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June 27, 1926 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, JUNE 27. 1926



Lntit 1 .1ka t th, A '
l Ot tQItiCV tA'. z stIl ..

Gv antold that 2nost people marry(
wf<I(£ eyIl- tarit, ill a positio0n1 to be--! E!
coi1w I),verits.ith.de choice of a life- HmNIu I (c
1il r r:m i ot IiLXXays he made xith N
t ~i2it e N llh sollitely be gov I D)R A M A
i'lir41 ufmiliar wXil) politics. EIIS 01" 'III lE U1UA\
.\' >cii c (1 1'111S to-llk' 1111,11t seriously, So 121,111«- objecti'io1s11 v(I'beel rli-
thc11 iv cli ivies8 otf anable adl- e o101areview' blyVW. C. L. 01filie or-I
Lit - I( kiil'iil usd gall recitat inlxwhichj the wriiter-l' iul-
"mht, of 11 Ill1he poor ha oh eloi'or; (1 to Mr. Christian's toi'h iin- iinOIL

y Departments of theUniversity
At Both Ends of the Diagoal

$20. .
Cout t;cth , r 4 VIis -; c
Dly att the
Tlephoneo 1,12,
A N 1".1
itltt;l . i
t' A I: i -rr

I r in1%+ Vt11o1 larrties awa n ~l~luni-
a po in i~ic ks?Ilie. being el-
' :, h bI~iO f o ( n hs own ind,11(
Ii ii ltt lVof Mirs. l'Yiguson's
"x xv coh l&t-sI te The keen ini-
I I t a; ii 115 sk)ilatcould(1of-
I) n >0 tint (1. 1asthe triitul ree-
t on of a8 ii'long inI lov e is after
H I l'it lnoIt-sitcess me lcllas of. ex-
I5.Ii" I o a s1tate froii its difficulties.
i e 1 '8ofthIle [plii'al drell;
CII til ltpti t o be aik J result, 0.
Jill -~Of t te conugan2ll ca-
&r~ii VI l'IWti'of the liel0ty
a.{, (flait'-- '-oi hionily result illit
0 i1l ' future. 'IM- bac-helto' is. how-
(X i Il1l1(l\ i iv oi'ed tfrom 1this
I, ': t -t=' of " 1vorinilent.
i- h rat S111 .Xntonio Mr's
I i _ M'( lx ieogln Itoldefenil hiri
11)_____ .vf-_'>t 11t)e tuAla11ihll1' of her op-
a'. ' t. \Ad io fit 110 with1 whait
:;I 'A qhk -h is >at tem~pted
ivoX thIell ' - 1hat her huiisbiandi
i ly AX- FIll of Texas. Her the-
t w ." w~iilmnakeit her
11 . 0 -111 her tlishal11(1on1 mat-
- I1_I :.;. 4111 f'oill 11he lash ing",

t . SI L. t,,..
t ,,,;t " .


Night l->ito - l11 11-i"(t -- I NI cV-uP
I'I-:l: sv:u Ii - I ~i'(ti-L 1.I
(' S l. A'bi tii V y l 110 I II
('nliforni.. lMiii>rutled ~i iti ->piptt
chIilren 11ill Xh il Sto ,X 81111 i
pemli ttedito witel ct ii . ii
(;1'eaSOS tdily.
Wh'lether 01' lst 1110k t-V 01k I
arv- io h1w o1iVi> r i oi s I -I
ren1 is a 41wit I ITT l.'.?-. Ih
011005 of this ii>ll ingi;re of 1 I I 1 '
M ri. 1\'krt trit . . 11i * II * ia, w i ' i . li
h i I t nk-I- lI' i .i h il' I ~ i 'i 1 o
ni-soCinloieiI'.fill olit,1, it SwdTOI
n lt) (l 10k1likil I this -no
wXriin1g X v ioh! n'll slti*(
Mt'. Wi-dhI t Ia o _,t',. .i: h
lyr iVO llfinlk.'- jnl- l I i-J i
It i aly0113 I -il! l l' I V h .
come .1 ini be i l lsif' 1 010 . lI' ha
hasnot 111 11 thin k itIHaidLIII .n. * x
(0111rast a1 his t 11lltdul
It is sli tiosVNllIn i 1 1 1 1 1 im il Ii
('11)11'inl this cikinirvHtaik lt 11101ivi
nit] is 111-I- .ll -ldnii i " I 11 11> t Ilow
NWt 511(11 a [01 nV. '0 i' r Ir.' 1 1 - '
self 01aiis lkIiMAIl, I 1 arn>1twit0 1 '
wt thell'(cSts before II idprill 1rt."
- "A 111l it" AIit--.( > Itt lit O
nityr Xvhik-H XIaIwoyrin noI lp1
pol itico! Wire LVI- 1 j'1, 8. I
(Oiierlll 5(1 11 e11 1 ii- Ii ~i I ii -, iI
Sta IiStile 0 1111 .r11 i nt ii !,real t -
the i ll''i 511 i onh irik' ' [,~tI : 1'i^ for
gojvrnorI~. ; I i i' lI i YK - 1, Il
rind11 Pa are1KIM n1 8 t --;rvto 1hto
welr(fare(. of Ill-tal11' r!" 2I0V
01' does - rr111)1 1111k 1 -, -1, t Ill 11 1' ,111 I
th li e ole ll w ill lip 1(111 it 1 lft 11100 1
just, rekill'lds.
Alla igt i, in:I ii lltt ;r Ir ~. iII-
luilul i d 11(1ha-i h'" itittll 1111 1.he
h'i'iig ftu' live- o111 ttly1X1 ,il kl11a
ti 1181 all iniliviknl l l"XII 1iie; (" I-l
tine work,.wnu a e rsklI11111 -onis pill
politi(cal cirele ji lip 10, IAlwyI'm
Fergutson, Mte XwallIWin'tig of NII i-
hangs onl the dome(sti10lifle o(ithIle gXNOV
ernor'. St ate ifta irs ;iM(inld be set-j
tie 111in1n1 in thle ca re rill 111k1'as8tie
painting of the( hoIs- poabliy wran -
gling, withi the doiineering mi11111t

