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June 30, 1926 - Image 2

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T1he; result of the cxote in. the Senate A T R L
01on the, Dawe's-McNary-Haugen tbill i
OFFaICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE surprising. As a bodly the Senate;
SUMMER SESSION fastened it self to sound~ economic fact
'huts in he! Cni'. ci t1ly Snnicitt e' ' by ti dSWept asidle the temptation forl UO~ VR1' B L ORt
thle loard t n out r o f ,iStI160un i llii,
itS p)olitica1l opportunlisml. '['here is something about the Rolls{
Fle sscatd Flor those unaicquainted with theli column that makes for a sensational
titled to the use for retnibhcatic'n of a!1 newsf economic side of the questlon there! fraternal feeling between the cont ri- 1
d ssial 11125;elitedi to it o not (ithe, v btos.Ofcure urrcetIuta
1edittcd in tis ~paper anid the ,ual1l n pb-s Sa great de~alI ot sentinment ality (Con - btr.O oreorrcn lita
fished herein. initiation ito Chimpanzees,Ros'
hse1hrn.nected w~ithi this lill. Any nove'iit it ol
Enutered tit ti. .\iii \l io' iciait , h --'is -honor society, mlay have something to
posto:Iice as seconid class 1? Utte. i gou ttetlehiliov 1Ln itit. Anyway, we are getting
Subscription by carrier, $.30 by milineri~lt of the farmer is w\elcomedi by
$2 tocoid ribs fromi the o rand old mlan of
-Offices: Pr ess Iuildiii , \ v~l d .0 1 , t, 1 >1! 1 , w ehe tis a eI~' al i Rolls.
Anin :'rbor Michigan. all the count ry or not. It is their'\ a rng uptoortra
( Olfhi~i~aiino. 4~ ~ LCl~l view that the farmer must be hielpedi h! .esat rndodma pn
goodfaitytri'lblacpublshe iniile n ut the(,i1g hmtefrfrm t~le 'aci'vitDilydt te.dicretonel tye cents. fornea ctelegram tletom t endn
signed willnreceive ni crvn if "s.ixu nouii his cont rib. Such devotion is unpar-
sidei ai n . 'hhiesigniature iWray be omitted I i-i i ll H 1 Iaurg en ism i s a Iangerousd
pubication if des'ired by the wrilier. 'tbhe alleled in the annals of the column.I
Slimmer Da~ily does notutiee ssarity cendorse i raid of economic fallacy, as IS anyItreithwi:
tile .senltjiments -Xpt-edt i heIlC wnn11 ifca' method of artificially regulating price.I 'V~TI I l BU
The acceptance of this bill could only TIh F ACT THAT'THEY NIlE PI"I'-
EllORIAtItI l, i''A I ' have led to serious discontent can all I W 1II!SI{ll ON F0III)S TO
T1elephionme 4f"' sies b~efore long. IiAKE THEM LOOK LIKE LINCOLNS
MANAGING EDITOR rie1w (, oIOil this bill \vas entirely ti-EI'ION 1hll{ IS IT TRUE'OM03-
MANNING 1HOUSEWORTH tithout reg-ard to party lines, but that , U nxHS THE RUMi'fOR BIEEN+
C hairmn , iLsnot the nimt noteworthy fact. ,~4INI tt . lucil ;I:A.1 E DQ1ELIN _AR
ity L~dtiir.. ............. ilnR it. x. \\ btt isirealIly uimpor'tanitis the South -",
Wm ican 1%,i ............\ ilia orJI- n Democrats vol elais they Believed, SICK.
rlt ht Edtors jl'sl , it atI +Tof linil'-tiheniselves up
Wiitcn A. siulipsoa 'T t 4o iij \v it It the We-t inl th1o.hope that leg- '. ED1 1 K Ii:li
P~aul J. Bern l'redlrc ?.;'ak islation favoral+ to 0ohem aight sootn PES OT ENiEI
D ouglas I oubleda, ) he1luflPii il ~ i',u li Seitf)ti r\'illiants, PHE l.IHRARIEllS
Assistants Re(publican, M11issouri, tfrl~etl the Southl A pestilence that should be exter-
01ai . vanis\liT'i.t / I! ing '' eniiimore bait lby lost ePitt nanimnd -! nit nat edis t hi' femliineii ibrary ixlit-
ti,'lel t ih di spenised w 1ith the prove- tr \X a t i a ltabewt
BUSINESS siT -jT io !;Ithat the eqtualization onl cot tonl!twVo, a blonde and a bruirteti c, it ntyu
Telephone 21214 , not to be'onme 14ffective for threel ell hall library (the rhetoric one)
BUSINESS MANAGER yers. P ifty votes werey cast against M\oiiday evening, and while weWe1'cr
PAUL W. ARNOLD this-, thirty-five for it. ry')ing to promote ourselves in a his-
tircalaio0..................,....KCI'fill',i'(' Three eoratic senators_-Glass toryl course-this was be'-tween 1 :45
AL r'i a.........ran,' -!i, o' i in~Smlitlh Of South Carolina, a nd ~ 15they 11 Ikd. t wsn't quite
AS'iisatan;ltl and ofRed of M issouri - me nt w hose li ' X 'il d l it d n e c u d
EdaiiiSll li--------------------------pilions sire va.liued. spoke against ther n't hlear what they said. Yea, verily,

