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June 27, 1926 - Image 1

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, 'ummrr


4:Ia ity





Siuationt ToIlie Ini e fitzatetl As Sooll
As Anitti-Saloon Leaguie Findings
Have BeenCitompidled

Wthenl regist rat ion at the end
of the first week of the Summer
ses;sion clos0ed1 yesterday, the
total enrollment ran over 3300.
The plresent numlber is 100 higher
than the total figure of last
Slimumer' reache(1, according to
the session office records.



Offers $150,000
Far Aerial Safety

nriaurn RT91ltiL-r. ---


. _. _ _. _

(Bly Associated Press)
WASHIINGTON, June 26.-Anot her Ilideas Will 'Be Shouwn Of Exterior
broad vista of camnpaign invest iga - Altid Interior Of I'latmed
ions, outrivall ing; even that into the I*'wvlle Butilding
Pennsylvania primary, was openedi up
todlay with tide ])resentationl to the IREGENT BEAL TO SPEAK;

Senate of chjarges I Lilt i p,vuv,kuu was j

spent in the Illinois Republican sena-
lorial primary in which Frank L.
Smith, chairman of the state utilities
'omm~nission, defeated Senator William
D. McKinley.
(Cara.Nay fluakes charges
Tlwo charges wele recounted by
Senator C'arawvay, Democrat, Arkansas,
who read from a prep~ared manuscript.
They included allegations that Smithi
received enormous coiitributionis from
t the heads of public utilities, that.
Samuel Insull, either individually or
through a utility organization, alone
contribu-tedl ovr! $500,000 and that a
utility deal involving about $20.000,-

IIn terest. wa.- so strongly stimulated
h)- the slides shown at the alumnae
lu ncheon held in Mlay at Helen New-
j 1 e ry residence,raccording to Mrs. W.j
I). hecnderson. executive secretary of
Ithe Alumnae council, that a mass
mee ting has been arrianged for' all
wom01en ofI the Suimmer session and ali
ether women interest ed at 4 o'clock
iTuesdayv in NatunralI Science auditor-
I I{4LuPllt Real 11ill1Spea.-
At the mass meeting, Mr. .lunius
K, B ,il, chairmni of the Board ofRe
R -gents, will he the principal speaker.M


I o r e t o e c u a e d s g e s ada e ro d y n a m lc e n g i nIie ers in t hle fp r o - '
dine!ion of hetteri' an(1 safer airplanes,
Hlarry' ; Q Guggenheito lpresidentI of
lWe D n i el G uggenheim fund for thej
oot ion of aeronautics, is offeringu
prie 'i/5totaling $1 50,t04) for inventdous
"'hic increase the safety of flying.


000 in property drew from the inter- !tl. z w2). v w. miltl, naiona141cnair
11101 of the Aluim 1ae coun cil, and Miss
ested hank, T. H3. Rollins and Sons, riace Richards, actinig Deani of 'om-nt
mor'e than $100,000 into0 the hands of "wl ;wko h ed o h
Allen Moore, Smith's campaign mnan-
W'oloel's League building.
agar is)wi iata hre M rs. V4. I1+ Henderson, who is in
I chia rge ofi tho League building funds,
be an investigation of how muichifwl h t sie fteitro n
money was given to John Walker ilso ld>(fteiu iir and
Frak Frrigto, sid o hve exter'ior ot tile 1buildinig as designed l
Fran Furingonsaid to aveliv Pon d and fond, arcliltveels for thle
hanudled the labor vote in Illiniois and ,
of the cost of the pialatial headqluart- Michigan I'tn
ers f te Sith orcs i ('ogre~ ILaura Osgood, Cha irmian of thle Life
ersofth Sithfoge i CogrssNhm iibersh ill cornmittee of the League,
hotel in Chicago, and of the Sendingfo liSnn 1r5'501, il01tI i'
out (if traveling represent atives front
the' plz i0 of tihe campiaignt lort ie 11111-
those headquarters xWith Ii geat quail-
titles of currency freely used to get!.
j Qllotai is $1,000P,000

