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June 30, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XVI No 11


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E PR ESSI A WILLIE" the play, especially those scenes where
F .l rie wby William lich Breyer the stage is overloaded with charac-
TE0 Oat "Expressing Willie" is good en- ters, when their is no central point of
tertainiment there can be no doubt. fnterest, where no one character dow-
SLIDES OF BUILDING SHOWN; There are parts in it that are as up- inates. At these points, one's atten-
CONSTRUCTION PLANS roarious as the laughter of the charac- tion is divided and one gets the general
EXPLAINED ters on the stage. But in its sub- effect, but misses the significance of
stance, its content, "Willie" is some-j tlie individual acting.
R EG. BEAL SPEAKS what of a disappointment after Miss On the whole, however, the play is
Crothers' "Nice People" and "Mary a success. Certainly, any failure of
Athe Third." the play to get tacross must be laid to
Assistant Dean of Waen Emphasizes 'In the first place, the idea, that of the door of the author and not to its
Need and Benefit of Proposed
Bn~linf;youthful pseudo-intellectuals -striv- direction.
Building ing for self-expression, is not very For assuredly, no fault can be found
Methods of raising funds for the original. Then too, there are parts of with the acting. Eric Klewer, as the
talkative artist, contributed the finest
Women's league building were dis- * performance. His garrulit y, irrepres-
cussed yesterday at a mass meeting Ipeven e His alingtore
sible even while he is talking to the
which was conducted by Margaret BYRD'S NUR11111 ['tshdignified Mrs. Smith, has to be heard
Eaton, '26 acting president of the to be appreciated.
Women's league. Mrs. W. D. Hender- Caile Masline, as Dolly,
son, executive secretary of the Alum- as also especially suited to her part.
would be raised in the following And Alma Mlerrick was perfect as the
ways: ten groups, in various cities, National Geographie 'ociety iveeH canny Mrs. Smith.
will take a pledge o $10,000 to be (onfirmation of Trip T oRobert Henderson and Amy Loomis,
as is to b~e expected from two suchi
redeemed in three years; twenty Secretary Wilbur gifteI actors, portrayed their roles
groups will take a pledge of $5,000 to tawlessly. However. Inconceivable
be redeemed also in three years, and AWARDED GOLD MEDALjit may be, the love scene between the
a large number of groups will pledge latomkin and Catherine of last Week
themselves to raise a third hundred MyAsociaePss,.c ,


Monday, July 5, will be a Uni-
versity holiday according to an
official University announcement.
No excursions will take place
Saturday July 3 and classes will
not be resumed until Tuesday
morning. This is in accord with
the national holiday, July 5, set
aside for the celebration of In-
dependence day. Stores of Ann
Arbor will also be closed.





Dr. Kiefer and Dr. Adams Will Lecture
Tomorrow; Women's leeting
Also Scheduled


Other Countries Are Pictured As
Looking To America
For Guidance
In her second lecture at the audi-

General Sale
Of Directories
Starts Today


_, ;

torium of the Dental building yester-'
day, afternoon. Sally Lucas Jean, Summer student directories were
leader in the child health movementwe
eader min he hild healthpmoeent, placed on general sale this morning in
r'elated many of her experiences in
working with health educators in oth- front of the library, on the diagonal
er countries. Miss Jean described and at various other places on the
the procedure of the world education- campus. Also all State street book-
al conference which was held last stores have them on sale. The price
summer in Edinburgh. A tremendous i 25 cents a copy.
stand was taken when it was voted' This year's directory is an 80 page
that health education is the funda- ;hook bound with blue covers. It con-
mental basis of successful education, tains the name, Ann Arbor address
she said. and telephone number, and home town
Other countries up to the present of all students enrolled in the 1926
time have had no health educators as Summer session of the University of
such. Their medical programs in the Michigan.
schools, in some cases more thorough A map of Ann Arbor showing the lo-
than ours, have been formal and ar- cation of University buildings on the
hit rary. They have not co-ordinated campus is a convenient feature that
their services with those of teacher has been included in the directory.

V .
When Prt. Thomas II. Reed, of the
polibical science department, speaks
this afternoon at 5 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium, the University will
be taking part in the Congressional
program to have a nation-wide cele-
bration of the 150th anniversary of
the signing of the declaration of inde-
American Independence week, which
extends from June 28 to July 5, has
each day named for a particular sort

thousand dollars. So far the women

WASHINTON, ,iune 29.--Certifa1
WASH INGTON, June 29.---Certifica- E


of the University have raised $800,000,
and there remains to be procured tion of the records of the Byrd Polar
$200,000 in special gifts, $300,000 in expedition which show that Lieuten-
new pledges, and expenses over and ant-Commander Richard E. Byrd on
above the cost of construction. May 9 flew over the North Pole, was
The building will be situated on made to Secretary Wilbur today by the,
North University avenue and will ex- National Geographic Society.