Departments of the University
At Both Ends of the Diagonal



WtE] )NESI) XY .11':\

bill. Srhait )r Sin ,h1(.,ould not seE why errcms cttl l ve S ryentle-
farmers should bj, permitted to sell at man's life when lhe pryefers nemither
"i < 0, 1!)26 J Ii aly price abni und anld at top price bllnds nor brunettes.

Night E4:ditor --- 1). F. DI)(TBLHIAY farmers wog
a, monithi, a
IFR'EE SPE ECH AND 'F E il:('I'RTS !Pedwith Io
Amid the hal leluialis to lie "' land fl-it couil
of , lie free'' which begin arising \t lion t re
about this time of year, there coie it, of hiis rn
to the attenitioni of nelvsi~ai~krntiIi hc' oligt
throughout the nation the supptres i51I1beoblga
of re It ca :iidtl(" ur) ~rifidwould havi
f e d m o w p r . up - i i I if t c o u r ts ,a t v a r io u s t in e s w it b in th l a s t h
three months. Tei(t
The - -great c raize u f new spa pefr-las- mat - l'is
ing -among ,_jaigs-,':;s f~ttirt bot iisijit
to public attention by the episode lr.inluint
Baltimore where three *ol'ils' 'tr d
were gi venlrathoir' sever inttIin: l;i le",fi 0i Ot.Te
print ing the tfacts of a trial ihwil
which the public was en? hI a i~dt:'i 'st rat
I KW no. hO ienext bl ig easetwat. Ia
concerning Carl GMAfee I n luur X,1)r
flue, New: Mexico. who fougirht a fat,,-. 1101itia
political IbaitIttoagista e t ai judgeers.
This, judgo hadsced Il'CtElil in sending~r'
liina tohprIson inl' '2: ,i id aga".in ii Princeo
194. Hut ;he fight eitnobiitii?2n rthI
the judge nattacked tl . 1i' inpl r inmbl-n . . , na
lie with the cnetene a lot Ii
The ltes t ease of a pioliticalI parit y ; "
hi king~ out its spite against ,an edritorI
through the courlts, because li tI~
donuce d its atlmin istriat ion t, tcomes _;t AI.1,L
us from Eureka,('a liforia Alfred
Lindsle y, editor1' (f the II tttn oldt N(,w.< ' The nowx
is serving a thousand days in jailI .1 t, t'piii t:il1
Some time ago Mr. tLtmdshey saw vfit utat ion fi'r s
to attalck the (istriet a t 01'iC','5:(fflc(' ise is.J1,It
through the i'oluuins 01' hi,: biwekydslcn
journal, for corrut 1ion andlt'ecrtnaitnof Pi alice
Irahtices whiic'hlhe alleged ereha ()d711itm',1d.
onl fact. lie was imniediatelv arres',td pe~ri'n it
on a charge oif criminal libel. alth gt ~lafinanucial ini
it is claimed that his attac'ks were not j er reassui
upon the dist ri('t attorney personally ('a° i Ilan x ha
b~ut were direct ed toward the prac- I, i plansc
tires of' his offic'e. The judgt'hldh hiiii metasutre of
guilty and fined himt $50) on ea cl of currency1('A.
four cotiuts or onle day in jail for has se tlhi i