( By Associated Press)
Berlin, Jutne 26.-- (A. P. )
thousand Itrioops, olQ- fifth

of Gei'-

Supporters Of b1)feafed )cANr3111l
ChIianv.~e A t tide On Substitute
( By A-'->aiciai d Prs)
WASHI lNGTO)N, .June 26.--The re-
houn d of P resdent Coolidge's public
endor0semel(nt o the F'ess-incher farni
c~redlits ill felt heavily into the Senate..
oday an1( further coisideration of the
agrictult ural relief was dIefrred tnt iI
n1ext week to permit factional leaders
to stuidy' their ground.
f sooni as the Senate convened,
pr'ioponents of He defeated Mc~Na ry
eq ualizationi fee mleastre recant ed
fr'omi their1'posi5]tion11 (f favorinig aband-
clementl of all substitute farm111po-
Theil' spokesmani, Senator W~atson,
Re(publican., India no. withdrew his
mlot ioin made yest erdayv to l a aside
tar 'iilegislat ion.
Situaloit (ompilictedI
TPhis served to furthei' complicate
t't dwttation andl deisioi to lay aside
all agric(ult ural bills until net week's
The Progressive leaders ae urging
t heir forces to vote agaist the Fess-
Tinmcler bill on te ground that the
farmers (10 not want it, with the rg-
ularis, in urgiing Senators to stand by
the President, Iisist the bi11 will fur-
D Iishi adequate farm relief.
D~emocrat leaders said their ranks
wee dividled oin the question hit that1
ai majori'ity was explectedl to opose C
the ill.
131l1 'tldraiii
Withdrawal of tie Wasop pro-
o alleft theIIHose coopera tie mia-
k'etIinig hill1 as an itilbnised business
uwith ithe Fess-Tincher measu re ro-
posed a s a rider11' i plce of the e-t
jie('' cMNary ill.!
Althotugh Denioc rats reminiel sil-,
('1iit durin g the dlay, t heirz leaders said
Ii cv; would (ontIinue their fight for a
reducetion of the ta rift as one solution
of' the farm pioblem.
I N O R N W.Cur m em h es of o ne fan ily a r e at-
Meniding the Same class in the fn i-t
versity high school Mr. and Mrs.
C corge NI rkendoll of the faculty oft
lie H1ighland Parik high shool and
their (daughter andl sn, Margaret and
Erinest are en rolled in the mathe-<
1111 t's tlass of IProf. Raleigh Schor-1
ing, di rectori of the high school. t
ti'. and Mrs. Ki rkeidoll are doing

Loser Spends $1,00,000)
According to the charges, Senat,
McKinley spent $1,000,000 in his f r o b e o i ae , w ie t
claim was made that Smith had di
tribiuted twice that sume or as mus
in the aggregate as had been unco
eredt ill Pennsylvania on behalf of t]
three State tickets.
Investigation of tile Illinois situ
tion has benl planned by the Sena
campaign funds committee as so(
ats the inquiry into the Pennsylvan
4,primary and the activities of the Ant
Saloon league is completed.
Bar Examination
To Come Sept.
Examinations for admiission to tI
bar in Michigan will be held on Se
tember 7 this year, according to woi
received from Lansing recently.A
credentials of Law school gi'aduat+
who inltenid to take the exams must1
in the hands of the recorder in time
be forwarded to Lansing ear'ly
The fee for those wishing to tal
the examinations is $15, and d

enId ow nienit is $1,.000,000. Which in tst
hf e reached by Jutne, 1927. The amountE
leto date 'isplded and 1(1 onley already
Ipaidti is$68.2000.
chl ; :larga ret 1-Xilln, '26, actinlg press-
- denit of the 11 oinn's league, will pre-
th irl e at the mass liieel i 1g. It Is
hopedl that all woicii who are in-
tecrested will1 at tend iinlslie this is the
first 1.opp~orit 1 y for 11hw xonlll ollII
(10' campus111!o ia ew I he slides, The
m1 leetin will ('lose be fore 5 o'clock to
iia g
It-accommoda( iite thle lec'tutre by l)i'. Iil-
b ert 17. Hinsdao ,

1 {

mianyv's regulari'armiy, were under
relifef.ser'vice or'ders today to r'epair'
the doamage done by the worst flood,
in Or'i'many' in a centuriiy.
Saxony was the heaviest sufferer,
wvith 1S million dollar's damage to
('rolps andI pr'optertyv out (if 30 million
dlollarxs daomage thbroumghout Germnany.
F~ift een itead have beenl(oulnmt ed.
I'i'ry able, bodieid civilian a vailable
a long t he Elbe and Oder rivers lab-
tiredl to pr'evxent new br'eaks in t he
lerci 's. The clty of Aladgeburg was
on guiard againist a ntew anid more ser-
tious rise in the Elbe river which
wold impler'il r'ailway conlilunica-
tion withI Berlin. 'Pie Elbe river
dIrotiped a little Friday.
Lowland In1 hamitant s of lie El be
walle>y in nor~lthlern Prussia kept wa t ch
on the hiillsides for beacon fires warn -
ing theni of any breaks in the dams.
ApprIIoxinately 100,000) acres (of cul1-
tivat ed lands were Iiunder water and
some villages near HIalle were en- i
tir'ely sur'roiund ed and depended upon
food dropped froni airplanes for sub-
-I an ce,
Extra guards xwatched ut ralwxay
bridges andi six thiousand extra tr'ac k
walkers patrolled thle trighlts-of-way of
t he national ri'lw1xvays t o prevett
w reekis,.