was periemt.
Lecture Describes Contribution Whieh
Iud ians Made To i elopient
Of Michigan

of memorial honor to be made. The
first day, Monday, was Patriot's Pledge
of Faith day. Tuesday was Universal
Education day, honoring the free edu-
cation system which Thomas Jeffer-
son helped establish.
Today is Founders' day, on which,
particular honor will be given all
over the country to the nation's

tend over to Washington avenue.
Slides of the building were shown, and
Mrs. Henderson explained the plan of
construction. Among the projects
which will be carried out are plans for
a swimming pool, a theater, tea-room,
several dining-rooms, beauty parlor an
assembly room which will accom-
modate between six and seven hun-
dred, offices for the different asso-
ciations, clubs, and dramatic organi-
zations, and 21 sleeping accommoda-
tions. A novel feature of the building
is a, room which will be dedicated to
the Alumnae.
Time 14 Short
Mrs. Henderson stressed the fact
that the time remaining in which to
realize the promise to the board of
Regents, which consists of raising
$1,000,000, by June, 1927, is compara-
tively short, and that it is necessary
to put forth the best efforts in order
to succeed in the project.
Miss Richards, assistant dean of
women, clearly stressed the need felt
by the women of the University of
having a building of their own. Be-
tween gymnasium classes, directors'
meetings, the Dean's office, a tea shop,
health lectures, rehearsals for the
sophomore circus and the Junior
girls' play, Barbour gymnasium is all
too small. A new building would
easily take care of all these activities,
and allow for more work in the de-
partment of physical education.
Mrs. Shirley Smith, National chair-
man of the Alumnae council, reviewed
the history of the original plan. In
1920 Marguerite Chapin went to the
league with $1,000 as the beginning of
a building exclusively for the women
of the University. The league took
up this project until $180,000 was rais-
ed, at which time President Burton
reorganized the plans. Dean Jean
Hamilton was made president of the
league and the committee raised the
sum to one half million dollars. Mrs.
Henderson was placed in charge
March 1, 1926, as executive secretary.
Regent Beal Talks
Gratitude to these pioneers was
brought out by Regent Junius E.
Beal. He told how the board of Re-
gents had set aside this most valuable
plot of ground for such a building, in
opposition to the requests of every
college of the University who wished
to use the land for new buildings ap-
plying to their work. Mr. Beal said
that he realized that the women of the
University need such a building :just
as the men needed the Union. It is a
place to meet friends, to become ac-
quainted, and where returning alum-
nae can stay. Mr. Beal continued by
saying that he had seen three such
campaigns take place among the wom-
en namely, the acquisition of a gymna-3
sium, Palmer Field, and now the pres-
ent campaign to raise funds for a
Women's league building.
This is te first time that the sum-
mer school students have been asked
to aid by their services,

The society, which awarded Byrdj
the Hubbard gold medal upon his re-
cent arrival here, announced at that
time to its president, Thatcher Gros-
'venor. that the ,conm initte of ex orts


4 '.


tVflt,U e
had found the explorer's claims to be USES CHART SLIDES
correct and today it made public a
detaled log of the flight. Means of transportation which tho
The experienced calculators, Dr. Indians had before the white man
Grosvenor reported to the Navy secre- came helped immeasurably in the de-
! tary, have verified all the command. ;relopment of the state of Michigan ac-
er's calculations, devoting five days lcord ing to Dr. W. B. Hinsdale who de-,
to the work; they also have critically Ilivered a lecture yesterday on the sub-
examined the sextant used by Com- ject, "The Indians' Contribution to the
wander Byrd. The expert calculationDevelopment of Michigan." He be-
of the time of arrival at the North lic ved the development of the state
Pole differ from Blyrd's by less than a would have been held up at least fiftyI
minute. he having figured he had years had these Indian trails notebeenI
reached his goal at nine hours, two used.
minutes. The state was covered with a spider-j
Flying his plane to the right long ,web of these trails which the Indian;
a enough to take two sextant observa-had used for years. The most im-1
tions. they reported he turned around portant of these was the trail runningI
anod took two more observations, lye-t rom what is now Detroit to what is 1
fore observations confirmed his dead now Chicago. Others ran up throughj
reckoning position of the Pole. He the central portion of the state toE
then attempted to fiy his plane in a Mlackinac. Main trails leadingfrom
circle several miles in diameter with i the east to the west were shown oni
the Pole's position as a center. charts and Dr. Hinsdale explained

and parent. Attention has been con-
centrated upon the physical examina-
tion and recreation, omitting entirely
the teaching of health habits.
Today there is an awakening on the
part of every nation to the Importance
of teaching health practices in the
schools. Belgium and Panama are
the most actively engaged in revising
their programs of health education.
"All other nations are looking
eagerly to the United States for guild-
ante in this new field. They have
great admiration for our efficiency in
what they believe we are doing," said
Miss Jean, "and we must try to live
up to that standard."
Genhart To Take
Care Of Parties
Max Genhart, Maitre D'Hotel of the
Union, will take care of all arrange-
ments for private parties that are to
be held at the Union and will be glad
to give suggestions in regard to
menues or the like for these occasions.
A special orchestra, adapted for the
purpose has engaged to play in the
dining room and in the evening. The
orchestra consists of three pieces,