1- iI I1k lolhi 1 . is t am lig that'
C ...kad i i"+ t--. ,ut-i I he 1in1ork 1hat
,. ll- - I-iti-li 'li kNi
I III-101 ' 1(0 ''llis-
I '''/- . ll'm h'V N. J.. 111( o urse 0
t,''.'t'z 4 l t tru' Ii t' Slono. I li
t II t (")o ' aiIlt iiiry ilk''ti , te
I I lVlit-0 itt I II,( i't'iti'envytof
V7tIII XX l Imii . ltt's li n-.
1 2 l l 4i t -chur h iet' sit
-tII1t Iii Ii .(1 gin2, collecitin ig li
It I- i il ititii ttl. it ttf i ',a'y i' II l tiIn1E I
i- di 1 - 01 Iii ll gi ll'- s ucand a
111 tjl~ 11141'? danger te i--
ill - _1't, ~ it %Ioil-'.1 i)( Cot i shl' toI
l 0 1 ,Il i t lt l) lllk'V '(lthe ml.
II ttls~tt I- > iitt, (-VOl] ias
. ; sh iLI; i - ItiIf iiiiitl' ilt illi'tillo,
itt ~ ~ 3t~ l 1 iih-wa111 11,d Lion"kki'
rtt iltlii ia l t prX obIIi a ly litf
<i - n I 11:t 71- 1f-cr ini the
. . itt i ! 1 1 1 k I I t i ) g h t l ul l s -on ( ' f 1 l u c y 8 p s 1 ( 1
I ). i t lies itt well-ii l- i
1 I I t t -ii, ite r egardedt;
I Ot I 4-:. i-i tii ~ (Iirofust.is
- t i IP -lij ' l etid ci.
I~~~~~ -1t ut - ( r, i k , and111 all
ti I I I I I nV~ 111 l ou Itl io f he-1
III 111 tlI I kill. \ (lii lil 'lo is