(ly A~sociaiett Pes)
PARIS, June 26. The first adininis
trat ive act of Joseph CCaillaux as5 min1
intei' of Franlce's finmaces in tie nev
'Br'iand~ cabiniet was to replace Georg
Rtobindaui, gover'nor' of the Bank o
France, biy M. Moreau, diector of th
Bank of Algeria.
! This actxvhich ordinarily have bee:
received as a seunsational measur
1Justifying the reputation of the fnanc
1,miister for his audacity has beci
rec'ei ved calmlyl as it has ben dis
c ouinted fo01 sonic time.
Ml. Robindau, xwho has long been an
op~ponent. of inflation, has been at giips
Witli the French ministers eveur sinci"
tbhe r'adi cal Socialist coolit ion cam
inito poxer inl 1924. Ho also~ has been
a stunichi oppionent oft the use of god
r'eserves in I In'.,ank: of rance inl an
effor'ttoi stabili::e the franc.
(fly A ,s itud Pres's)
W'AS 11INGT()N, June 26.-- Declaring
lie ha d iitended filingela rges again.st
Frederick B. Baird formet' prohibition
admtiniisitrator at P itsburigh, on the
gr'ound th at Baird halt acceptedl a sal-
ary from the go verrnentwhiteem -
ployed by at rail road, Representatixe
'La( uardlia, Progr'essive-Socialist, New
York, todlay formually asked the treas-
uiry for in formation as to tle former
director's present status.
'"Halving read of his resignation,"
IaGuar'dia wrote Assistant Secretary
Andrewvs, " 'I did nibt take further ac-
ion. other tbhal subiiit tinig to (le de-
partment of jtustice whlat appears to
be at flagrant violation)1 of lawx. I am
no1w reliably informed that Mr. Baird
is still active ill the servic. I uder-
stand11 that he signs papers,,'5 gives ord -
xWih thIle pr'ohibit ion loffice at P hia-
Baird xas il official of the 13'sse-
111r & Lake Erie rail road 'loaned'' to
t he governim11ent for work in PennsI -
x ania,
I R E G IV E N RCor th n 6 0 s u e s of he P T Iho Nl
of Edutcationi attedd an inlorln al so-
t'il and r'eception givtl l y the foel
'tlty of that depar'tmeunt in the Uni ver-
site v igh school gymnasturn last
The gymnauisiumin was decorated for
the occasion by a m11ss5of artificial
palms. T'l(' enterta inment for the
e'veniiig was fur'nished by Ivan Benson
a1n( orchestra xithItJ antes A. "Bingo"
Browrn of Ypsilanti whol acted as cal1er
for the old- fashioned (danices whi c
wereeallterna ted withIimodernl (ances
throughout t ho'eeing.
The party was under' the direction
of Prof. C. 0. Davis assisted by Prof.
W. L. Carr', IProf. Hoaleigh J . Schorlitg,
pirineip~al of the 'nuiveisit y high school,
MISS (Cleo Murtland, ;Miss K'l110el Mc-
Cornijck, Pr'of. Tiiooas Diamond.