' 4

A large demand has been evidenced

for the directory during the past week.
Because of the limited number of
copies run off those desiring the book
are advised by the editors, T. D.
Olmsted, Jr., '27, and W. Calvin Patter-
son, '27, to purchase their copy early
today. As in past years it is expected
that the supply will be rapidly sold.
Notices to appear in this column must
be left in the box at the Daily office
provided for that purpose before 4 :00
o'clok preceding the day of isue.
1:15--Excursion to Ford Plant, High.
land Park,' leaves from Packard and
State streets on the interurban.
5:00-Address by Prof. Thomas It.
Reed in celebration of Independence.
S3:00-Concert in Hill . auditorium
under auspices of School of Music.

founders. Thursday is Greater Am-
erica day, Friday Signer's day, Satur-
day Monticello day, Sunday Jefferson
Centennial day, and Monday Sesqui-
Centennial Independence day.
Professor Reed will give a commem-
orative address.
In addition to the third University
excursion today, which leavesfor
jHighland Park and the Ford Motor
company at 1:15, the University
School of Music is giving a concert at
, o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.'
Principal on the program will be Mr.
Ottis O. Patton, tenor, and Miss Vir-
ginia Tice, pianist.
Tomorrow two lectures are on the
program. Dr. Guy Kiefer, of Detroit,
will speak at 4 o'clock in the audi-
toriunm of the College of Dental Surg-
ery on "The Relation Between the
Practicing Physician and the Depart-
mnent of Public Health. At 5 o'clock
Dr. Randolph G, Adams, of Clements




Margaret Eaton
To Meet Womer
4Margaret Eaton, '26, acting presi
dent of the Women's league, assiste
by Miss Grace Richards, acting dea
of women, will be at home to all wom
en of the Summer session from 3 t
5 o'clock tomorrow in Barbour gym
nasium. Refreshments will be served
All women students attending th
Summer session are invited to at

American League
Chicago 2, Cleveland 4
Washington 1, Boston 2
New York 7, Philadelphia 5
Detroit 3, St. Louis 11
National League
Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 6
Boston 5, New York 0
Boston 7, New York
Philadelphia 3, Brooklyn
St. Louis-Chicago (rain)

4 (7

, their importance, piano, violin, and cello.
Another important point in the de-
velopment of Michigan was the use of PANAMA-(A.P.)-The Pan-Ameri-
! waterways for transportation of can congress here has approved a res-
f reight. The Indians used waterways, elution for the creation of an Ameri-
i- the Maumee, St. Joseph, Raisin, Grand, can League of Nations.
d j Huron, and Kalamazoo rivers so much
n that the white man became accustom-
- ed to their methods of transportation G vrueblood G es
o and took it up, stated Dr. Hinsdale. r
- these rivers were formerly four or Oratorical
1. five feet higher than they are now and
e , many creeks which cannot be used at
Commander Richard E. Byrd, who
- all now were used extensively in those distinguished himself by his flight
The discovery of the copper mines around the north pole this spring will
be the first s peaker- on the Oratorical
by the Indians helped indirectly in the astio's spam neth f al
development. association's program next fall and will
speak in Hill auditorium on Oct. 12,
it was announced by Prof. Thomas C.
PA TTON, TICE Trueblood, chairman of the speaker's
HA VE PROGRA M committee of the Oratorical associa-
tion. The other speakers and the
majority of the dates of the winter
Ottis O. Patton, tenor, and Virginia
series of lectures were also given.
Tice, pianist, will present the follow- so
ing program this evening at 8 o'clock In addition to Commander Byrd, the
in Hill Auditorium: program includes Gregory Mason,
Papillions, Op. 2........... Schumann speaking on "Discoveries in Yucatan"
Miss Tice on Nov. 2, Charles Rand Kennedy and
Where My Dear Lady Slees........'Mrs. Kennedy on Nov. 23, Edwin Whit-
. ....................Breville-Smith ney on Dec. 9, Louis Anspacher on
Oh Ask of the Stars Beloved. La Forge Dec, 16, and Roy Chapman Andrews
It' You Would Love Me.,..MCDermid on Jan. 6. Senator Pat Harrison of
Mr. Patton Mississippi, Stephen Leacock, Will
Preludes, Opus 28, No. 18....Chpin Irwin, and either Theodore Jr. or Ker-
Inmpromptu, F sharp major Chopin mit Roosevelt are also included in the
Sonetto Petrarca..............Liszt list of speakers. For the latter men,
Polonaise ...............MacDowell the dates have not definitely been ar~-
Miss Tice..........ranged, but it is assured that they
Songs from the High Hills...........will appear in Ann Arbor during the
...................... . Strickland year.
Mr. Patton Byrd To Open
Commander Byrd. who will give the,