we0 appr11oach lthe tmaltter XXiti a good111
ieal (f trepidation.- The jpo~it1 wih I
the 1510211 muicll liililseems.- ito '(bethat o
ed there simply is no such-lit1iii'' cs-
an "upper register." lie admimt be--
inn (-(ils illerably' hazyas88t1(1jsl wiiri
the orgau bhegins to) r-tisi c"i'tAilii
but it is probably iulp(uite0 if, VIways.
At any ra-lt it is hardly fair to asstime
that thle orgian iis Incapab]1le of such (11a
thing as ain.'upper teistr oil a
is thdi e logI' 1 ca(111sllllloiit hat1111
the' 'uppier retgiseri'''is a cmat erf
Ilesth Iic' efflet rahetr 111tha f or -
Igaic( tone inl klihi t-1- il' l cr itit-
haticate liblanche-lii therise(If tieinnon
111111 to iro api' ct-of-lain lilillt«011 111
warmh andI l't folorikof itVore. ilr-asli-
''p -lla itV 111self i erm1 Otil er ilgi'ln i
M'ors11 andil cohlior charts. - or knit llitpsI it
thatXIlierv re ert'-Iiahipnistini' oti
thi reakild \il1 X iX il e " l I akeister-"111
chi; If ritoho abouiilit- ailgodialli
(Ifip l-ilk' ill Is tnylii- kf 11111a1' no ht--tyr -
iiti'kalltii14 II 11k 111 i-lt-I Tu- h
It wag the 1 1 g eai advat agcifi iia -1111
11111 sk 1its illmi cal -i c i icido It' -XtiV
.ii II igo, Silinly hin> M i n x-lk aPIroi''
Vinaict all, wh' il ake's vIekilli s iI
'c ir i -i f i ismI il te kit i tat-i iii It
fr n l av de liar1f'--ii illqibIll ig of i s l
sort.i(Prof. ~il l'dviste'i' hieilk' 1111k.
scem o of]I 1(' 1( intrpniihlalhe'(' I 111 ill
of museri. 1n181 ('liiiof clr-leiting Is re-
view('1014-ht' 10111'worS elulti1111 t-
something li15 ti:5111Purp tleIllmaulve,
fithe Hashes of imore, nti pn ut
pei~rhpns ii'S aust 118 kofell. drk
05. k' ls hii'i an' c i 1(1( ahol 1l
allefaing0''into tle(11herIlst lohi'lls=
t'oe (t'the wh1 i 00111' iir fth i a it
to heaer, 15,ornedlliatithe1Wedges ill
(fil Steti'Y s kital- lastiit . "' ut , iI
irtues o iss ayple Iof'rtic s, X'11(rt
pil tt ioileis lar t l lI'anso Prof.t
tiw'ing 1k) iont' i i e ii y of ill

F"ourtIhof.July, ''Willie'' oughlltotihei
skki'-Isolllllik'('l 11h. Itdll(I>wVith1 s)

Jean Goldkette 's Vagabonds-
I- -
.i4re Nolv Playing at
e Bluerantern
Dancing Every Night Except Mlondav
{ ~Sunday .?latinee
SonrorltrWo rebud t e
coeacuineswt-ta dsintv
enjomen knon t milion whopre
fe1uk Srks Yul/eanhw4
minues f tastig dvelps te hdde
Nlaorsofte"ords iestbccs
..f>e c a u se' .nf Iy 1.

R b-- .--,.-.... _ ..







J, -I II tlrt lt ii Ao -; l'Itiilk'int." In.i iliRev'Xolution rl 11 tI muiitunal IDeclar-
1.~~~tc o1-tI l- --kfI Itt' Aiit iSalotin \iniiiit'h iteomlh, iiteXly-Consioutkts
;.wsinde-ls o poI- tc oohpaste Iin lg ; 1and(1Talialfeii'n,
II.,.~II' 17yii impiiIl li -t I il you Its one('of those rane indb'aikll~gs XXwho bah11-
a1 ' I l t In :Lkt tv Jil tlxemselx IlTh t' N v ill 11e Iii'XX'tings:, Robett
II I (~ 1111 al~to e In 01 ltrlls' eldersoln playing 5tra'diglit (Iilla.
Vt -Ill til 0'IkO ifllliAmy L ~omlis 11in a. art ha if-XX tVhey.-
Xt 11i if not.lk'ekXell to inform ;txveen Thte Skirt and the JLibl'I1:ti
-H I ' tIi 1)11111 tho, n1um111er of f press, Ianid William lBishiop, as Ithe suil-
11.-ttI-1-tflt ~l1111 onthie Iiiyruill pr'(sskl Hiusband 01' Dolly, Xwhois
Ii 111. 811 .- 1 tt lul I V-- and4 tolh--; Camlll Mnasline~ in a part. as Xwild a18


that's wyLu s" tastc so good


fill I])cially


I'XIil'<GinI iina noeXVway. TBesides

at qt! jl ijtkI> xx'ih c otistantly seek Ithese there are three new members (of
III:ur I49-h i-1 t ikotI, bef'ore youtit;'the)companiy. Alma MerrieR, the hide-
''X nkXlkl' (',"th'ing e1, xcept the Ihound qMrs. 8Sm1ith; Eric Klexker. tihe
A a 1S~tlon I-igue? [ am sure you! philosophic T~ahiaferro ; and Prances
iti' Jtl ilt irtitalty biased but wish'IHorine, as Prances Sylvester a widow
iki i~A ! ;n-thy fair,(VC C.A seking' a fresh husband,

I' X''

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