'I'lliD X I:( lsio; LEAVES ON
IA'gatl4' lceptn. LIA e re And
viite i'by summ1erisession stuoen ts
eWednoesd ay oWfern 01111otthe third
[Inirersity x ('iueliwhich lae
tdAn Arboru't1:1 o'clock as a part
it- thle week's full a1n11variedl eltertain -
10<11.pr'ogrami. This branch of (le
iord'l comipany e'mlploys over 50,000
meni' inlltihe- 10ciory and imore'Cthan St)
in tie lifices, a1n(1t he oportun it
wilt be gi:ken all who go on (le trip
to1( see this vast army of persons t
!The famous endless chain conveyor
is used in thiis plat by which (le
oaut 01o1)iles aret assembled part by
'aiart on a belt. l ie nt il they can be
i drivenl fromn the factory. The excur-
- ,i on latv xwill1see Itli-ccrauk shafts
ilei tIemnpored t he huige pwxer press
Meru. Iiia ndl (ti.' mot or-testing room.
hiss Sal i Lucas Jan, of Newy
York City, xwilI lctute on "The Pres-
chtt. Ti'end of Health Educaton in Our
Pubtl ic Scliocis'' at-4d(o'cloick tomor-
ro 1'in i the aud(itorhiui of the dental
college. At 5 o'cock Piof. Harley H.
Bartlett, Iiretor of the botanical
garden, is giving an illustrated lee-
Inrf on "i 'The Religios Practices of
thi P at ak of Sumnatr.'
On Tuesday Regent Jiuis Beal
win speak at a mass meeting of all
xvime situdil1nts, 1tstaged by the Won-
e'IsLea~gue c('piit nlconimittee att
4t o'clock'{. At 1this time plans for the
new tin itdng will lbeexliiained and
siidU xiiil e shlown~. Miss Jean
is led nring at the sule time on
"School 11a t h Programs Throughout
Dr,'.Wilbert'tH. IHiisdl 51e, custodiant
oIf Mi (11i a iiai'cheology, is to give an
ii lustrnlod talk at 5 o'olock Tuesday
oni ''The IndllianIis Cont ributi on to the
1 ''Im'lollmfelt of AMihigan,' and at 8 :15
okclock '"The players" will give Rachel
Cr-t 11 ci';' ' pres~iti;\Willie'' at
Soaai C'orellAngtll all.
"sohle from the excursion to (le
h'~. rd Mot or compniiy Wenedy
Wre'O'is anaddi satt l'05 o-clock iby
Purofessor 'lbh)omas IH. Red of the poli-
t i(al sctienc'~elatmenlt and a co-
(''%at s oclock in hiliiaudit orium.l
P rofes'sor Reed is speAkng ill clebra-
tion of the 1 51hl anniversartyv (f th
- Igiig of ft'lDecla ration (of Ind1
pendencec. in 1:o(1pert ion with the di-
I'ree of congress nomini g Juec 8 o
July 5 as Americntinidie('pendntc(
Womlen's ILea te W iR1eeie
The Womlen's Leage'xwill e :ti
'hom OThursdalyti'51 a ftertnooun fromi 3 to
5 o11'lo(1k to all xwomien sttdents of
the' Summer sessioin at harbour gym-
- nitstii. Dr. Guy Kiefei', of Detrot,
will lectur1.e' t 41 'o k Thursday in
the edental schol 111auditoritn on'Tbe
R elatiotn et x- en(bhe Practicing
Physician11an1(1ftle Depart ment (f Pub-
lie I-ea lth,"' antd at 8 :15 o'clock that
endght. the play, '"Explressing Willie,''
is to be repeat ed.
1The finial event orf the week will i-a
a lecture at 5 o'clock Fri day J uly 2, by
Prof. 1Lois Kainski,. of the nathe-
tiafics depiart Inet. The title of hrs
talk, whiich will e ilustatd, is
"Queer Paptis of' Amterica."

I According to S ara li I I une, '27,T' ECAN
('11 chairman(if lbe hoise commiit tee of V D LARVETFERMS
v Ithle W~omieni'sleague.,t'heiarlor s of
lie B a i'bo or gvnunasi nm rat'e nioxx'ax'ail- T lC li
toale for use by wolinen st1('un s of thei T O lLU{L I V LIsLssion.

observaitional wvoi'k with, Professor
IS S( lihg, while the son and daughi-
te r are taking the fir'st year junior


Martz, Clerk of the Michigan Supremn'
Court, is in charge of thienm. All cre-
dentials of applicants for' admission toIE
the lbar must be filed at least 30 days;
before the time of (tie examinihationi.
ROME (A.P.)--A magniflicent head
of Zeus belonging to ainlmonumntal'
statue attributed to Phidias has been-
discovered at Cyrenaica, north Africa,
by Dr. Giacome Guida, notetdai'cheolo-
gist. The head belongs to a statue t
nearly 40 feet tall, which is inlaid
with ivoiry, gold, ebonty and preciotus7
-all indications point to a fair anxd)g
warm Sunday.