'PH.( R1,N1AY librairy, will give an illustrated lecture
3 to ;-Women's League mass meeting on "The Winning of Indepedence."
of all women students in Barbour The mass meeting of women students
gymnasium. at Barbour gymnasium is also sched-
4:00--Lecture "The Relation Between uled for tomorrow from 3 to 5 o'clock,
the Practicing Physician and the De- and in addition a repetition of the play
partment of Public Health" by Guy "Expressing Willie," at 8:15.
Kiefer. Prof. Louis Karpinski's illustrated
5:00-Lecture "The Winning of Inde- lecture, "Queer Maps of America," at
pendence" by Dr. Randolph Adams. 5 o'clock Friday afternoon is the only
S:15-"ExpressIng Willie" by "The event that day and the last number on
Players" at Sarah Caswell Angell the program until Tuesday, July 6.
ist and author of "The Servant.in the
Prograi Of House." Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ap-
peared on the Oratorical program two
League Lectures years ago and received an enthusiasti
Dramatist To Talk
exact title of his lecture has not been ; Edwin Whitney will lecture on the
announced. program on Dec. 9. One week later
The second lecture date will be filled Louis Kaufman Anspacher, a distin-
guished author and dramatist, will
by Gregory Mason, writer and lee- ! pa.M.Asahe a ntepo
ture. H wil seakon Disoveiesspeak. Mr. Anspacher was on the pro-
turer. Hay will speak on "Discoveries'
I gram two years ago and the Oratori-
in Yucatan." In 1916 he investigatedgrmt yasaondtertr-
."ncal board received so many favorable
the henequen monolopy in Yucatantu
and general political situation in Mexi- commetorhis eu tait
co. After acting as a correspondent hsdye. O ima ance
this year. On his last appearance
for American newspaper's and maga- hesoe "rmaScl
- hereh' oe on DrmaSia

z~ines with the French and American ,,e
armies in the World War, Mr. Mason I lecturers
spent several months immediately His best
after the armistice was signed in Ger-
many and studied conditions in thatIRhsed
Roy Ch
country. His 1916 trip included ex- on Jan. 6
plorations among the ancient Maya
ruins in Yucatan and his lecture in'erandboo
Ann Arbor will be a reference to this Studies.
pear aon
To Stage A Play dates of
On Nov. 23 Charles Rand Kennedy been deli
and Mrs. Kennedy, who was Edith Hiarrison,
Wynne Mattison, one of America's will !ectu
finest actresses, and Miss Gage, who fessor of
has done considerable work with Mr. sity and
and Mrs. Kennedy, will stage a play. author
Mrs. Kennedy has had wide theatricai late book.
experience, playing in the musical books of
comedy at first, and since playing in !the well k


He is one of the outstanding
on the drama in the country.
known play is "The Un-
d Woman."
'apman Andrews will speak
. He is a well known explor-
aturalist, having written sev-
ks on his travels and, nature
Four more speakers will ap-
the program, although the
their appearances have not
nitely settled. lonator Pat
democrat from Mississippi,
Ure. Vteihen Liacock, )ro-
economics in McGill univer-
a well known humorist and
of "Winnowed Wisdom," a
He has written many other
a like nature. Will Irwin,
nown author, will appear on
ram but the date isnot yet
settled. Either Theodore Jr.
t Roosevelt will give a lec-
heir Asiatic trip, from which
ntly returned.

vvaaa aaa wxi ax .a LJ a ff 11 1 f11x1 L t C: l.ll 1.

{" IProfessional photographers will take opening lecture of the series, will Greek and Shakespearean plays.
pictures of the members of the coach- speak on some subject relative to his More recently she has starred in the
-predicts that today will be cooler ing school and coaching staff between dash to the north pole, which has motion pictures, appearing in "The
and rather unsettled with possible nine and ten o'clock this morning at been heralded as one of the most dar- Governor's Lady" and Henry VIII.
thunderstorms. Yost field house, ing polar attempts of all time. The Mr. Kennedy is a well known dramat-

tile progr
or Kermit
ture on t:
they rece

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