technical Schools at made. I would reopen the discussion later.
Indianapolis. He contributed five
chapters of the book, Types of Schools f for__________________Boys.______________
for Boys.
Professior Theodore W. H. Irion of AT ~ y 7 4,'
Michigan State Normal College, Ypsi- MUSIC AND DRAMA
lanti, offers work in the "Psychology
of Learning" and "Individual and
Group Intelligence Testing." Profes-
sorup FrnkA.Jensen spesintPeent "EXPRESSING WILLIE" which we have had the pleasure of
sor Frank A. Jensen, superintendent
of schools at Rockford, Ill., is instruct- A Review, by William Inglis witnessin'g. Faithful, developing Min-
ing in principles of school administra- There is always a Lady in the Seat nie, who is striving for freedom under
tion and supervision. Bhthe tutilage of understanding Talia-
Behind. I almost turned over the ;ferro, is played by faithful, develop-
writing of this review to this one. ing Amy Loomis.
A tract of land 1,000,000 acres in She seemed a much better critic than The Lady's next interpolation is, "I
extent will be reclaimed by irrigation I She began the evening by discuss- 3 want to see that mother again." Mrs.
in southern Texas, which will bid fair ing the Players; said she enjoyed Smith is Alma Merrick, new to Ann
for the increased prosperity of theArngrthetPlayerth adddtshe.eFjoaed
them; wondered how they could pro- Arbor but a worthy addition. Finally
Lone Star state, for the land is use- dues; ood p one a week.rIt she appeared and the Seat Behind
less in its present state.d"ce such good ays once a week. ejaculated "She's good."
is an experiment, a successful one. I Taliaferro, monacled, almost spatt-
The Players are enthusiastic. They ed, and also new, was inexpressible,
BASEBALL SCORES seem to work hard; at least the re- even to my Helper. How can I eulo-
suits are' good. Her only comment at gize him further if even She can't?
American League t George and Frances Cadwallader
Cleveland 11, Detroit 6 the end of the first act is. "Isn't this Imoved in the lively background, ex-
Chicago 3, St. Louis 4 spicy!" I cept when George sang and Frances
Washington 2, New York 3 "Expressing Willie"! From be- danced, which brought an encore.
Washington 12, New York 5 hind the green curtain of Mudville, or "Love, Minnie-you've got to have
Boston 10, Philadelphia 5 Ijsome place where they had played some one to sit by the fire with."
National League and loved in the barn together, emerg- That was "Expressing Willie."
St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 7 ed Minnie and Willie into the purple
Cincinnati 1, Chicago 2 mimicry of New York. Willie, the BRUSSELS.-A plan to transfer the
New York 5, Brooklyn 3 brunt of all his guests ideas on sup- Belgian state railways to a company
Philadelphia 1, Boston 3 pression and expression, is Robert controlled by the state has been un-
Henderson in the first straight lead animously approved by the Cabinet.
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Says unsettled today, probably cooler