hooks, nmagazines aiud bridge tables !(lay Associated Press)t
have been placed t here for (lie stu- ; WAi S H I NCT'ON, ,lune 26. --'Pie Suen-
ten ts who are urgetd to make use of ate roted lhate today to prtividle coim-
all avail able r'esources5. The parlor's- pensation of $50O monthly for veter-
are opien front 9 to 5 o'clock o'ver'y daty ' of thtIle Wor'ld war, tubercular as a F
E'xcept Satur'dhay; andl tea will lie resuilt of thteir' service but in whomn
servedl fi'omi :30 to ; o'clock every ; the odisease has been arrested, TheI
aft ei'nioon afteri' J uly 5. v'otle onl thiis am enodnent. to thie vet-
___eranis ehabi litation bill Its proplosed
TJ'n iversit- - HiygSnatr AhurtDemocrat,Arz
S~howfs In'cre'ase 'lThe bll wxould extenod the timie in l
__________ which veteranis might apply fot' giv-
En;rlliment in (lie University ih ihermnent ilsuiranice anddsan aniendment
school wrhichi began its Snunmer ses- has boen proiposed to ('ontinlue in oil-
sioll oni Wedneisday nmorning was elrationl of thre pesent 'vtocatioinal re -
imo~re than 100 up to 4 :00 o'clock yes- lhabiilitat ion pr~tovisions of the Ares-
terday afterntoon, with more expected ! ent law which expires next Wednes-
xwhen (lie boy 'coiut camp closes later oday'.-
ill the week. Tphis is aii increase of ' ---_______

high school course. P~arents and chli-
drIeu heur each oither1 recite each day's
a ssig Iilli eit .

Coaching School 30 STUDENTS ATTEND
TIood Roc kwell, foirmer stat Michigan YI
baci(kfield muan, has ruetur ned to Ann ECRINT IPI

Ar'bor fori (toe Summtler sessi
enrolletd in thec coaching sc
has beeni appointedl the heal
atnd track coat'h at the UniĀ°
North Dakota. He is also t
ant atlhlet ic director of thatu
Rtockwvell spenlt the last atl
jsoil as coatch (f the Soalen
tearn where he was vetry su

:;'2 over Htotal(0 enrol lmient for' last,
511 tllie', 0a1(1 complar'es favor'ably with
t h-c wxiniter' registration of about 220 1
students, although nol attempt; what-
ever i N made to so'cui'e a large numnber
of ImilIs in the school.
In thtetnorthi of Siberia, Yakut. and
Tunguts natives use great slabs of
ice as winidows foi' (le turf antd clay-
walled xvint er huts. Ice windows
give a cuii'ous gr'eenish tint to the light
coming through them.

Summer Directory I
On Sale Wednesday
Summuer student directories which
x'ei'e previously antnounced in the
Sunnier D~aily to lie ready foir sale
the lattet' par't of this wveek have been
(delayedi and will not be pllaced on
sale until Wednesday of next week.
At that time they can be piurchased
front the state Street book stores or
at various pioints on the campus.


lont 011(1is______
cltool. IHe More tlion 34) sItudent s of' (le Sum-
Wd football tuer sessiont accomnpanietd Cai'lton F.
versity of W ells on the segcond excurs'ioni of (tie
te assist - Summer sess5ionh program yesterdiay.
university. The gr'oupi left foir Detroit at. S o'clock
,hletic sea- yesterday miorn'ting, returt'lilg in the
ni college. afternoion.
uccessI5ful. Trhe firtst event on the dlay's prlogr'awi
was a tour of the IDeti'oit News butild-
ig. TPhis includedl a toitr of (lie
xstei'eotypinig 'oomu, the pr'essr'oom and
0an inspiectioin of (lie News' 6roadcast-
meetiig in~g station, WW..
ditotriatl The party luntched at (lie tcafeter'ia
o'clock ' o thie General Motors' bidigand
)olS o~f Ownliittour'edl (le Detroit IPublic library.
,aynarol -_____ __
ttdenits, -HOLLAND, Jutne 26.---(A.P.) -J. Ar-
umer'est-- thur Whitwxorth, of Grand Rapis, was
-Daily, elected governtorlofth(le Tenth tdistrnet
plort att of University of Michigan ' alumni,
1 holding an all-day meeting here to--

r Thuere wvill lie a shoi'tn
of all tryouts forn'h(lie
' side of The Daily at 5
Tuesday in the Staff roE
the Pr'ess building on T
strieet.. Any additional sti
-Itiel or wvomren, who are iii
(t ed in tryintg out ftr The
Salso are requiested to rel
kthis (ine.

' f

Na.tional Leaigue
Boston -4, Philadelphia 5
Boston 5, Philadolphia 7E
Brookln-Nexv Yolrk, (rain)I
( 'i ucinnal i 9. PP tt siiti-'li 1
Chicago 7,St..ILouis 0
AmliericaL e'1gule
C'le-velatnd 0, Detrooit 5
Cleveland 2, Detroit 7
St. Louis 5, Chlicago 4
St. Louis 3, Chicago 6
Philadlelpihia 2, Washitngton 3
New York-Boston, (rain)

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