itor' Reed believed lbhat thef
oufd riot tole~rate( the bill forl
1 t- as t mch concerin-I
)nDale .Anv one .of these;
have st tppoi't ed the ,bill
eiiVitug the condem nnation!
1)( clive staite. Political al-
the11 ,es't-espe ciaily with
ion nlth oth' ler sidhe--,
e, -rn compensation for a1
Iy othe~rwise disgruntled
oh~ of thec Senate in this
ommndable. Common
riot np~hed ndilhas enahled
"E I'ecognized. The mom-?
antnac whchbeckoned sot
i_ i 1;1e(,n seeni n ii its true;
am uand the Co olidg~e
tion m1ay justly be proud.1
lie E: ";t iharis tic Ctongress.=
Pon vent iluii of etut'hre Illay -
hday- t- ,iceit 6;,anti neverI

('113 m'deb efio'e I cast
'111o~ff. thlivsei'vi'e done,
1,:i st' aiol e thrimoughi the past
We have together run.
Slet tMing void of pities,
oosctsin mossy lane, 1
Hot piavement dlust of cities,
j Clean ship's boards onl the mai.,
'There, shoes, in thee I've treai
Stood firm sometimne-, or rags
' Ye pillows' guard asembiled,
Banks waited while I swain.
Whit~ young, wvIt h lusty sqlueaik,
Though:11oftyegae fmmePaini,
WiVtil~ermuch spenzt I eacwhweek
Thtytat'iion to maintan.
Still, servalnts, lie who knows
In dark and dlusty closet
Thout must ttir'm up thy toes,
Thy wrinkledfi-tipst
Wilt, anuswer' thy old t ongue.,
For thou and nonie besidle,
In ricey frolic fhung
Shalt fillip at my bride.

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Newv York T'imtes) ADDI)AMERIC'ANA
F iiiamccAlinister of IE'rantic' (lit iibition to .s( itmiiee and thle high-
In lix' has long had a repo -er logic by onie of )wtt nt lomi's I cad'
-tii m'ing thingtiu)whereverig political imnpressairlos:
Itly be that! his action in, "Tshe attitude of the" student In
the- ovtrnor ofi the Baink 1 higher mathematics is, that there is
Al. l~obitieau, is only an- l an amnswer to his problem, and with
al;ion> of his~ restless ten- this in mind, lie cran solve with 'rea1-
l~iut it will be strange if m iess any that he may leave."--.Curtis
terpretatiotis, not altogeth-j 1). Wilbur in ani interview to the
tig, atre niot pla'edl on it., Daily Princetonian.
as alreadry given hints that * #
-all for at least a small Sign in the Engineering Building:
t(-iiipoi'at'y inflatioin of the $100J REWARD
Agaist this M. Itobineau I 1For Theo Apprehensiou



that's why "Luckies" taste so good


Li~ ci ike a fl intI. The last?

Of Anyone Stealinag I

o'aehlitwoud ollar;s. 1 tor flin dsl cv re-:t tinun I report of the Bank of Fr'an'e, Overcoats
f'uised to pay bo'('a Use he beil ieved fie t rm' m te ( lovenulto cut that it must} There's foresight enough to satisfy'
had bteen uunjust ly a(ctisedl. o raise jgill Ithe legal limit. 1' noteI the most ardent advocates of a "Be i
Editor a tnt Puhblisher, in commient- issues Amid in the i'ecenit flurry oveir Prepared" policy. Other things theyI
ing on this case, said. "'There are too t1wliefll of the franc, tie Governor of could have added are: ''Make your
many earmarks of bureaucrat i' polit- thel Lank of Pranco stood tiut firmly second semester elections now." 27
icy; and pompotus judlicial dignity in againsta Iliowiig it s gold reser've to be, Engineers! Pay your diploma fees
this ase to piermiit it to go 111110tio tsef to mia it aiFrenich exchatnge.j now!" "Order tickets to the hockey
1 iced. Ile had the right to a ttact'hIle II ence it. will not be stmange if his re-' gamne before it is too hat e!" -Please
conduct of the district attorney's ot"- I tirr'ioen1t is I alen .to indicate a chang(A' remove galoshes before entering the.
fice if he kept witli hin t'efac'ts. iof harking polt'y., i~r
''The high-handed butsiness of judlges ,If is only fa ir to .add that M. ('all- ***
sending men to jail for contempt of hiix deliruceates suehi anm inference. In a few days we will have another
their courts, with no opphortunity for1' ?lt is otiit'1tl s ate'uit'it regarding Al,. treat for the readers of Rolls, If the
trial before a disinterested tribunal, Xforcatix, c'houstn to stucco ed Robinean, inotyper is willing to set it we are
is one of the.gmavest free pr'ess clues- hie declartes that the new Governor of going to run our own series of Nize
ttns of thit day,. It is unruteasnabitle thlt et Ilk ''will firmly Imaintain the Baby Exaggerations. We have per-
and wholly out of line with our the- indeimdeitce of' our' great banik of fected tiur technigue-imitative, to bel
ory of jttstice."'iste leriedit of which must re9- sure, but perfect nevertheless- and
America cannot afford to permit tane main distinict from that of the Stale.'' 1 we feel sure that we can turn out some
suppression of fret' speechl and such At the same time, lie adds that M.1 sketches comparable only to the work
unliniited power to judges amid ptolitit.-'- dorrnu will -faithfully interpret the' of the Master, Milt Gross himself, or
ians. If it is permitted to proceed our "intentions''of' thie (Governtnent. What! to our own "Hamlet in Mudtderin
pirin('ilhe of leonocracy mtitst ('olapSeI_ hose tre we shall soont know, The Drass" which was_ published last
and we shall fall utndem'time rule of ''w iza rd'' ts expe'cted to wave his; January.
the "caudillos,' om' small political boss- ,vond bef'oi'e the Chamber this week. VIFNIF.
es, such as Latin American neighbors Buit, it is a lanmentable kind of wizardry
have, who rule small sections of' theth at would go back to the remedy lPLINT-(A.P)--Colonel Gansser,
coiuntry with dictatorial power, Xhich is really the cause of the dis- field welfare worker for the American
______________________ease~-dflit, is to say, an inflatedi cur- I Legioni of Michigan, told the Sixth dis-
Wheeler's testimony about the ex- recy I trict association delegates here Friday
penses of the Anti-Saloon league and--I night of the results of the legislature
the present high cost of living would ;.Mexico has repealed the 10 per investgto of the expenditure of
tendto rlegae th proibiton isuecentimpot ta on utombile. ITh.tiowae fndn
to a question of personal extravag- repealied law placed a tax on the basis
ante. !of we igh-I rather, than factory price,. Patronize Dally Advertisers-.Adv.

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le "--wn Goldketre 's Vagabonds i
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. , Ore Nola Flaying at
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antern i
fir e n Lvery Night Expe it on v i
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Sunday Jlatznee i
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Big i


v. - N iyNC 955 _

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